#!/usr/bin/env bash # Ensure this file is executable via `chmod a+x lein`, then place it # somewhere on your $PATH, like ~/bin. The rest of Leiningen will be # installed upon first run into the ~/.lein/self-installs directory. export LEIN_VERSION="2.11.2" # Must be sha256sum, will be replaced by bin/release export LEIN_CHECKSUM='7d31ae23ae769e927438b0cd55d15a93e7dabab09fd4fc15877979161e108774' case $LEIN_VERSION in *SNAPSHOT) SNAPSHOT="YES" ;; *) SNAPSHOT="NO" ;; esac if [[ "$CLASSPATH" != "" ]]; then cat <<-'EOS' 1>&2 WARNING: You have $CLASSPATH set, probably by accident. It is strongly recommended to unset this before proceeding. EOS fi if [[ "$OSTYPE" == "cygwin" ]] || [[ "$OSTYPE" == "msys" ]]; then delimiter=";" else delimiter=":" fi if [[ "$OSTYPE" == "cygwin" ]]; then cygwin=true else cygwin=false fi function msg { echo "$@" 1>&2 } function command_not_found { msg "Leiningen couldn't find $1 in your \$PATH ($PATH), which is required." exit 1 } function make_native_path { # ensure we have native paths if $cygwin && [[ "$1" == /* ]]; then echo -n "$(cygpath -wp "$1")" elif [[ "$OSTYPE" == "msys" && "$1" == /?/* ]]; then echo -n "$(sh -c "(cd $1 2</dev/null && pwd -W) || echo $1 | sed 's/^\\/\([a-z]\)/\\1:/g'")" else echo -n "$1" fi } # usage : add_path PATH_VAR [PATH]... function add_path { local path_var="$1" shift while [ -n "$1" ];do # http://bashify.com/?Useful_Techniques:Indirect_Variables:Indirect_Assignment if [[ -z ${!path_var} ]]; then export ${path_var}="$(make_native_path "$1")" else export ${path_var}="${!path_var}${delimiter}$(make_native_path "$1")" fi shift done } function download_failed_message { cat <<-EOS 1>&2 Failed to download $1 (exit code $2) It's possible your HTTP client's certificate store does not have the correct certificate authority needed. This is often caused by an out-of-date version of libssl. It's also possible that you're behind a firewall and haven't set HTTP_PROXY and HTTPS_PROXY. EOS } function checksum_failed_message { cat <<-EOS 1>&2 Failed to properly download $1 The checksum was mismatched. and we could not verify the downloaded file. We expected a sha256 of $2 and actually had $3. We used '$SHASUM_CMD' to verify the downloaded file. EOS } function self_install { if [ -r "$LEIN_JAR" ]; then cat <<-EOS 1>&2 The self-install jar already exists at $LEIN_JAR. If you wish to re-download, delete it and rerun "$0 self-install". EOS exit 1 fi msg "Downloading Leiningen to $LEIN_JAR now..." mkdir -p "$(dirname "$LEIN_JAR")" LEIN_URL="https://github.com/technomancy/leiningen/releases/download/$LEIN_VERSION/leiningen-$LEIN_VERSION-standalone.jar" $HTTP_CLIENT "$LEIN_JAR.pending" "$LEIN_URL" local exit_code=$? if [ $exit_code == 0 ]; then printf "$LEIN_CHECKSUM $LEIN_JAR.pending\n" > "$LEIN_JAR.pending.shasum" $SHASUM_CMD -c "$LEIN_JAR.pending.shasum" if [ $? == 0 ]; then mv -f "$LEIN_JAR.pending" "$LEIN_JAR" else got_sum="$($SHASUM_CMD "$LEIN_JAR.pending" | cut -f 1 -d ' ')" checksum_failed_message "$LEIN_URL" "$LEIN_CHECKSUM" "$got_sum" rm "$LEIN_JAR.pending" 2> /dev/null exit 1 fi else rm "$LEIN_JAR.pending" 2> /dev/null download_failed_message "$LEIN_URL" "$exit_code" exit 1 fi } function run_from_source() { LEIN_DIR="$(cd $(dirname "$BIN_DIR");pwd -P)" # Need to use lein release to bootstrap the leiningen-core library (for aether) if [ ! -r "$LEIN_DIR/leiningen-core/.lein-bootstrap" ]; then cat <<-'EOS' 1>&2 Leiningen is missing its dependencies. Please run "lein bootstrap" in the leiningen-core/ directory with a stable release of Leiningen. See CONTRIBUTING.md for details. EOS exit 1 fi # If project.clj for lein or leiningen-core changes, we must recalculate LAST_PROJECT_CHECKSUM=$(cat "$LEIN_DIR/.lein-project-checksum" 2> /dev/null) PROJECT_CHECKSUM=$(sum "$LEIN_DIR/project.clj" "$LEIN_DIR/leiningen-core/project.clj") if [ "$PROJECT_CHECKSUM" != "$LAST_PROJECT_CHECKSUM" ]; then if [ -r "$LEIN_DIR/.lein-classpath" ]; then rm "$LEIN_DIR/.lein-classpath" fi fi # Use bin/lein to calculate its own classpath. if [ ! -r "$LEIN_DIR/.lein-classpath" ] && [ "$1" != "classpath" ]; then msg "Recalculating Leiningen's classpath." cd "$LEIN_DIR" LEIN_NO_USER_PROFILES=1 "$LEIN_DIR/bin/lein" classpath .lein-classpath sum "$LEIN_DIR/project.clj" "$LEIN_DIR/leiningen-core/project.clj" > \ .lein-project-checksum cd - fi mkdir -p "$LEIN_DIR/target/classes" export LEIN_JVM_OPTS="$LEIN_JVM_OPTS -Dclojure.compile.path=$LEIN_DIR/target/classes" add_path CLASSPATH "$LEIN_DIR/leiningen-core/src/" "$LEIN_DIR/leiningen-core/resources/" \ "$LEIN_DIR/test:$LEIN_DIR/target/classes" "$LEIN_DIR/src" ":$LEIN_DIR/resources" if [ -r "$LEIN_DIR/.lein-classpath" ]; then add_path CLASSPATH "$(cat "$LEIN_DIR/.lein-classpath" 2> /dev/null)" else add_path CLASSPATH "$(cat "$LEIN_DIR/leiningen-core/.lein-bootstrap" 2> /dev/null)" fi } function run_from_checkout() { add_path CLASSPATH "$LEIN_JAR" if [ "$LEIN_USE_BOOTCLASSPATH" != "no" ]; then LEIN_JVM_OPTS="-Xbootclasspath/a:$LEIN_JAR $LEIN_JVM_OPTS" fi } function cmd_self_install() { if [ -r "$BIN_DIR/../src/leiningen/version.clj" ]; then cat <<-'EOS' 1>&2 Running self-install from a checkout is not supported. See CONTRIBUTING.md for SNAPSHOT-specific build instructions. EOS exit 1 fi msg "Manual self-install is deprecated; it will run automatically when necessary." self_install } function cmd_up_downgrade() { if [ "$LEIN_DIR" != "" ]; then msg "The upgrade task is not meant to be run from a checkout." exit 1 fi if [ $SNAPSHOT = "YES" ]; then cat <<-'EOS' 1>&2 The upgrade task is only meant for stable releases. See the "Bootstrapping" section of CONTRIBUTING.md. EOS exit 1 fi if [ ! -w "$SCRIPT" ]; then msg "You do not have permission to upgrade the installation in $SCRIPT" exit 1 else TARGET_VERSION="${2:-stable}" echo "The script at $SCRIPT will be upgraded to the latest $TARGET_VERSION version." echo -n "Do you want to continue [Y/n]? " read RESP case "$RESP" in y|Y|"") echo msg "Upgrading..." if hash mktemp 2>/dev/null; then TARGET="(mktemp -t lein-upgrade.XXXXXXXXX)" else TARGET="/tmp/lein-${$}-upgrade" fi if $cygwin; then TARGET=$(cygpath -w "$TARGET") fi LEIN_SCRIPT_URL="https://github.com/technomancy/leiningen/raw/$TARGET_VERSION/bin/lein" $HTTP_CLIENT "$TARGET" "$LEIN_SCRIPT_URL" if [ $? == 0 ]; then cmp -s "$TARGET" "$SCRIPT" if [ $? == 0 ]; then msg "Leiningen is already up-to-date." fi mv "$TARGET" "$SCRIPT" && chmod +x "$SCRIPT" unset CLASSPATH exec "$SCRIPT" version else download_failed_message "$LEIN_SCRIPT_URL" fi;; *) msg "Aborted." exit 1;; esac fi } function cmd_run { if $cygwin; then # When running on Cygwin, use Windows-style paths for java ORIGINAL_PWD=$(cygpath -w "$ORIGINAL_PWD") fi # apply context specific CLASSPATH entries if [ -f .lein-classpath ]; then add_path CLASSPATH "$(cat .lein-classpath)" fi if [ -n "$DEBUG" ]; then msg "Leiningen's classpath: $CLASSPATH" fi if [ -r .lein-fast-trampoline ]; then export LEIN_FAST_TRAMPOLINE='y' fi if [ "$LEIN_FAST_TRAMPOLINE" != "" ] && [ -r project.clj ]; then INPUTS="$* $(cat project.clj) $LEIN_VERSION $(test -f "$LEIN_HOME/profiles.clj" && cat "$LEIN_HOME/profiles.clj") $(test -f profiles.clj && cat profiles.clj)" INPUT_CHECKSUM=$(echo "$INPUTS" | $SHASUM_CMD | cut -f 1 -d " ") # Just don't change :target-path in project.clj, mkay? TRAMPOLINE_FILE="target/trampolines/$INPUT_CHECKSUM" else if hash mktemp 2>/dev/null; then # Check if mktemp is available before using it TRAMPOLINE_FILE="$(mktemp -t lein-trampoline-XXXXXXXXXXXXX)" else TRAMPOLINE_FILE="/tmp/lein-trampoline-$$" fi trap 'rm -f $TRAMPOLINE_FILE' EXIT fi if $cygwin; then TRAMPOLINE_FILE=$(cygpath -w "$TRAMPOLINE_FILE") fi if [ "$INPUT_CHECKSUM" != "" ] && [ -r "$TRAMPOLINE_FILE" ]; then if [ -n "$DEBUG" ]; then msg "Fast trampoline with $TRAMPOLINE_FILE." fi exec sh -c "exec $(cat "$TRAMPOLINE_FILE")" else export TRAMPOLINE_FILE "$LEIN_JAVA_CMD" \ -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 \ -Dmaven.wagon.http.ssl.easy=false \ -Dmaven.wagon.rto=10000 \ $LEIN_JVM_OPTS \ -Dleiningen.input-checksum="$INPUT_CHECKSUM" \ -Dleiningen.original.pwd="$ORIGINAL_PWD" \ -Dleiningen.script="$SCRIPT" \ -classpath "$CLASSPATH" \ clojure.main -m leiningen.core.main "$@" EXIT_CODE=$? if $cygterm ; then stty icanon echo > /dev/null 2>&1 fi if [ -r "$TRAMPOLINE_FILE" ] && [ "$LEIN_TRAMPOLINE_WARMUP" = "" ]; then TRAMPOLINE="$(cat "$TRAMPOLINE_FILE")" if [ "$INPUT_CHECKSUM" = "" ]; then # not using fast trampoline rm "$TRAMPOLINE_FILE" fi if [ "$TRAMPOLINE" = "" ]; then exit $EXIT_CODE else exec sh -c "exec $TRAMPOLINE" fi else exit $EXIT_CODE fi fi } # cd to the project root, if applicable NOT_FOUND=1 ORIGINAL_PWD="$PWD" while [ ! -r "$PWD/project.clj" ] && [ "$PWD" != "/" ] && [ $NOT_FOUND -ne 0 ] do cd .. if [ "$(dirname "$PWD")" = "/" ]; then NOT_FOUND=0 cd "$ORIGINAL_PWD" fi done # User init if [ "$LEIN_HOME" = "" ]; then # Prefer the old location if present if [ -d "$HOME/.lein" ]; then export LEIN_HOME="$HOME/.lein" elif [ -d "$XDG_CACHE_HOME/leiningen" ]; then export LEIN_HOME="$XDG_CACHE_HOME/leiningen" else export LEIN_HOME="$HOME/.lein" fi fi for f in "/etc/leinrc" "$LEIN_HOME/leinrc" ".leinrc"; do if [ -e "$f" ]; then source "$f" fi done if $cygwin; then export LEIN_HOME=$(cygpath -w "$LEIN_HOME") fi # normalize $0 on certain BSDs if [ "$(dirname "$0")" = "." ]; then SCRIPT="$(which "$(basename "$0")")" if [ -z "$SCRIPT" ]; then SCRIPT="$0" fi else SCRIPT="$0" fi # resolve symlinks to the script itself portably while [ -h "$SCRIPT" ] ; do ls=$(ls -ld "$SCRIPT") link=$(expr "$ls" : '.*-> \(.*\)$') if expr "$link" : '/.*' > /dev/null; then SCRIPT="$link" else SCRIPT="$(dirname "$SCRIPT"$)/$link" fi done BIN_DIR="$(dirname "$SCRIPT")" LEIN_JAR="${LEIN_JAR:-${LEIN_HOME}/self-installs/leiningen-${LEIN_VERSION}-standalone.jar}" export LEIN_JVM_OPTS="${LEIN_JVM_OPTS-"-XX:+TieredCompilation -XX:TieredStopAtLevel=1"}" # This needs to be defined before we call HTTP_CLIENT below if [ "$HTTP_CLIENT" = "" ]; then if type -p curl >/dev/null 2>&1; then if [ "$https_proxy" != "" ]; then CURL_PROXY="-x $https_proxy" fi HTTP_CLIENT="curl $CURL_PROXY -f -L -o" else HTTP_CLIENT="wget -O" fi fi # This needs to be defined before we call SHASUM_CMD below if [ "$SHASUM_CMD" = "" ]; then if type -p sha256sum >/dev/null 2>&1; then export SHASUM_CMD="sha256sum" elif type -p shasum >/dev/null 2>&1; then export SHASUM_CMD="shasum --algorithm 256" elif type -p sha256 >/dev/null 2>&1; then export SHASUM_CMD="sha256 -q" else command_not_found sha256sum fi fi # When :eval-in :classloader we need more memory grep -E -q '^\s*:eval-in\s+:classloader\s*$' project.clj 2> /dev/null && \ export LEIN_JVM_OPTS="$LEIN_JVM_OPTS -Xms64m -Xmx512m" if [ -r "$BIN_DIR/../src/leiningen/version.clj" ]; then run_from_source "$1" else run_from_checkout "$1" if [ ! -r "$LEIN_JAR" -a "$1" != "self-install" ]; then self_install fi fi if [ ! -x "$JAVA_CMD" ] && ! type -f java >/dev/null then msg "Leiningen couldn't find 'java' executable, which is required." msg "Please either set JAVA_CMD or put java (>=1.6) in your \$PATH ($PATH)." exit 1 fi export LEIN_JAVA_CMD="${LEIN_JAVA_CMD:-${JAVA_CMD:-java}}" if [[ -z "${DRIP_INIT+x}" && "$(basename "$LEIN_JAVA_CMD")" == *drip* ]]; then export DRIP_INIT="$(printf -- '-e\n(require (quote leiningen.repl))')" export DRIP_INIT_CLASS="clojure.main" fi # Support $JAVA_OPTS for backwards-compatibility. export JVM_OPTS="${JVM_OPTS:-"$JAVA_OPTS"}" # Handle jline issue with cygwin not propagating OSTYPE through java subprocesses: https://github.com/jline/jline2/issues/62 cygterm=false if $cygwin; then case "$TERM" in rxvt* | xterm* | vt*) cygterm=true ;; esac fi if $cygterm; then LEIN_JVM_OPTS="$LEIN_JVM_OPTS -Djline.terminal=jline.UnixTerminal" stty -icanon min 1 -echo > /dev/null 2>&1 fi # TODO: investigate http://skife.org/java/unix/2.11.26/20/really_executable_jars.html # If you're packaging this for a package manager (.deb, homebrew, etc) # you need to remove the self-install and upgrade functionality or see lein-pkg. if [ "$1" = "self-install" ]; then cmd_self_install elif [ "$1" = "upgrade" ] || [ "$1" = "downgrade" ]; then cmd_up_downgrade "$@" else cmd_run "$@" fi