For some reason, I feel like have much better control with [plot.xts function]( from the [xtsExtra package]( described [here]( over some of the other more refined R graphical packages. Maybe, it is just my simple mind, but recently I wanted to shade holding periods with points for buy and sale dates. With plot.xts from xtsExtra I was able to quickly and easily generate the following plot. I did have to slightly amend the original plot.xts function as seen [here](, but it seemed more natural and like much less of a struggle. ```{r echo=FALSE,warning=FALSE,error=FALSE,message=FALSE, fig.width=7, fig.height=4} require(RColorBrewer) require(quantmod) require(xtsExtra) source("") jpy <- getSymbols("DEXJPUS",src="FRED",auto.assign=FALSE) #define array of buy dates buydates = c("2010-08-20", "2011-02-07", "2011-03-30", "2011-10-14", "2012-06-21", "2012-10-25") #define a vector of sell dates selldates = c("2010-10-08", "2011-03-02", "2011-06-01", "2012-05-31", "2012-08-22", format(Sys.Date(),"%Y-%m-%d")) #fill today - don't think this is necessary custom.panel <- function(index,x,...) { default.panel(index,x,...) abline(h=pretty(c(par("yaxp")[1],par("yaxp")[2]),n=par("yaxp")[3]),col="gray60",lty=3) abline(h=par("usr")[3], col="black") axis(side=2,col="gray60",col.axis="black",lwd=0,lwd.ticks=FALSE,las=1, at=pretty(c(par("yaxp")[1],par("yaxp")[2]),n=abs(par("yaxp")[3])), labels=pretty(c(par("yaxp")[1],par("yaxp")[2]),n=abs(par("yaxp")[3]))) points(x=index[which(index(x) %in% as.Date(buydates))], y=x[which(index(x) %in% as.Date(buydates)),],cex=1,pch=19, col="darkolivegreen3") points(x=index[which(index(x) %in% as.Date(selldates))], y=x[which(index(x) %in% as.Date(selldates)),],cex=1,pch=19, col="indianred3") #to add reference lines to indicate entry level #I'm not sure it is necessary but if you like it uncomment below #for(i in 1:(length(startdates))) { # segments(x0=index[which(index(x) == as.Date(startdates[i]))], # x1=index[which(index(x) == as.Date(enddates[i]))],, # y0=x[which(index(x) == as.Date(startdates[i])),], # y1=x[which(index(x) == as.Date(startdates[i])),]) #} } plot.xts(jpy["2009-12::"], #limit to Dec 2009 to Current so more easily visible col = brewer.pal(9,"Blues")[c(7)], #get two blues that will look ok lwd = 2, #line width; will do 2 las = 1, #do not rotate y axis labels bty="n", auto.grid=FALSE, major.format="%b %Y", major.ticks="years", minor.ticks=FALSE, col.axis="transparent", yax.loc="none", cex.axis=0.8, panel=custom.panel, main = NA, #will do title later so we have more control blocks = list(start.time=buydates, #overlay blocks for periods owned end.time=selldates,col="gray90")) #define title separately so we have more control title(main = "US$/Japanese Yen from St. Louis Federal Reserve (FRED)", outer=TRUE, line=-2, adj=0.05) text(x=0.05,y=0.1,label="holding periods shaded",adj=0,font=3,cex=0.8) ```