.TH DASHT\-QUERY\-LINE 1 2020\-05\-16 2.4.0 .SH NAME .PP dasht\-query\-line \- searches Dash \[la]https://kapeli.com/dash\[ra] docsets and emits groups of lines .SH SYNOPSIS .PP \fB\fCdasht\-query\-line\fR [\fIPATTERN\fP] [\fIDOCSET\fP]... .SS Examples .TP \fB\fCdasht\-query\-line\fR Topics (A\-Z) from each installed docset. .TP \fB\fCdasht\-query\-line\fR 'c \- x' Search for "c \- x" in all installed docsets. .TP \fB\fCdasht\-query\-line\fR 'c \- x' bash Search for "c \- x" only in the "bash" docset. .TP \fB\fCdasht\-query\-line\fR 'c \- x' bash css Search for "c \- x" only in the "bash" and "css" docsets. .SH DESCRIPTION .PP Searches for \fIPATTERN\fP in all installed Dash \[la]https://kapeli.com/dash\[ra] docsets, optionally searching only in those whose names match \fIDOCSET\fPs, by calling .BR dasht-query-exec (1) and emits the results in groups of lines, as described in "Results" below. However, if no results were found, this program exits with a nonzero status. .SS Searching .PP Whitespace characters in \fIPATTERN\fP are treated as wildcards, whereas the SQL LIKE wildcard characters \fB\fC%\fR and \fB\fC_\fR are not: they are taken literally. .PP Before searching, \fIPATTERN\fP is surrounded by whitespace wildcards so that it can match anywhere: beginning, middle, or end. As a result, if \fIPATTERN\fP is undefined, it becomes a whitespace wildcard and thereby matches everything. .SS Results .PP Each search result is printed to stdout as a group of four lines of text: .TP \fB\fCname\fR \fB\fC=\fR \fIVALUE\fP Name of the token that matched the \fIPATTERN\fP\&. .TP \fB\fCtype\fR \fB\fC=\fR \fIVALUE\fP Type of the token, as defined in the docset. .TP \fB\fCfrom\fR \fB\fC=\fR \fIVALUE\fP Name of the docset this result was found in. .TP \fB\fCurl\fR \fB\fC=\fR \fIVALUE\fP URL of the API documentation for this result. .PP For example, here is a search result for "c \- x" from the "bash" docset: .PP .RS .nf name = undo (C\-_ or C\-x C\-u) type = Function from = Bash url = file:///home/sunny/.local/share/dasht/docsets/Bash.docset/Contents/Resources/Documents/bash/Miscellaneous\-Commands.html#//apple_ref/Function/undo%20%28C%2D%5F%20or%20C%2Dx%20C%2Du%29 .fi .RE .SH ENVIRONMENT .TP \fB\fCDASHT_DOCSETS_DIR\fR Defines the filesystem location where your Dash \[la]https://kapeli.com/dash\[ra] docsets are installed. If undefined, its value is assumed to be \fB\fC$XDG_DATA_HOME/dasht/docsets/\fR or, if \fB\fCXDG_DATA_HOME\fR is undefined, \fB\fC$HOME/.local/share/dasht/docsets/\fR\&. .SH EXIT STATUS .TP 44 No results were found. .SH SEE ALSO .PP .BR dasht-query-exec (1), .BR dasht-query-html (1), .BR dasht-docsets (1), .BR dasht (1), Dash \[la]https://kapeli.com/dash\[ra] .SH AUTHOR .PP Written in 2016 by Suraj N. Kurapati \[la]https://github.com/sunaku/dasht\[ra] Distributed under the terms of the ISC license (refer to README file).