Imports System.Collections.Generic Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic Public Class $CLASSNAME$ $METHODSIGNATURE$ Dim Res As $RC$ Return Res End Function End Class 'BEGINCUT Module MainModule Sub Print (ByVal data As Object) If TypeOf data Is Array Then Dim arrayData As Array = CType(data, Array), Index As Integer Console.Write("{") For Index = 0 To arrayData.GetUpperBound(0) If Index <> 0 Then Console.Write(", ") End If Print (arrayData.GetValue(Index)) Next Console.WriteLine("}") Else If TypeOf data Is String Then Console.Write("'" + data + "'") Else If TypeOf data Is Long Then Console.Write(CStr(data) + "L") Else If TypeOf data Is Double Then Console.Write(String.Format("{0:F10}", data)) Else Console.Write(CStr(data)) End If End Sub Function Eq (ByVal expected As Object, ByVal returned As Object) As Boolean If TypeOf expected Is Double And TypeOf returned Is Double Then ' Source : Dim have, need as Double have = Convert.ToDouble(returned) need = Convert.ToDouble(expected) Dim closeEnough As Double = 0.0000000001 Dim absoluteDifference As Double = Math.Abs(returned - expected) Return (absoluteDifference < closeEnough) Else Return expected.Equals(returned) End If End Function Sub Eq (ByVal caseNo As Integer, ByVal expected As Object, ByVal returned As Object) If TypeOf expected Is Array And TypeOf returned Is Array Then Dim expectedArray As Array = CType(expected, Array), Index As Integer Dim returnedArray As Array = CType(returned, Array) If (expectedArray.GetUpperBound(0) <> returnedArray.GetUpperBound(0)) Then Console.WriteLine("Case " + CStr(caseNo) + " failed: Returned " + CStr(returnedArray.Length) _ + " elements; Expected " + CStr(expectedArray.Length) + " elements.") Console.Write("Returned : ") Print(returnedArray) Console.Write("Expected : ") Print(expectedArray) Console.Write(VbCrLf) Return Else For Index = 0 To expectedArray.GetUpperBound(0) If Eq(expectedArray.GetValue(Index), returnedArray.GetValue(Index)) = False Then Console.WriteLine("Case " + CStr(caseNo) + _ " failed: Expected and Returned Arrays differ in position " + CStr(Index)) Console.Write("Returned : ") Print(returnedArray) Console.Write("Expected : ") print(expectedArray) Console.Write(VbCrLf) Return End If Next End If Else If Eq(expected, returned) = False Then Console.WriteLine("Case " + CStr(caseNo) + " failed.") Console.Write("Returned : ") Print(returned) Console.WriteLine() Console.Write("Expected : ") Print(expected) Console.WriteLine(VbCrLf) Return End If End If Console.WriteLine("Case " + CStr(caseNo) + " passed.") End Sub $TESTCASES$ End Module 'ENDCUT ' Powered by thefourtheyeEditor