datatypes xsd = "" default namespace = "" include "uuid_attribute.rnc" start = el_search_strategy_score normalizedRating = xsd:double { minInclusive="0.0" maxInclusive="1.0" } ## Score of the effectiveness of a search strategy against a scenario compared to scenario ratings el_search_strategy_score = element search_strategy_score { ## Search strategy identifier attribute search_strategy_uuid { uuidPattern }, ## Scenario family identifier attribute scenario_family_uuid { uuidPattern }, ## Scenario family ratings set identifier attribute scenario_family_ratings_uuid { uuidPattern }, ## Overall rating, from 0 to 1 of how effective the search strategy was at including ## relevant items and excluding irrelevant items element overall_rating { normalizedRating }, ## Rating from 0 to 1 of how effective the strategy was at including relative items element inclusion_rating { normalizedRating }, ## Rating from 0 to 1 of how effective the strategy was at excluding irrelevant items element exclusion_rating { normalizedRating } }