;;; evil-little-word.el --- Emulate camelcasemotion.vim ;; Author: INA Lintaro ;; URL: http://github.com/tarao/evil-plugins ;; Version: 0.1 ;; Keywords: evil, plugin ;; This file is NOT part of GNU Emacs. ;;; License: ;; ;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ;; (at your option) any later version. ;; ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with this program. If not, see . ;;; Code: (require 'evil) (defun maybe-define-category (cat doc &optional table) (unless (category-docstring cat table) (define-category cat doc table))) (let (uc lc defs (table (standard-category-table))) (map-char-table #'(lambda (key value) (when (natnump value) (let (from to) (if (consp key) (setq from (car key) to (cdr key)) (setq from (setq to key))) (while (<= from to) (cond ((/= from (downcase from)) (add-to-list 'uc from)) ((/= from (upcase from)) (add-to-list 'lc from))) (setq from (1+ from)))))) (standard-case-table)) (setq defs `(("Uppercase" ?U ,uc) ("Lowercase" ?u ,lc) ("Underscore" ?_ (?_)))) (dolist (elt defs) (maybe-define-category (cadr elt) (car elt) table) (dolist (ch (car (cddr elt))) (modify-category-entry ch (cadr elt) table)))) (defgroup evil-little-word nil "CamelCase and snake_case word movement support." :prefix "evil-little-word-" :group 'evil) (defcustom evil-little-word-separating-categories (append evil-cjk-word-separating-categories '((?u . ?U) (?_ . ?u) (?_ . ?U))) "List of pair (cons) of categories to determine word boundary for little word movement. See the documentation of `word-separating-categories'. Use `describe-categories' to see the list of categories." :type '((character . character)) :group 'evil-little-word) (defcustom evil-little-word-combining-categories (append evil-cjk-word-combining-categories '()) "List of pair (cons) of categories to determine word boundary for little word movement. See the documentation of `word-combining-categories'. Use `describe-categories' to see the list of categories." :type '((character . character)) :group 'evil-little-word) (defmacro evil-with-little-word (&rest body) (declare (indent defun) (debug t)) `(let ((evil-cjk-word-separating-categories evil-little-word-separating-categories) (evil-cjk-word-combining-categories evil-little-word-combining-categories)) ,@body)) (defun forward-evil-little-word (&optional count) "Forward by little words." (evil-with-little-word (forward-evil-word count))) (evil-define-motion evil-forward-little-word-begin (count) "Move the cursor to the beginning of the COUNT-th next little word." :type exclusive (evil-with-little-word (evil-forward-word-begin count))) (evil-define-motion evil-forward-little-word-end (count) "Move the cursor to the end of the COUNT-th next little word." :type inclusive (evil-with-little-word (evil-forward-word-end count))) (evil-define-motion evil-backward-little-word-begin (count) "Move the cursor to the beginning of the COUNT-th previous little word." :type exclusive (evil-with-little-word (evil-backward-word-begin count))) (evil-define-motion evil-backward-little-word-end (count) "Move the cursor to the end of the COUNT-th previous little word." :type inclusive (evil-with-little-word (evil-backward-word-end count))) (evil-define-text-object evil-a-little-word (count &optional beg end type) "Select a little word." (evil-select-an-object 'evil-little-word beg end type count)) (evil-define-text-object evil-inner-little-word (count &optional beg end type) "Select inner little word." (evil-select-inner-object 'evil-little-word beg end type count)) (define-key evil-motion-state-map (kbd "glw") 'evil-forward-little-word-begin) (define-key evil-motion-state-map (kbd "glb") 'evil-backward-little-word-begin) (define-key evil-motion-state-map (kbd "glW") 'evil-forward-little-word-end) (define-key evil-motion-state-map (kbd "glB") 'evil-backward-little-word-end) (define-key evil-outer-text-objects-map (kbd "lw") 'evil-a-little-word) (define-key evil-inner-text-objects-map (kbd "lw") 'evil-inner-little-word) (provide 'evil-little-word) ;;; evil-little-word.el ends here