.TH BINMAN 1 2016\-02\-28 5.1.0 .SH NAME .PP binman \- deprecated; use binman\-* instead .SH SYNOPSIS .PP \fB\fCbinman\fR [\fIOPTION\fP]... \fICOMMAND\fP .SH DESCRIPTION .PP Runs the fellow "\fB\fCbinman\fR\-\fICOMMAND\fP" programs listed under "Commands" below. .PP .RS Note: This program is deprecated for removal in the next major version. To prepare yourself, please run the fellow binman\-* programs directly instead. .RE .SH OPTIONS .TP \fB\fC\-h\fR [\fIPATTERN\fP], \fB\fC\-\-help\fR [\fIPATTERN\fP] Show this help manual and optionally search for \fIPATTERN\fP regular expression. .SH COMMANDS .TP \fB\fCtext\fR ... Runs .BR binman-text (1). .TP \fB\fCroff\fR ... Runs .BR binman-roff (1). .TP \fB\fChtml\fR ... Runs .BR binman-html (1). .TP \fB\fCshow\fR ... Runs .BR binman-show (1). .TP \fB\fChelp\fR ... Runs .BR binman-help (1). .SH SEE ALSO .PP .BR binman-rake (1)