#!/usr/bin/perl # # Copyright 2007-2010 Timothy Kay # http://timkay.com/aws/ # # This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. # require v5.10; $ec2_version = "2013-10-15"; $sqs_version = "2012-11-05"; $elb_version = "2011-11-15"; $sdb_version = "2009-04-15"; $iam_version = "2010-05-08"; $sts_version = "2011-06-15"; $pa_version = "2009-01-06"; $r53_version = "2012-02-29"; $ebn_version = "2010-12-01"; $cloudformation_version = "2010-05-15"; $rds_version = "2013-09-09"; use Digest::SHA qw(hmac_sha1_base64 sha256_hex hmac_sha256 hmac_sha256_hex hmac_sha256_base64); use MIME::Base64 qw(encode_base64); # # Need to implement: # # ConfirmProductInstance - not tested # DescribeImageAttribute - not working "An internal error has occurred" # ModifyImageAttribute # ResetImageAttribute # # Windows support: # BundleInstance # DescribeBundleTasks # CancelBundleTasks # @cmd = ( ["aws", "xml-version", XMLVERSION, [ ["", Service], ]], ["ec2", "add-group addgrp", CreateSecurityGroup, [ ["", GroupName], ["d", GroupDescription], ["vpc c", VpcId], ]], ["ec2", "add-keypair addkey", CreateKeyPair, [["", KeyName]]], ["ec2", "add-placement-group", CreatePlacementGroup, [ ["", GroupName], ["s", Strategy], ]], ["ec2", "allocate-address allad", AllocateAddress], ["ec2", "associate-address aad", AssociateAddress, [ ["", PublicIp], ["a", AllocationId], ["i", InstanceId], ]], ["ec2", "attach-volume attvol", AttachVolume, [ ["", VolumeId], ["i", InstanceId], ["d", Device], ]], ["ec2", "authorize auth", AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngress, [ ["" => GroupName], ["egress e" => "__action__", undef, AuthorizeSecurityGroupEgress], ["groupId i" => "GroupId"], ["protocol P" => "IpPermissions.1.IpProtocol"], [p => undef, undef, sub { my($min, $max) = split(/-/, "$_[0]-$_[0]"); # parse 22-22, 0-65535, 20-21, -1--1 Yikes! ($min, $max) = (-1, -1) if $_[0] == -1; ["IpPermissions.1.FromPort" => $min, "IpPermissions.1.ToPort" => $max]; }], [q => "IpPermissions.1.ToPort"], #["t", icmp type code], ["source-group-user u" => "IpPermissions.1.Groups.N.UserId"], ["source-group o" => "IpPermissions.1.Groups.N.GroupName"], ["source-group-id oi" => "IpPermissions.1.Groups.N.GroupId"], ["s" => "IpPermissions.1.IpRanges.N.CidrIp"], ]], ["ec2", "cancel-spot-instance-requests cancel csir", CancelSpotInstanceRequests, [ ["", SpotInstanceRequestIdN], ]], ["ec2", "confirm-product-instance", ConfirmProductInstance, [ ["", ProductCode], ["i", InstanceId], ]], ["ec2", "create-image cimg", CreateImage, [ ["", InstanceId], ["n", Name], ["d", Description, ""], ["no-reboot", NoReboot, false], ]], ["ec2", "create-snapshot csnap", CreateSnapshot, [ ["", VolumeId], ["description", Description], ]], ["ec2", "create-spot-datafeed-subscription addsds", CreateSpotDatafeedSubscription, [ ["", Bucket], ["b", Bucket], ["p", Prefix, "spot/datafeed"], ]], ["ec2", "delete-spot-datafeed-subscription delsds", DeleteSpotDatafeedSubscription, []], ["ec2", "describe-spot-datafeed-subscription dsds", DescribeSpotDatafeedSubscription, []], ["ec2", "describe-spot-instance-requests dsir", DescribeSpotInstanceRequests, [ ["", SpotInstanceRequestIdN], ]], ["ec2", "describe-spot-price-history dsph", DescribeSpotPriceHistory, [ ["start", StartTime], ["end", EndTime], ["instance-type", InstanceType, "m1.small"], ["description", ProductDescription, "Linux/UNIX"], ]], ["ec2", "create-volume cvol", CreateVolume, [ ["size", Size], ["zone", AvailabilityZone], ["snapshot", SnapshotId], ]], ["ec2", "delete-group delgrp", DeleteSecurityGroup, [["", GroupName]]], ["ec2", "delete-placement-group", DeletePlacementGroup, [["", GroupName]]], ["ec2", "delete-keypair delkey", DeleteKeyPair, [["", KeyName]]], ["ec2", "delete-snapshot delsnap", DeleteSnapshot, [["", SnapshotId]]], ["ec2", "delete-volume delvol", DeleteVolume, [["", VolumeId]]], ["ec2", "deregister", DeregisterImage, [["", ImageId]]], ["ec2", "describe-addresses dad", DescribeAddresses, [["", PublicIpN]]], ["ec2", "describe-availability-zones daz", DescribeAvailabilityZones, [["", ZoneNameN]]], ["ec2", "describe-security-groups describe-group describe-groups dgrp", DescribeSecurityGroups, [ ["", GroupNameN], ["GroupName g" => "GroupNameN"], ["GroupId i" => "GroupIdN"], ["filter F", undef, undef, \&parse_tags_describe], ]], ["ec2", "describe-image-attribute", DescribeImageAttribute, [ ["", ImageId], ["l", launchPermission], ["p", productCodes], ["kernel", "kernel"], ["ramdisk", "ramdisk"], ["B", "blockDeviceMapping"], ]], ["ec2", "describe-images dim", DescribeImages, [ ["", ImageIdN], ["o", OwnerN], ["x", ExecutableByN], ]], ["ec2", "describe-instances din", DescribeInstances, [["", InstanceIdN]]], ["ec2", "describe-instance-attributes dinatt", DescribeInstanceAttribute, [ ["", InstanceId], ["attribute a" => "Attribute"], ]], ["ec2", "describe-instance-status dins", DescribeInstanceStatus, [ ["", InstanceIdN], ["a", IncludeAllInstances], ]], ["ec2", "describe-keypairs dkey", DescribeKeyPairs, [["", KeyNameN]]], ["ec2", "describe-placement-groups", DescribePlacementGroups, [["", GroupNameN]]], ["ec2", "describe-regions dreg", DescribeRegions], ["ec2", "describe-reserved-instances", DescribeReservedInstances, [ ["", ReservedInstanceIdN], ]], ["ec2", "describe-reserved-instances-offerings", DescribeReservedInstancesOfferings, [ ["offering", ReservedInstancesOfferingIdN], ["instance-type", InstanceType], ["availability-zone", AvailabilityZone], ["z", AvailabilityZone], ["description", ProductDescription], ]], ["ec2", "describe-snapshot-attribute dsa", DescribeSnapshotAttribute, [ ["", SnapshotIdN], ["attribute", Attribute], ]], ["ec2", "reset-snapshot-attribute rsa", ResetSnapshotAttribute, [ ["", SnapshotIdN], ["attribute", Attribute], ]], ["ec2", "modify-snapshot-attribute msa", ModifySnapshotAttribute, [ ["", SnapshotId], ["user", UserId], ["group", UserGroup], ["attribute", Attribute], ["type", OperationType], ]], ["ec2", "describe-snapshots dsnap", DescribeSnapshots, [ ["", SnapshotIdN], ["owner", Owner, "self"], ["restorableby", RestorableBy], ]], ["ec2", "describe-volumes dvol", DescribeVolumes, [["", VolumeIdN]]], ["ec2", "describe-volume-status dvs", DescribeVolumeStatus, [ ["", VolumeIdN], ["filter f", undef, undef, \&parse_filter], ]], ["ec2", "detach-volume detvol", DetachVolume, [["", VolumeId]]], ["ec2", "disassociate-address disad", DisassociateAddress, [["", PublicIp]]], ["ec2", "get-console-output gco", GetConsoleOutput, [["", InstanceId]]], ["ec2", "purchase-reserved-instance-offering", PurchaseReservedInstancesOffering, [ ["offering-id", ReservedInstancesOfferingId], ["instance-count", InstanceCount], ]], ["ec2", "reboot-instances reboot", RebootInstances, [["", InstanceIdN]]], ["ec2", "release-address rad", ReleaseAddress, [["", PublicIp]]], ["ec2", "register-image register", RegisterImage, [ ["", ImageLocation], ["name n" => Name], ["description d" => Description], ["architecture a" => Architecture], [kernel => KernelId], [ramdisk => RamdiskId], ["root-device-name" => RootDeviceName, "/dev/sda1"], ["block-device-mapping b", undef, undef, \&parse_block_device_mapping], ["device-name" => "BlockDeviceMapping.N.DeviceName"], ["no-device" => "BlockDeviceMapping.N.Ebs.NoDevice"], ["virtual-name" => "BlockDeviceMapping.N.VirtualName"], [snapshot => "BlockDeviceMapping.N.Ebs.SnapshotId"], ["volume-size" => "BlockDeviceMapping.N.Ebs.VolumeSize"], ["delete-on-termination" => "BlockDeviceMapping.N.Ebs.DeleteOnTermination"], ]], ["ec2", "request-spot-instances req-spot rsi", RequestSpotInstances, [ ["" => "LaunchSpecification.ImageId", "ami-4a0df923"], ["price p" => SpotPrice], ["instance-count n" => InstanceCount, 1], ["type r" => Type, "one-time"], ["valid-from-date" => ValidFrom], ["valid-until-date" => ValidUntil], ["launch-group" => LaunchGroup], ["availability-zone-group" => AvailabilityZoneGroup], ["user-data d" => "LaunchSpecification.UserData", undef, sub {encode_base64($_[0], "")}], ["user-data-file f" => "LaunchSpecification.UserData", undef, sub {encode_base64(load_file($_[0]))}], ["group g" => "LaunchSpecification.SecurityGroupN"], ["a", "LaunchSpecification.AddressingType"], ["key k" => "LaunchSpecification.KeyName"], ["instance-type t" => "LaunchSpecification.InstanceType", "t1.micro"], ["availability-zone z" => "LaunchSpecification.Placement.AvailabilityZone"], [kernel => "LaunchSpecification.KernelId"], [ramdisk => "LaunchSpecification.RamdiskId"], [subnet => "LaunchSpecification.SubnetId"], ["block-device-mapping b", undef, undef, \&parse_block_device_mapping_with_launch_specification], ["device-name" => "LaunchSpecification.BlockDeviceMapping.N.DeviceName"], ["no-device" => "LaunchSpecification.BlockDeviceMapping.N.Ebs.NoDevice"], ["virtual-name" => "LaunchSpecification.BlockDeviceMapping.N.VirtualName"], [snapshot => "LaunchSpecification.BlockDeviceMapping.N.Ebs.SnapshotId"], ["volume-size" => "LaunchSpecification.BlockDeviceMapping.N.Ebs.VolumeSize"], ["volume-type" => "LaunchSpecification.BlockDeviceMapping.N.Ebs.VolumeType"], # standard or io1 ["volume-iops" => "LaunchSpecification.BlockDeviceMapping.N.Ebs.Iops"], # number ["profile-arn" => "LaunchSpecification.IamInstanceProfile.Arn"], ["profile-name" => "LaunchSpecification.IamInstanceProfile.Name"], ["delete-on-termination" => "LaunchSpecification.BlockDeviceMapping.N.Ebs.DeleteOnTermination"], [monitor => "LaunchSpecification.Monitoring.Enabled"], ]], ["ec2", "revoke", RevokeSecurityGroupIngress, [ ["" => GroupName], ["egress e" => "__action__", undef, RevokeSecurityGroupEgress], ["groupId i" => "GroupId"], ["protocol P" => "IpPermissions.1.IpProtocol"], ["p" => undef, undef, sub { my($min, $max) = split(/-/, "$_[0]-$_[0]"); ($min, $max) = (-1, -1) if $_[0] eq "-1"; ["IpPermissions.1.FromPort" => $min, "IpPermissions.1.ToPort" => $max]; }], ["q", "IpPermissions.1.ToPort"], #["t", icmp type code], ["source-group-user u" => "IpPermissions.1.Groups.N.UserId"], ["source-group o" => "IpPermissions.1.Groups.N.GroupName"], ["source-group-id oi" => "IpPermissions.1.Groups.N.GroupId"], ["s" => "IpPermissions.1.IpRanges.N.CidrIp"], ]], ["ec2", "run-instances run-instance run", RunInstances, [ ["", ImageId], ["instance-count n", undef, 1, sub { my($min, $max) = split(/-/, "$_[0]-$_[0]"); [MinCount => $min, MaxCount => $max]; }], ["group g", SecurityGroupN], ["group-id gi", SecurityGroupIdN], ["key k", KeyName], ["user-data d", UserData, undef, sub {encode_base64($_[0], "")}], ["user-data-file f", UserData, undef, sub {encode_base64(load_file($_[0]))}], ["a", AddressingType], ["instance-type type t i", InstanceType], ["availability-zone z", "Placement.AvailabilityZone"], ["kernel", KernelId], ["ramdisk", RamdiskId], ["block-device-mapping b", undef, undef, \&parse_block_device_mapping], ["device-name" => "BlockDeviceMapping.N.DeviceName"], ["no-device" => "BlockDeviceMapping.N.Ebs.NoDevice"], ["virtual-name" => "BlockDeviceMapping.N.VirtualName"], ["snapshot s" => "BlockDeviceMapping.N.Ebs.SnapshotId"], ["volume-size" => "BlockDeviceMapping.N.Ebs.VolumeSize"], ["profile-arn" => "IamInstanceProfile.Arn"], ["profile-name role" => "IamInstanceProfile.Name"], ["delete-on-termination" => "BlockDeviceMapping.N.Ebs.DeleteOnTermination"], ["monitor m" => "Monitoring.Enabled"], ["disable-api-termination" => DisableApiTermination], ["instance-initiated-shutdown-behavior" => InstanceInitiatedShutdownBehavior], ["placement-group" => "Placement.GroupName"], ["subnet s" => SubnetId], ["net-device-index" => "NetworkInterface.N.DeviceIndex"], ["net-security-group" => "NetworkInterface.N.SecurityGroupId.1"], ["net-subnet" => "NetworkInterface.N.SubnetId"], ["net-private-ip-address" => "NetworkInterface.N.PrivateIpAddress"], ["net-associate-public-ip-address" => "NetworkInterface.N.AssociatePublicIpAddress"], ["private-ip-address" => PrivateIpAddress], ["client-token" => ClientToken], ]], ["ec2", "start-instances start", StartInstances, [["", InstanceIdN]]], ["ec2", "stop-instances stop", StopInstances, [["", InstanceIdN]]], ["ec2", "modify-instance-attribute minatt", ModifyInstanceAttribute, [["", InstanceId], ["block-device-mapping b", undef, undef, \&parse_block_device_mapping], ["disable-api-termination", "DisableApiTermination.Value"], ["ebs-optimized", EbsOptimized], ["group-id g", "GroupIdN"], ["instance-initiated-shutdown-behavior", "InstanceInitiatedShutdownBehavior.Value"], ["instance-type t", "InstanceType.Value"], ["kernel", "Kernel.Value"], ["ramdisk", "Ramdisk.Value"], ["source-dest-check", "SourceDestCheck.Value"], ["user-data d", "UserData.Value", undef, sub {encode_base64($_[0], "")}], ["user-data-file f", "UserData.Value", undef, sub {encode_base64(load_file($_[0]))}], ]], ["ec2", "terminate-instances tin", TerminateInstances, [["", InstanceIdN]]], ["ec2", "create-tags ctags", CreateTags, [ ["" => "ResourceIdN"], ["tag", undef, undef, \&parse_tags], ]], ["ec2", "describe-tags dtags", DescribeTags, [ ["filter", undef, undef, \&parse_tags_describe], ]], ["ec2", "delete-tags deltags", DeleteTags, [ ["" => ResourceIdN], ["tag", undef, undef, \&parse_tags_delete], ]], #################################### ### Relational Database Service ### #################################### # Short command names are based on ec2 names with 'db' inserted # Parameter names are the same as RDS CLI documentation, with some additions. ### Database Instances ### # http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/APIReference/API_ModifyDBInstance.html # http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/CommandLineReference/CLIReference-cmd-ModifyDBInstance.html ["rds", "modify-db-instance mdb", ModifyDBInstance, [ ["", DBInstanceIdentifier], ["allocated-storage s", AllocatedStorage], ["allow-major-version-upgrade", AllowMajorVersionUpgrade], ["apply-immediately", ApplyImmediately], ["auto-minor-version-upgrade au", AutoMinorVersionUpgrade], ["backup-retention-period r", BackupRetentionPeriod], ["db-instance-class c", DBInstanceClass], ["db-parameter-group-name g", DBParameterGroupName], ["db-security-groups a", "DBSecurityGroups.memberN"], ["engine-version v", EngineVersion], ["iops", Iops], ["master-user-password p", MasterUserPassword], ["multi-az m", MultiAZ], ["new-db-instance-identifier n", NewDBInstanceIdentifier], ["option-group og", OptionGroupName], ["preferred-backup-window b", PreferredBackupWindow], ["preferred-maintenance-window w", PreferredMaintenanceWindow], ["vpc-security-group-ids sg", "VpcSecurityGroupIds.memberN"] ]], # http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/APIReference/API_DeleteDBInstance.html # http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/CommandLineReference/CLIReference-cmd-DeleteDBInstance.html ["rds", "delete-db-instance deldb", DeleteDBInstance, [ ["", DBInstanceIdentifier], ["final-db-snapshot-identifier final", FinalDBSnapshotIdentifier], ["skip-final-snapshot s", SkipFinalSnapshot] ]], # http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/APIReference/API_AddTagsToResource.html ["rds", "add-tags-to-resource cdbtags", AddTagsToResource, [ ["", ResourceName], ["tag", undef, undef, \&parse_tags_member] ]], # http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/APIReference/API_DescribeDBInstances.html # http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/CommandLineReference/CLIReference-cmd-DescribeDBInstances.html ["rds", "describe-db-instances ddb", DescribeDBInstances, [ ["", DBInstanceIdentifier], ["marker", Marker], ["max-records m", MaxRecords] ]], ### Database Snapshots and Point-In-Time Recovery ### # http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/APIReference/API_CreateDBSnapshot.html # http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/CommandLineReference/CLIReference-cmd-CreateDBSnapshot.html ["rds", "create-db-snapshot cdbsnap", CreateDBSnapshot, [ ["", DBInstanceIdentifier], ["db-snapshot-identifier s snapshot", DBSnapshotIdentifier], ["tag", undef, undef, \&parse_tags_member] ]], # http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/APIReference/API_DescribeDBSnapshots.html # http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/CommandLineReference/CLIReference-cmd-DescribeDBSnapshots.html ["rds", "describe-db-snapshots ddbsnap", DescribeDBSnapshots, [ ["db-instance-identifier i", DBInstanceIdentifier], ["db-snapshot-identifier s snapshot", DBSnapshotIdentifier], ["marker", Marker], ["max-records m", MaxRecords], ["snapshot-type t", SnapshotType] ]], # http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/APIReference/API_CopyDBSnapshot.html # http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/CommandLineReference/CLIReference-cmd-CopyDBSnapshot.html ["rds", "copy-db-snapshot cpdbsnap", CopyDBSnapshot, [ ["", SourceDBSnapshotIdentifier], ["target-db-snapshot-identifier t", TargetDBSnapshotIdentifier], ["tag", undef, undef, \&parse_tags_member] ]], # http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/APIReference/API_RestoreDBInstanceFromDBSnapshot.html # http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/CommandLineReference/CLIReference-cmd-RestoreDBInstanceFromDBSnapshot.html ["rds", "restore-db-instance-from-db-snapshot rdb", RestoreDBInstanceFromDBSnapshot, [ ["", DBInstanceIdentifier], ["db-snapshot-identifier s snapshot", DBSnapshotIdentifier], ["auto-minor-version-upgrade au", AutoMinorVersionUpgrade], ["availability-zone z", AvailabilityZone], ["db-instance-class c", DBInstanceClass], ["db-name n", DBName], ["db-subnet-group sn", DBSubnetGroupName], ["engine e", Engine], ["iops", Iops], ["license-model lm", LicenseModel], ["multi-az m", MultiAZ], ["option-group og", OptionGroupName], ["port", Port], ["publicly-accessible pub", PubliclyAccessible], ["tag", undef, undef, \&parse_tags_member] ]], # http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/APIReference/API_DeleteDBSnapshot.html # http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/CommandLineReference/CLIReference-cmd-DeleteDBSnapshot.html ["rds", "delete-db-snapshot deldbsnap", DeleteDBSnapshot, [ ["", DBSnapshotIdentifier] ]], # http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/APIReference/API_DownloadDBLogFilePortion.html # http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/CommandLineReference/CLIReference-cmd-DownloadCompleteDBLogFile.html ["rds", "download-db-log-file-portion downdblog", DownloadDBLogFilePortion, [ ["", DBInstanceIdentifier], ["log-file-name l", LogFileName], ["marker m", Marker], ["number-of-lines n", NumberOfLines] ]], # http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/APIReference/API_DescribeDBLogFiles.html # http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonRDS/latest/CommandLineReference/CLIReference-cmd-DescribeDBLogFiles.html ["rds", "describe-db-log-files ddlf", DescribeDBLogFiles, [ ["", DBInstanceIdentifier], ["filename-contains c", FilenameContains], ["file-last-written l", FileLastWritten], ["file-size s", FileSize], ["marker m", Marker], ["max-records x", MaxRecords] ]], ########################### ### Elastic BeaNstalk ### ########################### # http://docs.aws.amazon.com/elasticbeanstalk/latest/APIReference/API_CheckDNSAvailability.html ["ebn", "check-dns-vailability", CheckDNSAvailability, [ ["", CNAMEPrefix], ]], # http://docs.aws.amazon.com/elasticbeanstalk/latest/APIReference/API_CreateApplication.html ["ebn", "create-application", CreateApplication, [ ["", ApplicationName], ["description", ApplicationDescription] ]], # http://docs.aws.amazon.com/elasticbeanstalk/latest/APIReference/API_CreateApplicationVersion.html ["ebn", "create-application-version", CreateApplicationVersion, [ ["", ApplicationName], ["autocreate", AutoCreateApplication], ["description", Description], ["sourcebucket", 'SourceBundle.S3Bucket'], ["sourcekey", 'SourceBundle.S3Key'], ["versionlabel", VersionLabel] ]], # http://docs.aws.amazon.com/elasticbeanstalk/latest/APIReference/API_CreateConfigurationTemplate.html ["ebn", "create-configuration-template", CreateConfigurationTemplate, [ ["", ApplicationName], ["description", Description], ["environmentid", EnvironmentId], ["solutionstackname", SolutionStackName], ["sourceconfiguration", SourceConfiguration], ["templatename", TemplateName] ]], # http://docs.aws.amazon.com/elasticbeanstalk/latest/APIReference/API_CreateEnvironment.html ["ebn", "create-environment", CreateEnvironment, [ ["", ApplicationName], ["cnameprefix", CNAMEPrefix], ["description", Description], ["environmentname", EnvironmentName], ["solutionstackname", SolutionStackName], ["versionlabel", VersionLabel], ["templatename", TemplateName] ]], # http://docs.aws.amazon.com/elasticbeanstalk/latest/APIReference/API_CreateStorageLocation.html ["ebn", "create-storage-location", CreateStorageLocation, [ ["", S3Bucket] ]], # http://docs.aws.amazon.com/elasticbeanstalk/latest/APIReference/API_DeleteApplication.html ["ebn", "delete-application", DeleteApplication, [ ["", ApplicationName], ["forceterminate", TerminateEnvByForce] ]], # http://docs.aws.amazon.com/elasticbeanstalk/latest/APIReference/API_DeleteApplicationVersion.html ["ebn", "delete-application-version", DeleteApplicationVersion, [ ["", ApplicationName], ["deletesourcebundle", DeleteSourceBundle], ["versionlabel", VersionLabel] ]], # http://docs.aws.amazon.com/elasticbeanstalk/latest/APIReference/API_DeleteConfigurationTemplate.html ["ebn", "delete-configuration-template", DeleteConfigurationTemplate, [ ["", ApplicationName], ["templatename", TemplateName] ]], # http://docs.aws.amazon.com/elasticbeanstalk/latest/APIReference/API_DeleteEnvironmentConfiguration.html ["ebn", "delete-environment-configuration", DeleteEnvironmentConfiguration, [ ["", ApplicationName], ["environmentname", EnvironmentName] ]], # http://docs.aws.amazon.com/elasticbeanstalk/latest/APIReference/API_DescribeApplicationVersions.html ["ebn", "describe-application-versions", DescribeApplicationVersions, [ ["", ApplicationName], ]], # http://docs.aws.amazon.com/elasticbeanstalk/latest/APIReference/API_DescribeApplications.html ["ebn", "describe-applications", DescribeApplications, []], # http://docs.aws.amazon.com/elasticbeanstalk/latest/APIReference/API_DescribeConfigurationOptions.html ["ebn", "describe-configuration-options", DescribeConfigurationOptions, [ ["", ApplicationName], ["environmentname", EnvironmentName], ["solutionstackname", SolutionStackName], ["templatename", TemplateName] ]], # http://docs.aws.amazon.com/elasticbeanstalk/latest/APIReference/API_DescribeConfigurationSettings.html ["ebn", "describe-configuration-settings", DescribeConfigurationSettings, [ ["", ApplicationName], ["environmentname", EnvironmentName], ["templatename", TemplateName] ]], # http://docs.aws.amazon.com/elasticbeanstalk/latest/APIReference/API_DescribeEnvironmentResources.html ["ebn", "describe-configuration-options", DescribeEnvironmentResources, [ ["environmentid", EnvironmentId], ["environmentname", EnvironmentName] ]], # http://docs.aws.amazon.com/elasticbeanstalk/latest/APIReference/API_DescribeEnvironmentResources.html ["ebn", "describe-environment-resources", DescribeEnvironmentResources, [ ["environmentid", EnvironmentId], ["environmentname", EnvironmentName] ]], # http://docs.aws.amazon.com/elasticbeanstalk/latest/APIReference/API_DescribeEnvironments.html ["ebn", "describe-environments", DescribeEnvironments, [ ["", ApplicationName], ["environmentid", EnvironmentId], ["environmentname", EnvironmentName], ["includedeleted", IncludeDeleted], ["includedeletedbackto", IncludeDeletedBackTo], ["versionlabel", VersionLabel] ]], ### ### NOT Implemented: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/elasticbeanstalk/latest/APIReference/API_DescribeEvents.html ### # http://docs.aws.amazon.com/elasticbeanstalk/latest/APIReference/API_ListAvailableSolutionStacks.html ["ebn", "list-solution-stacks", ListAvailableSolutionStacks, []], # http://docs.aws.amazon.com/elasticbeanstalk/latest/APIReference/API_RebuildEnvironment.html ["ebn", "rebuild-environment", RebuildEnvironment, [ ["environmentid", EnvironmentId], ["environmentname", EnvironmentName] ]], # http://docs.aws.amazon.com/elasticbeanstalk/latest/APIReference/API_RequestEnvironmentInfo.html ["ebn", "request-environment-info", RequestEnvironmentInfo, [ ["environmentid", EnvironmentId], ["environmentname", EnvironmentName], ["infotype", InfoType] ]], # http://docs.aws.amazon.com/elasticbeanstalk/latest/APIReference/API_RestartAppServer.html ["ebn", "restart-app-server", RestartAppServer, [ ["environmentid", EnvironmentId], ["environmentname", EnvironmentName] ]], # http://docs.aws.amazon.com/elasticbeanstalk/latest/APIReference/API_RetrieveEnvironmentInfo.html ["ebn", "retrieve-environment-info", RetrieveEnvironmentInfo, [ ["environmentid", EnvironmentId], ["environmentname", EnvironmentName], ["infotype", InfoType], ]], # http://docs.aws.amazon.com/elasticbeanstalk/latest/APIReference/API_SwapEnvironmentCNAMEs.html ["ebn", "swap-environment-cnames", SwapEnvironmentCNAMEs, [ ["destinationenvironmentid", DestinationEnvironmentId], ["destinationenvironmentname", DestinationEnvironmentName], ["sourceenvironmentid", SourceEnvironmentId], ["sourceenvironmentname", SourceEnvironmentName], ]], # http://docs.aws.amazon.com/elasticbeanstalk/latest/APIReference/API_TerminateEnvironment.html ["ebn", "terminate-environment", TerminateEnvironment, [ ["environmentid", EnvironmentId], ["environmentname", EnvironmentName] ]], # http://docs.aws.amazon.com/elasticbeanstalk/latest/APIReference/API_UpdateApplication.html ["ebn", "update-application", UpdateApplication, [ ["", ApplicationName], ["description", ApplicationDescription] ]], # http://docs.aws.amazon.com/elasticbeanstalk/latest/APIReference/API_UpdateApplicationVersion.html ["ebn", "update-application-version", UpdateApplicationVersion, [ ["", ApplicationName], ["description", Description], ["versionlabel", VersionLabel] ]], ### ### NOT Implemented: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/elasticbeanstalk/latest/APIReference/API_UpdateConfigurationTemplate.html ### # http://docs.aws.amazon.com/elasticbeanstalk/latest/APIReference/API_UpdateEnvironment.html ["ebn", "update-environment", UpdateEnvironment, [ ["description", Description], ["environmentid", EnvironmentId], ["environmentname", EnvironmentName], ["templatename", TemplateName], ["versionlabel", VersionLabel] ]], ### ### NOT Implemented: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/elasticbeanstalk/latest/APIReference/API_ValidateConfigurationSettings.html ### ############# ### ELB ### ############# ["elb", "configure-healthcheck ch", ConfigureHealthCheck, [ ["", LoadBalancerName], ["target", "HealthCheck.Target"], ["healthy-threshold", "HealthCheck.HealthyThreshold"], ["unhealthy-threshold", "HealthCheck.UnhealthyThreshold"], ["interval", "HealthCheck.Interval"], ["timeout", "HealthCheck.Timeout"], ]], ["elb", "create-app-cookie-stickiness-policy cacsp", CreateAppCookieStickinessPolicy, [ ["", LoadBalancerName], ["policy-name", PolicyName], ["cookie-name", CookieName], ]], ["elb", "create-lb-cookie-stickiness-policy clbcsp", CreateLBCookieStickinessPolicy, [ ["", LoadBalancerName], ["policy-name", PolicyName], ["expiration-period", "policy-name", PolicyName], ]], ["elb", "create-lb clb", CreateLoadBalancer, [ ["", LoadBalancerName], ["availability-zone", "AvailabilityZones.memberN"], ["protocol", "Listeners.member.1.Protocol"], ["loadbalancerport", "Listeners.member.1.LoadBalancerPort"], ["instanceport", "Listeners.member.1.InstancePort"], ["sslcertificateid", "Listeners.member.1.SSLCertificateId"], ]], ["elb", "create-lb-listeners clbl", CreateLoadBalancerListeners, [ ["", LoadBalancerName], ["listener", "Listeners.memberN"], ]], ["elb", "delete-lb dellb", DeleteLoadBalancer, [ ["", LoadBalancerName], ]], ["elb", "delete-lb-listeners dlbl", DeleteLoadBalancerListeners, [ ["", LoadBalancerName], ["loadbalancerport", "LoadBalancerPorts.member.1"], ]], ["elb", "delete-lb-policy dlbp", DeleteLoadBalancerPolicy, [ ["", LoadBalancerName], ["policy-name", PolicyName], ]], ["elb", "describe-instance-health dih", DescribeInstanceHealth, [ ["", LoadBalancerName], ["listener", "Listeners.memberN"], ]], ["elb", "describe-lbs dlb", DescribeLoadBalancers, [ ["", LoadBalancerNameN], ]], ["elb", "disable-zones-for-lb dlbz", DisableAvailabilityZonesForLoadBalancer, [ ["", LoadBalancerName], ["availability-zone", "AvailabilityZones.memberN"], ]], ["elb", "enable-zones-for-lb elbz", EnableAvailabilityZonesForLoadBalancer, [ ["", LoadBalancerName], ["availability-zone", "AvailabilityZones.memberN"], ]], ["elb", "register-instances-with-lb rlbi", RegisterInstancesWithLoadBalancer, [ ["", LoadBalancerName], ["instance", "Instances.member.N.InstanceId"], ]], ["elb", "deregister-instances-from-lb dlbi", DeregisterInstancesFromLoadBalancer, [ ["", LoadBalancerName], ["instance", "Instances.member.N.InstanceId"], ]], ["elb", "set-lb-listener-ssl-cert slblsc", SetLoadBalancerListenerSSLCertificate, [ ["", LoadBalancerName], ["lb-port", LoadBalancerPort], ["cert-id", SSLCertificateId], ]], ["elb", "set-lb-policies-of-listener slbpol", SetLoadBalancerPoliciesOfListener, [ ["", LoadBalancerName], ["policy-name", "PolicyNames.memberN"], ]], ############# ### IAM ### ############# ["iam", "groupaddpolicy pgp", PutGroupPolicy, [ [" g" => GroupName], [p => PolicyName], [e, undef, undef, \&parse_addpolicy_effect], [a, undef, undef, \&parse_addpolicy_action], [r, undef, undef, \&parse_addpolicy_resource], [o, undef, undef, \&parse_addpolicy_output], ]], ["iam", "groupadduser", AddUserToGroup, [ [" g" => GroupName], [u => UserName], ]], ["iam", "groupcreate cg", CreateGroup, [ [" g" => GroupName], [p => Path], ]], ["iam", "groupdel", DeleteGroup, [ [" g" => GroupName], ]], ["iam", "groupdelpolicy", DeleteGroupPolicy, [ [" g" => GroupName], [p => PolicyName], ]], ["iam", "grouplistbypath lg", ListGroups], ["iam", "grouplistpolicies lgp", ListGroupPolicies, [ [" g" => GroupName], [p => PolicyName], ]], # GetGroupPolicy is automatically invoked when grouplistpolicies has a -p PolicyName ["iam", "groupgetpolicy", GetGroupPolicy, [ [" g" => GroupName], [p => PolicyName], ]], ["iam", "grouplistusers gg", GetGroup, [ [" g" => GroupName], ]], ["iam", "groupmod", UpdateGroup, [ [" g" => GroupName], [n => NewGroupName], [p => NewPath], ]], ["iam", "groupremoveuser", RemoveUserFromGroup, [ [" g" => GroupName], [u => UserName], ]], ["iam", "groupuploadpolicy", PutGroupPolicy, [ [" g" => GroupName], [p => PolicyName], [o => PolicyDocument], [f => PolicyDocument, undef, sub {load_file($_[0])}], ]], ["iam", "useraddcert", UploadSigningCertificate, [ [" u" => UserName], [c => CertificateBody], [f => CertificateBody, undef, sub {load_file($_[0])}], ]], ["iam", "useraddkey cak", CreateAccessKey, [ [" u" => UserName], ]], ["iam", "useraddloginprofile clp", CreateLoginProfile, [ [" u" => UserName], [p => Password], ]], ["iam", "useraddpolicy pup", PutUserPolicy, [ [" u" => UserName], [p => PolicyName], [e, undef, undef, \&parse_addpolicy_effect], [a, undef, undef, \&parse_addpolicy_action], [r, undef, undef, \&parse_addpolicy_resource], [o, undef, undef, \&parse_addpolicy_output], ]], ["iam", "usercreate cu", CreateUser, [ [" u" => UserName], [p => Path], ]], ["iam", "userdeactivatemfadevice", DeactivateMFADevice, [ [" u" => UserName], [s => SerialNumber], ]], ["iam", "userdel", DeleteUser, [ [" u" => UserName], [s => XXX], ]], ["iam", "userdelcert", DeleteSigningCertificate, [ [" u" => UserName], [c => CertificateId], ]], ["iam", "userdelkey", DeleteAccessKey, [ [" u" => UserName], [k => AccessKeyId], ]], ["iam", "userdelloginprofile dlp", DeleteLoginProfile, [ [" u" => UserName], ]], ["iam", "userdelpolicy", DeleteUserPolicy, [ [" u" => UserName], [p => PolicyName], ]], ["iam", "userenablemfadevice", EnableMFADevice, [ [" u" => UserName], [s => SerialNumber], [c1 => AuthenticationCode1], [c2 => AuthenticationCode2], ]], ["iam", "usergetattributes gu", GetUser, [ [" u" => UserName], ]], ["iam", "usergetloginprofile glp", GetLoginProfile, [ [" u" => UserName], ]], ["iam", "userlistbypath lu", ListUsers, [ [" p" => PathPrefix], ]], ["iam", "userlistcerts", ListSigningCertificates, [ [" u" => UserName], ]], ["iam", "userlistgroups", ListGroupsForUser, [ [" u" => Username], ]], ["iam", "userlistkeys", ListAccessKeys, [ [" u" => UserName], ]], ["iam", "userlistmfadevices", ListMFADevices, [ [" u" => UserName], ]], ["iam", "userlistpolicies lup", ListUserPolicies, [ [" u" => UserName], [p => PolicyName], ]], # GetUserPolicy is automatically invoked when userlistpolicies has a -p PolicyName ["iam", "usergetpolicy", GetUserPolicy, [ [" u" => UserName], [p => PolicyName], ]], ["iam", "usermod", UpdateUser, [ [" u" => UserName], [n => NewUserName], [p => NewPath], ]], ["iam", "usermodcert", UpdateSigningCertificate, [ [" u" => UserName], [c => CertificateId], [s => Status], ]], ["iam", "usermodkey", UpdateAccessKey, [ [" u" => UserName], [a => AccessKeyId], [s => Status], ]], ["iam", "usermodloginprofile ulp", UpdateLoginProfile, [ [" u" => UserName], [p => Password], ]], ["iam", "userresyncmfadevice", ResyncMFADevice, [ [" u" => UserName], [s => SerialNumber], [c1 => AuthenticationCode1], [c2 => AuthenticationCode2], ]], ["iam", "useruploadpolicy", PutUserPolicy, [ [" u" => UserName], [p => PolicyName], [o => PolicyDocument], [f => PolicyDocument, undef, sub {load_file($_[0])}], ]], ["iam", "servercertdel", DeleteServerCertificate, [ [" s" => ServerCertificateName], ]], ["iam", "servercertgetattributes", GetServerCertificate, [ [" s" => ServerCertificate], ]], ["iam", "servercertlistbypath", ListServerCertificates, [ [" p" => PathPrefix], ]], ["iam", "servercertmod", UpdateServerCertificate, [ [" p" => NewPath], [s => ServerCertificateName], [n => NewServerCertificateName], ]], ["iam", "servercertupload", UploadServerCertificate, [ [" s" => ServerCertificateName], [p => Path], [b => CertificateBody, undef, sub {load_file($_[0])}], [k => PrivateKey, undef, sub {load_file($_[0])}], [c => CertificateChain, undef, sub {load_file($_[0])}], ]], ["iam", "accountaliascreate caa", CreateAccountAlias,[ ["" => AccountAlias], ]], ["iam", "accountaliasdelete daa", DeleteAccountAlias,[ ["" => AccountAlias], ]], ["iam", "accountaliaslist laa", ListAccountAliases], ["iam", "listroles lr", ListRoles, [ [" p" => "PathPrefix", "/"], ["marker m" => "Marker"], ["maxitems i" => "MaxItems"], ]], ["cloudformation", "describestacks", DescribeStacks,[ ["" => StackName], ]], ["cloudformation", "describestackresources", DescribeStackResources,[ ["" => StackName], ["l" => LogicalResourceId], ["p" => PhysicalResourceId], ]], ["cloudformation", "describestackresource", DescribeStackResource,[ ["" => StackName], ["l" => LogicalResourceId], ]], ["s3", "ls", LS], ["s3", "get cat", GET], ["s3", "head", HEAD], ["s3", "mkdir", MKDIR], ["s3", "put", PUT], ["s3", "delete rmdir rm", DELETE], ["s3", "copy cp", COPY], ["s3", "dmo", DMO], ["s3", "post", POST], ["sqs", "add-permission addperm", AddPermission, [ ["" => QueueUri], [label => Label], [account => AWSAccountIdN], [action => ActionNameN], ]], ["sqs", "change-message-visibility cmv", ChangeMessageVisibility, [ ["" => QueueUri], [handle => ReceiptHandle], [timeout => VisibilityTimeout], ]], ["sqs", "create-queue cq", CreateQueue, [ ["" => QueueName], [timeout => DefaultVisibilityTimeout], ]], ["sqs", "delete-message dm", DeleteMessage, [ ["" => QueueUri], [handle => ReceiptHandle], ]], ["sqs", "delete-queue dq", DeleteQueue, [ ["" => QueueUri], ]], ["sqs", "get-queue-attributes gqa", GetQueueAttributes, [ ["" => QueueUri], [attribute => AttributeNameN], ]], ["sqs", "list-queues lq", ListQueues, [ ["" => QueueNamePrefix], ]], ["sqs", "receive-message recv", ReceiveMessage, [ ["" => QueueUri], [attribute => AttributeNameN], [n => MaxNumberOfMessages], [timeout => VisibilityTimeout], [wait => WaitTimeSeconds], ]], ["sqs", "remove-permission remperm", RemovePermission, [ ["" => QueueUri], [label => Label], ]], ["sqs", "send-message send", SendMessage, [ ["" => QueueUri], [message => MessageBody, "", sub {encode_message($_[0])}], ]], ["sqs", "set-queue-attributes sqa", SetQueueAttributes, [ ["" => QueueUri], [attribute => "Attribute.Name"], [value => "Attribute.Value"], ]], ["sdb", "create-domain cdom", CreateDomain, [ ["" => DomainName], ]], ["sdb", "delete-attributes datt", DeleteAttributes, [ ["" => DomainName], [i => ItemName], [n => "Attribute.N.Name"], [v => "Attribute.N.Value"], [xn => "Expected.N.Name"], [xv => "Expected.N.Value"], [exists => "Expected.N.Exists"], ]], ["sdb", "delete-domain ddom", DeleteDomain, [ ["" => DomainName], ]], ["sdb", "get-attributes gatt", GetAttributes, [ ["" => DomainName], [i => ItemName], [n => AttributeName], [c => ConsistentRead], ]], ["sdb", "list-domains ldom", ListDomains, [ [max => MaxNumberOfDomains], [next => NextToken], ]], ["sdb", "put-attributes patt", PutAttributes, [ ["" => DomainName], [i => ItemName], [n => "Attribute.N.Name"], [v => "Attribute.N.Value"], [replace => "Attribute.N.Replace"], [xn => "Expected.N.Name"], [xv => "Expected.N.Value"], [exists => "Expected.N.Exists"], ]], ["sdb", "select", Select, [ ["" => SelectExpression], [c => ConsistentRead], [next => NextToken], ]], ["sdb", "domain-metadata", DomainMetadata, [ ["" => DomainName], ]], ##### R53 (Route 53, DNS) ["r53", "list-resource-record-sets lrrs", 'GET|rrset', [ ['' => zone_id], [xml => __xml], [simple => __simple], [name => name], [type => type], [identifier => identifier], [maxitems => maxitems], ]], ["r53", "get-change gch", 'GET|', [ ['' => change_id], ]], ["r53", "get-hosted-zone ghz", 'GET|', [ ['', zone_id], ]], ["r53", "create-hosted-zone chz", 'POST|', [ ['' => Name], ['ref' => CallerReference], ['comment' => Comment], ]], ["r53", "delete-hosted-zone dhz", 'DELETE|', [ ['' => zone_id], ]], ["r53", "change-resource-record-set crrs", 'POST|rrset', [ ['' => zone_id], ['name n', Name], ['action a', Action], ['type t', Type], ['ttl l', TTL], ['value v', Value], ['comment c', Comment], ]], ["pa", "lookup", ItemLookup, [ ["" => ItemId], ["type t" => IdType], ["r" => ResponseGroup], ["c" => Condition], ["a" => AssociateTag], ]], ); $isUnix = guess_is_unix(); $home = get_home_directory(); # Figure out $cmd. If the program is run as other than "aws", then $0 contains # the command. This way, you can link aws to the command names (with or without # ec2 or s3 prefix) and not have to type "aws". unshift @ARGV, $1 if $0 =~ /^(?:.*[\\\/])?(?:(?:ec2|pa|s3|sqs|sdb|rds)-?)?(.+?)(?:\..+)?$/ && $1 !~ /^\w*aws/; # parse meta-parameters, leaving parameters in @argv { my(%keyword); # The %need_arg items must have a value. If they aren't of the form # --foo=bar, then slurp up the next item as the value. Thus, for example, # --region=eu and --region eu both work, with or without the =. my(%need_arg, $key_for_arg); @needs_arg{qw(metadata region)} = undef; my(%meta); @meta{qw(1 assume AWS4 batch cmd0 content_length content_type credential_helper curl curl_options cut d default_curl_cipher delimiter dns_alias dump_xml exec expire_time fail h help http insecure insecure_signing insecure_aws insecureaws install json l limit_rate link max_keys max_time marker md5 metadata no_vhost netrc_machine parts prefix private progress public queue r region request requester retry role ruby quiet s3host sanity_check no_sanity_check secrets_file set_acl sha1 silent simple sts_host t v verbose vv vvv wait xml yaml)} = undef; my @awsrc = ""; for (split(/(?:\#.*?(?=\n)|'(.*?)'|"((?:\\[\\\"]|.)*?)"|((?:\\.|\$.|[^\s\'\"\#])+))/s, load_file_silent("$home/.awsrc"))) { if (/^\s+$/) { push @awsrc, "" if length($awsrc[$#awsrc]); } else { $awsrc[$#awsrc] .= $_; } } pop @awsrc unless length($awsrc[$#awsrc]); for (@awsrc, @ARGV) { if ($key_for_arg) { $ {$key_for_arg} = $_; undef $key_for_arg; } elsif (/^--([\w\-]+?)(?:=(.*))?$/s) { my($key0, $val) = ($1, $2); (my $key = $key0) =~ s/-/_/g; if (exists $needs_arg{$key} && !defined $val) { $key_for_arg = $key; } elsif (exists $keyword{$key}) { push @argv, $_; } else { die "--$key0: mispelled meta parameter?\n" unless exists $meta{$key}; $ {$key} = defined $val? $val: 1; # --cmd0 is used to call self but without getting the command from $0 undef $cmd if $key eq "cmd0" && $val; } } elsif (/^-(\w+)$/) { if (exists $keyword{$1} || $_ eq "-1" && $cmd =~ /^(auth(?:orize)?)|(revoke)$/ && $argv[-1] =~ /^-(?:protocol|P|p)$/ # force -1 to be a protocol (or P) or port (p) parameter rather than set $d1 ) { push @argv, $_; } else { for (split(//, $1)) { die "-$_: mispelled meta parameter?\n" unless exists $meta{$_}; s/^(\d)$/d$1/; $ {$_}++; } } } else { if ($cmd) { push @argv, $_; } else { $cmd = $_; # moved this code here, so that arguments to specific ec2, s3, and sqs commands # are active only if the particular command is indicated # make a hash of aws keywords (%keyword), which are not treated as meta-parameters for (@cmd) { next unless grep /^\Q$cmd\E$/, split(" ", $_->[1]); $cmd_data = $_; push @{$cmd_data->[3]}, ["filter", undef, undef, \&parse_filter] if $_->[1] =~ /\bdescribe/; for (@{$cmd_data->[3]}) { for (split(" ", $_->[0])) { (my $key = $_) =~ s/-/_/g; $keyword{$key} = undef; } } last; } } } } } $h ||= $help; $v ||= $verbose; $v = 2 if $vv; $v = 3 if $vvv; $curl ||= "curl"; $curl_q = "-q"; #$curl_q .= " --cipher RC4-SHA" unless $default_curl_cipher; $curl_q .= " -K \"$home/.awscurlrc\"" if -e "$home/.awscurlrc"; $ENV{COLUMNS}-- if $ENV{COLUMNS} && $ENV{EMACS}; if ($cut) { my $columns = $ENV{COLUMNS}; ($columns) = qx[stty -a <&2] =~ /;\s*columns\s*(\d+);/s unless $columns; open STDOUT, "|cut -c -$columns" if $columns; } # Exercise for the reader: why is this END block here? (Hint: bug in Perl?) END {close STDOUT} # Don't know if the -gov- default for $s3host is correct... are there other GovCloud regions, and what endpoint do they use? $s3host ||= $ENV{S3_URL} || ($region =~ /-gov-/? "s3-$region.amazonaws.com": "s3.amazonaws.com"); $sts_host ||= $ENV{STS_URL} || ($s3host =~ /^s3-(.*?)\.amazonaws\.com$/? "sts.$1.amazonaws.com": "sts.amazonaws.com"); print STDERR "aws versions: (ec2: $ec2_version, sqs: $sqs_version, elb: $elb_version, sdb: $sdb_version, iam: $iam_version, ebn: $ebn_version, cloudformation: $cloudformation_version, rds: $rds_version)\n" if $v; $insecsign = "--insecure" if $insecure || $insecure_signing; $insecureaws = "--insecure" if $insecureaws || $insecure_aws; $scheme = $http? "http": "https"; $silent ||= !-t; $retry = 3 unless length($retry); $secrets_file ||= "$home/.awssecret" if -e "$home/.awssecret"; $secrets_file ||= "$home/.s3cfg" if -e "$home/.s3cfg"; $secrets_file ||= "$home/.passwd-s3fs" if -e "$home/.passwd-s3fs"; foreach (qw/authinfo netrc/) { $secrets_file ||= "$home/.$_" if -e "$home/.$_"; $secrets_file ||= "$home/.$_.gpg" if -e "$home/.$_.gpg"; } $secrets_file ||= "$home/.awssecret"; # by default look for "machine AWS" in netrc files $netrc_machine ||= 'AWS'; if ($role) { if ($role == 1) { my $cmd = qq[$curl -s --max-time 2 --fail]; print "$cmd\n" if $v; ($role) = qx[$cmd]; } if ($role) { my $cmd = qq[$curl -s --max-time 2 --fail$role]; print "$cmd\n" if $v; my $json = qx[$cmd]; ($awskey) = $json =~ /"AccessKeyId" : "(.*?)"/; ($secret) = $json =~ /"SecretAccessKey" : "(.*?)"/; ($session) = $json =~ /"Token" : "(.*?)"/; } } unless ($awskey && $secret) { ($awskey, $secret, $session) = @ENV{qw(AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY AWS_SESSION_TOKEN)}; } unless ($awskey && $secret) { ($awskey, $secret, $session) = @ENV{qw(EC2_ACCESS_KEY EC2_SECRET_KEY AWS_SESSION_TOKEN)}; } if ($credential_helper) { unless ($awskey && $secret) { require IPC::Open2; my($out, $in); my $pid = IPC::Open2::open2($out, $in, $credential_helper); print $in "host=$netrc_machine\n"; close $in; print STDERR "Waiting for [$credential_helper] to respond...\n" if $v; while (<$out>) { print STDERR "Credential helper gave us $_" if $v; chomp; next unless m/(\w+)=(.+)/; $awskey = $2 if $1 eq 'username'; $secret = $2 if $1 eq 'password'; } waitpid($pid, 0); } } unless ($awskey && $secret) { # try to resolve any globs unless (-s $secrets_file) { $secrets_file = glob($secrets_file); } if (-s $secrets_file) { if ($secrets_file =~ /\.gpg$/) { # if the secrets_file ends with .gpg, try to decrypt it $secrets_file = "gpg --decrypt $secrets_file|"; print STDERR "Overriding --secrets-file to [$secrets_file]\n" if $v; } if ($secrets_file =~ /s3cfg$/) { # if the secrets_file ends with s3cfg, treat it as a s3cmd init file # (can be tested with --secrets-file=s3cfg) # Poor man's ini parser my $s3cfg = load_file($secrets_file); ($awskey, $secret, $session) = map {$s3cfg =~ /^$_\s*=\s*(\S+)/im} qw/access_key secret_key/; } else { my $secret_data = load_file($secrets_file); # handle authinfo/netrc format if ($secret_data =~ /^\s* machine\s+(\S+)\s+.*? login\s+(\S+)\s+.*? password\s+(\S+)\s+.*? (\s+session\s+(\S+?))?/xm) { # these are the netrc tokens we recognize my %recognized = ( machine => undef, login => undef, session => undef, password => undef); LINE: foreach my $line (split "\n", $secret_data) { my @tok; # modeled after Net::Netrc (Perl Artistic License: This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.) while (length $line && $line =~ s/^("((?:[^"]+|\\.)*)"|((?:[^\\\s]+|\\.)*))\s*//) { (my $tok = $+) =~ s/\\(.)/$1/g; push(@tok, $tok); } # skip blank lines, comments, etc. next LINE unless scalar @tok; my %tokens; while (@tok) { my ($k, $v) = (shift @tok, shift @tok); next unless defined $v; next unless exists $recognized{$k}; $recognized{$k} = $v; } # skip this line unless it had "machine AWS" next LINE unless (defined $recognized{machine} && $recognized{machine} eq $netrc_machine); # grab the AWS key from "login KEY", # secret key from "password SECRET", # session from "session SESS" (all optional) ($awskey, $secret, $session) = @recognized{login,password,session}; } } else # normal space-separated tokens { ($awskey, $secret, $session) = split(/[\r\s:]+/s, $secret_data); } } } } unless ($awskey && $secret) { ($role) = qx[$curl -s --fail --max-time 1]; if ($role) { my $json = qx[$curl -s --fail$role]; ($awskey) = $json =~ /"AccessKeyId" : "(.*?)"/; ($secret) = $json =~ /"SecretAccessKey" : "(.*?)"/; ($session) = $json =~ /"Token" : "(.*?)"/; } } if ($assume) { $assume =~ s/\'//g; my($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year, undef, undef, undef) = gmtime(time + $time_offset); my $zulu = sprintf "%04d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02dZ", 1900 + $year, $mon + 1, $mday, $hour, $min, $sec; my %data = ( AWSAccessKeyId => $awskey, SignatureMethod => ($sha1? HmacSHA1: HmacSHA256), SignatureVersion => 2, Version => $sts_version, Timestamp => $zulu, Action => AssumeRole, RollSessionName => TimKayAWS, RoleArn => $assume, ); $data{SecurityToken} = $session if $session; my($url); for (sort keys %data) { $url .= "&" if $url; $url .= "$_=@{[encode_url($data{$_})]}"; } my $sig = sign("GET\n$sts_host\n/\n$url", $data{SignatureMethod}); $url = "https://$sts_host/?Signature=@{[encode_url($sig)]}&$url"; my $xml = qx[$curl -s '$url']; if ($xml !~ /<AccessKeyId>/) { print $xml unless $fail; exit 22; } for ($xml) { ($awskey) = /<AccessKeyId>\s*(.*?)\s*<\/AccessKeyId>/s; ($secret) = /<SecretAccessKey>\s*(.*?)\s*<\/SecretAccessKey>/s; ($session) = /<SessionToken>\s*(.*?)\s*<\/SessionToken>/s; } print "awskey = $awskey\n"; print "secret = $secret\n"; print "session = $session\n"; } # unfortunately, you can't have a delimiter of "1" this way if ($d || $delimiter == 1) { $delimiter = "/"; } for ([m => 60], [h => 60 * 60], [d => 24 * 60 * 60], [w => 7 * 24 * 60 * 60], [mo => 30 * 24 * 60 * 60], [y => 365.25 * 24 * 60 * 60]) { $expire_time = $1 * $_->[1] if $expire_time =~ /^(-?\d+)$_->[0]$/; } # run a sanity check if $home/.awsrc doesn't exists, or if it was requested if ( !$no_sanity_check && (!-e "$home/.awsrc" || $sanity_check)) { if (!$silent) { if ($role) { if ($role == 1) { if (qx[$curl -s --fail] !~ /\w/) { warn "sanity-check: no role found\n"; } } } elsif (($ENV{AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY} && $ENV{AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID}) || ($ENV{EC2_SECRET_KEY} && $ENV{EC2_ACCESS_KEY})) { } elsif (!-e $secrets_file && $secrets_file !~ m/\|$/) { warn "sanity-check: \"$secrets_file\": file is missing. (Format: AccessKeyID\\nSecretAccessKey\\n)\n"; } elsif (!-r $secrets_file) { warn "sanity-check: \"$secrets_file\": file is not readable\n"; } elsif ($isUnix) { my $stat = (stat $secrets_file)[2] & 0777; if (($stat & 0477) != 0400) { my @perm = (qw(x r w)) x 4; my $perm = join("", map {my $s = shift @perm; $_? $s: "-"} (split//, (unpack("B*", pack("n", $stat))))[6 .. 15]); warn "sanity-check: \"$secrets_file\": file permissions are $perm. Should be -rw-------\n"; } } } my($curl_version) = qx[$curl -V] =~ /^curl\s+([\d\.]+)/s; print "curl version: $curl_version\n" if $v >= 2; if (xcmp($curl_version, "7.12.3") < 0) { $retry = undef; warn "sanity-check: This curl (v$curl_version) does not support --retry (>= v7.12.3), so --retry is disabled\n" unless $silent; } my $aws = qx[$curl $curl_q -s $insecureaws --include $scheme://connection.$s3host/test]; print $aws if $v >= 2; my($d, $mon, $y, $h, $m, $s) = $aws =~ /^Date: ..., (..) (...) (....) (..):(..):(..) GMT\r?$/m; if (!$d) { $aws = qx[$curl $curl_q -s --insecure --include $scheme://connection.$s3host/test]; ($d, $mon, $y, $h, $m, $s) = $aws =~ /^Date: ..., (..) (...) (....) (..):(..):(..) GMT\r?$/m; if ($d) { warn "sanity-check: Your host SSL certificates are not working for curl.exe. Try using --insecure-aws (e.g., aws --insecure-aws ls)\n"; } else { $aws = qx[$curl $curl_q -s --insecure --include http://connection.$s3host/test]; ($d, $mon, $y, $h, $m, $s) = $aws =~ /^Date: ..., (..) (...) (....) (..):(..):(..) GMT\r?$/m; if ($d) { die "sanity-check: Your curl doesn't seem to support SSL. Try using --http (e.g., aws --http ls)\n"; } else { die "sanity-check: Problems accessing AWS. Is curl installed?\n"; } } } if (eval {require Time::Local}) { $mon = {Jan => 0, Feb => 1, Mar => 2, Apr => 3, May => 4, Jun => 5, Jul => 6, Aug => 7, Sep => 8, Oct => 9, Nov => 10, Dec => 11}->{$mon}; my $t = Time::Local::timegm($s, $m, $h, $d, $mon, $y); $time_offset = $t - time; warn "sanity-check: Your system clock is @{[abs($time_offset)]} seconds @{[$time_offset > 0? 'behind': 'ahead']}.\n" if !$silent && abs($time_offset) > 5; } } $curl_options .= " $curl_q -g -S"; $curl_options .= " --remote-time"; $curl_options .= " --retry $retry" if length($retry); $curl_options .= " --fail" if $fail; $curl_options .= " --verbose" if $v >= 2; $curl_options .= $progress? " --progress": " -s"; $curl_options .= " --max-time $max_time" if $max_time; $curl_options .= " --limit-rate $limit_rate" if $limit_rate; use IO::File; use File::Temp qw(tempfile); use Digest::MD5 qw(md5 md5_hex); if ($install) { die "Usage: .../aws --install\n" if $install && @argv; if (-w "/usr/bin") { chomp(my $dir = qx[pwd]); my $path = $0; $path = "$dir/$0" if $0 !~ /^\//; if ($dir !~ /^\/usr\/bin$/) { print STDERR "copying aws to /usr/bin/\n"; my $aws = load_file($0) or die "installation failed (can't load script)\n"; if (-e "/usr/bin/aws") { unlink "/usr/bin/aws" or die "can't unlink old /usr/bin/aws\n"; } save_file("/usr/bin/aws", $aws); die "installation failed (can't copy script)\n" unless load_file("/usr/bin/aws") eq $aws; chmod 0555, "/usr/bin/aws"; chdir "/usr/bin"; } } chmod 0555, $0; make_links($0); die "installation failed\n"; } if ($link) { die "Usage: .../aws --link[=short|long] [-bare]\n" if $link && @argv; make_links($0); } sub make_links { my($target) = @_; # # Create symlinks to this program named for all available # commands. Then the script can be invoked as "s3mkdir foo" # rather than "aws mkdir foo". (Run this command in /usr/bin # or /usr/local/bin.) # # aws -link # symlinks all command names (ec2-delete-group, ec2delgrp, ec2-describe-groups, ec2dgrp, etc.) # aws -link=short # symlinks only the short versions of command names (ec2delgrp, ec2dgrp, etc.) # aws -link=long # symlinks only the long versions of command names (ec2-delete-group, ec2-describe-groups, etc.) # # The -bare option creates symlinks without the ec2 and s3 prefixes # (delete-group, delgrp, etc.). Be careful using this option, as # commands named "ls", "mkdir", "rmdir", etc. are created. for (@cmd) { my($service, $cmd, $action) = @$_; for my $fn (split(' ', $cmd)) { my($dash) = $fn =~ /(-)/; next if $dash && $link eq "short"; next if !$dash && $link eq "long"; $fn = "$service$dash$fn" unless $bare; unlink $fn; symlink($target, $fn) or die "$fn: $!\n"; #print "symlink $fn --> $target\n"; } } exit; } if (!$cmd_data) { my $output = "$cmd: unknown command\n" if $cmd; $output .= "Usage: aws ACTION [--help]\n\twhere ACTION is one of\n"; my(%output); for (@cmd) { my($service, $cmd, $action, $param) = @$_; $output{$service} .= " $cmd"; } for my $service (sort keys %output) { $output .= "\t$service"; while ($output{$service} =~ /\s*(.{1,80})(?:\s|$)/g) { my($one) = ($1); $output .= "\t" if $output =~ /\n$/; $output .= "\t\t$one\n"; } } $output .= "aws versions: (ec2 $ec2_version, sqs $sqs_version, elb $elb_version, sdb $sdb_version, ebn $ebn_version, cloudformation $cloudformation_version, rds: $rds_version)\n"; $output .= "Documentation: Search in Google for 'aws <service>-<cmd> cli' e.g. 'aws rds-restore-db-instance-from-db-snapshot cli'\n"; $output .= "\tThe link with 'rds-' on the front will list all the parameter shortcuts\n"; die $output; } { my($service, $cmd, $action, $param) = @$cmd_data; if ($h) { my $help = "Usage: aws $cmd"; for (@$param) { my($aa, $key, $default) = @$_; my(@help); my @aa = split(/\s+/, $aa); @aa = "" unless @aa; for my $a (@aa) { my $x = "-$a " if $a; $x = "--$a " if length($a) > 1; my($name, $N) = $key =~ /^(.*?)(N?)$/; my $ddd = "..." if $N eq "N"; if ($key =~ /\.N\./) { ($name) = $key =~ /.*\.(.*)$/; $ddd = "..."; } my $def = " ($default)" if $default; push @help, "$x$name$ddd$def"; } $help .= " [" . join("|", @help) . "]"; } $help .= " BUCKET[/OBJECT] [SOURCE]" if $service eq "s3"; $help .= "\n"; print STDERR $help; exit; } my($result); if ($service eq "aws") { if ($action eq "XMLVERSION") { my $versions = { "ec2" => $ec2_version, "sqs" => $sqs_version, "elb" => $elb_version, "sdb" => $sdb_version, "iam" => $iam_version, "ebn" => $ebn_version, "cloudformation" => $cloudformation_version, "rds" => $rds_version }; if ($#ARGV > 0) { print "$versions->{$argv[0]}\n"; } else { for (keys %$versions) { print "$_: $versions->{$_}\n"; } } } } elsif ($service eq "ec2" || $service eq "sqs" || $service eq "elb" || $service eq "sdb" || $service eq "iam" || $service eq "pa" || $service eq "ebn" || $service eq "cloudformation" || $service eq "rds") { #print STDERR "(@{[join(', ', @argv)]})\n" if $v; my(%count); my @list = (Action => $action); for (my $i = 0; $i < @argv; $i++) { my($b); if ($argv[$i] =~ /^--?(.*)$/) { ($b) = ($1); ++$i; } # The Amazon tools have special cases in them too $list[1] = "GetGroupPolicy" if $action eq ListGroupPolicies && $b eq "p"; $list[1] = "GetUserPolicy" if $action eq ListUserPolicies && $b eq "p"; # # find the right param # for (@$param) { my($a, $key, $default, $cref) = @$_; # A leading space in $a is significant, so careful with split()... next unless length($a) == 0 && length($b) == 0 || grep /^$b$/, split(/\s+/, $a); my $data = $argv[$i]; my $count = ++$count{$a}; if ($key eq "__action__") { # Swap out the Action for a different one, such as AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngress and *Egress. $list[1] = $cref; # It's a side effect, and doesn't consume a parameter. --$i; } elsif ($key) { $key =~ s/N$/\.$count/; $key =~ s/\.N\./\.$count\./; $data = $cref->($data) if $cref; push @list, $key => $data; } else { $data = $cref->($data); for (my $i = 0; $i < @$data; $i += 2) { my $key = $data->[$i]; $key =~ s/N$/\.$count/; $key =~ s/\.N\./\.$count\./; push @list, $key => $data->[$i + 1]; } } last; } } # add the defaults for (@$param) { my($a, $key, $default, $cref) = @$_; if ($default && $count{$a} == 0) { my $count = ++$count{$a}; if ($key) { $key =~ s/N$/\.$count/; $key =~ s/\.N\./\.$count\./; $default = $cref->($data) if $cref; push @list, $key => $default; } else { my $data = $cref->($default); for (my $i = 0; $i < @$data; $i += 2) { my $key = $data->[$i]; $key =~ s/N$/\.$count/; $key =~ s/\.N\./\.$count\./; push @list, $key => $data->[$i + 1]; } } } } push @list, @final_list; print STDERR "ec2(@{[join(', ', @list)]})\n" if $v; if ($service eq "pa") { $result = pa(@list); } else { $result = ec2($service, @list); } } elsif ($service eq "s3") { my(@file, @head); for (@argv) { if (/^(?:x-amz-|Cache-|Content-|Expires:|If-|Range:)/i) { push @head, $_; } else { push @file, $_; } } if ($metadata) { for (split(/,/, $metadata)) { my($key, $val) = split(/=/, $_, 2); push @head, "$key: $val"; } } my $bucket = shift @file; if ($action eq DMO) { my($temp_fh, $temp_fn) = tempfile(UNLINK => 1); print $temp_fh "<Delete>\n"; print $temp_fh "\t<Quiet>true</Quiet>\n" if $quiet; die "missing object: specifify one or more objects to delete\n" if @file == 0; for (@file) { if (/^-$/) { for (split(" ", load_file($_))) { print $temp_fh "\t<Object><Key>$_</Key></Object>\n"; } next; } print $temp_fh "\t<Object><Key>$_</Key></Object>\n"; } print $temp_fh "</Delete>\n"; $temp_fh->flush; system "cat $temp_fn" if $v; $action = PUT; $md5 = 1; $bucket .= "?delete"; @file = $temp_fn; print "bucket = $bucket\nfile = $file\naction = $action\n" if $v; } my $file = shift @file; warn "ignored: @file\n" if @file; my $MB5 = 5 * 1024 * 1024; my $GB5 = 1024 * $MB5; my $SZ = -s $file; if ($action eq PUT && ($parts || $bucket !~ /\?/ && $SZ > $GB5)) { $bucket =~ s/^([^\?\/]+)(\?|$ )/$1\/$2/xs; # turn abc or abc? into abc/ or abc/? $bucket .= $file if $bucket =~ /\/$/; # delete previous partial multi-part uploads for (1..10) { print "deleting multipart uploads $bucket...\n" if $v; my $xml = s3(DELETE, undef, "$bucket?upload"); if ($xml) { print $xml if $v; last; } } $parts = int(($SZ + $GB5 - 1) / $GB5) unless $parts > 1; my $slice = int(($SZ + $parts - 1) / $parts); if ($slice < $MB5 && $parts > 1) { $parts = int(($SZ + $MB5 - 1) / $MB5); $slice = $MB5; print STDERR "multipart upload: Too many parts makes slice too small; adjusting to $parts parts\n"; } my($uploadId) = s3(POST, undef, "$bucket?uploads", undef, @head) =~ /<UploadId>(.*?)<\/UploadId>/; print "uploadId = $uploadId\n" if $v; die "missing uploadId\n" if !$uploadId; for (my $i = 0; $i < $parts; $i++) { my $beg = $i * $slice + 1; my $end = $beg + $slice - 1; $end = $SZ if $end > $SZ; local $content_length = $end - $beg + 1; local($exit_code); for my $iter (0..$retry) { print "failed to upload partNumber=@{[$i + 1]}... retrying #$iter of $retry...\n" if $iter && !$fail; undef $exit_code; my $cmd = "tail -c +$beg $file |head -c $content_length"; print "$cmd (bytes)\n" if $v; open STDIN, "$cmd|" or die "part @{[$i + 1]}: $!"; s3(PUT, undef, "$bucket?partNumber=@{[$i + 1]}&uploadId=$uploadId", "-"); last unless $exit_code == 23; } if ($exit_code) { print "failed to upload partNumber=@{[$i + 1]}\n" if !$fail; s3(DELETE, undef, "$bucket?uploadId=$uploadId"); exit $exit_code; } } s3(POST, undef, "$bucket?uploadId=$uploadId"); } else { my $marker = $batch; my($last_marker); for (;;) { my $r = s3($action, $marker, $bucket, $file, @head); if ($r !~ /^<\?xml/) { print $r; exit 255; } $r =~ s/<\?xml.*?>\r?\s*//; $result .= $r; ($marker) = $r =~ /.*<Key>(.*?)<\/Key>/; last if defined $batch || $r !~ /<IsTruncated>true<\/IsTruncated>/ || $marker le $last_marker; $last_marker = $marker; } } } elsif ($service eq "r53") # which has its own different approach { my $idraw = shift @argv; my ($id) = $idraw =~ /([A-Z0-9]+)/; # lose any /hostedzone/ or /change/ prefix my ($pname, $aname) = @{ $param->[0] }; shift @$param unless $pname; my $r53_endpoint = 'route53.amazonaws.com'; my $url="https://$r53_endpoint/$r53_version/"; my ($method,$reqaction) = split(/\|/, $action); die "No method (action = '$action') for $cmd." unless $method; my (%prefix) = (zone_id => 'hostedzone', change_id => 'change'); $url .= "$prefix{$aname}/$id" if $prefix{$aname}; # /hostedzone/xxx or /change/xxx $url .= "/$reqaction" if $reqaction; $url .= "?" if $method eq 'GET'; my %args; my $content; while (@argv) { my $key = shift @argv; my ($key1, $val1, $key2) = $key =~ /--(\w+)=(.*)|-(\w+)/; $key1 ||= $key2; $val1 ||= shift(@argv); for (@$param) { my ($paramkey, $urlkey) = @$_; next unless $paramkey =~ /( \s+ | ^) $key1 ( \s+ | $ )/x; $args{$urlkey} = $val1; last; } } my (@days)=(qw(Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat)); my (@months)=(qw(Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec)); my ($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year, $dow, undef, undef) = gmtime(time + $time_offset); my $zulu = sprintf ("%s, %02d %s %04d %02d:%02d:%02d GMT", $days[$dow], $mday, $months[$mon], 1900 + $year, $hour, $min, $sec); my $algo = 'HmacSHA' . ($sha1 ? '1' : '256'); my $sig = sign ($zulu, $algo); my $auth = "AWS3-HTTPS AWSAccessKeyId=$awskey,Algorithm=$algo,Signature=$sig"; my @curl = ('-H' => "'X-Amzn-Authorization: $auth'", '-H' => "'x-amz-date: $zulu'" ); push (@curl, '-H' => "x-amz-security-token:$session") if $session; my $cmd; if ($method eq 'GET') { $url .= join ('&', map { encode_url($_)."=".encode_url($args{$_}) } grep { ! /^__/ } sort keys %args); } elsif ($method eq 'PUT') { die "can't put yet"; } elsif ($method eq 'DELETE') { # nothing special to do in this case. URL is set up. push (@curl, '-X' => $method); # must make it use this method. } else # method must be POST { my $hdr = R53_xml_data() -> {'header'}; my $xmlsrc = R53_xml_data() -> {$action}; for (keys %args) { my $val = $args{$_}; $xmlsrc =~ s/(<$_>)/$1$val/; } $xmlsrc =~ s/'/'\\''/g; push (@curl, '--data' => "'$hdr$xmlsrc'"); push (@curl, '-H' => "'Content-type: text/xml'"); } $cmd = qq[$curl $curl_options @curl $url]; print "$cmd\n" if $v; $result = qx[$cmd]; print "$resp\n" if $v; } else { die; } if ($xml) { print xmlpp($result); } elsif ($yaml) { print xml2yaml($result); } elsif ($json) { print xml2json($result); } elsif ($result =~ /<ListBucketResult|<ListAllMyBucketsResult/ && ($l || $d1 || $exec || $simple)) { # <ListAllMyBucketsResult xmlns="http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/"> # <Owner> # <ID>c1438ce900acb0db547b3708dc29ca60370d8174ee55305050d2990dcf27109c</ID> # <DisplayName>timkay681</DisplayName> # </Owner> # <Buckets> # <Bucket> # <Name>3.14</Name> # <CreationDate>2007-03-04T22:29:34.000Z</CreationDate> # </Bucket> # # <ListBucketResult xmlns="http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/"> # <Name>boopsielog</Name> # <Prefix></Prefix> # <Marker></Marker> # <MaxKeys>1000</MaxKeys> # <IsTruncated>false</IsTruncated> # <Contents> # <Key>ec201-2008-08-20-access.log.gz</Key> # <LastModified>2008-08-21T03:01:51.000Z</LastModified> # <ETag>"baa27b2e8def9acf8c2f3690e230e37a"</ETag> # <Size>2405563</Size> # <Owner> # <ID>c1438ce900acb0db547b3708dc29ca60370d8174ee55305050d2990dcf27109c</ID> # <DisplayName>timkay681</DisplayName> # </Owner> # <StorageClass>STANDARD</StorageClass> # </Contents> my $isdir = $result =~ /<ListAllMyBucketsResult/; my($owner1) = $result =~ /<DisplayName>(.*?)<\/DisplayName>/s; my(@result); my($prefix) = $result =~ /<Prefix>(.*?)<\/Prefix>/; while ($result =~ /<(?:Contents|Bucket|CommonPrefixes)>\s*(.*?)\s*<\/(?:Contents|Bucket|CommonPrefixes)>/sg) { my($item) = ($1); my $key = dentity($item =~ /<(?:Key|Name|Prefix)>(.*?)<\/(?:Key|Name|Prefix)>/s); my($size) = $item =~ /<Size>(.*?)<\/Size>/s; my($mod) = $item =~ /<(?:LastModified|CreationDate)>(.*?)<\/(?:LastModified|CreationDate)>/s; my($owner) = $item =~ /<DisplayName>(.*?)<\/DisplayName>/s; $key =~ s/^\Q$prefix\E// if $delimiter; for ($mod) { s/T/ /g; s/\.000Z//; } push @result, [$item, $key, $size, $mod, $owner || $owner1 || "unknown"]; } if ($t) { @result = sort {$a->[3] cmp $b->[3]} @result; } if ($r) { @result = reverse @result; } for (@result) { my($item, $key, $size, $mod, $owner) = (@$_); if ($l) { $key = printable($key); if ($isdir) { print "drwx------ 2 $owner 0 $mod $key\n"; } else { printf "-rw------- 1 $owner %10.0f $mod %s\n", $size, $key; } } elsif ($d1) { print "$key\n"; } elsif ($simple) { printf "%10.0f\t$mod\t%s\n", $size, $key; } elsif ($exec) { #local $_ = sprintf "%10.0f\t$mod\t$key\n", $size; #local @_ = ($size, $mod, $key); my($bucket, $prefix) = split(/\//, $argv[0], 2); eval $exec; last if $? & 127; # if the user hits control-c during a system() call... } } } elsif ($result =~ /<CreateKeyPairResponse/) { print $result =~ /<keyMaterial>(.*?)<\/keyMaterial>/s, "\n"; } elsif ($result =~ /<GetConsoleOutputResponse/) { print decode_base64($result =~ /<output>(.*?)<\/output>/s); } elsif ($result =~ /<DescribeInstanceAttributeResponse/) { print+ $result =~ /<value>(.*?)<\/value>/, "\n"; } elsif ($result =~ /<RunInstancesResponse|<DescribeInstancesResponse|<RequestSpotInstancesResponse|<DescribeSpotInstanceRequestsResponse/ && ($simple || $wait)) { if ($result =~ /<RequestSpotInstancesResponse|<DescribeSpotInstanceRequestsResponse/) { for (;;) { my(@instanceId, @spotType, @spotState, @spotPrice); while ($result =~ /(<spotInstanceRequestSet.*?<\/spotInstanceRequestSet>)/sg) { my($result) = ($1); while ($result =~ /(<item(?:<item.*?<\/item>|.)*?<\/item>)/sg) { my($result) = ($1); my($instanceId) = $result =~ /<instanceId>(.*?)<\/instanceId>/s; my($spotType) = $result =~ /<type>(.*?)<\/type>/s; my($spotState) = $result =~ /<state>(.*?)<\/state>/s; my($spotPrice) = $result =~ /<spotPrice>(.*?)<\/spotPrice>/s; push @instanceId, $instanceId; push @spotType, $spotType; push @spotState, $spotState; push @spotPrice, $spotPrice; } } my($open); for (my $i = 0; $i < @instanceId; $i++) { $open += $spotState[$i] eq "open"; print "@{[$instanceId[$i] || ' ']}\t$spotState[$i] \t$spotType[$i]\t$spotPrice[$i]\n"; } print "open = $open\n"; last unless $wait && $open; sleep $wait; $result = qx[$0 --cmd0 --xml --region=$region describe-spot-instance-requests]; } $result = qx[$0 --cmd0 --xml --region=$region describe-instances @instanceId]; } for (;;) { my(@instanceId, @instanceState, @dnsName, @groupId); my($groupId) = $result =~ /<groupId>(.*?)<\/groupId>/; while ($result =~ /(<instancesSet.*?<\/instancesSet>)/sg) { my($result) = ($1); while ($result =~ /(<item(?:<item.*?<\/item>|.)*?<\/item>)/sg) { my($result) = ($1); my($instanceId) = $result =~ /<instanceId>(.*?)<\/instanceId>/s; my($instanceState) = map {/<name>(.*?)<\/name>/s} $result =~ /<instanceState>(.*?)<\/instanceState>/s; my($dnsName) = $result =~ /<dnsName>(.*?)<\/dnsName>/s; push @instanceId, $instanceId; push @instanceState, $instanceState; push @dnsName, $dnsName; push @groupId, $groupId; } } my($pending); for (my $i = 0; $i < @instanceId; $i++) { $pending += $instanceState[$i] eq "pending" || $instanceState[$i] eq "stopping"; print "$instanceId[$i]\t$instanceState[$i]\t$dnsName[$i]\t$groupId[$i]\n"; } last unless $wait && $pending; sleep $wait; $result = qx[$0 --cmd0 --xml --region=$region describe-instances @instanceId]; } } elsif ($result =~ /<StartInstancesResponse|<StopInstancesResponse/ && ($simple || $wait)) { my(@instanceId, @instanceState, @dnsName, @groupId); my($groupId) = $result =~ /<groupId>(.*?)<\/groupId>/; # First result is from start/stop so different location for instanceState => currentState while ($result =~ /(<instancesSet.*?<\/instancesSet>)/sg) { my($result) = ($1); while ($result =~ /(<item(?:<item.*?<\/item>|.)*?<\/item>)/sg) { my($result) = ($1); my($instanceId) = $result =~ /<instanceId>(.*?)<\/instanceId>/s; my($instanceState) = map {/<name>(.*?)<\/name>/s} $result =~ /<currentState>(.*?)<\/currentState>/s; my($dnsName) = $result =~ /<dnsName>(.*?)<\/dnsName>/s; push @instanceId, $instanceId; push @instanceState, $instanceState; push @dnsName, $dnsName; push @groupId, $groupId; } } my($pending); for (my $i = 0; $i < @instanceId; $i++) { $pending += $instanceState[$i] eq "pending" || $instanceState[$i] eq "stopping"; print "$instanceId[$i]\t$instanceState[$i]\t$dnsName[$i]\t$groupId[$i]\n"; } last unless $wait && $pending; sleep $wait; $result = qx[$0 --cmd0 --xml --region=$region describe-instances @instanceId]; # Now the result needs to be handled for describe-instances. instanceState => instanceState for (;;) { my(@instanceId, @instanceState, @dnsName, @groupId); my($groupId) = $result =~ /<groupId>(.*?)<\/groupId>/; while ($result =~ /(<instancesSet.*?<\/instancesSet>)/sg) { my($result) = ($1); while ($result =~ /(<item(?:<item.*?<\/item>|.)*?<\/item>)/sg) { my($result) = ($1); my($instanceId) = $result =~ /<instanceId>(.*?)<\/instanceId>/s; my($instanceState) = map {/<name>(.*?)<\/name>/s} $result =~ /<instanceState>(.*?)<\/instanceState>/s; my($dnsName) = $result =~ /<dnsName>(.*?)<\/dnsName>/s; push @instanceId, $instanceId; push @instanceState, $instanceState; push @dnsName, $dnsName; push @groupId, $groupId; } } my($pending); for (my $i = 0; $i < @instanceId; $i++) { $pending += $instanceState[$i] eq "pending" || $instanceState[$i] eq "stopping"; print "$instanceId[$i]\t$instanceState[$i]\t$dnsName[$i]\t$groupId[$i]\n"; } last unless $wait && $pending; sleep $wait; $result = qx[$0 --cmd0 --xml --region=$region describe-instances @instanceId]; } } elsif ($result =~ /<CreateDBSnapshotResponse|<DeleteDBSnapshotResponse|<CopyDBSnapshotResponse/ && ($simple || $wait)) { #<CreateDBSnapshotResponse xmlns="http://rds.amazonaws.com/doc/2013-09-09/"> # <CreateDBSnapshotResult> # <DBSnapshot> # <Port>3306</Port> # <OptionGroupName>default:mysql-5-1</OptionGroupName> # <Engine>mysql</Engine> # <Status>creating</Status> # <SnapshotType>manual</SnapshotType> # <LicenseModel>general-public-license</LicenseModel> # <DBInstanceIdentifier>dbinstance</DBInstanceIdentifier> # <EngineVersion>5.1.69</EngineVersion> # <DBSnapshotIdentifier>asnapshot</DBSnapshotIdentifier> # <VpcId>vpc-30zzzzz</VpcId> # <AvailabilityZone>ap-southeast-2b</AvailabilityZone> # <InstanceCreateTime>2014-07-16T05:27:55.909Z</InstanceCreateTime> # <PercentProgress>0</PercentProgress> # <AllocatedStorage>5</AllocatedStorage> # <MasterUsername>user</MasterUsername> # </DBSnapshot> # </CreateDBSnapshotResult> # <ResponseMetadata> # <RequestId>2f1b87fa-12ed-11e4-be67-5b99b2d10c58</RequestId> # </ResponseMetadata> #</CreateDBSnapshotResponse> for (;;) { my($instanceId) = $result =~ /<DBInstanceIdentifier>(.*?)<\/DBInstanceIdentifier>/s; my($snapshotId) = $result =~ /<DBSnapshotIdentifier>(.*?)<\/DBSnapshotIdentifier>/s; my($progress) = $result =~ /<PercentProgress>(.*?)<\/PercentProgress>/s; my($status) = $result =~ /<Status>(.*?)<\/Status>/s; my($pending) += $status eq "creating" || $status eq "deleting"; print "$instanceId\t$snapshotId\t$status\t$progress\n"; last unless $wait && $pending; sleep $wait; $result = qx[$0 --cmd0 --xml --region=$region describe-db-snapshots -s $snapshotId]; } } elsif ($result =~ /<RestoreDBInstanceFromDBSnapshotResponse|<DeleteDBInstanceResponse|<ModifyDBInstanceResponse/ && ($simple || $wait)) { # The current status of the instance. # Valid values: available | backing-up | creating | deleted | deleting | failed | incompatible-restore | # incompatible-parameters | modifying | rebooting | resetting-master-credentials | storage-full for (;;) { my($instanceId) = $result =~ /<DBInstanceIdentifier>(.*?)<\/DBInstanceIdentifier>/s; my($zone) = $result =~ /<AvailabilityZone>(.*?)<\/AvailabilityZone>/s; # Zone is not available for RestoreDBInstanceFromDBSnapshotResponse my($engine) = $result =~ /<Engine>(.*?)<\/Engine>/s; my($status) = $result =~ /<DBInstanceStatus>(.*?)<\/DBInstanceStatus>/s; my($pending) += $status ne "available"; print "$instanceId\t$engine\t$status\t$zone\n"; last unless $wait && $pending; sleep $wait; $result = qx[$0 --cmd0 --xml --region=$region describe-db-instances $instanceId]; } } elsif ($result =~ /<ListQueuesResult/) { if ($simple) { while ($result =~ /<QueueUrl>(.*?)<\/QueueUrl>/g) { my($q) = ($1); $q =~ s/^https?:\/\/.*?(?=\/)//; print "$q\n"; } } else { print ary2tab(xml2ary(ListQueuesResult, $result), {title => "Queue URLs", empty => "no queues\n"}); } } elsif ($result =~ /<GetQueueAttributesResponse/ && $simple) { while ($result =~ /<Attribute>(.*?)<\/Attribute>/sg) { if ($1 =~ /<Name>(.*?)<\/Name>.*?<Value>(.*?)<\/Value>/s) { print "$1\t$2\n"; } } } elsif ($result =~ /<ListDomainsResponse/) { my $ary = xml2ary(ListDomainsResult, $result); if ($d1) { for (@$ary) { print $_->[1], "\n"; } } else { print ary2tab([@$ary]); } } elsif ($result =~ /<DomainMetadataResponse/) { my $ary = xml2ary(DomainMetadataResult, $result); print ary2tab([@$ary]); } elsif ($result =~ /<GetAttributesResponse/ && $d1) { while ($result =~ /<Attribute>(.*?)<\/Attribute>/sg) { my($name, $value) = $1 =~ /<Name>(.*?)<\/Name>\s*<Value>(.*?)<\/Value>/s; print "$name\t$value\n"; } } elsif ($result =~ /<SelectResponse/ && ($simple || $d1)) { while ($result =~ /<Item>(.*?)<\/Item>/sg) { my($item, $attr) = $1 =~ /<Name>(.*?)<\/Name>(.*)/; while ($attr =~ /<Name>(.*?)<\/Name>\s*<Value>(.*?)<\/Value>/sg) { print "$item\t$1\t$2\n"; } } } elsif ($result =~ /<ReceiveMessageResult/) { if ($exec) { print xmlpp($result) if $v; my($handle) = $result =~ /<ReceiptHandle>(.*?)<\/ReceiptHandle>/; my $body = decode_url($result =~ /<Body>(.*?)<\/Body>/); if ($handle && $body) { $exec = 'system "$body"' if $exec == 1; my $rc = eval $exec; if ($rc) { print "exec evaluated to non-zero ($rc): message not deleted from queue\n"; } else { my $cmd = qq[$0 --cmd0 --region=$region dm $argv[0] --handle $handle]; print "$cmd\n" if $v; my $dm = qx[$cmd]; print "$dm\n" if $v; } } } else { my $ary = xml2ary(Message, $result); if ($simple) { my($id, $handle, $md5, $body); for (@$ary) { $id = $_->[1] if $_->[0] eq MessageId; $handle = $_->[1] if $_->[0] eq ReceiptHandle; $md5 = $_->[1] if $_->[0] eq MD5OfBody; $body = decode_url($_->[1]) if $_->[0] eq Body; } print "$handle\t$body\t$id\t$md5\n" if $handle; } else { print ary2tab($ary, {title => "Messages", empty => "no messages\n"}); } } } elsif ($result =~ /<SendMessageResponse/ && $simple) { my($md5) = $result =~ /<MD5OfMessageBody>(.*?)<\/MD5OfMessageBody>/; my($id) = $result =~ /<MessageId>(.*?)<\/MessageId>/; print "$md5\t$id\n"; } elsif ($result =~ /<(?:GetGroupPolicyResponse|GetUserPolicyResponse)/) { my($doc) = $result =~ /<PolicyDocument>(.*?)<\/PolicyDocument>/s; $doc =~ s/%(..)/pack(H2,$1)/ge; print $doc; } elsif ($result =~ /<(?:ListUserPoliciesResponse)/) { my @member = $result =~ /<member>(.*?)<\/member>/g; print join("\n", @member, undef); } elsif ($result =~ /<GetQueueAttributesResponse/) { print ary2tab(xml2ary(GetQueueAttributesResult, $result, {key => Name, value => Value}), {title => "Attributes", empty => "no attributes\n"}); } elsif ($result =~ /<DescribeTagsResponse|<DescribeKeyPairsResponse/ && $simple) { while ($result =~ /<item>(.*?)<\/item>/sg) { my($item) = ($1); my(@item); while ($item =~ /<(.*?)>(.*?)<\/\1>/g) { push @item, $2; } print join("\t", @item), "\n"; } } elsif ($result =~ /<ListGroupsResponse|GetGroupResponse|ListUsersResponse|ListAccessKeysResponse/ && $simple) { print map {join("\t", @$_) . "\n"} @{xml2Dary("member", $result)}; } elsif ($result =~ /<ListGroupPoliciesResponse/ && $simple) { print map {join("\t", @$_) . "\n"} @{xml2Dary("PolicyNames", $result)}; } else { # If there is an error response and we haven't yet set an error return, do it now if ( $result =~ /<ErrorResponse/ && !$ExitCode) { $ExitCode = 1; } print xml2tab($result) || xmlpp($result); } exit $exit_code; } sub xml2Dary { my($tag, $result, $param, @result) = @_; my(@key); while ($result =~ /<$tag.*?>(.*?)<\/$tag>/sg) { my($elt) = ($1); my(@val); while ($elt =~ /<(.*?)>(.*?)<\/\1>/sg) { my($key, $val) = ($1, $2); push @key, $key if !@result; push @val, $val; } push @result, \@key if !@result && $param->{head}; push @result, \@val; } \@result; } sub xml2ary { my($tag, $result, $param, @result) = @_; for ($result =~ /<$tag.*?>(.*?)<\/$tag>/sg) { while (/<(.*?)>(.*?)<\/\1>/sg) { my($key, $val1) = ($1, $2); my($val); while ($val1 =~ /<(.+?)>(.*?)<\/\1>/sg) { if ($1 eq $param->{key}) { $key = $2; } elsif ($1 eq $param->{value}) { $val = $2; } else { $val .= " " if $val; $val .= "$1=$2"; } } $val = $val1 unless length($val); push @result, [$key, $val]; } } \@result; } sub ary2tab { my($ary, $param) = @_; return $param->{empty} if exists $param->{empty} && !@$ary; my(@width); for (@$ary) { if (ref $_ eq SCALAR) { $_ = [$_]; } if (ref $_ eq ARRAY) { for (my $i = 0; $i < @$_; $i++) { $width[$i] = length($_->[$i]) if $width[$i] < length($_->[$i]); } } } if ($param->{title}) { my $width = -1; $width += 2 + $_ for @width; my $l = int(($width - length($param->{title})) / 2); my $r = $width - length($param->{title}) - $l; $output .= "+" . "-" x (@width - 1); $output .= "-" x (2 + $_) for @width; $output .= "+\n"; $output .= "| " . " " x $l . $param->{title} . " " x $r . " |\n"; } $output .= "+" . "-" x (2 + $_) for @width; $output .= "+\n"; for (@$ary) { for (my $i = 0; $i < @width; $i++) { $output .= "| " . $_->[$i] . " " x (1 + $width[$i] - length($_->[$i])); } $output .= "|\n"; } $output .= "+" . "-" x (2 + $_) for @width; $output .= "+\n"; } sub xml2tab { my($xml) = @_; my($output); $xml =~ s/^<\?xml.*?>(\r?\n)*//; my @xml = grep !/^\s*$/, split(/(<.*?>)/, $xml); my(@tag, @depth); my $depth = 0; for (my $i = 0; $i < @xml; $i++) { if ($xml[$i] =~ /^<(\w+)\/>$/) { next; } elsif ($xml[$i] =~ /^<(\w+)/) { my($tag) = ($1); $tag[$i] = $tag; $depth[$i] = ++$depth; } elsif ($xml[$i] =~ /^<\/(\w+)/) { my($tag) = ($1); for (my $j = $i - 1; $j >= 0; $j--) { next if $depth[$j] > $depth; next if $tag[$j] ne $tag; $depth = $depth[$j] - 1; last; } } else { $tag[$i] = $xml[$i]; $depth[$i] = 99; } } my(@parent, $depth, %head, @head, @table, $col); my $skipre = qr/^(?:amiLaunchIndex|ETag|HostId|ipPermissions|Owner)$/; for (my $i = 0; $i <= @xml; $i++) { $parent[$depth[$i]] = $tag[$i]; if (@head && $i == @xml || $depth[$i] && $depth[$i] < $depth) { unless (@head == 1 && $head[0] eq "RequestId") { for (@table) { $_ = [map {printable(dentity($_))} @$_{@head}]; } unshift @table, [@head]; my(@width); for (@table) { for (my $i = 0; $i < @head; $i++) { my $length = length($_->[$i]); $width[$i] = $length if $width[$i] < $length; } } my $sep = "+"; for (my $i = 0; $i < @head; $i++) { next if $head[$i] =~ /$skipre/; $sep .= "-" x (2 + $width[$i]) . "+"; } for (my $j = 0; $j < @table; $j++) { $output .= "$sep\n" if $j < 2; for (my $i = 0; $i < @head; $i++) { next if $head[$i] =~ /$skipre/; my $len = length($table[$j]->[$i]); my $pad = $width[$i] - $len; my $l = 1 + int($pad / 2); # center justify $l = 1 if $j; # left justify all but first row my $r = 2 + $pad - $l; $output .= "|" . " " x $l . $table[$j]->[$i] . " " x $r; } $output .= "|\n"; } $output .= "$sep\n"; } $depth = 0; %head = (); @head = (); @table = (); } my $tag2 = "$parent[$depth[$i] - 1]-$tag[$i]"; if ($tag[$i] =~ /^(?:LocationConstraint|Grant |AttachVolumeResponse|Bucket|Contents|CommonPrefixes|AuthorizeSecurityGroup(?:E|In)gressResponse|CopyObjectResult |CreateKeyPairResponse|CreateSecurityGroupResponse|CreateImageResponse|CreateSnapshotResponse|CreateVolumeResponse |DeleteSecurityGroupResponse|DeleteKeyPairResponse|DeleteSnapshotResponse|DeleteVolumeResponse |DetachVolumeResponse|Error|GetConsoleOutputResponse|ListBucketResult|RebootInstancesResponse |RevokeSecurityGroup(?:E|In)gressResponse|AllocateAddressResponse|ReleaseAddressResponse|AssociateAddressResponse|DescribeRegionsResponse |CreateQueueResponse|ResponseMetadata|DescribeSnapshotAttributeResponse|ModifySnapshotAttributeResponse|ResetSnapshotAttributeResponse |CreateLoadBalancerResponse|DeleteLoadBalancerResponse |DescribeSpotInstanceRequestsResponse|CancelSpotInstanceRequestsResponse|RequestSpotInstancesResponse|DescribeSpotPriceHistoryResponse |ListGroupPoliciesResult|GetGroupPolicyResult |SendMessageResult|CreateTagsResponse|DeleteTagsResponse )$/x || $tag2 =~ /^(?:addressesSet-item|availabilityZoneInfo-item|imagesSet-item|instancesSet-item|instanceStatusSet-item |ipPermissions-item|keySet-item|reservedInstancesOfferingsSet-item|securityGroupInfo-item|volumeSet-item|snapshotSet-item|regionInfo-item |ReceiveMessageResult-Message |LoadBalancerDescriptions-member |ReceiveMessageResult-Message|spotInstanceRequestSet-item|spotPriceHistorySet-item |GetAttributesResult-Attribute|SelectResult-Item |CreateGroupResult-Group|Groups-member|CreateUserResult-User|Users-member|GetUserResult-User |CreateAccessKeyResult-AccessKey|AccessKeyMetadata-member|tagSet-item )$/x || $i == @xml) { $depth = $depth[$i]; ###push @table, {"" => $tag[$i]}; push @table, {}; } next unless $depth; if ($depth[$i] == $depth + 1) { $col = $tag[$i]; push @head, $col unless exists $head{$col}; $head{$col} = undef; } if ($depth[$i] >= $depth + 2) { $table[$#table]->{$col} .= " " if $table[$#table]->{$col} && $depth[$i] < 99; $table[$#table]->{$col} .= $tag[$i]; $table[$#table]->{$col} .= "=" if $depth[$i] < 99; } } if (!@table || $dump_xml) { print STDERR "$xml\n"; for (my $i = 0; $i < @xml; $i++) { next unless $tag[$i]; print STDERR $depth[$i], " " x $depth[$i], "$tag[$i]\n"; } } $output; } sub xmlpp { my($xml) = @_; my($indent, @path, $defer, @defer, $result) = "\t"; for ($xml =~ /<.*?>|[^<]*/sg) { if (/^<\/(\w+)/ || /^<(!\[endif)/) # </... or <!--[endif] { my($tag) = ($1); $tag = $path[$#path] if $tag eq "![endif"; push @path, @defer; while (@path) { my $pop = pop @path; last if $pop eq $tag; } $result .= "@{[$indent x @path]}@{[$defer =~ /^\s*(.*?)\s*$/s]}$_\n" if $defer || $_; $defer = ""; @defer = (); } elsif (/[\/\?]\s*\>$/) # .../> or ...?> { $result .= "@{[$indent x @path]}@{[$defer =~ /^\s*(.*?)\s*$/s]}\n" if $defer; push @path, @defer; $result .= "@{[$indent x @path]}@{[/^\s*(.*?)\s*$/s]}\n" if $_; $defer = ""; @defer = (); } elsif (/^(?:[^<]|<!(?:[^-]|--[^\[]))/) # (not <) or (< then not -) or (<!-- then not [) { if (!/^\s*$/) { if ($defer) { $defer .= $_; } else { $result .= "@{[$indent x @path]}@{[/^\s*(.*?)\s*$/s]}\n"; } } } else # <... { $result .= "@{[$indent x @path]}@{[$defer =~ /^\s*(.*?)\s*$/s]}\n" if $defer; push @path, @defer; $defer = $_; @defer = /^<([^<>\s]+)/; } } $result .= "@{[$indent x @path]}@{[$defer =~ /^\s*(.*?)\s*$/s]}\n" if $defer; $result; } # Convert xml string to YAML format # Cf.: https://github.com/timkay/aws/pull/9 sub xml2yaml { my($result) = xmlpp(@_); my($rubySymbol) = ""; $rubySymbol = ":" if $ruby; $result =~ s#> +#>#g; # remove trailing spaces after > $result =~ s#\n# #g; # replace all \n by a single space $result =~ s#> #>\n#g; # remove all '\n's $result =~ s#</.*>##g; # remove closing tags $result =~ s#<([a-z0-9:]*).*>#$rubySymbol\1: #gi; # opening tags -> symbols $result =~ s#($rubySymbol[^:]+): (.+)#\1: "\2"#g; # opening tags -> symbols $result =~ s#:?(.*)/:#\1:#g; # empty values $result =~ s#:?(item|bucket|member|ResourceRecordSet|HostedZone|ResourceRecord): #- #gi; # array items $result =~ s#\t# #g; # tabs -> spaces $result =~ s#^[ :]*\n##mg; # remove all empty lines $result =~ s#[ ]+$##gm; # remove all trailing spaces $result =~ s#^[^ \n]+:\n#---\n#; # new document indicator $result =~ s#^ ##mg; # shift left $result; } # Convert xml string to JSON format sub xml2json { my $xml = shift @_; unless (eval {require XML::Simple} && eval {require JSON}) { warn "Could not load the required modules XML::Simple and JSON"; return; } return unless $xml; my $coder = JSON->new()->relaxed()->utf8()->allow_blessed->convert_blessed->allow_nonref(); my $ref = XML::Simple::XMLin($xml, ForceArray => [qw/Attribute Item/]); return $coder->encode($ref); } sub s3 { my($verb, $marker, $name, $file, @header) = @_; $file ||= $name if $verb eq PUT && $ENV{S3_DIR}; $name = "$ENV{S3_DIR}/$name" if $ENV{S3_DIR}; $name =~ s/^([^\?\/]+)(\?|$ )/$1\/$2/xs; # turn abc or abc? into abc/ or abc/? $name .= $file if $verb eq PUT && $name =~ /\/$/; # read from stdin when # aws put target # aws put target - # but not # aws put target?acl # what about # aws put target?location my($temp_fh); if ($verb eq PUT && $file eq "-" && $content_length) { push @header, "Content-Length: $content_length"; push @header, "Transfer-Encoding:"; } elsif ($verb eq PUT && ($file eq "-" || $file eq "" && $name !~ /\?acl$/)) { # and not when a terminal die "$0: will not to read from terminal (use \"-\" for filename to force)\n" if -t && $file ne "-"; ($temp_fh, $file) = tempfile(UNLINK => 1); while (STDIN->read(my $buf, 16_384)) { print $temp_fh $buf; } $temp_fh->flush; } # add a Content-Type header using mime.types if ($verb eq PUT) { my($found_content_type, $found_content_md5); (push @header, "Content-Type: $content_type"), $found_content_type++ if $content_type; for (@header) { $found_content_type++ if /^content-type:/i; $found_content_md5++ if /^content-md5:/i; } if (!$found_content_type) { my($ext) = $name =~ /\.(\w+)$/; if ($ext) { local(@ARGV); for (qw(mime.types /etc/mime.types)) { push @ARGV, $_ if -e $_; } if (@ARGV) { while (<>) { my($type, @ext) = split(/\s+/); if (grep /^$ext$/, @ext) { push @header, "Content-Type: $type"; print STDERR "setting $header[$#header]\n" if $v; last; } } } } } if (!$found_content_md5 && $md5) { # Too memory intensive: #my $md5 = encode_base64(md5(load_file($file)), ""); my($md5); if (!$isUnix) { # Uses Digest::MD5::File that isn't in base perl: # (Use this choice for Windows, after installing the package) require Digest::MD5::File; $md5 = encode_base64(Digest::MD5::File::file_md5($file), ""); } else { # Just right: $md5 = encode_base64(pack("H*", (split(" ", qx[md5sum @{[cq($file)]}]))[0]), ""); } push @header, "Content-MD5: $md5"; print STDERR "setting $header[$#header]\n" if $v; } } $set_acl = "public-read" if $public; $set_acl = "private" if $private; # the multipart upload stuff is getting icky push @header, "x-amz-acl: $set_acl" if $set_acl && $verb =~ /^(?:POST|PUT)$/ && $name !~ /\?partNumber=|\?uploadId=/; $requester = "requester" if $requester == 1; push @header, "x-amz-request-payer: $requester" if $requester; # added a case for "copy", so that the source moves to a header if ($verb eq COPY) { if ($name =~ /\/$/) { @stuff = split('/', $file); shift(@stuff); shift(@stuff); my($what) = join('/', @stuff); $name .= $what; } if ($file !~ /^\//) { (my $where = $name) =~ s/\/[^\/]+$/\//; $file = "/$where$file"; } push @header, "x-amz-copy-source: @{[encode_url($file)]}"; undef $file; $verb = PUT; } my($prefix); # added a case for "ls", so that a prefix can be specified # (otherwise, the prefix looks like an object name) if ($verb eq LS) { $name =~ s/^\///; ($name, $prefix) = split(/\//, $name, 2); $name .= "/" if $name; $prefix ||= $file; undef $file; $verb = GET; } my($ub, $uo, $uq) = $name =~ /^(.+?)(?:\/(.*?))?(\?(?:acl|delete|location|logging|bittorrent|lifecycle|policy|requestPayment |uploadId=[\.\-\w]+ |uploads |upload |partNumber=\d+&uploadId=[\.\-\w]+ |partNumber=\d+ |part |versioning|versions|website))?$/sx; my $uname = encode_url($ub) . "/" . encode_url($uo) . $uq if $name; if ($uq =~ /^\?(?:uploadId=(.*)|upload|partNumber=(\d+)(?:&uploadId=(.*))?|part)$/) { my($uploadId, $partNumber, @part) = ($1 || $3, $2); unless ($uploadId) { my $xml = s3(GET, undef, "$ub?uploads"); while ($xml =~ /<Upload>(.*?)<\/Upload>/sg) { my($upload) = ($1); if ($upload =~ /<Key>(.*?)<\/Key>/ && $1 eq $uo) { if ($upload =~ /<UploadId>(.*?)<\/UploadId>/) { $uploadId = $1; last; } } } } if ($verb eq POST || $uq eq "?part") # look up partNumber { my $xml = s3(GET, undef, "$ub/$uo?uploadId=$uploadId"); while ($xml =~ /<Part>(.*?)<\/Part>/sg) { my($part) = ($1); if ($part =~ /<PartNumber>(.*?)<\/PartNumber>.*?<ETag>(.*?)<\/ETag>/s) { push @part, [$1, $2]; $partNumber = $1; } } $partNumber++; } if ($verb eq POST && $uq =~ /^\?(?:uploadId=.*|upload)$/) { ($temp_fh, my $temp_fn) = tempfile(UNLINK => 1); print $temp_fh "<CompleteMultipartUpload>\n"; for (@part) { print $temp_fh " <Part>\n"; print $temp_fh " <PartNumber>$_->[0]</PartNumber>\n"; print $temp_fh " <ETag>$_->[1]</ETag>\n"; print $temp_fh " </Part>\n"; } print $temp_fh "</CompleteMultipartUpload>\n"; $temp_fh->flush; $file = $temp_fn; system "cat $file" if $v >= 2; } return "$uname: no matching multipart upload found\n" if $uq eq "?upload" && length($uploadId) == 0; $uname .= "Id=$uploadId" if $uq eq "?upload"; # List Parts / Complete Multipart Upload / Abort Multipart Upload $uname .= "&uploadId=$uploadId" if $uq =~ /^?partNumber=\d+$/; # Upload Part NNN $uname .= "Number=$partNumber&uploadId=$uploadId" if $uq eq "?part"; # Upload Part } if ($uq eq "?delete") { $verb = POST; } if ($v >= 2) { print "name = $name\n"; print "ub = $ub\n"; print "uo = $uo\n"; print "uq = $uq\n"; print "uname = $uname\n"; } my($vhost, $vname) = ($s3host, $uname); if (!$no_vhost) { ($vhost, $vname) = ($dns_alias? $1: "$1.$vhost", $2) if $uname =~ /^([0-9a-z][\-0-9a-z]{1,61}[0-9a-z])(?:\/(.*))?$/; } print STDERR "vhost=$vhost vname=$vname\n" if $v; my $isGETobj = ($verb eq HEAD || $verb eq GET) && $uname =~ /\/./ && $uname !~ /\?/; my $expire_time = ($expire_time || 30) + $time_offset; # note we rewrite $expire_time, only for S3 my $expires = time + $expire_time; my($content_type, $content_md5); for (@header) { if (/^(.*?):\s*(.*)$/) { $content_type = $2 if lc $1 eq "content-type"; $content_md5 = $2 if lc $1 eq "content-md5"; } } push @header, "x-amz-security-token:$session" if $session; my $header_sign = join("\n", map({$_->[1]} sort {$a->[0] cmp $b->[0]} map {s/^(.*?):\s*/\L$1:/s; [lc $1, $_]} grep /^x-amz-/i, @header), "") if @header; my $header = join(" --header ", undef, map {cq($_)} @header); if ($isGETobj && ($verb eq HEAD || !$fail) && !$request) { my $url = "$scheme://$vhost/$vname"; if ($AWS4) { $url = signAWS4("s3", HEAD, $url, $expire_time, [@header]); } else { my $data = "HEAD\n$content_md5\n$content_type\n$expires\n$header_sign/$uname"; $url .= "@{[$vname =~ /\?/? '&': '?']}Expires=$expires&AWSAccessKeyId=@{[encode_url($awskey)]}&Signature=@{[encode_url(sign($data))]}"; } my $cmd = qq[$curl $curl_options $insecureaws $header --head @{[cq($url)]}]; print STDERR "$cmd\n" if $v; my $head = qx[$cmd]; print STDERR $head if $v; my($code) = $head =~ /^HTTP\/\d+\.\d+\s+(\d+\s+.*?)\r?\n/s; if ($code !~ /^2\d\d\s/) { print STDERR "$code\n" unless $v; $exit_code = 22; return; } if ($verb eq HEAD) { print $head; return; } } my($content); $content = "--upload-file @{[cq($file)]}" if $file; if ($verb eq GET && $file) { if ($file =~ /\/$/ || -d $file) { $file .= "/" if $file !~ /\/$/; #Why doesn't #1 work? #$file .= "#1"; my($name) = $name =~ /(?:.*\/)?(.*)$/; $file .= $name; } $content = "--create-dirs --output @{[cq($file)]}"; } # added a case for "mkdir", so that "$name .= $file" gets defeated # in the mkdir case - We don't want the file we are uploading to be # appended to the name because we are creating the bucket, and the # name is the location constraint file. if ($verb eq MKDIR) { if ($region) { $region = { eu => "eu-west-1", us => "us-east-1", uswest => "us-west-1", uswest2 => "us-west-1", ap => "ap-southeast-1", ap2 => "ap-southeast-2", sa => "sa-east-1", }->{lc $region} || $region; ($temp_fh, my $xml) = tempfile(UNLINK => 1); print $temp_fh qq[<CreateBucketConfiguration xmlns="http://s3.amazonaws.com/doc/2006-03-01/"> <LocationConstraint>$region</LocationConstraint> </CreateBucketConfiguration> ]; $temp_fh->flush; $content = "--upload-file @{[cq($xml)]}"; } $verb = PUT; } my $url = "$scheme://$vhost/$vname"; if ($AWS4) { my(@qs); push @qs, "marker=$marker" if $marker; push @qs, "prefix=$prefix" if $prefix; push @qs, "delimiter=$delimiter" if $delimiter; push @qs, "max-keys=$max_keys" if $max_keys; $url .= ($url =~ /\?/? '&': '?') . join("&", @qs) if @qs; $url = signAWS4("s3", $verb, $url, $expire_time, [@header]); # sends a copy of @header, not the original } else { my(@qs); push @qs, "marker=@{[encode_url($marker)]}" if $marker; push @qs, "prefix=@{[encode_url($prefix)]}" if $prefix; push @qs, "delimiter=$delimiter" if $delimiter; push @qs, "max-keys=$max_keys" if $max_keys; $url .= ($url =~ /\?/? '&': '?') . join("&", @qs) if @qs; my $data = "$verb\n$content_md5\n$content_type\n$expires\n$header_sign/$uname"; $url .= "@{[$url =~ /\?/? '&': '?']}Expires=$expires&AWSAccessKeyId=@{[encode_url($awskey)]}&Signature=@{[encode_url(sign($data))]}"; } return $url if $request; # exec() is used because we can, but it doesn't work under Windows: # curl.exe runs asynchronously, and control is returned to the caller # before the file transfer request is complete. Thus, for Windows, # no exec(). if ($isGETobj && !$md5 && $isUnix) { my $cmd = qq[$curl $curl_options $insecureaws $header --request $verb $content --location @{[cq($url)]}]; print STDERR "exec $cmd\n" if $v; exec $cmd; die; } # for a PUT, disable the "Expect: 100-Continue" header if the file is small my($accept); $accept = "--header \"Expect: \"" if ($verb eq PUT || $verb eq POST) && (-s $file) < 10_000; my $cmd = qq[$curl $curl_options $insecureaws $accept $header --request $verb --dump-header - $content --location @{[cq($url)]}]; print STDERR "$cmd\n" if $v; my $item = qx[$cmd]; exit $? >> 8 if $? && $fail; # remove "HTTP/1.1 100 Continue" $item =~ s/^HTTP\/\d+\.\d+\s+100\b.*?\r?\n\r?\n//s; my($head, $body) = $item =~ /^((?:HTTP\/.*?\r?\n\r?\n)+)(.*)$/s; print STDERR $head if $v; my($code) = $head =~ /^HTTP\/\d+\.\d+\s+(\d+\s+.*?)\r?\n/s; if ($code !~ /^2\d\d\s/) { print STDERR "$code\n" unless $v; $exit_code = 22; # exit code 23 means that there was no reply - happens with multipart upload sometimes $exit_code = 23 if !length($code); return if $fail; } if ($md5) { my($want) = $head =~ /^ETag:\s*"(.*?)"/m; if ($want) { my($have); if ($body) { $have = md5_hex($body); } else { $have = (split(" ", qx[md5sum @{[cq($file)]}]))[0]; } print STDERR "MD5: checksum is $want\n" if $v; if ($want ne $have) { print STDERR "MD5: checksum failed ($want at amz != $have here)\n"; exit 1 if $fail; } } } $body; } sub pa { my(@p) = @_; $p[0] = "Operation" if $p[0] eq "Action"; my($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year, undef, undef, undef) = gmtime(time + $time_offset); my $zulu = sprintf "%04d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02dZ", 1900 + $year, $mon + 1, $mday, $hour, $min, $sec; my $version = $pa_version; my $endpoint = "webservices.amazon.com"; my $uri = "/onca/xml"; my %data = (Service => AWSECommerceService, AWSAccessKeyId => $awskey, SignatureMethod => ($sha1? HmacSHA1: HmacSHA256), SignatureVersion => 2, Version => $version, Timestamp => $zulu, @p); for (sort keys %data) { if ($service eq "sqs" && $_ eq "QueueUri") { $queue = $data{$_}; next; } $url .= "&" if $url; $url .= "$_=@{[encode_url($data{$_})]}"; } my $sig = sign("GET\n$endpoint\n$uri\n$url", $data{SignatureMethod}); $url = "http://$endpoint$uri?Signature=@{[encode_url($sig)]}&$url"; return $url if $request; local($/); # return a string regardless of wantarray print "$url\n" if $v >= 2; my $cmd = qq[$curl $curl_options $insecureaws @{[cq($url)]}]; print STDERR "cmd=[$cmd]\n" if $v; qx[$cmd]; } sub ec2 { my $service = shift; $expire_time ||= 30; # force it to use Expires rather than Timestamp, so it expires more quickly my($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year, undef, undef, undef) = gmtime(time + $time_offset + $expire_time); my $zulu = sprintf "%04d-%02d-%02dT%02d:%02d:%02dZ", 1900 + $year, $mon + 1, $mday, $hour, $min, $sec; my($version, $endpoint); $version .= $ec2_version if $service eq "ec2"; $version .= $sqs_version if $service eq "sqs"; $version .= $elb_version if $service eq "elb"; $version .= $sdb_version if $service eq "sdb"; $version .= $iam_version if $service eq "iam"; $version .= $ebn_version if $service eq "ebn"; $version .= $cloudformation_version if $service eq "cloudformation"; $version .= $rds_version if $service eq "rds"; # see http://developer.amazonwebservices.com/connect/entry!default.jspa?externalID=3912 $region = {eu => "eu-west-1", us => "us-east-1", uswest => "us-west-1", ap => "ap-southeast-1"}->{lc $region} || $region; if ($service eq "ec2") { $endpoint = "ec2.amazonaws.com"; $endpoint = "ec2.$region.amazonaws.com" if $region; $sha1 = 1 if $region; # sha256 does not seem to work with region specified } if ($service eq "sqs") { $endpoint = "queue.amazonaws.com"; $endpoint = "sqs.$region.amazonaws.com" if $region; } if ($service eq "elb") { $endpoint = "elasticloadbalancing.amazonaws.com"; $endpoint = "elasticloadbalancing.$region.amazonaws.com" if $region; } if ($service eq "sdb") { $endpoint = "sdb.amazonaws.com"; # go figure: us-east-1 isn't name served $endpoint = "sdb.$region.amazonaws.com" if $region && $region ne "us-east-1"; } if ($service eq "iam") { $endpoint = "iam.amazonaws.com"; # $endpoint = "iam.$region.amazonaws.com" if $region; } if ( $service eq "ebn" ) { $endpoint = "elasticbeanstalk.us-east-1.amazonaws.com"; $endpoint = "elasticbeanstalk.$region.amazonaws.com" if $region; } if ( $service eq "cloudformation") { $endpoint = "cloudformation.us-east-1.amazonaws.com"; $endpoint = "cloudformation.$region.amazonaws.com" if $region; } if ( $service eq "rds") { $endpoint = "rds.us-east-1.amazonaws.com"; $endpoint = "rds.$region.amazonaws.com" if $region; } my @session = (SecurityToken => $session) if $session; my %data = (AWSAccessKeyId => $awskey, @session, SignatureMethod => ($sha1? HmacSHA1: HmacSHA256), SignatureVersion => $AWS4? 4: 2, Version => $version, ($expire_time? Expires: Timestamp) => $zulu, @_); $queue ||= "/"; my($url); for (sort keys %data) { if ($service eq "sqs" && $_ eq "QueueUri") { $queue = $data{$_}; next; } $url .= "&" if $url; $url .= "$_=@{[encode_url_slash($data{$_})]}"; } if ($AWS4) { $url = signAWS4($service, GET, "$scheme://$endpoint$queue?$url", $expire_time); } else { my $sig = sign("GET\n$endpoint\n$queue\n$url", $data{SignatureMethod}); $url = "$scheme://$endpoint$queue?Signature=@{[encode_url($sig)]}&$url"; } return $url if $request; local($/); # return a string regardless of wantarray print "$url\n" if $v >= 2; my $cmd = qq[$curl $curl_options $insecureaws @{[cq($url)]}]; print STDERR "cmd=[$cmd]\n" if $v; my $ans = qx[$cmd]; $exit_code = $? >> 8; $ans; } sub encode_url_slash { my($s) = @_; $s =~ s/([^\-\.0-9a-z\_\~])/%@{[uc unpack(H2,$1)]}/ig; $s; } sub encode_url { my($s) = @_; $s =~ s/([^\/\-\.0-9a-z\_\~])/%@{[uc unpack(H2,$1)]}/ig; $s; } sub decode_url { my($s) = @_; $s =~ s/%(..)/@{[uc pack(H2,$1)]}/ig; $s; } # # Encode a sqs message. What characters should be encoded. According to http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSSimpleQueueService/latest/APIReference/Query_QuerySendMessage.html # not very many characters should be encoded. However, I am disinclined to allow TAB, LF, and CR to be in the message unencoded, so we'll encode them for now. Also, the # code currently does not handle Unicode characters. It should probably utf8-encode first. # # The existing decode_url can be used to decode. # sub encode_message { my($s) = @_; $s =~ s/([^\x20-\x7e])/%@{[uc unpack(H2,$1)]}/ig; $s; } sub dentity { my($s) = @_; for ($s) { s/&\#x([0-9a-f]{1,2});/pack(C, hex($1))/iseg; s/&(.*?);/({quot => '"', amp => "&", apos => "'", lt => "<", gt => ">"}->{$1} || "&$1;")/seg; } $s; } sub printable { my($s) = @_; $s =~ s/[\x00-\x1f\x7f]/\?/sg; $s; } sub load_file { my $fn = shift; my $io = new IO::File($fn) or die "$fn: $!\n"; local($/); <$io>; } sub save_file { my $nfn = my $fn = shift; $nfn = ">$fn" if $fn !~ /^\s*[\>\|]/; my $out = IO::File->new($nfn) or die "$fn: $!\n"; print $out join("", @_); } sub load_file_silent { my $fn = shift; my $io = new IO::File($fn) or return; local($/); <$io>; } sub guess_is_unix { return 1 if $ENV{OS} =~ /windows/i && $ENV{OSTYPE} =~ /cygwin/i; return 1 if $ENV{OS} !~ /windows/i; return 0; } sub get_home_directory { return $ENV{HOME} || "$ENV{HOMEDRIVE}$ENV{HOMEPATH}" || "C:" if !$isUnix; return (getpwuid($<))[7]; } sub signAWS4 { my($service, $verb, $url, $expire_time, $headers) = @_; my $region = $region || "us-east-1"; my $date = sub {sprintf "%4d%02d%02d", 1900 + $_[5], 1 + $_[4], $_[3]}->(gmtime); my $time = sub {sprintf "%02d%02d%02d", $_[2], $_[1], $_[0]}->(gmtime); my $timestamp = join("", $date, "T", $time, "Z"); my $scope = lc "$date/$region/$service/aws4_request"; my($CanonicalURL, $qs) = split(/\?/, $url, 2); my $CanonicalURI = $CanonicalURL; $CanonicalURI =~ s[^.+?://.+?/][/]; my @qs = split(/&/, $qs); s/^(.+?)(?:=(.*))?$/$1=$2/ for @qs; # add = to parameters that have no value (e.g. &acl --> &acl=) if (1) { push @qs, "X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256"; push @qs, "X-Amz-Credential=$awskey/$scope"; push @qs, "X-Amz-Date=$timestamp"; push @qs, "X-Amz-Expires=$expire_time"; push @qs, "X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host"; } @qs = sort @qs; my $CanonicalQs = join("&", map {/^(.+?)=(.*)$/; encode_url_slash($1) . "=" . encode_url_slash($2)} @qs); my($host) = $CanonicalURL =~ /^.+?:\/\/(.+?)\//; push @$headers, "Host: $host"; if (0) { push @$headers, "X-Amz-Algorithm=AWS4-HMAC-SHA256"; push @$headers, "X-Amz-Credential=" . encode_url("$awskey/$scope"); push @$headers, "X-Amz-Date=$timestamp"; push @$headers, "X-Amz-Expires=$expire_time"; push @$headers, "X-Amz-SignedHeaders=host"; } s/^(.+?):\s*(.*)$/\L$1\E:$2/ for @$headers; my $CanonicalHeaders = join("\n", @$headers, undef); my $SignedHeaders = join(";", sort map {/^(.+?):/; $1} @$headers); my $HashedPayload = "UNSIGNED-PAYLOAD"; if ($service ne "s3") { # S3 and the other services do not agree on this parameter. # For UNSIGNED-PAYLOAD, see http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/API/sigv4-query-string-auth.html. # It doesn't work for EC2. $HashedPayload = sha256_hex("") }; my $creq = join("\n", $verb, $CanonicalURI, $CanonicalQs, $CanonicalHeaders, $SignedHeaders, $HashedPayload); my $creq_hash = sha256_hex($creq); my $sts = join("\n", "AWS4-HMAC-SHA256", $timestamp, $scope, $creq_hash); my $key = "AWS4$secret"; for (split(/\//, $scope)) { $key = hmac_sha256($_, $key); } my $sig = hmac_sha256_hex($sts, $key); my $url = $CanonicalURL; $url = $url . ($url =~ /\?/? '&': '?') . $CanonicalQs; $url = $url . ($url =~ /\?/? '&': '?') . "X-Amz-Signature=$sig"; if ($v) { (my $pretty = $s) =~ s/\n/\\n/sg; print STDERR "data = [$pretty]\n"; } $url; } sub pad4 { my($s) = @_; $s . "=" x (3 - (length($s) + 3) % 4); } sub sign { my($data, $shaX) = @_; if ($v) { (my $pretty = $data) =~ s/\n/\\n/sg; print STDERR "data = [$pretty]\n"; } return pad4(hmac_sha256_base64($data, $secret)) if $shaX eq HmacSHA256; pad4(hmac_sha1_base64($data, $secret)); } sub R53_xml_data { return { 'header' => '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>', 'POST|' => '<CreateHostedZoneRequest xmlns="https://route53.amazonaws.com/doc/2012-02-29/"><Name></Name><CallerReference></CallerReference><HostedZoneConfig><Comment></Comment></HostedZoneConfig></CreateHostedZoneRequest>', 'POST|rrset' => '<ChangeResourceRecordSetsRequest xmlns="https://route53.amazonaws.com/doc/2012-02-29/"> <ChangeBatch> <Comment></Comment> <Changes> <!--REPEAT--> <Change> <Action></Action> <ResourceRecordSet> <Name></Name> <Type></Type> <TTL></TTL> <ResourceRecords> <ResourceRecord> <Value></Value> </ResourceRecord> </ResourceRecords> </ResourceRecordSet> </Change> <!--/REPEAT--> </Changes> </ChangeBatch> </ChangeResourceRecordSetsRequest>', }; } sub parse_filter { my($name, $value) = $_[0] =~ /^(.*?)=(.*)$/; my(@result); push @result, "Filter.N.Name" => $name, "Filter.N.Value.1" => $value; [@result]; } sub parse_block_device_mapping { my($dev, $vol, $size, $delete, $type, $iops) = $_[0] =~ /^(.*?)(?:=(.*?)(?::(.*?)(?::(.*?)(?::(.*?)(?::(.*?))?)?)?)?)?$/; #print "dev=$dev\nvol=$vol\nsize=$size\ndelete=$delete\n"; my(@result); push @result, "BlockDeviceMapping.N.DeviceName" => $dev; if ($vol eq "none") { push @result, "BlockDeviceMapping.N.NoDevice" => undef; # no "true" - it's a non-value item. } elsif ($vol =~ /^ephemeral/) { push @result, "BlockDeviceMapping.N.VirtualName" => $vol; } else { push @result, "BlockDeviceMapping.N.Ebs.SnapshotId" => $vol if $vol; push @result, "BlockDeviceMapping.N.Ebs.VolumeSize" => $size if $size; push @result, "BlockDeviceMapping.N.Ebs.DeleteOnTermination" => $delete if $delete; push @result, "BlockDeviceMapping.N.Ebs.VolumeType" => $type if $type; push @result, "BlockDeviceMapping.N.Ebs.Iops" => $iops if defined($iops); } [@result]; } sub parse_block_device_mapping_with_launch_specification { my $result = &parse_block_device_mapping; for (my $i = 0; $i < @$result; $i += 2) { $result->[$i] = "LaunchSpecification.$result->[$i]"; } $result; } sub parse_addpolicy_effect { parse_addpolicy_finish() if @parse_addpolicy_resource; $parse_addpolicy_effect = lc $_[0] eq "allow"? "Allow": "Deny"; } sub parse_addpolicy_action { @parse_addpolicy_action = () if @parse_addpolicy_resource; @parse_addpolicy_resource = (); parse_addpolicy_finish() if @parse_addpolicy_resource; push @parse_addpolicy_action, $_[0]; } sub parse_addpolicy_resource { push @parse_addpolicy_resource, $_[0]; my $effect = $parse_addpolicy_effect || "Allow"; my $action = qq["$parse_addpolicy_action[0]"]; $action = "[" . join(",", map{qq["$_"]} @parse_addpolicy_action) . "]" if @parse_addpolicy_action > 1; my $resource = qq["$parse_addpolicy_resource[0]"]; $resource = "[" . join(",", map{qq["$_"]} @parse_addpolicy_resource) . "]" if @parse_addpolicy_resource > 1; pop @parse_policy if @parse_addpolicy_resource > 1; push @parse_policy, qq[\t\t{\n\t\t\t"Effect":"$effect",\n\t\t\t"Action":$action,\n\t\t\t"Resource":$resource\n\t\t}]; $parse_policy = qq[{\n\t"Statement":\n\t[\n@{[join(",\n", @parse_policy)]}\n\t]\n}\n]; @final_list = (PolicyDocument, $parse_policy); } sub parse_addpolicy_output { print $parse_policy; } sub parse_tags { my($key, $value) = split(/=/, $_[0], 2); ["Tag.N.Key" => $key, "Tag.N.Value" => $value]; } sub parse_tags_describe { my($name, $value) = split(/=/, $_[0], 2); my @value = split(/,/, $value); my(@data); push @data, "Filter.N.Name" => $name; for (my $i = 1; $i <= @value; $i++) { push @data, , "Filter.N.Value.$i" => $value[$i - 1]; } \@data; } sub parse_tags_delete { if ($_[0] =~ /=/) { my($name, $value) = split(/=/, $_[0], 2); return ["Tag.N.Key" => $name, "Tag.N.Value" => $value]; } ["Tag.N.Key" => $_[0]]; } sub parse_tags_member { my($key, $value) = split(/=/, $_[0], 2); ["Tags.member.N.Key" => $key, "Tags.member.N.Value" => $value]; } sub cq { # quote for sending to curl via shell my($s) = @_; return "\"$s\"" if !$isUnix; $s =~ s/\'/\'\\\'\'/g; "'$s'"; } sub curlq { # quote for sending URL to curl via shell my($s) = @_; return "\"$s\"" if !$isUnix; $s =~ s/[\'\ \+\#]/%@{[unpack(H2, $1)]}/g; $s } sub xcmp { my($a, $b) = @_? @_: ($a, $b); my @a = split(//, $a); my @b = split(//, $b); for (;;) { return @a - @b unless @a && @b; last if $a[0] cmp $b[0]; shift @a; shift @b; } my $cmp = $a[0] cmp $b[0]; for (;;) { return ($a[0] =~ /\d/) - ($b[0] =~ /\d/) if ($a[0] =~ /\d/) - ($b[0] =~ /\d/); last unless (shift @a) =~ /\d/ && (shift @b) =~ /\d/; } return $cmp; }