/** * Created with JetBrains WebStorm. * User: tangledupinblue * Date: 2013/04/20 * Time: 3:52 PM * To change this template use File | Settings | File Templates. * test */ function Litecart() { this.lineItems = []; //this.postToUrl = ""; this.currency = "$"; // this.firstNamePostId = "firstName"; // this.lastNamePostId = "lastName"; // this.emailPostId = "email"; // this.orderInfoPostId = "orderDetails"; // this.additionalPostParams = []; this.imageDirectory = ""; //this.postFormId = "userData"; this.addItem = function(item, price) { var itemFound = false; for (index = 0; index < this.lineItems.length; ++index) { if (this.lineItems[index].item.toString() == item.toString()) { console.log("found {0}".format(item)); itemFound = true; this.lineItems[index].qty += 1; } } if (!itemFound) { var newLineItem = new LitecartLineItem(item,1,price); console.log("added {0}".format(item)); this.lineItems.push(newLineItem); } }; this.removeItem = function(item) { for (index = 0; index < this.lineItems.length; ++index) { var lineItem = this.lineItems[index]; if (lineItem.item.toString() == item.toString()) { console.log("removing {0}".format(lineItem.item)); if (lineItem.qty > 1) { lineItem.qty -= 1; } else { this.lineItems.splice(index,1); } } } }; this.toTable = function() { var tbl = ""; var priceSummer = 0; tbl += ""; for (index = 0; index < this.lineItems.length; ++index) { var li = this.lineItems[index]; tbl += "".format( li.item, li.qty, li.price.toFixed(2), this.currency); tbl += "".format(li.item, this.imageDirectory); tbl += ""; priceSummer += li.qty * li.price; } tbl += "".format(priceSummer.toFixed(2), this.currency); // tbl += ""; // tbl += ""; //tbl += ""; tbl += ""; tbl += "
{0}{1}{3} {2}".format(li.item, li.price, this.imageDirectory); tbl += "
TOTAL{1} {0}
"; return tbl; }; // this.generateDetailsForm = function() { // var tbl = "
"; // tbl += ""; // tbl += ""; // tbl += "".format(this.firstNamePostId); // tbl += "".format(this.lastNamePostId); // tbl += ""; // tbl += "".format(this.emailPostId); // tbl += ""; //// tbl += "".format(this.postToUrl); //// tbl += "".format("setControlValuesOnForm()"); // tbl += "".format("setControlValuesOnForm()"); //// tbl += "".format("setTextValue('WASSUP')"); // tbl += "
Please enter details and Send
First NameLast Name
"; // tbl += "".format(this.orderInfoPostId, this.toText()); // var postParams = JSON.parse(this.additionalPostParams); //// for (index = 0; index < postParams.; ++index) { //// var nextParam = this.additionalPostParams[index]; //// console.log("".format(nextParam[0],nextParam[1])); //// } // for(var propt in postParams){ // console.log("".format(propt,postParams[propt])); // } // tbl += ""; // return tbl; // }; this.toText = function() { var txt = ""; var priceSummer = 0; //txt += "ItemQtyPrice\n"; for (index = 0; index < this.lineItems.length; ++index) { var li = this.lineItems[index]; txt += "{0} x{1} at {2} each\n".format( li.item.toString().padRight(20," "), li.qty.toString().padLeft(4," "), (this.currency + " " + li.price.toFixed(2)).padLeft(10," ")); priceSummer += li.qty * li.price; } txt += "\nTotal Order Value of {1} {0}\n".format(priceSummer.toFixed(2), this.currency); return txt; }; } function LitecartLineItem(item, qty, price) { this.qty = qty; this.item = item; this.price = price; return this; } function clearCart() { console.log("clear cart"); cart.lineItems.splice(0,cart.lineItems.length); sessionStorage.setItem("litecart",JSON.stringify(cart)); } function refreshCart() { var cartdiv = document.getElementById("cart"); cartdiv.innerHTML = cart.toTable(); sessionStorage.setItem("litecart",JSON.stringify(cart)); } function enterContactDetails() { var cartdiv = document.getElementById("cart"); cartdiv.innerHTML = cart.generateDetailsForm(); } function addToCart(item,price) { console.log(item); cart.addItem(item,price); refreshCart(); } function removeFromCart(item) { cart.removeItem(item); refreshCart(); } function setControlValuesOnForm(inputControlId) { var targetEl = document.getElementById(inputControlId); console.log("writing to: " + targetEl.id); targetEl.value = cart.toText(); } //formatting strings //first, checks if it isn't implemented yet if (!String.prototype.format) { String.prototype.format = function() { var args = arguments; return this.replace(/{(\d+)}/g, function(match, number) { return typeof args[number] != 'undefined' ? args[number] : match ; }); }; } //padding strings if (!String.prototype.padLeft) { String.prototype.padLeft = function(len, fillWith) { var fillLen = len - this.length; if (fillLen > 0) { return repeatString(fillWith,fillLen) + this; } else { return this.substr(0,len); } } } //padding strings if (!String.prototype.padRight) { String.prototype.padRight = function(len, fillWith) { var fillLen = len - this.length; if (fillLen > 0) { return this + repeatString(fillWith,fillLen); } else { return this.substr(0,len); } } } function repeatString(repeat, numberTimes) { var repeated = ""; for(var i = 0; i < numberTimes; i++) { repeated += repeat; } return repeated; } //helper function to clone a given object instance function copyObject(from, to) { for (var key in from) { //copy all the fields to[key] = from[key]; } } function getCurrentFilePath() { var scriptEls = document.getElementsByTagName( 'script' ); var thisScriptEl = scriptEls[scriptEls.length - 1]; var scriptPath = thisScriptEl.src; alert(scriptPath); return scriptPath.substr(0, scriptPath.lastIndexOf('/') + 1); } //console.log( [scriptPath, scriptFolder] ); console.log("starting litecart"); try { var obj = JSON.parse(sessionStorage.getItem("litecart")); } catch (e) { } var cart = new Litecart(); if (obj != null) { copyObject(obj,cart); } console.log(JSON.stringify(cart));