#### [CallbagKit][Callbag] › [Documentation][Documentation] # Sources > In **Callbag**Kit a sinker subscribes to a source. Then that sinker reacts to > whatever item or sequence of items the sources emits. > > There are three types of sources in general. > 1. **Listenable** source which will emit items whenever there is an item > available to be emitted. > > 2. **Pullable** source emit items only upon request from sinker, an item per > request. > > 3. **Single** source is actually a **Listenable** source, but will only emit > one item whenever it is available to be emitted. 1. [**Creating**](./Creating/README.md) 1. [Empty](./Creating/Empty.md) 2. [Never](./Creating/Never.md) 3. [ThrowError](./Creating/ThrowError.md) 4. [From](./Creating/From.md) 5. [Of](./Creating/Of.md) 6. [Just](./Creating/Just.md) 7. [Interval](./Creating/Interval.md) 8. [Timer](./Creating/Timer.md) 2. [**Multicasting**](./Multicasting/README.md) 1. [Share](./Multicasting/Share.md) 2. [PublishSubject](./Multicasting/PublishSubject.md) 3. [AsyncSubject](./Multicasting/AsyncSubject.md) 4. [BehaviorSubject](./Multicasting/BehaviorSubject.md) 5. [ReplaySubject](./Multicasting/ReplaySubject.md) 3. [**Others**](./Others/README.md) 1. [Pullable](./Others/Pullable.md) 2. [Iteratable](./Others/Iteratable.md) [Callbag]: <../../README.md> (Callbag) [Documentation]: <../README.md> (Documentation)