define("ember-pouchdb/get_initializer", ["ember-pouchdb/storage","ember-pouchdb/promise_tracker","exports"], function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __exports__) { "use strict"; var Storage = __dependency1__.Storage; var PromiseTracker = __dependency2__.PromiseTracker; var get_initializer = function(options, initialize) { options = Ember.merge({ /** * Name of the initializer * @type {String} */ name: "PouchDB", /** * Property that the instance will be injected onto * @type {String} */ propName: "pouch", /** * Name of the database * @type {String} */ dbName: "PouchDB", /** * fullName of the type to register * @link * @type {String} */ fullName: 'pouch:main', /** * Types to inject property into * @type {Array} */ types: [ 'controller', 'route' ], /** * Object with docType as key and model class as value * Example: * { * 'photo': App.PhotoModel, * 'product': App.ProductModel * } * @type {Object} */ docTypes: {} }, options); /** * Callback function to initilizer * @param {Application} application Application instance thats being initalized * @param {Container} container Application's container * @return {object} */ if ( typeof initialize === 'undefined' ) { initialize = function(container, application) { application.register(options.fullName, Storage.extend({ dbName: application.get('pouch.dbName') || options.dbName, docTypes: application.get('pouch.docTypes') || options.docTypes })); options.types.forEach(function(type){ application.inject(type, options.propName, options.fullName); }); if ( Ember.testing ) { // Inject Promise Tracker into the storage instance application.register("promiseTracker:pouch", PromiseTracker); application.inject(options.fullName, "tracker", "promiseTracker:pouch"); } }; } options['initialize'] = initialize; return options; }; __exports__.get_initializer = get_initializer; }); define("ember-pouchdb/model", ["exports"], function(__exports__) { "use strict"; var Model = Ember.Object.extend( Ember.Copyable, { copy: function() { var serialized = this.serialize(); = this.get('id'); serialized.rev = this.get('rev'); return this.constructor.create(serialized); }, serialize: function() { throw new Error(Ember.String.fmt("%@ must implement serialize() method which returns JSON of this model.", [this])); } }); __exports__.Model = Model; }); define("ember-pouchdb/promise_tracker", ["exports"], function(__exports__) { "use strict"; var PromiseTracker = Ember.ArrayProxy.extend({ init: function(){ var that = this; // register a Waiter function if wait-hooks feature is available if ( Ember.FEATURES.isEnabled('ember-testing-wait-hooks') ) { Ember.Test.registerWaiter(function() { return that.areFulfilled() === true; }); } this.set('content', []); }, newPromise: function(callback) { // save a reference to it in the tracker and return a new promise var promise = Ember.RSVP.Promise(callback); this.pushObject(promise); return promise; }, areFulfilled: function(){ // return true if all promises are fulfilled return this.everyBy('isFulfilled'); } }); __exports__.PromiseTracker = PromiseTracker; }); define("ember-pouchdb/storage", ["ember-pouchdb/model","exports"], function(__dependency1__, __exports__) { "use strict"; var Model = __dependency1__.Model; var Storage = Ember.Object.extend({ /** * Name of this database * @type {string} */ dbName: null, /** * Object with docType as key and model class as value. * TODO: remove this after is fixed * Example: * { * 'photo': App.PhotoModel, * 'product': App.ProductModel * } * @type {Object} */ docTypes: {}, init: function() { var that = this; this.getDB(); }, getDB: function(dbName, options) { var that = this, promise = this.get('_dbPromise'); if ( Em.isEmpty(promise) ) { promise = this.create(dbName, options); promise.then(function(db){ that.set('_db', db); return db; }); this.set('_dbPromise', promise); } return promise; }, /** * Create database by name * * @param {string} name of the database to create * @param {object} options * @return {promise} that will resolve to instance of Pouch */ create: function( name, options ) { if (typeof name === 'undefined') { name = this.get('dbName'); } if (typeof options === 'undefined') { options = {}; } var createDB = function(resolve, reject){ var _createDB = function(error, db){{ if ( error ) { reject(error); } else { resolve(db); } }); }; new Pouch(name, options, _createDB); }; return this._newPromise(createDB); }, /** * Get all docs of specific docType. The docs will be converted into models before being returned. * * @param {string} docType * @param {object} options * @return {promise} */ findAll: function(docType, options) { var modelClass = this.get('docTypes.'+docType); Ember.assert("You have to register %@ docType before you can query by it. Look at docTypes property in PouchStorage class.".fmt(docType), modelClass); if ( typeof options === 'undefined' ) { options = { reduce:false }; } options.docType = docType; var that = this; var findByDocType = function(doc) { if (doc.docType === options.docType) { emit(doc._id, doc); } }; var queryByDocType = function(db){ var promise = that._newPromise(function(resolve, reject){ var _queryByDocType = function(error, response){{ if ( error ) { reject(error); } else { resolve(response); } }); }; db.query({map: findByDocType}, options, _queryByDocType); }); return promise; }; var createModels = function(docs) { return Em.A(docs.rows).map(function(doc){ var model = modelClass.create(doc.value); model.setProperties({id:doc.value._id, rev:doc.value._rev}); return model; }); }; return this.getDB().then(queryByDocType).then(createModels); }, /** * Get a document by id, return a promise that will resolve to an instance of PouchModel * * options and default values * { * rev: undefined // Fetch specific revision of a document. * revs: [] // Include revision history of the document * revs_info: false // Include a list of revisions of the document, and their availability. * open_revs: false // Fetch all leaf revisions if openrevs="all" or fetch all leaf revisions specified in openrevs array. Leaves will be returned in the same order as specified in input array * conflicts: false // If specified conflicting leaf revisions will be attached in _conflicts array * attachments: false // Include attachment data * local_seq: false // Include sequence number of the revision in the database * } * * @param {string} id of the document to get a model for * @param {object} options hash of options * @return {promise} that will resolve to a model */ GET: function(id, options) { if ( typeof options === 'undefined' ) { options = {}; } var that = this; var getDoc = function(db){ var promise = that._newPromise(function(resolve, reject){ var _getDoc = function(error, response){{ if (error) { reject(error); } else { resolve(response); } }); }; db.get(id, options, _getDoc); }); return promise; } var createModel = function(doc) { var model; if ( doc.hasOwnProperty('docType') && that.get('docTypes.'+doc.docType)) { var modelClass = that.get('docTypes.'+doc.docType); model = modelClass.create(doc); } else { model = Model.create(doc); } model.setProperties({id:doc._id, rev:doc._rev}); delete model._id; delete model._rev; return model; }; return this.getDB().then(getDoc).then(createModel); }, /** * Create a new document and let PouchDB generate an _id for it. * * @param {PunchModel} model instance of a decendant of PunchModel * @param {object} options object with options * @return {promise} which will resolve to updated model */ POST: function(model, options) { var that = this, doc = model.serialize(), docType = this.getDocType(model.constructor); Em.assert("Model doesn't have a corresponding doc type.", docType); doc['docType'] = docType; var postDoc = function(db){ var promise = that._newPromise(function(resolve, reject){ var _postDoc = function(error, response){{ if ( error ) { reject(error); } else { resolve(response); } }); };, options, _postDoc); }); return promise; }; var addDocInfo = function(info) { model.set('id',; model.set('rev', info.rev); model.set('docType', docType); return model; }; return this.getDB().then(postDoc).then(addDocInfo); }, /** * Update an existing document. * * @param {model} model to update * @param {object} options * @return {model} [description] */ PUT: function(model, options) { var that = this, doc = model.serialize(), docType = null; if ( typeof options === 'undefined' ) { options = {}; } if ( !model.get('docType') ) { model.set('docType', this.getDocType(model.constructor)); } doc["docType"] = model.get('docType') || this.getDocType(model.constructor); doc["_id"] = model.get("id"); doc["_rev"] = model.get("rev"); var putDoc = function(db){ var promise = that._newPromise(function(resolve, reject){ var _putDoc = function(error, response) {{ if ( error ) { reject(error); } else { resolve(response); } }); }; db.put(doc, options, _putDoc); }); return promise; } var updateModel = function(doc) { model.setProperties({id:, rev: doc.rev}); return model; }; return this.getDB().then(putDoc).then(updateModel); }, /** * Delete document for a model * * @param {model} model must have id & rev properties * @param {object} options * @return */ DELETE: function(model, options) { var doc; if ( typeof options === 'undefined' ) { options = {}; } doc = { _id: model.get('id'), _rev: model.get('rev') }; var removeDoc = function(db){ var promise = that._newPromise(function(resolve, reject){ var _removeDoc = function(error, response) {{ if (error) { reject(error); } else { resolve(); } }); }; db.remove(doc, options, _removeDoc); }); return promise; }; return this.getDB().then(removeDoc); }, /** * Remove the database * @return {promise} */ remove: function(options) { var that = this, dbName = that.get('dbName'); if ( typeof options === 'undefined' ) { options = {}; } var removeDB = function(resolve, reject){ var _removeDB = function(error, info){{ if (error) { reject(error); } else { resolve(info); } }); }; Pouch.destroy(dbName, _removeDB); }; return this._newPromise(removeDB); }, getDocType: function(modelClass) { var found = false, docTypes = this.get('docTypes'); Object.keys(docTypes).find(function(type){ if ( Em.isEqual(docTypes[type], modelClass) ) { found = type; } return found; }); return found; }, /** * Return a new promise, create a tracked promise if promise tracker is available * @param {function} callback * @return {promise} */ _newPromise: function(callback) { var promise; if ( this.tracker != null ) { promise = this.tracker.newPromise(callback); promise.stack = new Error().stack; } else { promise = new Ember.RSVP.Promise(callback); } return promise; } }); __exports__.Storage = Storage; }); define("ember-pouchdb", ["ember-pouchdb/get_initializer","ember-pouchdb/model","ember-pouchdb/storage","exports"], function(__dependency1__, __dependency2__, __dependency3__, __exports__) { "use strict"; var get_initializer = __dependency1__.get_initializer; var Model = __dependency2__.Model; var Storage = __dependency3__.Storage; __exports__.get_initializer = get_initializer; __exports__.Model = Model; __exports__.Storage = Storage; });