/* Some misc util functions for audio DSP work, written by Steve Harris, * December 2000 * * steve@plugin.org.uk */ #ifndef LADSPA_UTIL_H #define LADSPA_UTIL_H #include #include #include #define buffer_write(a, b) a=(b) // 16.16 fixpoint typedef union { int32_t all; struct { #ifdef WORDS_BIGENDIAN int16_t in; uint16_t fr; #else uint16_t fr; int16_t in; #endif } part; } fixp16; // 32.32 fixpoint typedef union { int64_t all; struct { #ifdef WORDS_BIGENDIAN int32_t in; uint32_t fr; #else uint32_t fr; int32_t in; #endif } part; } fixp32; /* 32 bit "pointer cast" union */ typedef union { float f; int32_t i; } ls_pcast32; // Sometimes it doesn't get defined, even though it eists and C99 is declared long int lrintf (float x); // 1.0 / ln(2) #define LN2R 1.442695041f /* detet floating point denormal numbers by comparing them to the smallest * normal, crap, but reliable */ #define DN_CHECK(x, l) if (fabs(x) < 1e-38) printf("DN: "l"\n") // Denormalise floats, only actually needed for PIII and recent PowerPC //#define FLUSH_TO_ZERO(fv) (((*(unsigned int*)&(fv))&0x7f800000)==0)?0.0f:(fv) static inline float flush_to_zero(float f) { ls_pcast32 v; v.f = f; // original: return (v.i & 0x7f800000) == 0 ? 0.0f : f; // version from Tim Blechmann return (v.i & 0x7f800000) < 0x08000000 ? 0.0f : f; } static inline void round_to_zero(volatile float *f) { *f += 1e-18; *f -= 1e-18; } /* A set of branchless clipping operations from Laurent de Soras */ static inline float f_max(float x, float a) { x -= a; x += fabs(x); x *= 0.5; x += a; return x; } static inline float f_min(float x, float b) { x = b - x; x += fabs(x); x *= 0.5; x = b - x; return x; } static inline float f_clamp(float x, float a, float b) { const float x1 = fabs(x - a); const float x2 = fabs(x - b); x = x1 + a + b; x -= x2; x *= 0.5; return x; } // Limit a value to be l<=v<=u #define LIMIT(v,l,u) ((v)<(l)?(l):((v)>(u)?(u):(v))) // Truncate-to-zero modulo (ANSI C doesn't specify) will only work // if -m < v < 2m #define MOD(v,m) (v<0?v+m:(v>=m?v-m:v)) // Truncate-to-zero modulo (ANSI C doesn't specify) will only work // if v > -m and v < m #define NEG_MOD(v,m) ((v)<0?((v)+(m)):(v)) // Convert a value in dB's to a coefficent #define DB_CO(g) ((g) > -90.0f ? powf(10.0f, (g) * 0.05f) : 0.0f) #define CO_DB(v) (20.0f * log10f(v)) // Linearly interpolate [ = a * (1 - f) + b * f] #define LIN_INTERP(f,a,b) ((a) + (f) * ((b) - (a))) // Cubic interpolation function static inline float cube_interp(const float fr, const float inm1, const float in, const float inp1, const float inp2) { return in + 0.5f * fr * (inp1 - inm1 + fr * (4.0f * inp1 + 2.0f * inm1 - 5.0f * in - inp2 + fr * (3.0f * (in - inp1) - inm1 + inp2))); } /* fast sin^2 aproxiamtion, adapted from jan AT rpgfan's posting to the * music-dsp list */ static inline float f_sin_sq(float angle) { const float asqr = angle * angle; float result = -2.39e-08f; result *= asqr; result += 2.7526e-06f; result *= asqr; result -= 1.98409e-04f; result *= asqr; result += 8.3333315e-03f; result *= asqr; result -= 1.666666664e-01f; result *= asqr; result += 1.0f; result *= angle; return result * result; } #ifdef HAVE_LRINTF #define f_round(f) lrintf(f) #else // Round float to int using IEEE int* hack static inline int f_round(float f) { ls_pcast32 p; p.f = f; p.f += (3<<22); return p.i - 0x4b400000; } #endif // Truncate float to int static inline int f_trunc(float f) { return f_round(floorf(f)); } /* Andrew Simper's pow(2, x) aproximation from the music-dsp list */ #if 0 /* original */ static inline float f_pow2(float x) { long *px = (long*)(&x); // store address of float as long pointer const float tx = (x-0.5f) + (3<<22); // temporary value for truncation const long lx = *((long*)&tx) - 0x4b400000; // integer power of 2 const float dx = x-(float)(lx); // float remainder of power of 2 x = 1.0f + dx*(0.6960656421638072f + // cubic apporoximation of 2^x dx*(0.224494337302845f + // for x in the range [0, 1] dx*(0.07944023841053369f))); *px += (lx<<23); // add integer power of 2 to exponent return x; } #else /* union version */ static inline float f_pow2(float x) { ls_pcast32 *px, tx, lx; float dx; px = (ls_pcast32 *)&x; // store address of float as long pointer tx.f = (x-0.5f) + (3<<22); // temporary value for truncation lx.i = tx.i - 0x4b400000; // integer power of 2 dx = x - (float)lx.i; // float remainder of power of 2 x = 1.0f + dx * (0.6960656421638072f + // cubic apporoximation of 2^x dx * (0.224494337302845f + // for x in the range [0, 1] dx * (0.07944023841053369f))); (*px).i += (lx.i << 23); // add integer power of 2 to exponent return (*px).f; } #endif /* Fast exponentiation function, y = e^x */ #define f_exp(x) f_pow2(x * LN2R) #endif