mRoot->mDelegateManager->add('Legacy_Controller.SetupUser', array($this, 'addCustomRoles')); $this->mRoot->mDelegateManager->add('XoopsTpl.New', array($this, 'assignRoleVariables')); } /** * Add custom roles * @param Legacy_GenericPrincipal $principal * @param XCube_Controller $controller * @param Legacy_HttpContext $context * @return void */ public function addCustomRoles(Legacy_GenericPrincipal $principal, XCube_Controller $controller, Legacy_HttpContext $context) { if ( $this->_isRegisteredUser() === false ) { return; } $this->_importConfigFile(new SystemRoles_User($context->mXoopsUser, $principal)); } /** * Assign role variables * @param XoopsTpl $xoopsTpl */ public function assignRoleVariables(XoopsTpl $xoopsTpl) { $xoopsTpl->assign($this->_getRolesForXoopsTpl()); } /** * Determine if registered user is * @return bool */ protected function _isRegisteredUser() { return $this->mRoot->mContext->mUser->isInRole('Site.RegisteredUser'); } /** * Import configuration from the file * @param SystemRoles_User $user * @return void */ protected function _importConfigFile(SystemRoles_User $user) { $candidates = array( XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/settings/roles.php', XOOPS_TRUST_PATH . '/settings/roles.php', ); foreach ( $candidates as $candidate ) { if ( file_exists($candidate) ) { $this->_importSafely($user, $candidate); return; } } // TODO >> legacy must support Exceptions echo new RuntimeException(sprintf('Config file not found. You have to make "%s"', implode('" or "', $candidates))); } /** * Import PHP file in safe scope * @param SystemRoles_User $user * @param string $file */ protected function _importSafely(SystemRoles_User $user, $file) { $sandboxFunction = create_function('$user,$file', 'require $file;'); $sandboxFunction($user, $file); } /** * Return role data for XoopsTpl object * @return bool[] */ protected function _getRolesForXoopsTpl() { if ( $this->rolesForXoopsTpl === null ) { $this->rolesForXoopsTpl = array(); $roles = $this->mRoot->mContext->mUser->_mRoles; // TODO >> avoid to access private variable foreach ( $roles as $role ) { $name = 'is_'.$this->_inflectRoleName($role); $this->rolesForXoopsTpl[$name] = true; } } return $this->rolesForXoopsTpl; } /** * Inflect role name * * For example: * "Site.GuestUser" becomes "site_guest_user" * "" becomes "module_foo_admin" * "Module.foo_bar.Admin" becomes "module_foo_bar_admin" * * @param $string * @return string */ protected function _inflectRoleName($string) { $string = strtr($string, '.', '_'); $string = preg_replace('/([A-Z])/', '_$1', $string); $string = strtolower($string); $string = ltrim($string, '_'); $string = preg_replace('/_{2,}/', '_', $string); return $string; } } /** * SystemRoles_User class */ class SystemRoles_User { /** @var XoopsUser */ protected $xoopsUser; /** @var Legacy_GenericPrincipal */ protected $principal; /** * Return new Suin_UserRole object * @param XoopsUser $xoopsUser * @param Legacy_GenericPrincipal $principal */ public function __construct(XoopsUser $xoopsUser, Legacy_GenericPrincipal $principal) { $this->xoopsUser = $xoopsUser; $this->principal = $principal; } /** * Determine if user belongs to the group(s) * @param int|int[] $groupId * @return bool */ public function belongsTo($groupId) { if ( is_array($groupId) === true ) { return $this->_belongsToGroups($groupId); } return $this->_belongsToGroup($groupId); } /** * Determine if user has the role * @param string $roleName * @return bool */ public function hasRole($roleName) { $this->_loadModuleRole($roleName); return $this->principal->isInRole($roleName); } /** * Give a role to this user * @param string $roleName */ public function playsRole($roleName) { $this->principal->addRole($roleName); } /** * Determine if user belongs to the group * @param int $groupId * @return bool */ protected function _belongsToGroup($groupId) { $groups = $this->xoopsUser->getGroups(); return in_array($groupId, $groups); } /** * Determine if user belongs to the groups * @param int[] $groupIds * @return bool */ protected function _belongsToGroups(array $groupIds) { foreach ( $groupIds as $groupId ) { if ( $this->_belongsToGroup($groupId) ) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Load module roles * @param string $roleName * @return void */ protected function _loadModuleRole($roleName) { if ( ! preg_match('/^Module\.(?P[^.]+)\.(?:Admin|Visitor)$/', $roleName, $matches) ) { return; } $roleManager = new Legacy_RoleManager(); $roleManager->loadRolesByDirname($matches['dirname']); } }