/** * AngularJS service to implement a finite state machine. * @version v1.2.1 - 2015-08-13 * @link https://github.com/tafax/angular-state-machine * @author Matteo Tafani Alunno * @license MIT License, http://www.opensource.org/licenses/MIT */ 'use strict'; // Source: src/angular-state-machine.js var FSM = angular.module('FSM', []); // Source: src/services/machine-configuration.js /** * Service to handle the machine configuration. * It provides the ability to translate the rough JSON-like configuration * in a more comfortable one used by the machine. * * @param {Object} config The rough configuration. * @constructor */ function MachineConfiguration(config) { /** * The states available for the machine. * * @type {Object} * @private */ var _states = {}; /** * The messages available for transitions. * * @type {Array} * @private */ var _messages = []; /** * The transitions of the machine. * * @type {Object} * @private */ var _transitions = {}; /** * Gets the states of the machine. * * @returns {Object} */ this.getStates = function() { return _states; }; /** * Gets the messages available. * * @returns {Array} */ this.getMessages = function() { return _messages; }; /** * Gets the transitions of the machine. * * @returns {Object} */ this.getTransitions = function() { return _transitions; }; /** * Extends the current configuration. * It is useful to create distributed configurations sets. * * @returns {String} */ this.extend = function(extension) { config = angular.merge(config, extension); }; /** * Configures the machine with the specifications in config. * Creates the states, the messages and the * transitions which are available to work with. */ this.configure = function() { // Checks if the init state is defined. if(!config.hasOwnProperty('init')) { throw 'You have to create \'init\' state.'; } // Performs a loop over all states. for(var i in config) { if(config.hasOwnProperty(i)) { // Each key in the object is a state and the key is the name of the state. var state = config[i]; state.name = i; var transitions = {}; if(state.hasOwnProperty('transitions')) { // Retrieves all state transitions. transitions = state['transitions']; // Performs a loop over all defined transitions. for(var j in transitions) { if(transitions.hasOwnProperty(j)) { // Each key in the transitions block is a message to change // the state of the machine. It adds the message to the available ones. if(_messages.indexOf(j) < 0) { _messages.push(j); } } } // Removes the transitions in the state definition. delete state.transitions; } // Creates the transition if it doesn't exist. if(!_transitions.hasOwnProperty(i)) { _transitions[i] = {}; } // Merges the transition with the parsed one. angular.extend(_transitions[i], transitions); // Creates the state if it doesn't exist. if(!_states.hasOwnProperty(i)) { _states[i] = {}; } // Merges the state with the parsed one. angular.extend(_states[i], state); } } }; } // Source: src/services/state-machine.js /** * Class to provide the functionality to manage the * state machine. * * @param {MachineStrategy} strategy * @param {MachineConfiguration} machineConfiguration * @constructor */ function StateMachine(strategy, machineConfiguration) { /** * Initializes the machine and sets the current state * with the init state. */ this.initialize = function() { strategy.initialize(machineConfiguration); }; /** * Gets the current state name. * * @returns {String} */ this.getCurrentState = function() { return strategy.getCurrentState(); }; /** * Gets an array of the states. * * @returns {Array} */ this.getStates = function() { return strategy.getStates(machineConfiguration); }; /** * Gets an array of the messages. * * @returns {Array} */ this.getMessages = function() { return strategy.getMessages(machineConfiguration); }; /** * Checks if the specific message is one of the * messages of the machine. * * @param {String} message * @returns {boolean} */ this.hasMessage = function(message) { return strategy.hasMessage(machineConfiguration, message); }; /** * Checks if the specific message is available * for the current state. * * @param {String} message * @returns {boolean} */ this.isAvailable = function(message) { return strategy.isAvailable(machineConfiguration, message); }; /** * Gets an array of the messages available for * the current state. * * @returns {Array} */ this.available = function() { return strategy.available(machineConfiguration); }; /** * Sends a message to the state machine and changes * the current state according to the transitions. * * @param {String} message * @param {Object} [parameters] */ this.send = function(message, parameters) { return strategy.send(machineConfiguration, message, parameters); }; } /** * The state machine provider configures the machine with * a rough configuration provided as a javascript object. */ FSM.provider('stateMachine', function StateMachineProvider() { /** * The state machine configuration. * * @type {Object} * @private */ var _config; /** * Sets the configuration for the state * machine. * * @param {Object} config */ this.config = function(config) { _config = config; }; /** * Gets a new instance of StateMachine specifying the * arguments passed to the provider. * * @type {Array} */ this.$get = ['$q', '$injector', function($q, $injector) { return new StateMachine(new SyncStrategy($q, $injector), new MachineConfiguration(_config)); }]; }); // Source: src/strategies/machine-strategy.js /** * Defines the base class to represent a machine core strategy. * The machine strategy is the way how the machine itself resolves * the transitions to go ahead state by state. * * @constructor */ function MachineStrategy(){} MachineStrategy.prototype.initialize = function(machineConfiguration){}; MachineStrategy.prototype.getCurrentState = function(){}; MachineStrategy.prototype.getStates = function(machineConfiguration){}; MachineStrategy.prototype.getMessages = function(machineConfiguration){}; MachineStrategy.prototype.hasMessage = function(machineConfiguration, message){}; MachineStrategy.prototype.isAvailable = function(machineConfiguration, message){}; MachineStrategy.prototype.available = function(machineConfiguration){}; MachineStrategy.prototype.send = function($injector, machineConfiguration, message, parameters){}; // Source: src/strategies/sync-strategy.js /** * Class to provide the machine functionality * in synchronous mode. * * @param {Object} $q * @param {Object} $injector * @constructor */ function SyncStrategy($q, $injector) { MachineStrategy.call(this); this.currentState = null; this.$q = $q; this.$injector = $injector; // Handles the promises to create a chain. this.lastPromise = null; } /** * Initializes the prototype. * * @type {MachineStrategy} */ MachineStrategy.prototype = new MachineStrategy(); /** * Initializes the machine and sets the current state with the init state. * * @param {MachineConfiguration} machineConfiguration */ SyncStrategy.prototype.initialize = function(machineConfiguration) { machineConfiguration.configure(); var states = machineConfiguration.getStates(); this.currentState = states['init']; this.currentState.params = {}; }; /** * Gets the current state. * * @returns {String} */ SyncStrategy.prototype.getCurrentState = function() { var fsm = this; return this.$q.when(this.lastPromise) .then(function(){ return fsm.currentState.name; }) .catch(function(){ return fsm.$q.when(fsm.currentState.name); }); }; /** * Gets an array of the states. * * @param {MachineConfiguration} machineConfiguration * @returns {Array} */ SyncStrategy.prototype.getStates = function(machineConfiguration) { return Object.keys(machineConfiguration.getStates()); }; /** * Gets an array of the messages. * * @param {MachineConfiguration} machineConfiguration * @returns {Array} */ SyncStrategy.prototype.getMessages = function(machineConfiguration) { return machineConfiguration.getMessages(); }; /** * Checks if the specific message is one of the messages of the machine. * * @param {MachineConfiguration} machineConfiguration * @param {String} message * @returns {boolean} */ SyncStrategy.prototype.hasMessage = function(machineConfiguration, message) { var messages = machineConfiguration.getMessages(); return (messages.indexOf(message) >= 0); }; /** * Checks if the specific message is available for the current state. * * @param {MachineConfiguration} machineConfiguration * @param {String} message * @returns {boolean} */ SyncStrategy.prototype.isAvailable = function(machineConfiguration, message) { var fsm = this; var transitions = machineConfiguration.getTransitions(); return this.$q.when(this.lastPromise) .then(function(){ var edges = transitions[fsm.currentState.name]; return edges.hasOwnProperty(message); }) .catch(function(){ var edges = transitions[fsm.currentState.name]; return fsm.$q.when(edges.hasOwnProperty(message)); }); }; /** * Gets an array of the messages available for the current state. * * @param {MachineConfiguration} machineConfiguration * @returns {Array} */ SyncStrategy.prototype.available = function(machineConfiguration) { var fsm = this; var transitions = machineConfiguration.getTransitions(); return this.$q.when(this.lastPromise) .then(function(){ var edges = transitions[fsm.currentState.name]; return Object.keys(edges); }) .catch(function(){ var edges = transitions[fsm.currentState.name]; return fsm.$q.when(Object.keys(edges)); }); }; /** * Sends a message to the state machine and changes * the current state according to the transitions. * * @param {MachineConfiguration} machineConfiguration * @param {String} message * @param {Object} [parameters] */ SyncStrategy.prototype.send = function(machineConfiguration, message, parameters) { var fsm = this; this.lastPromise = this.$q.when(this.lastPromise).then(function(){ // TODO: isAvailable depends on lastPromise, but it should use inside this function. Cycle. // Retrieves all transitions. var transitions = machineConfiguration.getTransitions(); var edges = transitions[fsm.currentState.name]; // Checks if the configuration has the message and it is available for the current state. if (!fsm.hasMessage(machineConfiguration, message) || !edges.hasOwnProperty(message)) { // If the action is rejected we delete the promise stack. fsm.lastPromise = null; return fsm.$q.reject(); } // Gets the edge related with the message. var edge = edges[message]; // If the edge is an array it defines a list of transitions that should have a predicate // and a final state. The predicate is a function that returns true or false and for each message // only one predicate should return true. if (edge instanceof Array) { var passed = []; // Checks the predicate for each transition in the edge. for (var i in edge) { var transition = edge[i]; // Checks predicate and if it passes add the final state to the passed ones. if (fsm.$injector.invoke(transition.predicate, this, fsm.currentState)) { passed.push(transition.to); } } // Checks if more than one predicate returned true. It is an error. if (passed.length > 1) { throw 'Unable to execute transition in state \'' + fsm.currentState.name + '\'. ' + 'More than one predicate is passed.'; } // Replace the edge with the unique finale state. edge = passed[0]; } // Retrieves the next state that will be the final one for this transition. var states = machineConfiguration.getStates(); var state = states[edge]; // Creates a copy of the current state. It is more secure against accidental changes. var args = {}; args = angular.merge(args, fsm.currentState); delete args.action; // If some parameters are provided it merges them into the current state. if (parameters) { angular.merge(args.params, parameters); } var result = undefined; if (state.action && (typeof state.action === 'function' || Object.prototype.toString.call(state.action) === '[object Array]')) { result = fsm.$injector.invoke(state.action, fsm, args); } // Executes the action defined in the state by passing the current state with the parameters. Since it is not // possible to determine if the result is a promise or not it is wrapped using $q.when and treated as a promise return fsm.$q.when(result) .then(function (result) { // Checks the result of the action and sets the parameters of the new current state. if (!result && fsm.currentState.params) { state.params = fsm.currentState.params; } else { // Creates the parameters if the state doesn't have them. if (!state.hasOwnProperty('params')) { state.params = {}; } // Merges the state parameters with the result. angular.merge(state.params, result); } // Sets the new current state. fsm.currentState = state; }) .catch(function () { // If the action is rejected we delete the promise stack. fsm.lastPromise = null; return fsm.$q.reject(); }); }); return this.lastPromise; };