datatypes xsd = "" default namespace = "" include "uuid_attribute.rnc" start = el_scenario_family_ratings ## Rater data for a set of scenarios el_scenario_family_ratings = element scenario_family_ratings { at_uuid, attribute scenario_family_uuid { uuidPattern }, el_scenario_ratings+ } ## For a given scenario, the set of rater data el_scenario_ratings = element scenario_ratings { attribute scenario_uuid { uuidPattern }, el_rater_data+ } ## For a given rater within scenario, all the ratings el_rater_data = element rater_data { attribute rater_uuid { uuidPattern }, el_item_rating+ } ## The actual rating of a scenario el_item_rating = element item_rating { attribute item_id { xsd:NMTOKEN }, ## 0 = Not relevant ## 1 = Unlikely relevant ## 2 = Likely relevant ## 3 = Certainly relevant attribute rating { xsd:nonNegativeInteger { maxInclusive="3" } } }