###### published on: # http://www.r-statistics.com/2010/06/clustergram-visualization-and-diagnostics-for-cluster-analysis-r-code/ ## Main author of the function: Tal Galili (tal.galili@gmail.com) clustergram.kmeans <- function(Data, k, ...) { # this is the type of function that the clustergram # function takes for the clustering. # using similar structure will allow implementation of different clustering algorithms # It returns a list with two elements: # cluster = a vector of length of n (the number of subjects/items) # indicating to which cluster each item belongs. # centers = a k dimensional vector. Each element is 1 number that represent that cluster # In our case, we are using the weighted mean of the cluster dimensions by # Using the first component (loading) of the PCA of the Data. cl <- kmeans(Data, k,...) cluster <- cl$cluster centers <- cl$centers %*% princomp(Data)$loadings[,1] # 1 number per center # here we are using the weighted mean for each return(list( cluster = cluster, centers = centers )) } clustergram.plot.matlines <- function(X,Y, k.range, x.range, y.range , COL, add.center.points , centers.points) { plot(0,0, col = "white", xlim = x.range, ylim = y.range, axes = F, xlab = "Number of clusters (k)", ylab = "PCA weighted Mean of the clusters", main = c("Clustergram of the PCA-weighted Mean of" ,"the clusters k-mean clusters vs number of clusters (k)")) axis(side =1, at = k.range) axis(side =2) abline(v = k.range, col = "grey") matlines(t(X), t(Y), pch = 19, col = COL, lty = 1, lwd = 1.5) if(add.center.points) { require(plyr) xx <- ldply(centers.points, rbind) points(xx$y~xx$x, pch = 19, col = "red", cex = 1.3) # add points # temp <- l_ply(centers.points, function(xx) { # with(xx,points(y~x, pch = 19, col = "red", cex = 1.3)) # points(xx$y~xx$x, pch = 19, col = "red", cex = 1.3) # return(1) # }) # We assign the lapply to a variable (temp) only to suppress the lapply "NULL" output } } clustergram <- function(Data, k.range = 2:10 , clustering.function = clustergram.kmeans, clustergram.plot = clustergram.plot.matlines, line.width = .004, add.center.points = T) { # Data - should be a scales matrix. Where each column belongs to a different dimension of the observations # k.range - is a vector with the number of clusters to plot the clustergram for # clustering.function - this is not really used, but offers a bases to later extend the function to other algorithms # Although that would more work on the code # line.width - is the amount to lift each line in the plot so they won't superimpose eachother # add.center.points - just assures that we want to plot points of the cluster means n <- dim(Data)[1] PCA.1 <- Data %*% princomp(Data)$loadings[,1] # first principal component of our data if(require(colorspace)) { COL <- heat_hcl(n)[order(PCA.1)] # line colors } else { COL <- rainbow(n)[order(PCA.1)] # line colors warning('Please consider installing the package "colorspace" for prittier colors') } line.width <- rep(line.width, n) Y <- NULL # Y matrix X <- NULL # X matrix centers.points <- list() for(k in k.range) { k.clusters <- clustering.function(Data, k) clusters.vec <- k.clusters$cluster # the.centers <- apply(cl$centers,1, mean) the.centers <- k.clusters$centers noise <- unlist(tapply(line.width, clusters.vec, cumsum))[order(seq_along(clusters.vec)[order(clusters.vec)])] # noise <- noise - mean(range(noise)) y <- the.centers[clusters.vec] + noise Y <- cbind(Y, y) x <- rep(k, length(y)) X <- cbind(X, x) centers.points[[k]] <- data.frame(y = the.centers , x = rep(k , k)) # points(the.centers ~ rep(k , k), pch = 19, col = "red", cex = 1.5) } x.range <- range(k.range) y.range <- range(PCA.1) clustergram.plot(X,Y, k.range, x.range, y.range , COL, add.center.points , centers.points) } if(F) { #Examples: png("d:\\clustergram_plots_%03d.png",650,650, pointsize = 15) data(iris) set.seed(250) par(cex.lab = 1.5, cex.main = 1.2) Data <- scale(iris[,-5]) # notice I am scaling the vectors) clustergram(Data, k.range = 2:8, line.width = 0.004) # notice how I am using line.width. Play with it on your problem, according to the scale of Y. set.seed(500) Data <- scale(iris[,-5]) # notice I am scaling the vectors) par(cex.lab = 1.2, cex.main = .7) par(mfrow = c(3,2)) for(i in 1:6) clustergram(Data, k.range = 2:8 , line.width = .004, add.center.points = T) par(mfrow = c(1,1)) set.seed(250) Data <- rbind( cbind(rnorm(100,0, sd = 0.3),rnorm(100,0, sd = 0.3),rnorm(100,0, sd = 0.3)), cbind(rnorm(100,1, sd = 0.3),rnorm(100,1, sd = 0.3),rnorm(100,1, sd = 0.3)), cbind(rnorm(100,2, sd = 0.3),rnorm(100,2, sd = 0.3),rnorm(100,2, sd = 0.3)) ) clustergram(Data, k.range = 2:5 , line.width = .004, add.center.points = T) set.seed(250) Data <- rbind( cbind(rnorm(100,1, sd = 0.3),rnorm(100,0, sd = 0.3),rnorm(100,0, sd = 0.3),rnorm(100,0, sd = 0.3)), cbind(rnorm(100,0, sd = 0.3),rnorm(100,1, sd = 0.3),rnorm(100,0, sd = 0.3),rnorm(100,0, sd = 0.3)), cbind(rnorm(100,0, sd = 0.3),rnorm(100,1, sd = 0.3),rnorm(100,1, sd = 0.3),rnorm(100,0, sd = 0.3)), cbind(rnorm(100,0, sd = 0.3),rnorm(100,0, sd = 0.3),rnorm(100,0, sd = 0.3),rnorm(100,1, sd = 0.3)) ) clustergram(Data, k.range = 2:8 , line.width = .004, add.center.points = T) dev.off() }