/** * Note, this class does not really exist! It is a placeholder for extensions to system prototypes like Function, Array, Date. * @class SystemExtensions */ /** * The main AFrame module. All AFrame related items are under this. * @module AFrame */ /** * bind a function to a context - taken from https://developer.mozilla.org/en/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Function/bind * @methopd Function.prototype.bind */ if ( !Function.prototype.bind ) { Function.prototype.bind = function( obj ) { var slice = [].slice, args = slice.call(arguments, 1), self = this, nop = function () {}, bound = function () { return self.apply( this instanceof nop ? this : ( obj || {} ), args.concat( slice.call(arguments) ) ); }; nop.prototype = self.prototype; bound.prototype = new nop(); return bound; }; } /** * Run a function over each element in the array. Comes from http://userscripts.org/topics/2304?page=1#posts-9660 * @method Array.prototype.forEach * @param {function} callback - callback to call on each member of the array. Function will be called with three parameters, item, index, and "this" * @param {object} context (optional) - optional context to call function in */ if (!Array.prototype.forEach) { Array.prototype.forEach = function( callback, context ) { var len = this.length; if( typeof callback != "function" ) { throw new TypeError(); } for (var i = 0, item; item = this[ i ]; ++i) { if ( i in this ) { callback.call( context, item, i, this ); } } }; } /** * if not included in the browsers implementation, add it - finds the index of an element in the array * @method Array.prototype.indexOf * @param {variant} element to search for * @return {number} index if found, -1 otw. */ if (!Array.prototype.indexOf) { Array.prototype.indexOf = function(elt /*, from*/) { var len = this.length >>> 0; var from = Number(arguments[1]) || 0; from = from < 0 ? Math.ceil(from) : Math.floor(from); if (from < 0) { from += len; } for (; from < len; from++) { if (from in this && this[from] === elt) { return from; } } return -1; }; } /** * Convert a Date object to an ISO8601 formatted string * @method Date.prototype.toISOString * @return {string} ISO8601 formatted date */ if(!Date.prototype.toISOString) { Date.prototype.toISOString = function() { var pad_two = function(n) { return (n < 10 ? '0' : '') + n; }; var pad_three = function(n) { return (n < 100 ? '0' : '') + (n < 10 ? '0' : '') + n; }; return [ this.getUTCFullYear(), '-', pad_two(this.getUTCMonth() + 1), '-', pad_two(this.getUTCDate()), 'T', pad_two(this.getUTCHours()), ':', pad_two(this.getUTCMinutes()), ':', pad_two(this.getUTCSeconds()), '.', pad_three(this.getUTCMilliseconds()), 'Z' ].join(''); }; } /** * The AFrame base namespace. Provides some useful utility functions. The most commonly used functions are [Class](#method_Class) and [create](#method_create). * * * @class AFrame * @static */ var AFrame = ( function() { "use strict"; var AFrame = { /** * Checks whether the subClass is a sub-class of superClass, as is * done using AFrame.extend or AFrame.Class. * * var SubClass = AFrame.Class( AFrame.AObject ); * * // extendsFrom will be true; * var extendsFrom = AFrame.extendsFrom( SubClass, AFrame.AObject ); * * @method extendsFrom * @param {function} subClass - the potential subclass * @param {function} superClass - the potential superclass * @return {boolean} true if subClass is a subclass of superClass, false otw. */ extendsFrom: function( subClass, superClass ) { var same = false; if( AFrame.func( subClass ) ) { do { same = subClass === superClass; subClass = subClass.superclass; } while( subClass && !same ); } return same; }, /** * extend an object with the members of another object. * * var objectToMixinTo = { * name: 'AFrame' * }; * AFrame.mixin( objectToMixinTo, '{ version: 1.0 } ); * * @method mixin * @param {object} toExtend - object to extend * @param {object} mixin (optional) - object with optional functions to extend bc with */ mixin: function( toExtend, mixin ) { for( var key in mixin ) { toExtend[ key ] = mixin[ key ]; } return toExtend; }, /** * @deprecated * This has been deprecated in favor of calling a Class' static create method * instead. * * Instantiate an [AFrame.AObject](#AFrame.AObject.html) compatible object. * When using the create function, any Plugins are automatically created * and bound, and init is called on the created object. * * // create an object with no config, no plugins * var newObj = AFrame.create( AFrame.SomeObject ); * * // create an object with config, no plugins * var newObj = AFrame.create( AFrame.SomeObject, { * configItem1: configVal1 * } ); * * // create an object with a plugin, but no other config * var newObj = AFrame.create( AFrame.SomeObject, { * plugins: [ AFrame.SomePlugin ] * } ); * * // create an object with a plugin, and other config * var newObj = AFrame.create( AFrame.SomeObject, { * plugins: [ AFrame.SomePlugin ], * configItem1: configVal1 * } ); * * // create an object with a plugin that also has configuration * var newObj = AFrame.create( AFrame.SomeObject, { * plugins: [ [ AFrame.SomePlugin, { * pluginConfigItem1: pluginConfigVal1 * } ] ] * } ); * * @method create * @param {function} constructor - constructor to create * @param {object} config (optional) - configuration. * @param {array} config.plugins (optional) - Any plugins to attach */ create: function( construct, config ) { return construct.create( config ); }, /** * Remove an item from an object freeing the reference to the item. * * var obj = { * name: 'AFrame' * }; * AFrame.remove( obj, 'name' ); * * @method remove * @param {object} object to remove item from. * @param {string} key of item to remove */ remove: function( object, key ) { object[ key ] = null; delete object[ key ]; }, currentID: 0, /** * Get a unique ID * * var uniqueID = AFrame.getUniqueID(); * * @method getUniqueID * @return {id} a unique id */ getUniqueID: function() { this.currentID++; return 'cid' + this.currentID; }, /** * Check whether an item is defined * * var isDefined = AFrame.func( valueToCheck ); * * @method defined * @param {variant} itemToCheck * @return {boolean} true if item is defined, false otw. */ defined: function( itemToCheck ) { return 'undefined' != typeof( itemToCheck ); }, /** * If the console is available, log a message. * * AFrame.log( 'message to log' ); * * @method log * @param {string} message - message to display */ log: function( message ) { if( typeof( console ) !== 'undefined' ) { console.log( message ); } }, /** * Check whether an item is a function * * var isFunc = AFrame.func( valueToCheck ); * * @method func * @param {variant} itemToCheck * @return {boolean} true if item is a function, false otw. */ func: function( itemToCheck ) { return 'function' == typeof( itemToCheck ); }, /** * Check whether an item is a string * * var isString = AFrame.string( valueToCheck ); * * @method string * @param {variant} itemToCheck * @return {boolean} true if item is a string, false otw. */ string: function( itemToCheck ) { return '[object String]' === Object.prototype.toString.apply( itemToCheck ); }, /** * Check whether an item is an array * * // returns true * var isArray = AFrame.array( [] ); * * // returns true * isArray = AFrame.array( new Array() ); * * // returns false * isArray = AFrame.array( '' ); * * @method array * @param {variant} itemToCheck * @return {boolean} true if item is an array, false otw. */ array: function( itemToCheck ) { return '[object Array]' === Object.prototype.toString.apply( itemToCheck ); } }; if( typeof( module ) != 'undefined' ) { module.exports = AFrame; } return AFrame; }() ); AFrame.Class = ( function() { "use strict"; /** * A shortcut to create a new class with a default constructor. A default * constructor does nothing unless it has a superclass, where it calls the * superclasses constructor. If the first parameter to Class is a function, * the parameter is assumed to be the superclass. All other parameters * should be objects which are mixed in to the new classes prototype. * * If a new class needs a non-standard constructor, the class constructor should * be created manually and then any mixins/superclasses set up using the * [AFrame.extend](#method_extend) function. * * // Create a class that is not subclassed off of anything * var Class = AFrame.Class( { * anOperation: function() { * // do an operation here * } * } ); * * // Create a Subclass of Class * var SubClass = Class.extend( { * anOperation: function() { * // do an operation here * } * } ); * * @method Class * @param {function} superclass (optional) - superclass to use. If not given, class has * no superclass. * @param {object} * @return {function} - the new class. */ var Class = function() { var args = [].slice.call( arguments, 0 ), F = createChain( args ); addMixins( F, args ); addCreate( F ); addExtend( F ); return F; }; /** * Walk the class chain of an object. The object must be an AFrame.Class/AFrame.extend based. * * // Walk the object's class chain * // SubClass is an AFrame.Class based class * var obj = SubClass.create(); * AFrame.Class.walkChain( function( currClass ) { * // do something. Context of function is the obj * }, obj ); * * @method AFrame.Class.walkChain * @param {function} callback - callback to call. Called with two parameters, currClass and * obj. * @param {AFrame.Class} obj - object to walk. */ Class.walkChain = function( callback, obj ) { var currClass = obj.constructor; do { callback.call( obj, currClass ); currClass = currClass.superclass; } while( currClass ); }; function createChain( args ) { var F; if( AFrame.func( args[ 0 ] ) ) { // we have a superclass, do everything related to a superclass F = chooseConstructor( args[ 1 ], function() { F.sc.constructor.call( this ); } ); extendWithSuper( F, args[ 0 ] ); args.splice( 0, 1 ); } else { F = chooseConstructor( args[ 0 ], function() {} ); } return F; } function chooseConstructor( checkForConst, alternate ) { var F; if( checkForConst && checkForConst.hasOwnProperty( 'constructor' ) ) { F = checkForConst.constructor; } else { F = alternate; } return F; } function extendWithSuper( subClass, superClass ) { var F = function() {}; F.prototype = superClass.prototype; subClass.prototype = new F; subClass.superclass = superClass; // superclass and sc are different. sc points to the superclasses prototype, superclass points to the superclass itself. subClass.sc = superClass.prototype; var mixins = [].slice.call( arguments, 2 ); for( var mixin, index = 0; mixin = mixins[ index ]; ++index ) { AFrame.mixin( subClass.prototype, mixin ); } subClass.prototype.constructor = subClass; addCreate( subClass ); } function addMixins( F, args ) { for( var mixin, index = 0; mixin = args[ index ]; ++index ) { AFrame.mixin( F.prototype, mixin ); } // Always set the constructor last in case any mixins overwrote it. F.prototype.constructor = F; } /** * @private * Add a create function to a Class if the Class has an init function. * The create function is an alias to call AFrame.create with this * class. * * @method addCreate * @param {function} Class */ function addCreate( _class ) { if( _class.prototype && AFrame.func( _class.prototype.init ) && !_class.create ) { // Add a create function so that every _class with init has one. _class.create = Class.create.bind( null, _class ); } } function addExtend( F ) { F.extend = Class.bind( null, F ); } Class.create = function( construct, config ) { var retval; if( construct ) { try { retval = new construct; } catch ( e ) { AFrame.log( e.toString() ); } AFrame.Class.walkChain( function( currClass ) { if( currClass.prototype && currClass.prototype.hasOwnProperty( 'plugins' ) ) { addPlugins( retval, currClass.prototype.plugins ); } }, retval ); config = config || {}; addPlugins( retval, config.plugins || [] ); retval.init( config ); } else { throw 'Class does not exist.'; } return retval; } function addPlugins( plugged, plugins ) { // recursively create and bind any plugins for( var index = 0, plugin; plugin = plugins[ index ]; ++index ) { plugin = AFrame.array( plugin ) ? plugin : [ plugin ]; var pluginConfig = AFrame.mixin( { plugged: plugged }, plugin[ 1 ] || {} ); plugin[ 0 ].create( pluginConfig ); } } return Class; }() ); /** * An Observable is the way events are done. Observables are very similar to DOM Events in that * each object has a set of events that it can trigger. Objects that are concerned with a particular event register a callback to be * called whenever the event is triggered. Observables allow for each event to have zero or many listeners, meaning the developer does not have * to manually keep track of who to notify when a particular event happens. This completely decouples the triggering object from any * objects that care about it. * * @class AFrame.Observable */ AFrame.Observable = ( function() { "use strict"; var Observable = AFrame.Class( { /** * Initialize the observable * @method init */ init: function() { this.callbacks = {}; }, /** * Tear the observable down, free references * @method teardown */ teardown: function() { this.unbindAll(); }, /** * Trigger the observable, calls any callbacks bound to the observable. * @method trigger * @param {variant} optional - any arguments will be passed to the callbacks */ trigger: function() { var me=this, key; me.triggered = true; for( key in me.callbacks ) { me.callbacks[ key ].apply( me, arguments ); } }, /** * Bind a callback to the observable * @method bind * @param {function} callback - callback to register * @return {id} id that can be used to unbind the callback. Note, all ids for all bindings are unique. */ bind: function( callback ) { var id = AFrame.getUniqueID(); this.callbacks[ id ] = callback; return id; }, /** * Unbind an observable * @method unbind * @param {id} id - id of observable to unbind */ unbind: function( id ) { AFrame.remove( this.callbacks, id ); }, /** * Unbind all observables * @method unbindAll */ unbindAll: function() { var me=this, key; for( key in me.callbacks ) { AFrame.remove( me.callbacks, key ); } }, /** * Check whether the observable has been triggered * @method isTriggered * @return {boolean} true if observable has been triggered, false otw. */ isTriggered: function() { return !!this.triggered; } } ); return Observable; }() ); /** * Gives objects the ability to have a basic event system. This must be mixed in to other classes and objects. * @class AFrame.ObservablesMixin * @static */ AFrame.ObservablesMixin = { /** * Trigger an event. * * // trigger an event using event name only. Event object returned. * var event = object.triggerEvent( 'eventName' ); * * // trigger an event using event name and some extra parameters * object.triggerEvent( 'eventName', 'extraParameterValue' ); * * // Equivalent to first example * object.triggerEvent( { * type: 'eventName' * } ); * * // Equivalent to second example * object.triggerEvent( { * type: 'eventName' * }, 'extraParameterValue' ); * * // Add extra fields to the event * object.triggerEvent( { * type: 'eventName', * extraField: 'extraValue' * } ); * // event in listeners will be augmented with an extraField field whose value is extraValue * * @method triggerEvent * @param {string || object} type - event type to trigger or object that serves the same purpose as the data object in setEventData * @param {variant} (optional) all other arguments are passed to any registered callbacks * @return {AFrame.Event} - event object that is passed to event listeners, only returned if there * are any listeners */ triggerEvent: function() { var me=this, eventData = arguments[ 0 ], isDataObj = !AFrame.string( eventData ), eventName = isDataObj ? eventData.type : eventData, observable = me.handlers && me.handlers[ eventName ]; if( observable ) { eventData = isDataObj ? eventData : { type: eventData }; me.setEventData( eventData ); var eventObject = me.getEventObject(), args = Array.prototype.slice.call( arguments, 1 ); args.splice( 0, 0, eventObject ); observable.trigger.apply( observable, args ); return eventObject; } }, /** * Set data to be added on to the next event triggered. * * object.setEventData( { * addedField: 'addedValue' * } ); * // can be called multiple times, new data with same key as old data * // overwrites old data. * object.setEventData( { * secondField: 'secondValue' * } ); * // the next event that is triggered will have it's event parameter augmented with addedField and secondField. * * @method setEventData * @param {object} data - data to be added to the next event triggered */ setEventData: function( data ) { var me=this; if( me.eventData ) { AFrame.mixin( me.eventData, data ); } else { me.eventData = data; } }, /** * Get an event object. Should not be called directly, but can be overridden in subclasses to add * specialized fields to the event object. * @method getEventObject * @return {AFrame.Event} */ getEventObject: function() { var me=this; if( !me.eventData.target ) { me.eventData.target = me; } var event = me.event || AFrame.Event.create( me.eventData ); me.eventData = me.event = null; return event; }, /** * Check to see if an event has been triggered * @method isEventTriggered * @param {string} eventName name of event to check. * @return {boolean} true if event has been triggered, false otw. */ isEventTriggered: function( eventName ) { var me=this, retval = false, observable = me.handlers && me.handlers[ eventName ]; if( observable ) { retval = observable.isTriggered(); } return retval; }, /** * Bind a callback to an event. When an event is triggered and the callback is called, * the first argument to the callback will be an [AFrame.Event](AFrame.Event.html) object. * The subsequent arguments will be those passed to the triggerEvent function. * * // Bind a callback to an event * obj.bindEvent( 'eventname', function( event, arg1 ) { * // event is an AFrame.Event, arg1 is the first argument passed * // (when triggered below, will be 'arg1Value') * } ); * * // trigger the event * obj.triggerEvent( 'eventname', 'arg1Value' ); * * @method bindEvent * @param {string} eventName name of event to register on * @param {function} callback callback to call * @param {object} context (optional) optional context to call the callback in. If not given, * use the 'this' object. * @return {id} id that can be used to unbind the callback. */ bindEvent: function( eventName, callback, context ) { var me=this; handlers = me.handlers = me.handlers || {}, bindings = me.bindings = me.bindings || {}, observable = handlers[ eventName ] || AFrame.Observable.create(), eid = observable.bind( callback.bind( context || me ) ); handlers[ eventName ] = observable; bindings[ eid ] = { object: context, observable: observable }; context && context.bindTo && context.bindTo( me, eid ); return eid; }, /** * Unbind an event on this object * @method unbindEvent * @param {id} id returned by bindEvent */ unbindEvent: function( id ) { var bindings = this.bindings, binding = bindings && bindings[ id ], object = binding && binding.object; if( binding ) { AFrame.remove( bindings, id ); object && object.unbindTo && object.unbindTo( id ); return binding.observable.unbind( id ); } }, /** * Unbind all events on this object * @method unbindAll */ unbindAll: function() { var me=this, key, id, handlers = me.handlers, bindings = me.bindings, binding; for( key in handlers ) { handlers[ key ].unbindAll(); AFrame.remove( handlers, key ); } for( id in bindings ) { binding = bindings[ id ]; AFrame.remove( bindings, id ); if( binding.object && binding.object.unbindTo ) { binding.object.unbindTo( id ); } // no need to call the observable's unbind, it has already been torn down in unbindAll above } }, /** * Proxy a list of events from another object as this object * @method proxyEvents * @param {object} proxyFrom object to proxy events from * @param {array} eventList list of event names to proxy */ proxyEvents: function( proxyFrom, eventList ) { var me=this, args, event; eventList.forEach( function( eventName, index ) { proxyFrom.bindEvent( eventName, function() { // get rid of the original event, a new one will be created. args = Array.prototype.slice.call( arguments, 1 ); // create a new event, used in getEventObject me.event = event = arguments[ 0 ]; event.originalTarget = event.target; event.target = me; args.splice( 0, 0, eventName ); me.triggerEvent.apply( me, args ); } ); } ); }, /** * Create a binding between this object and another object. This means this object * is listening to an event on another object. * @method bindTo * @param {AFrame.AObject} bindToObject object to bind to * @param {id} id of event this object is listening for on the bindToObject */ bindTo: function( bindToObject, id ) { var me=this, boundTo = me.boundTo = me.BoundTo || {}; boundTo[ id ] = boundTo[ id ] || { object: bindToObject }; }, /** * Unbind a listener bound from this object to another object * @method unbindTo * @param {id} id of event to unbind */ unbindTo: function( id ) { var boundTo = this.boundTo, binding = boundTo[ id ]; if( binding ) { binding.object.unbindEvent( id ); AFrame.remove( boundTo, id ); } }, /** * Unbind all events registered from this object on other objects. Useful when tearing * an object down * @method unbindToAll */ unbindToAll: function() { var me=this, boundTo = me.boundTo, id; for( id in boundTo ) { boundTo[ id ].object.unbindEvent( id ); AFrame.remove( boundTo, id ); } me.boundTo = null; me.boundTo = {}; } }; /** * A collection of functions common to enumerable objects. When mixing in * this class, the class being mixed into must define a forEach function. * * @class AFrame.EnumerableMixin * @static */ AFrame.EnumerableMixin = ( function() { "use strict"; var Mixin = { /** * Get a set of items in the collection using the search function. The search function will * be called once for each item in the collection. Any time the search function returns true, * the item will be added to the results list. * * // Filter the collection to find a set of items that have company == 'AFrame Foundary' * var matches = collection.filter( function( item, id, collection ) { * // do search here, returning true if item matches. * return item.company == 'AFrame Foundary'; * } ); * * @method filter * @param {function} search - the search function * @return {array} array of results. If no results are found, returns an empty array. */ filter: function( search ) { var items = []; this.forEach( function( item, id ) { if( true === search( item, id, this ) ) { items.push( item ); } }, this ); return items; }, /** * Search for the first item in the collection that matches the search function. * * // search for the first item with company == 'AFrame Foundary' * var item = collection.search( function( item, id, collection ) { * return item.company == 'AFrame Foundary'; * } ); * * @method search * @param {function} search - the search function. * @return {item} item if an item matches, undefined otw. */ search: function( search ) { return this.filter( search )[ 0 ]; }, /** * Get the current count of items * * // using hash from top of the page * var count = hash.getCount(); * * @method getCount * @return {number} current count */ getCount: function() { var count = 0; this.forEach( function( item ) { count++; } ); return count; } }; return Mixin; }() );/** * The base object of nearly everything. It is recommended to create all new classes as a subclass * of AObject since it provides general functionality such as event binding and teardown housekeeping. * All AObjects in the system have a cid, a cid is a unique identifier within the application. * If an AObject creates and is responsible for maintaining other AObjects, [addChild](#method_addChild) * should be called with the created children. When this object is torn down, the child object added via addChild will * have its teardown function called as well. This can ensure that all memory is freed and that * no references are kept when the object's lifespan has ended. * * * Declaring Configuration Items to Import *========= * * A very common pattern used in AFrame derived objects is to save off a list of * configuration options that an object is created with. Each class can define * a list of configuration options that should automatically be imported on * object creation. * * Example Auto-Import of Configuration Items * * // Define a class with items to import * var SomeClass = AFrame.Class( { * importconfig: [ 'firstImportedParam', 'secondImportedParam' ] * } ); * * var someClassInst = SomeClass.create( { * firstImportedParam: "This is imported", * secondImportedParam: "So is this", * thirdParam: "But this is not" * } ); * * Event Usage *========= * * All AFrame.AObject based classes have a built in event mechanism. Events are * dynamically created, there is no need to explicitly create an event, all that is * needed is to call the object's triggerEvent or bindEvent. * * Event Example Usage: * * // Assume anObject is an AFrame.AObject based object. * // Every AFrame.AObject based object triggers an onInit event * // when its init function is called. * var onObjectInit = function() { * // called whenever anObject.init is called. * }; * * anObject.bindEvent( 'onInit', onObjectInit ); * anObject.init(); // calls onObjectInit function * * * Declaring Event Bindings *======== * * Binding to dependent object's events is another common pattern used in AFrame. * To make this process simpler, it is possible to declare event bindings. When * declaring event bindings, three pieces of information are needed, the event name, * the name of the object that is triggering the event, and the function (or name of * the member function to bind as a handler. * * Example Usage: * * // bind to two events on insertedObj, event1, and event2. * // event1 has an inline handler. * // event2 uses a class member as a handler. * var Class = AFrame.AObject.extend( { * importconfig: [ 'insertedObj' ], * events: { * 'event1 insertedObj': function() { * // Handle event here * }, * 'event2 insertedObj': 'event2Handler' * }, * event2Handler: function() { * // handle event here * } * } ); * * @class AFrame.AObject * @uses AFrame.ObservablesMixin */ /** * cid for the object, if not given, a unique id is assigned * @config {cid} cid */ AFrame.AObject = (function(){ "use strict"; var AObject = AFrame.Class( { /** * Initialize the object. Note that if a class' create static function is used to create an object, this will be called automatically. * * var obj = new AFrame.SomeObject(); * obj.init( { name: 'value' } ); * * * @method init * @param config {object} - configuration * @param config.cid {id} - cid to give to the object, if not given, one is generated. */ init: function( config ) { var me=this; me.config = config; me.cid = config.cid || AFrame.getUniqueID(); me.children = {}; importConfig.call( me ); me.bindEvents(); /** * Triggered when the object is initialized * @event onInit * @param {AFrame.Event} event - the event object */ me.triggerEvent( 'onInit' ); }, /** * Return the configuration object given in init. * * var config = this.getConfig(); * * @method getConfig * @return {object} the configuration object */ getConfig: function() { return this.config; }, /** * Override to do any event binding * @method bindEvents */ bindEvents: function() { bindEvents.call( this ); }, /** * Tear the object down, free any references * * this.teardown(); * * @method teardown */ teardown: function() { /** * triggered whenever tte object is torn down * @event onTeardown * @param {AFrame.Event} event - the event */ var me=this; me.triggerEvent( 'onTeardown' ); me.unbindAll(); me.unbindToAll(); me.teardownChildren(); me.config = me.cid = me.children = null; }, teardownChildren: function() { for( var cid in this.children ) { var child = this.children[ cid ]; child.teardown(); AFrame.remove( this.children, cid ); } }, /** * Get the CID of the object * * var cid = this.getCID(); * * @method getCID * @returns {cid} */ getCID: function() { return this.cid; }, /** * Add a child. All children are torn down on this object's teardown * * // childToBeTornDown is an AObject based item created by this AObject. * // childToBeTornDown needs torn down whenever this object is torn down. * this.addChild( childToBeTornDown ); * * @method addChild * @param {AObject} child - child object */ addChild: function( child ) { this.children[ child.getCID() ] = child; }, /** * Remove a child. * * // childToRemove is a child that this object has already * // created and no longer needs. * this.removeChild( childToRemove.getCID() ); * * @method removeChild * @param {cid} cid - cid of item to remove */ removeChild: function( cid ) { AFrame.remove( this.children, cid ); }, /** * Create a trigger event proxy function. Useful to re-broadcast an event or when a DOM * event should trigger a normal AObject based event. * * // use triggerProxy to rebroadcast an event from a child * child.bindEvent( 'eventToProxy', this.triggerProxy( 'eventToProxy' ) ); * * * @method triggerProxy * @param {string} eventName - name of event to trigger */ triggerProxy: function( eventName ) { return this.triggerEvent.bind( this, eventName ); } }, AFrame.ObservablesMixin ); function importConfig() { var me = this; AFrame.Class.walkChain( function( currClass ) { if( currClass.prototype.hasOwnProperty( 'importconfig' ) ) { var classImports = currClass.prototype.importconfig; classImports.forEach( function( importName ) { if( AFrame.defined( me.config[ importName ] ) ) { me[ importName ] = me.config[ importName ]; } } ); } }, me ); } function bindEvents() { var me = this, events, eventName, nameTarget; AFrame.Class.walkChain( function( currClass ) { if( currClass.prototype.hasOwnProperty( 'events' ) ) { events = currClass.prototype.events; for( eventName in events ) { nameTarget = getNameAndTarget.call( me, eventName ); bindHandlers.call( me, nameTarget.name, nameTarget.target, events[ eventName ] ); } } }, me ); function getNameAndTarget( eventName ) { var parts = eventName.split( ' ' ), target = me[ parts[ 1 ] ] || me; return { name: parts[ 0 ], target: target }; } function bindHandlers( name, target, handlers ) { handlers = AFrame.array( handlers ) ? handlers : [ handlers ]; handlers.forEach( function( handler ) { handler = AFrame.func( handler ) ? handler : me[ handler ]; target.bindEvent( name, handler, me ); } ); } } return AObject; }() ); /** * DataContainers are the basic atom of data within the AFrameJS ecosystem. * Used like a hash. They provide functionality allowing concerned parties * to be notified when the data mutates. They are the "Model" in * Model-View-Controller. DataContainer's make it possible to have multiple * Views bound to a particular field update automatically when the underlying * data is modified. * * Example: * * var dataObject = { * firstName: 'Shane', * lastName: 'Tomlinson' * }; * * var dataContainer = AFrame.DataContainer.create( { data: dataObject } ); * dataContainer.bindField( 'firstName', function( notification ) { * alert( 'new name: ' + notification.value ); * } ); * * dataContainer.set( 'firstName', 'Charlotte' ); * * @class AFrame.DataContainer * @extends AFrame.AObject * @uses AFrame.EnumerableMixin */ /** * Create a DataContainer. * * var dataContainer = AFrame.DataContainer.create( { data: dataObject } ); * * @method AFrame.DataContainer.create * @param {object || AFrame.DataContainer} data (optional) If given, creates a * new AFrame.DataContainer for the data. If already an AFrame.DataContainer, * returns self, if the data already has an AFrame.DataContainer associated with * it, then the original AFrame.DataContainer is used. */ AFrame.DataContainer = ( function() { "use strict"; var DataContainer = AFrame.AObject.extend( { /** * Initialize the data container. * @method init */ init: function( config ) { /** * Initial data * @config data * @type {object} * @default {} */ var me=this, data = me.data = config.data || {}; if( data.__dataContainer ) { throw Error( 'Cannot create a second DataContainer for an object' ); } data.__dataContainer = me; me.fieldBindings = {}; DataContainer.sc.init.call( me, config ); }, /** * Update a field. * * // If passing two arguments, the first argument is * // the name of the field, the second is the value * var prevVal = dataContainer.set( 'name', 'Shane Tomlinson' ); * * // If passing a single argument, it must be an * // object with key/value pairs. prevVals will * // be an object with the previous value of each * // field that is updated. * var prevVals = dataContainer.set( { * name: 'Shane Tomlinson', * employer: 'AFrame Foundary' * } ); * * @method set * @param {string} fieldName name of field * @param {variant} fieldValue value of field * @return {variant} previous value of field */ set: function( fieldName, fieldValue ) { if( 'object' === typeof( fieldName ) ) { var prevVals = {}; for( var key in fieldName ) { prevVals[ key ] = this.set( key, fieldName[ key ] ); } return prevVals; } var oldValue = this.data[ fieldName ]; this.data[ fieldName ] = fieldValue; /** * Triggered whenever any item on the object is set. * @event onSet * @param {AFrame.Event} event - an event object. @see * [Event](AFrame.Event.html) * @param {string} event.fieldName - name of field affected. * @param {variant} event.value - the current value of the field. * @param {variant} event.oldValue - the previous value of the field * (only applicable if data has changed). */ this.triggerEvent( { fieldName: fieldName, oldValue: oldValue, value: fieldValue, type: 'onSet' } ); /** * Triggered whenever an item on the object is set. This is useful * to bind to whenever a particular field is being changed. * @event onSet-fieldName * @param {AFrame.Event} event - an event object. @see * [Event](AFrame.Event.html) * @param {string} event.fieldName - name of field affected. * @param {variant} event.value - the current value of the field. * @param {variant} event.oldValue - the previous value of the field * (only applicable if data has changed). */ this.triggerEvent( { fieldName: fieldName, oldValue: oldValue, value: fieldValue, type: 'onSet-' + fieldName } ); return oldValue; }, /** * Get the value of a field * * var value = dataContainer.get( 'name' ); * * @method get * @param {string} fieldName - name of the field to get * @return {variant} value of field */ get: function( fieldName ) { return this.data[ fieldName ]; }, /** * Get an object with all fields contained in the DataContainer. * * // Get an object with all fields contained in the DataContainer. * var dataObject = dataContainer.toJSON(); * * @method toJSON * @return {object} */ toJSON: function() { var data = this.data, retval = {}, key; for( key in data ) { if( key !== '__dataContainer' ) { retval[ key ] = data[ key ]; } } return retval; }, /** * Bind a callback to a field. Function is called once on initialization * as well as any time the field changes. When function is called, it is * called with an event. * * var onChange = function( event ) { * console.log( 'Name: "' + event.fieldName + '" + value: "' * + event.value + '" oldValue: "' + event.oldValue + '"' ); * }; * var id = dataContainer.bindField( 'name', onChange ); * // use id to unbind callback manually, otherwise callback will * / /be unbound automatically. * * @method bindField * @param {string} fieldName name of field * @param {function} callback callback to call * @param {object} context context to call callback in * @return {id} id that can be used to unbind the field */ bindField: function( fieldName, callback, context ) { this.setEventData( { container: this, fieldName: fieldName, oldValue: undefined, value: this.get( fieldName ), type: 'onSet:' + fieldName } ); var event = this.getEventObject(); callback.call( context, event ); return this.bindEvent( 'onSet-' + fieldName, callback, context ); }, /** * Unbind a field. * * var id = dataContainer.bindField(... * dataContainer.unbindField( id ); * * @method unbindField * @param {id} id given by bindField */ unbindField: function( id ) { return this.unbindEvent( id ); }, /** * Iterate over each item in the dataContainer. Callback will be called * with two parameters, the first the value, the second the key * * dataCollection.forEach( function( item, index ) { * // process item here * } ); * * @method forEach * @param {function} function to call * @param {object} context (optional) optional context */ forEach: function( callback, context ) { for( var key in this.data ) { if( key !== '__dataContainer' ) { callback.call( context, this.data[ key ], key ); } } } }, AFrame.EnumerableMixin ); DataContainer.create = function( config ) { config = config || {}; var data = config.data = config.data || {}; if( data instanceof DataContainer ) { return data; } else if( data.__dataContainer ) { return data.__dataContainer; } var dataContainer = AFrame.Class.create( DataContainer, config ); return dataContainer; }; return DataContainer; }() ); /** * A basic plugin, used to extend functionality of an object without either subclassing or directly * extending that object. Plugins make it easy to create configurable objects by adding * small units of coherent functionality and plugging a base object. When creating an object, * if the functionality is needed, add the plugin, if not, leave it out. When the plugged * object is torn down, the plugin will automatically be torn down as well. * @class AFrame.Plugin * @extends AFrame.AObject * @constructor */ AFrame.Plugin = ( function() { "use strict"; var Plugin = AFrame.AObject.extend( { importconfig: [ 'plugged' ], events: { 'onTeardown plugged': 'teardown', 'onInit plugged': 'onPluggedInit' }, /** * Get a reference to the plugged object. * @method getPlugged * @return {AFrame.AObject} the plugged object */ getPlugged: function() { return this.plugged; }, teardown: function() { AFrame.remove( this, 'plugged' ); Plugin.sc.teardown.call( this ); }, /** * Override to do some specialized handling when a plugged object is initialized. * @method onPluggedInit */ onPluggedInit: function() { // do nothing } } ); return Plugin; }() ); AFrame.ArrayCommonFuncsMixin = (function() { "use strict"; /** * Common functions to all arrays * @class AFrame.ArrayCommonFuncsMixin * @static */ var Mixin = { /** * Get the current count of items. Should be overridden. * * // list is an AFrame.List * var count = list.getCount(); * * @method getCount * @return {number} current count * @throw 'operation not supported' if not overridden properly. */ getCount: function() { /* Should be overridden */ throw 'operation not supported'; }, /** * @private * Given an tentative index, get the index the item would be inserted at * @method getActualInsertIndex * @param {number} index - index to check for */ getActualInsertIndex: function( index ) { var len = this.getCount(); if( 'undefined' == typeof( index ) ) { index = len; } else if( index < 0 ) { index = len + ( index + 1 ); } index = Math.max( 0, index ); index = Math.min( len, index ); return index; }, /** * @private * Given an tentative index, get the item's real index. * @method getActualIndex * @param {number} index - index to check for */ getActualIndex: function( index ) { var len = this.getCount(); // check from end if( index < 0 ) { index = len + index; } // invalid indexes; if( index < 0 || len <= index ) { index = undefined; } return index; } }; return Mixin; }()); /** * A hash collection. Items stored in the hash can be accessed/removed by a key. The item's key * is first searched for on the item's cid field, if the item has no cid field, a cid will be assigned * to it. The CID used is returned from the insert function. * * CollectionHash is different from a [CollectionArray](AFrame.CollectionArray.html) which is accessed * by index. * * Create the hash * var collection = AFrame.CollectionHash.create(); * * // First item is inserted with a cid * var cid = collection.insert( { cid: 'cid1', * name: 'AFrame Foundary', * city: 'London', * country: 'United Kingdom' * } ); * // cid variable will be 'cid1' * * var googleCID = collection.insert( { name: 'Google', * city: 'Santa Clara', * country: 'United States' * } ); * // googleCID will be assigned by the system * * // Getting an item from the hash. * var item = collection.get( 'cid1' ); * // item will be the AFrame Foundary item * * var googleItem = collection.remove( googleCID ); * // googleItem will be the google item that was inserted * * @class AFrame.CollectionHash * @extends AFrame.AObject * @uses AFrame.EnumerableMixin * @constructor */ AFrame.CollectionHash = ( function() { "use strict"; var CollectionHash = AFrame.AObject.extend( AFrame.EnumerableMixin, { init: function( config ) { this.hash = {}; CollectionHash.sc.init.call( this, config ); }, teardown: function() { for( var cid in this.hash ) { AFrame.remove( this.hash, cid ); } AFrame.remove( this, 'hash' ); CollectionHash.sc.teardown.call( this ); }, /** * Get an item from the hash. * * // using data from example at top of page * var item = hash.get( 'cid1' ); * // item will be the AFrame Foundary item * * @method get * @param {id} cid - cid of item to get * @return {variant} item if it exists, undefined otw. */ get: function( cid ) { return this.hash[ cid ]; }, /** * Remove an item from the store. * * // using data from example at top of page, remove by CID * var googleItem = hash.remove( googleCID ); * // googleItem will be the google item that was inserted * * // remove by item itself * hash.remove( googleItem ); * * An Example can be found on JSFiddle * * @method remove * @param {object || cid} item - item or cid of item to remove * @param {object} options - options * @param {boolean} options.force - force removal, if set to true, onBeforeRemove event has * no effect. * @return {variant} item if it exists, undefined otw. */ remove: function( cid, options ) { var me=this, cid = 'object' === typeof( cid ) ? findHashKey.call( me, cid ) : cid, item = me.get( cid ); if( item ) { /** * Triggered before remove happens. If listeners call preventDefault on the * event object, the remove will not happen. * @event onBeforeRemove * @param {object} data - data field passed. * @param {CollectionHash} data.collection - collection causing event. * @param {variant} data.item - item removed */ var event = me.triggerEvent( { item: item, cid: cid, type: 'onBeforeRemove', force: options && options.force } ); if( me.shouldDoAction( options, event ) ) { AFrame.remove( me.hash, cid ); /** * Triggered after remove happens. * @event onRemove * @param {object} data - data has two fields, item and meta. * @param {CollectionHash} data.collection - collection causing event. * @param {variant} data.item - item removed */ me.triggerEvent( { item: item, cid: cid, type: 'onRemove', force: options && options.force } ); return item; } } }, /** * Insert an item into the hash. CID is gotten first from the item's cid field. If this doesn't exist, * it is then assigned. Items with duplicate cids are not allowed, this will cause a 'duplicate cid' * exception to be thrown. If the item being inserted is an Object and does not already have a cid, the * item's cid will be placed on the object under the cid field. * * When onBeforeInsert is triggered, if the event has had preventDefault called, * the insert will be cancelled * * // First item is inserted with a cid * var cid = hash.insert( { cid: 'cid1', * name: 'AFrame Foundary', * city: 'London', * country: 'United Kingdom' * } ); * // cid variable will be 'cid1' * * var googleCID = hash.insert( { name: 'Google', * city: 'Santa Clara', * country: 'United States' * } ); * // googleCID will be assigned by the system * * @method insert * @param {variant} item - item to insert * @param {object} options - options * @param {boolean} options.force - force insertion, if set to true, onBeforeInsert event has * no effect (duplicate cid constraints still apply) * @return {id} cid of the item. */ insert: function( item, options ) { var cid = this.getItemCID( item ); /** * Triggered before insertion happens. If listeners call preventDefault on the event, * item will not be inserted * @event onBeforeInsert * @param {object} data - data has two fields. * @param {CollectionHash} data.collection - collection causing event. * @param {variant} data.item - item inserted */ var event = this.triggerEvent( { item: item, cid: cid, type: 'onBeforeInsert', force: options && options.force } ); if( this.shouldDoAction( options, event ) ) { // store the CID on the item. if( item instanceof Object ) { item.cid = cid; } this.hash[ cid ] = item; /** * Triggered after insertion happens. * @event onInsert * @param {object} data - data has two fields, item and meta. * @param {CollectionHash} data.collection - collection causing event. * @param {variant} data.item - item inserted */ this.triggerEvent( { item: item, cid: cid, type: 'onInsert', force: options && options.force } ); return cid; } }, shouldDoAction: function( options, event ) { return ( options && options.force ) || !( event && event.isDefaultPrevented() ); }, /** * Clear the hash * * // remove all items from the hash. * hash.clear(); * * @method clear */ clear: function() { for( var cid in this.hash ) { this.remove( cid ); } }, /** * Iterate over the collection, calling a function once for each item in the collection. * * // iterate over the collection * collection.forEach( function( item, id ) { * // perform some action on item. * } ); * * @method forEach * @param {function} callback - callback to call for each item. Will be called with two parameters, * the first is the item, the second the identifier (id type depends on type of collection). * @param {object} context - optional context to call callback in. */ forEach: function( callback, context ) { var hash = this.hash; for( var cid in hash ) { callback.call( context, hash[ cid ], cid ); } }, getItemCID: function( item ) { var cid = item.cid || AFrame.getUniqueID(); if( 'undefined' != typeof( this.get( cid ) ) ) { throw 'duplicate cid'; } return cid; } } ); CollectionHash.currID = 0; function findHashKey( item ) { var hash = this.hash; for( var key in hash ) { if( item === hash[ key ] ) { return key; } } } return CollectionHash; } )(); /** * An array collection. Unlike the [CollectionHash](AFrame.CollectionHash.html), the CollectionArray can be accessed via * either a key or an index. When accessed via a key, the item's CID will be used. If an item has a cid field when * inserted, this cid will be used, otherwise a cid will be assigned. * * This raises the same events as AFrame.CollectionHash, but every event will have one additional parameter, index. * * Create the array * var collection = AFrame.CollectionArray.create(); * * // First item is inserted with a cid, inserted at the end of the array. * var aframeCID = collection.insert( { cid: 'cid1', * name: 'AFrame Foundary', * city: 'London', * country: 'United Kingdom' * } ); * // aframeCID variable will be 'cid1' * * // inserts google at the head of the list. * var googleCID = collection.insert( { name: 'Google', * city: 'Santa Clara', * country: 'United States' * }, 0 ); * // googleCID will be assigned by the system * * // microsoft inserted at the end of the list. * var microsoftCID = collection.insert( { name: 'Microsoft', * city: 'Redmond', * country: 'United States' * }, -1 ); * // microsoftCID will be assigned by the system * * // Getting an item via index. This will return google item. * var item = collection.get( 0 ); * // item will be the google item * * // Getting an item via negative index. This will return microsoft item. * var item = collection.get( -1 ); * // item will be the microsoft item * * // Getting an item via CID. This will return the aframe item. * item = collection.get( aframeCID ); * * var googleItem = collection.remove( googleCID ); * // googleItem will be the google item that was inserted * * var aframeItem = collection.remove( 0 ); * // aframeItem will be the aframe item since the google item was first but is now removed * * @class AFrame.CollectionArray * @extends AFrame.CollectionHash * @uses AFrame.ArrayCommonFuncsMixin * @constructor */ AFrame.CollectionArray = ( function() { "use strict"; var CollectionArray = AFrame.CollectionHash.extend( AFrame.ArrayCommonFuncsMixin, { init: function( config ) { this.itemCIDs = []; CollectionArray.sc.init.call( this, config ); }, teardown: function() { this.itemCIDs.forEach( function( id, index ) { this.itemCIDs[ index ] = null; }, this ); AFrame.remove( this, 'itemCIDs' ); CollectionArray.sc.teardown.apply( this ); }, /** * Insert an item into the array. * * // First item is inserted with a cid, inserted at the end of the array. * var aframeCID = collection.insert( { cid: 'cid1', * name: 'AFrame Foundary', * city: 'London', * country: 'United Kingdom' * } ); * // aframeCID variable will be 'cid1' * * // inserts google at the head of the list. * var googleCID = collection.insert( { name: 'Google', * city: 'Santa Clara', * country: 'United States' * }, 0 ); * // googleCID will be assigned by the system * * // microsoft inserted at the end of the list. * var microsoftCID = collection.insert( { name: 'Microsoft', * city: 'Redmond', * country: 'United States' * }, -1 ); * // microsoftCID will be assigned by the system * @method insert * @param {variant} item to insert * @param {integer} index (optional) - index to insert into. If * not defined, insert at the end of the list. * @return {id} cid of the item */ insert: function( item, index ) { var me=this, cid = me.getItemCID( item ); index = 'number' == typeof( index ) ? index : -1; me.currentIndex = me.getActualInsertIndex( index ); me.itemCIDs.splice( me.currentIndex, 0, cid ); item.cid = cid; CollectionArray.sc.insert.call( me, item ); return cid; }, /** * Get an item from the array. * * // Getting an item via index. This will return google item. * var item = collection.get( 0 ); * // item will be the google item * * // Getting an item via negative index. This will return microsoft item. * var item = collection.get( -1 ); * // item will be the microsoft item * * // Getting an item via CID. This will return the aframe item. * item = collection.get( aframeCID ); * * @method get * @param {number || id} index - index or cid of item to get * @return {variant} item if it exists, undefined otw. */ get: function( index ) { var cid = this.getCID( index ); var retval; if( cid ) { retval = CollectionArray.sc.get.call( this, cid ); } return retval; }, /** * Remove an item from the array * * var googleItem = collection.remove( googleCID ); * // googleItem will be the google item that was inserted * * var aframeItem = collection.remove( 0 ); * // aframeItem will be the aframe item since the google item was first but is now removed * * @method remove * @param {number || id} index of item to remove. */ remove: function( index ) { var cid; if( 'string' == typeof( index ) ) { cid = index; index = this.getIndex( index ); } else { index = this.getActualIndex( index ); cid = this.getCID( index ); } var retval; if( index > -1 ) { this.itemCIDs.splice( index, 1 ); this.currentIndex = index; retval = CollectionArray.sc.remove.call( this, cid ); } return retval; }, /** * Clear the array * * // Clears the collection. * collection.clear(); * * @method clear */ clear: function() { CollectionArray.sc.clear.call( this ); this.itemCIDs = []; }, /** * Get the current count of items * * // Get the number of items in the collection. * var count = collection.clear(); * * @method getCount * @return {number} current count */ getCount: function() { return this.itemCIDs.length; }, /** * Get an array representation of the CollectionArray * * // Returns the array representation of the collection. * var itemsArray = collection.getArray(); * * @method getArray * @return {array} array representation of CollectionArray */ getArray: function() { var array = []; this.itemCIDs.forEach( function( cid, index ) { array[ index ] = this.hash.get( cid ); } ); return array; }, /** * @private */ getEventObject: function() { var event = CollectionArray.sc.getEventObject.call( this ); event.index = this.currentIndex; return event; }, /** * Given an index or cid, get the cid. * @method getCID * @param {id || number} index * @private */ getCID: function( index ) { var cid = index; if( 'number' == typeof( index ) ) { index = this.getActualIndex( index ); cid = this.itemCIDs[ index ]; } return cid; }, /** * Given an index or cid, get the index. * @method getIndex * @param {id || number} index * @private */ getIndex: function( index ) { if( 'string' == typeof( index ) ) { index = this.itemCIDs.indexOf( index ); } return index; }, forEach: function( callback, context ) { for( var item, index = 0, cid; cid = this.itemCIDs[ index ]; ++index ) { item = this.get( cid ); callback.call( context, item, index ); } } } ); return CollectionArray; } )(); /** * A base class for a display. Provides base target and DOM functionality. A Display is completely * generic, but can be used as the View in the Model-View-Controller paradigm. See [Field](AFrame.Field.html) for * Views that are tied to specific pieces of data. * * * * --------- * * var buttonSelector = '#submitForm'; * * // buttonSelector is a selector used to specify the root node of * // the target. * var button = AFrame.Display.create( { * target: buttonSelector * } ); * * // When binding to a DOM event, must define the target, which * // can be any element or selector. If a selector is given, * // the target is looked for as a descendant of the display's * // target. * button.bindClick( buttonSelector, function( event ) { * // take care of the click, the event's default action is * // already prevented. * } ); * * // Any DOM event can be bound to. * button.bindDOMEvent( buttonSelector, 'mouseenter', function( event ) { * // Do a button highlight or some other such thing. * } ); * * * *## Using render to draw a display ## * * By default, the AFrame assumes that a display's DOM is already drawn. If a display needs rendered, * this can be done so using the render method. The below example is of a subclass * overriding the render method. When using render, be sure to use the sc's render method. * * ... * // Using the jQuery DOM adapter. * * // Example of render which directly inserts HTML * render: function() { * AFrame.DOM.setInner( this.getTarget(), '
This is rendered ' + * 'inside of the Dislay\'s target
' ); * }, * * // Example of using jTemplate to render a template * render: function() { * this.getTarget().setTemplate( $( '#template' ).html() ) * .processTemplate( {} ); * }, * * * Declaring DOM Event Bindings *======== * * Binding to a DOM event is a particularly common pattern in AFrame, so common * that a shortcut way to declare these bindings is implemented. DOM Events * are declared in the "domevents" array on the Class' prototype. * * Example Usage: * * // First is a simple click event with an inline handler. The * // click event is attached to the Display's target node. * var Display = AFrame.Display.extend( { * domevents: { * click: function( event ) { * // Handle event here * } * } * } ); * * // Second, a mouseover event is attached to the Display's target. * // The handler is a class function, whose name is given as the * // event handler. All strings are assumed to be class functions. * var Display = AFrame.Display.extend( { * domevents: { * mouseover: 'onMouseOver' * }, * onMouseOver: function( event ) { * // Handle Event * } * } ); * * // Frequently, it is necessary to attach an event not to the target * // element of the object, but to one of its children. This is possible * // by specifying a selector to attach to. * var Display = AFrame.Display.extend( { * domevents: { * 'click .selector': function( event ) {} * } * } ); * * // Since attaching multiple event handlers can help reduce * // event handler complexity, multiple handlers are possible. * // Instead of specifying one handler, specify an array of handlers. * var Display = AFrame.Display.extend( { * domevents: { * click: [ function( event ) { * // Handle Event * }, 'onClick' ], * }, * onClick: function( event ) { * // Handle Event * } * } ); * * // All together now - Multiple events, using a combination * // of inline and class handlers * var Display = AFrame.Display.extend( { * domevents: { * 'click .selector': [ function( event ) { * // Handle Event * }, 'onClick' ], * mouseover: 'onMouseOver', * }, * onClick: function( event ) { * // Handle Event * }, * onMouseOver: function( event ) { * // Handle Event * } * } ); * * @class AFrame.Display * @extends AFrame.AObject * @constructor */ AFrame.Display = (function() { "use strict"; var currDOMEventID = 0; var Display = AFrame.AObject.extend( { /** * the target * @config target * @type {element || selector} */ init: function( config ) { this.target = AFrame.DOM.getElements( config.target ); if( !this.target.length ) { throw 'invalid target'; } this.render(); this.domEventHandlers = {}; Display.sc.init.call( this, config ); bindDOMEvents.call( this ); }, teardown: function() { for( var key in this.domEventHandlers ) { this.unbindDOMEvent( key ); } this.target = null; Display.sc.teardown.call( this ); }, /** * Render the HTML element, by default, only triggers the onRender observable. Should be overridden in * subclasses to do any templating, setting up the DOM, etc. Subclasses do not need to do anything * if the full DOM for this display has already been created. AFrame does not care what templating system * that is used, so any way of setting the target's HTML is fine. * * * ... * * // Example of render which directly inserts HTML * render: function() { * AFrame.DOM.setInner( this.getTarget(), '
This is rendered inside of ' + * 'the Dislay\'s target
' ); * }, * * // Example of using jTemplate to render a template * render: function() { * this.getTarget().setTemplate( $( '#template' ).html() ).processTemplate( {} ); * }, * * * @method render */ render: function() { /** * Triggered whenever the displayed is rendered. * @event onRender * @param {Display} display - the display being rendered. */ this.triggerEvent( 'onRender', this ); }, /** * Get the display's target. * * var target = display.getTarget(); * * @method getTarget * @return {element} target */ getTarget: function() { return this.target; }, /** * Get the display's native DOM Element. * * var element = display.getDOMElement(); * * @method getDOMElement * @return {HTMLElement} - the DOM Element */ getDOMElement: function() { return this.target[ 0 ]; }, /** * Bind to a DOM event * * var onClose = function( event ) { * // close something here * }; * var id = display.bindDOMEvent( '.btnClose', 'click', onClose ); * // use id to unbind DOM event * * @method bindDOMEvent * @param {element || selector} target - the target. If a string, searches the DOM * @param {string} eventName - the name of the event to bind to * @param {function} callback - the callback to callback * @param {object} context (optional)- the context to call the callback in, if not given, use this. * @return {id} id that can be used to unbind the event. */ bindDOMEvent: function( target, eventName, callback, context ) { var eventCallback = callback.bind( context || this ); var eventTarget = getEventTarget.call( this, target ); AFrame.DOM.bindEvent( eventTarget, eventName, eventCallback ); currDOMEventID++; var id = currDOMEventID; this.domEventHandlers[ id ] = { target: eventTarget, eventName: eventName, callback: eventCallback }; return id; }, /** * a convenience function for binding click events. The event has it's default prevented so that * if binding to an anchor with an href of "#", the screen does not jump. * * var onClose = function( event ) { * // event's default is already prevented * // close something here * }; * var id = display.bindClick( '.btnClose', onClose ); * // use id to unbind DOM event * * @method bindClick * @param {element || selector} target - the target. If a string, searches the DOM * @param {function} callback - the callback to callback * @param {object} context (optional)- the context to call the callback in, if not given, use this. * @return {id} id that can be used to unbind the event. */ bindClick: function( target, callback, context ) { return this.bindDOMEvent( target, 'click', function( event ) { event.preventDefault(); callback.call( this, event ); }, context ); }, /** * Unbind a DOM event * * var id = display.bindDOMEvent( ... ); * display.unbindDOMEvent( id ); * * @method unbindDOMEvent * @param {id} id - id of event to unbind */ unbindDOMEvent: function( id ) { var event = this.domEventHandlers[ id ]; if( event ) { AFrame.DOM.unbindEvent( event.target, event.eventName, event.callback ); event.target = null; event.eventName = null; event.callback = null; AFrame.remove( this.domEventHandlers, id ); } } } ); function getEventTarget( target ) { var eventTarget; if( 'string' == typeof( target ) ) { eventTarget = AFrame.DOM.getDescendentElements( target, this.getTarget() ); } else { eventTarget = AFrame.DOM.getElements( target ); } return eventTarget; } function bindDOMEvents() { var me = this, target = me.getTarget(); AFrame.Class.walkChain( function( currClass ) { if( currClass.prototype.hasOwnProperty( 'domevents' ) ) { var domEvents = currClass.prototype.domevents; for( var eventName in domEvents ) { var nameTarget = getNameAndTarget.call( me, eventName ); bindHandlers.call( me, nameTarget.name, nameTarget.target, domEvents[ eventName ] ); } } }, me ); function getNameAndTarget( eventName ) { var parts = eventName.split( ' ' ); var target = parts.length == 1 ? me.getTarget() : parts.slice( 1 ).join( ' ' ); return { name: parts[ 0 ], target: target }; } function bindHandlers( name, target, handlers ) { handlers = AFrame.array( handlers ) ? handlers : [ handlers ]; handlers.forEach( function( handler ) { handler = AFrame.func( handler ) ? handler : me[ handler ]; me.bindDOMEvent( target, name, handler ); } ); } } return Display; } )(); /** * A generic HTML list class. A list is any list of data. A List shares * the majority of its interface with a CollectionArray * since lists are inherently ordered (even if they are ULs). There are two methods * for inserting an item into the list, either passing an already created * element to [insertElement](#method_insertElement) or by passing data to [insert](#method_insert). * If using insert, a factory function (listElementFactory) must be specified in the configuration. * The factory function can either create an element directly or use some sort of prototyping system * to create the element. The factory function must return the element to be inserted. * * * * * --------- * // Set up a factory to create list elements. This can create the elements * // directly or use sort of templating system. * var factory = function( data, index ) { * var listItem = AFrame.DOM.createElement( 'li', data.name + ', ' + data.employer ); * return listItem; * }; * * var list = AFrame.List.create( { * target: '#clientList', * listElementFactory: factory * } ); * * // Creates a list item using the factory function, item is inserted * // at the end of the list * list.insert( { * name: 'Shane Tomlinson', * employer: 'AFrame Foundary' * } ); * * // Inserts a pre-made list item at the head of the list * list.insertRow( AFrame.DOM.createElement( 'li', 'Joe Smith, the Coffee Shop' ), 0 ); * --------- * * * * @class AFrame.List * @extends AFrame.Display * @uses AFrame.ArrayCommonFuncsMixin * @uses AFrame.EnumerableMixin * @constructor */ /** * A function to call to create a list element. function will be called with two parameters, an data and index. * If not specified, then the internal factory that returns an empty LI element will be used. See * [listElementFactory](#method_listElementFactory). * @config listElementFactory * @type {function} (optional) * @default this.listElementFactory */ AFrame.List = ( function() { "use strict"; var List = AFrame.Display.extend( AFrame.ArrayCommonFuncsMixin, AFrame.EnumerableMixin, { init: function( config ) { if( config.listElementFactory ) { this.listElementFactory = config.listElementFactory; } List.sc.init.call( this, config ); }, /** * Clear the list * @method clear */ clear: function() { AFrame.DOM.setInner( this.getTarget(), '' ); }, /** * The factory used to create list elements. * * // overriden listElementFactory * listElementFactory: function( data, index ) { * var listItem = AFrame.DOM.createElement( 'li', data.name + ', ' + data.employer ); * return listItem; * } * * @method listElementFactory * @param {object} data - data used on insert * @param {number} index - index where item should be inserted * @return {Element} element to insert */ listElementFactory: function() { return AFrame.DOM.createElement( 'li' ); }, /** * Insert a data item into the list, the list item is created * using the listElementFactory. * * * // Creates a list item using the factory function, * // item is inserted at the end of the list. * list.insert( { * name: 'Shane Tomlinson', * employer: 'AFrame Foundary' * } ); * * * // Item is inserted at index 0, the first item in the list. * list.insert( { * name: 'Shane Tomlinson', * employer: 'AFrame Foundary' * }, 0 ); * * // Item is inserted at the end of the list * list.insert( { * name: 'Shane Tomlinson', * employer: 'AFrame Foundary' * }, -1 ); * * // Item is inserted two from the end * list.insert( { * name: 'Shane Tomlinson', * employer: 'AFrame Foundary' * }, -2 ); * * @method insert * @param {object} data - data to use for list item * @param {number} index (optional) - index to insert at * If index > current highest index, inserts at end. * If index is negative, item is inserted from end. * -1 is at the end. If not given, inserts at end. * @return {number} index the item is inserted at. */ insert: function( data, index ) { index = this.getActualInsertIndex( index ); var rowElement = this.listElementFactory( data, index ); index = this.insertElement( rowElement, index ); /** * Triggered whenever a row is inserted into the list * @event onInsert * @param {object} options - information about the insert * @param {element} options.rowElement - row's element * @param {object} options.data - data that was inserted * @param {object} options.index - index where row was inserted */ this.triggerEvent( { rowElement: rowElement, index: index, data: data, type: 'onInsert' } ); return index; }, /** * Insert an element into the list. * * // Item is inserted at index 0, the first item in the list. * list.insertElement( AFrame.DOM.createElement( 'li', 'Shane Tomlinson, AFrame Foundary' ), 0 ); * * @method insertElement * @param {element} rowElement - element to insert * @param {number} index (optional) - index where to insert element. * If index > current highest index, inserts at end. * If index is negative, item is inserted from end. -1 is at the end. * @return {number} index - the index the item is inserted at. */ insertElement: function( rowElement, index ) { var target = this.getTarget(); index = this.getActualInsertIndex( index ); AFrame.DOM.insertAsNthChild( rowElement, target, index ); /** * Triggered whenever an element is inserted into the list * @event onInsertElement * @param {object} options - information about the insert * @param {element} options.rowElement - row's element * @param {object} options.index - index where row was inserted */ this.triggerEvent( { rowElement: rowElement, index: index, type: 'onInsertElement' } ); return index; }, /** * Remove an item from the list * * // Remove first item in the list. * list.remove( 0 ); * * @method remove * @param {number} index - index of item to remove */ remove: function( index ) { var removeIndex = this.getActualIndex( index ); var rowElement = AFrame.DOM.getNthChild( this.getTarget(), removeIndex ); AFrame.DOM.removeElement( rowElement ); /** * Triggered whenever an element is removed from the list * @event onRemoveElement * @param {object} options - information about the insert * @param {element} options.rowElement - row's element * @param {object} options.index - index where row was inserted */ this.triggerEvent( { rowElement: rowElement, index: index, type: 'onRemoveElement' } ); }, /** * Call a callback for each element in the list. The callback will be called * with the rowElement and the index * @method forEach * @param {function} callback - callback to call * @param {object} context (optional) - context to call the callback in */ forEach: function( callback, context ) { var children = AFrame.DOM.getChildren( this.getTarget() ); AFrame.DOM.forEach( children, callback, context ); } } ); return List; } )(); /** * A plugin that binds a list to a collection. When the collection is updated, the list * is automatically updated to reflect the change. List updates occure when * the collection trigger the onInsert or onRemove events. * This plugin adds getIndex to the plugged list. * * * * * --------- * // A List with the same results as the previous example is * // the expected result * * // First we need to set up the collection * var collection = AFrame.CollectionArray.create(); * * * var factory = function( index, data ) { * var listItem = AFrame.DOM.createElement( 'li', data.name + ', ' + data.employer ); * return listItem; * }; * * // Sets up our list with the ListPluginBindToCollection. Notice the * // ListPluginBindToCollection has a collection config parameter. * var list = AFrame.List.create( { * target: '#clientList', * listElementFactory: factory, * plugins: [ * [ AFrame.ListPluginBindToCollection, { * collection: collection * } ] * ] * } ); * * collection.insert( { * name: 'Shane Tomlinson', * employer: 'AFrame Foundary' * } ); * * collection.insert( { * name: 'Joe Smith', * employer: 'The Coffee Shop' * }, 0 ); * * // The same list as in the example above is shown * --------- * * * * ---------- * * collection.remove( 0 ); * * // Joe Smith has been removed * * --------- * * * * * @class AFrame.ListPluginBindToCollection * @extends AFrame.Plugin * @constructor */ /** * The collection to bind to * @config collection * @type {Collection} */ AFrame.ListPluginBindToCollection = ( function() { "use strict"; var Plugin = AFrame.Plugin.extend( { importconfig: [ 'collection' ], events: { 'onInsert collection': 'onInsert', 'onRemove collection': 'onRemove' }, init: function( config ) { this.cids = []; Plugin.sc.init.call( this, config ); this.getPlugged().getIndex = this.getIndex.bind( this ); }, onInsert: function( event ) { var index = this.getPlugged().insert( event.item, event.index || -1 ); this.cids.splice( index, 0, event.cid ); }, onRemove: function( event ) { var index = this.cids.indexOf( event.cid ); this.getPlugged().remove( index ); this.cids.splice( index, 1 ); }, /** * Given an index or cid, get the index. * @param {number || id} indexCID - either the index or the cid of an item * @return {number} index of item */ getIndex: function( indexCID ) { var index = indexCID; if( 'string' == typeof( indexCID ) ) { index = this.cids.indexOf( indexCID ); } return index; } } ); return Plugin; }() ); /** * A plugin to a collection to give the collection db ops. This is part of * what is usually called an Adapter when referring to collections with a * hookup to a database. The CollectionPluginPersistence is not the actual * Adapter but binds a collection to an Adapter. The * CollectionPluginPersistence adds load, add, save, del functions to the * collection, all four functions are assumed to operate asynchronously. When * configuring the plugin, 4 parameters can be specified, each are optional. * The four paramters are addCallback, saveCallback, loadCallback, and * deleteCallback. When the callbacks are called, they will be called with two * parameters, item, options. item is the item currently being operated on. * options is options data that will contain at least two fields, collection and * onComplete. onComplte should be called by the adapter when the adapter * function has completed. * * // set up the adapter * var dbAdapter = { * load: function( options ) { * // functionality here to do the load * // a variable named items is set with an array of items. * if( options.onComplete ) { * options.onComplete( items ); * } * }, * add: function( item, options ) { * // functionality here to do the add * * // Method 1: this does not override the initial item * if( options.onComplete ) { * options.onComplete(); * } * * // Method 2: this overrides the initial item to create a model which is inserted * // into the collection. Note, getModel is an imaginary function used only for * // demo purposes. * if( options.onComplete ) { * var model = getModel( item ); * options.onComplete( model ); * } * }, * del: function( item, options ) { * // functionality here to do the delete * * if( options.onComplete ) { * options.onComplete(); * } * }, * save: function( item, options ) { * // functionality here to do the save * * if( options.onComplete ) { * options.onComplete(); * } * } * }; * * var collection = AFrame.CollectionArray.create( { * plugins: [ [ AFrame.CollectionPluginPersistence, { * // specify each of the four adapter functions * loadCallback: dbAdapter.load, * addCallback: dbAdapter.load, * deleteCallback: dbAdapter.del, * saveCallback: dbAdapter.save * } * ] ] * } ); * * // Loads the initial items * collection.load( { * onComplete: function( items, options ) { * alert( 'Collection is loaded' ); * } * } ); * * // Adds an item to the collection. Note, a cid is not given back * // because this operation is asynchronous and a cid will not be * // assigned until the persistence operation completes. A CID * // will be placed on the item. * collection.add( { * name: 'AFrame', * company: 'AFrame Foundary' * }, { * onComplete: function( item, options ) { * // cid is available here in either options.cid or item.cid * alert( 'add complete, cid: ' + options.cid ); * } * } ); * * // delete an item with cid 'cid'. * collection.del( 'cid', { * onComplete: function() { * alert( 'delete complete' ); * } * } ); * * // save an item with cid 'cid'. * collection.save( 'cid', { * onComplete: function() { * alert( 'save complete' ); * } * } ); * * @class AFrame.CollectionPluginPersistence * @extends AFrame.Plugin * @constructor */ AFrame.CollectionPluginPersistence = ( function() { "use strict"; var Plugin = AFrame.Plugin.extend( { init: function( config ) { /** * function to call to do add. Will be called with two parameters, * data, and options. * @config addCallback * @type function (optional) */ this.addCallback = config.addCallback || this.addCallback || noPersistenceOp; /** * function to call to do save. Will be called with two parameters, * data, and options. * @config saveCallback * @type function (optional) */ this.saveCallback = config.saveCallback || this.saveCallback || noPersistenceOp; /** * function to call to do load. Will be called with one parameter, * options. * @config loadCallback * @type function (optional) */ this.loadCallback = config.loadCallback || this.loadCallback || noPersistenceOp; /** * function to call to do delete. Will be called with two * parameters, data, and options. * @config deleteCallback * @type function (optional) */ this.deleteCallback = config.deleteCallback || this.deleteCallback || noPersistenceOp; Plugin.sc.init.call( this, config ); var plugged = this.getPlugged(); plugged.add = this.add.bind( this ); plugged.load = this.load.bind( this ); plugged.del = this.del.bind( this ); plugged.save = this.save.bind( this ); }, /** * Add an item to the collection. The item will be inserted into the * collection once the addCallback is complete. Because of this, no * cid is returned from the add function, but one will be placed into * the options item passed to the onComplete callback. * * // Adds an item to the collection. Note, a cid is not given back * // because this operation is asynchronous and a cid will not be * // assigned until the persistence operation completes. A CID * // will be placed on the item. * collection.add( { * name: 'AFrame', * company: 'AFrame Foundary' * }, { * onComplete: function( item, options ) { * // cid is available here in either options.cid or item.cid * alert( 'add complete, cid: ' + options.cid ); * } * } ); * * @method add * @param {object} item - item to add * @param {object} options - options information. * @param {function} options.onComplete (optional) - callback to call * when complete. Will be called with two parameters, the item, and * options information. * @param {function} options.insertAt (optional) - data to be passed * as second argument to the collection's insert function. Useful when * using CollectionArrays to specify the index * @param {boolean} options.force (optional) - If set to true, an add * will be forced even if onBeforeAdd has its preventDefault called. */ add: function( item, options ) { options = getOptions( this, options ); var callback = options.onComplete; var plugged = this.getPlugged(); /** * Triggered on the collection before an add is sent to persistence. * If the event has preventDefault called, the add will be cancelled * as long as the options.force is not set to true * @event onBeforeAdd * @param {AFrame.Event} event - event object * @param {variant} event.item - the item being added * @param {boolean} event.force - whether the add is being forced. */ var event = plugged.triggerEvent( getEvent( 'onBeforeAdd', item, options ) ); if( plugged.shouldDoAction( options, event ) ) { options.onComplete = function( overriddenItem ) { // For the insert item, use the item given by the db access // layer, if they pass one back. If no override is given, // use the original item. item = overriddenItem || item; var cid = plugged.insert( item, options.insertAt ); options.cid = cid; options.onComplete = callback; callback && callback( item, options ); /** * Triggered on the collection after an item is sent to * persistence and is added to the Collection. * @event onAdd * @param {AFrame.Event} event - event object * @param {variant} event.item - the item being added * @param {boolean} event.force - whether the add is being forced. * @param {id} event.cid - item's cid */ plugged.triggerEvent( getEvent( 'onAdd', item, options ) ); }; this.addCallback( item, options ); } }, /** * load the collection * * // Loads the initial data * collection.load( { * onComplete: function( items, options ) { * alert( 'Collection is loaded' ); * } * } ); * * @method load * @param {object} options - options information. * @param {function} options.onComplete (optional) - the callback will * be called when operation is complete. Callback will be called with * two parameters, the items, and options information. */ load: function( options ) { options = getOptions( this, options ); var plugged = this.getPlugged(); /** * Triggered on the collection before a load occurs. If the listener * calls preventDefault on the event, the load will be cancelled * unless the load is forced. * @event onBeforeLoad * @param {object} event - event information * @param {boolean} event.force - whether the load is being forced. */ var event = plugged.triggerEvent( { type: 'onBeforeLoad', force: options && options.force } ); if( plugged.shouldDoAction( options, event ) ) { var callback = options.onComplete; /** * Triggered on the collection whenever a load is starting * @event onLoadStart * @param {object} event - event information * @param {boolean} event.force - whether the load is * being forced. */ plugged.triggerEvent( { type: 'onLoadStart', force: options && options.force } ); options.onComplete = onComplete.bind( this, callback, options ); this.loadCallback( options ); } function onComplete( callback, options, items ) { if( items ) { items.forEach( function( item, index ) { plugged.insert( item ); } ); } options.onComplete = callback; callback && callback( items, options ); /** * Triggered on the collection whenever a load has completed * @event onLoad * @param {object} event - event information, has collection and * items fields. * @param {variant} event.items- items loaded inserted * @param {boolean} event.force - whether the load is being * forced. */ plugged.triggerEvent( { items: items, type: 'onLoad', force: options && options.force } ); } }, /** * delete an item in the collection * * // delete an item with cid 'cid'. * collection.del( 'cid', { * onComplete: function( item, options ) { * alert( 'delete complete' ); * } * } ); * * @method del * @param {id || index} itemID - id or index of item to remove * @param {object} options - options information. * @param {function} options.onComplete (optional) - the callback will * be called when operation is complete. Callback will be called with * two parameters, the item, and options information. */ del: function( itemID, options ) { var plugged = this.getPlugged(); var item = plugged.get( itemID ); if( item ) { /** * Triggered on the collection before a delete is sent to * persistence. If the event has preventDefault called, the * delete will be cancelled as long as the options.force is not * set to true * @event onBeforeDelete * @param {AFrame.Event} event - event object * @param {variant} event.item - the item being deleted * @param {boolean} event.force - whether the delete is being * forced. */ var event = plugged.triggerEvent( getEvent( 'onBeforeDelete', item, options ) ); if( plugged.shouldDoAction( options, event ) ) { options = getOptions( this, options ); var callback = options.onComplete; options.onComplete = function() { plugged.remove( itemID, options ); options.onComplete = callback; callback && callback( item, options ); }; this.deleteCallback( item, options ); /** * Triggered on the collection after an item is deleted from * persistence and is removed from the Collection. * @event onDelete * @param {AFrame.Event} event - event object * @param {variant} event.item - the item being deleted * @param {boolean} event.force - whether the delete is being * forced. * @param {id} event.cid - item's cid */ plugged.triggerEvent( getEvent( 'onDelete', item, options ) ); } } }, /** * save an item in the collection * * // save an item with cid 'cid'. * collection.save( 'cid', { * onComplete: function( item, options ) { * alert( 'save complete' ); * } * } ); * * @method save * @param {id || index} itemID - id or index of item to save * @param {object} options - options information. * @param {function} options.onComplete (optional) - the callback will * be called when operation is complete. Callback will be called with * two parameters, the item, and options information. */ save: function( itemID, options ) { var plugged = this.getPlugged(); var item = plugged.get( itemID ); if( item ) { /** * Triggered on the collection before a save is sent to * persistence. If the event has preventDefault called, the save * will be cancelled as long as the options.force is not set to * true * @event onBeforeSave * @param {AFrame.Event} event - event object * @param {variant} event.item - the item being saved * @param {boolean} event.force - whether the save is being * forced. */ var event = plugged.triggerEvent( getEvent( 'onBeforeSave', item, options ) ); if( plugged.shouldDoAction( options, event ) ) { options = getOptions( this, options ); var callback = options.onComplete; options.onComplete = function() { options.onComplete = callback; callback && callback( item, options ); }.bind( this ); this.saveCallback( item, options ); /** * Triggered on the collection after an item is saved to * persistence. * @event onSave * @param {AFrame.Event} event - event object * @param {variant} event.item - the item being saved * @param {boolean} event.force - whether the save is being * forced. * @param {id} event.cid - item's cid */ plugged.triggerEvent( getEvent( 'onSave', item, options ) ); } } } } ); /** * Get the persistence options * @method getOptions * @private */ function getOptions( context, options ) { options = options || {}; options.collection = context.getPlugged(); return options; } /** * Get an event object. Used when triggering the * on[Add|Delete|Save|Load]* events * @method getEvent * @private */ function getEvent( type, item, options ) { var event = { type: type, item: item }; if( item.cid ) { event.cid = item.cid; } if( options && options.force ) { event.force = true; } return event; } /** * A NoOp type function that just calls the onComplete function, used for * persistence functions where no callback is specified. * @method noPersistenceOp * @private */ function noPersistenceOp( data, options ) { var callback = options.onComplete; callback && callback( data, options ); } return Plugin; } )(); AFrame.CollectionPluginREST = (function() { var Plugin = AFrame.CollectionPluginPersistence.extend( { importconfig: [ 'root', 'net' ], loadCallback: function( options ) { var me=this; me.net.ajax( { url: me.root, success: options.onComplete } ); }, addCallback: function( item, options ) { var me=this; me.net.ajax( { url: me.root, data: getItemData( item ), type: 'POST', success: function( body, textStatus, xhr ) { var loc = xhr.getResponseHeader( 'Location' ); loc = loc.replace( me.root + '/', '' ); setItemData( item, 'id', loc ); options.onComplete && options.onComplete(); } } ); }, deleteCallback: function( item, options ) { var me=this; me.net.ajax( { url: me.root + '/' + getItemID( item ), type: 'DELETE', success: options.onComplete } ); }, saveCallback: function( item, options ) { var me=this; me.net.ajax( { url: me.root + '/' + getItemID( item ), data: getItemData( item ), type: 'PUT', success: options.onComplete } ); } } ); function getItemID( item ) { return item.get ? item.get( 'id' ) : item.id; } function getItemData( item ) { return item.toJSON ? item.toJSON() : item; } function setItemData( item, key, data ) { if( item.set ) { item.set( key, data ); } else { item[ key ] = data; } } return Plugin; }()); /** * A plugin to a Collection that automates the creation of models. If all items * in a collection share a [Schema](AFrame.Schema.html), instead of creating * a model for each insert, the data can be inserted directly and a model will * automatically be created. When doing a "get" on the collection, the models * will be returned. Model creation will occur as soon as data enters the collection, * so it happens on insert always before the onBeforeInsert event is triggered. * If the collection has CollectionPluginPersistence, the model will be created * before the onBeforeAdd event is triggered. * * // Define the schema * var schemaConfig = { * name: { type: 'text' }, * employer: { type: 'text', 'def': 'AFrame Foundary' } * }; * * // create the collection. * this.collection = AFrame.CollectionArray.create( { * plugins: [ [ AFrame.CollectionPluginModel, { * schema: schemaConfig * } ] ] * } ); * * @class AFrame.CollectionPluginModel * @extends AFrame.Plugin * @constructor */ /** * The schema or schemaConfig to use. * @config schema * @type {SchemaConfig || Schema || Model} */ /** * The model factory to use. If not given, a default model factory is used * which creates an AFrame.Model with the data inserted and the schema * given. The factory will be called with two parameters, the data * and the schema. * * // example of an overridden model factory function. * var modelFactory = function( data, schema ) { * return SpecializedMode.create( { * data: data, * schema: schema * } ); * }; * * @config modelFactory * @type {function} * @default modelFactory */ AFrame.CollectionPluginModel = ( function() { "use strict"; var Plugin = AFrame.Plugin.extend( { importconfig: [ 'schema' ], init: function( config ) { var me=this; me.modelFactory = config.modelFactory || createModel; Plugin.sc.init.call( me, config ); me.defaultModelConstructor = AFrame.extendsFrom( me.schema, AFrame.Model ) ? me.schema : AFrame.Model; var plugged = me.getPlugged(); plugged.insert = augmentInsert.bind( me, plugged.insert ); if( plugged.add ) { plugged.add = augmentInsert.bind( me, plugged.add ); } } } ); function augmentInsert( decorated, item, insertAt ) { if( !( item instanceof AFrame.Model ) ) { item = this.modelFactory( item ); } return decorated.call( this.getPlugged(), item, insertAt ); } function createModel( data ) { var model = this.defaultModelConstructor.create( { schema: this.schema, data: data } ); return model; } return Plugin; }() ); /** * A basic form. A Form is a Composite of form fields. Each Field contains at least * the following functions, clear, save, reset, validate. A generic Form is not * bound to any data, it is only a collection of form fields. Note, by default, * the form creates an AFrame.Field for each field found. If specialized field * creation is needed, fieldFactory can be overridden through either subclassing * or passing in a fieldFactory function to configuration. * *##Setting up the HTML## * * Use the "data-field" attribute on an element to specify that an element is a form field * * * * * *##Working in Javascript## * * * // Set up the form to look under #nameForm for elements with the "data-field" * // attribute. This will find one field in the above HTML * // * var form = AFrame.Form.create( { * target: '#nameForm' * } ); * * // do some stuff, user enters data. * * // Check the validity of the form * var isValid = form.checkValidity(); * * // do some other stuff. * * form.clear(); * *##Using a Specialized fieldFactory## * * // Sets up the field constructor, right now there is only one type of field * var fieldFactory = function( element ) { * return AFrame.SpecializedField.create( { * target: element * } ); * }; * * // Set up the form to look under #nameForm for elements with the "data-field" * // attribute. This will find one field in the above HTML * // * var form = AFrame.Form.create( { * target: '#nameForm', * formFieldFactory: fieldFactory * } ); * * // the specialized form field factory can be used globally as * // the default factory * AFrame.Form.setDefaultFieldFactory( fieldFactory ); * * @class AFrame.Form * @extends AFrame.Display * @uses AFrame.EnumerableMixin * @constructor */ /** * The factory to use to create form fields. * * // example field factory in a Form's config. * formFieldFactory: function( element ) { * return AFrame.SpecializedField.create( { * target: element * } ); * }; * * @config formFieldFactory * @type {function} * @default this.formFieldFactory; */ AFrame.Form = ( function() { "use strict"; var Form = AFrame.Display.extend( AFrame.EnumerableMixin, { init: function( config ) { this.formFieldFactory = config.formFieldFactory || this.formFieldFactory || formFieldFactory; this.formElements = []; this.formFields = []; Form.sc.init.call( this, config ); this.bindFormElements(); }, bindFormElements: function() { var formElements = AFrame.DOM.getDescendentElements( '[data-field]', this.getTarget() ); AFrame.DOM.forEach( formElements, this.bindFormElement, this ); }, teardown: function() { this.forEach( function( formField, index ) { formField.teardown(); this.formFields[ index ] = null; }, this ); this.formFields = null; this.formElements = null; Form.sc.teardown.call( this ); }, /** * bind a form element to the form * * // Bind a field in the given element. * var field = form.bindFormElement( '#button' ); * * @method bindFormElement * @param {selector || element} formElement the form element to bind to. * @returns {AFrame.Field} */ bindFormElement: function( formElement ) { var target = AFrame.DOM.getElements( formElement ); this.formElements.push( target ); var formField = this.formFieldFactory( target ); this.formFields.push( formField ); return formField; }, /** * Get the form field elements * * // Get the form field elements * var fields = form.getFormElements(); * * @method getFormElements * @return {array} the form elements */ getFormElements: function() { return this.formElements; }, /** * Get the form fields * * // Get the form fields * var fields = form.getFormFields(); * * @method getFormFields * @return {array} the form fields */ getFormFields: function() { return this.formFields; }, /** * Validate the form. * * // Check the validity of the form * var isValid = form.checkValidity(); * * @method checkValidity * @return {boolean} true if form is valid, false otw. */ checkValidity: function() { var valid = true; for( var index = 0, formField; ( formField = this.formFields[ index ] ) && valid; ++index ) { valid = formField.checkValidity(); } return valid; }, /** * Clear the form, does not affect data * * // Clear the form, does not affect data. * form.clear(); * * @method clear */ clear: function() { fieldAction.call( this, 'clear' ); }, /** * Reset the form to its original state * * // Resets the form to its original state. * form.reset(); * * @method reset */ reset: function() { fieldAction.call( this, 'reset' ); }, /** * Have all fields save their data if the form is valid * * // Have all fields save their data if the form is valid * var saved = form.save(); * * @method save * @return {boolean} true if the form was valid and saved, false otw. */ save: function() { var valid = this.checkValidity(); if( valid ) { fieldAction.call( this, 'save' ); } return valid; }, /** * Iterate through each form field * @method forEach * @param {function} callback - the callback to call. * @param {object} context (optional) - the context to call the callback in */ forEach: function( callback, context ) { this.formFields && this.formFields.forEach( callback, context ); } } ); /** * Set the default field factory. Overridden factory takes one parameter, element. * It should return a {Field}(AFrame.Field.html) compatible object. * * * // example of overloaded formFieldFactory * AFrame.Form.setDefaultFieldFactory( function( element ) { * return AFrame.SpecializedField.create( { * target: element * } ); * } ); * * * @method Form.setDefaultFieldFactory * @param {function} factory */ Form.setDefaultFieldFactory = function( factory ) { formFieldFactory = factory; }; /** * Do an action on all fields. * @method fieldAction * @private */ function fieldAction( action ) { this.forEach( function( formField, index ) { formField[ action ](); } ); } /** * The factory used to create fields. * * // example of overloaded formFieldFactory * formFieldFactory: function( element ) { * return AFrame.SpecializedField.create( { * target: element * } ); * }; * * @method formFieldFactory * @param {Element} element - element where to create field * @return {AFrame.Field} field for element. */ function formFieldFactory( element ) { return AFrame.Field.create( { target: element } ); } return Form; }() ); /** * The base class for a field. A field is a basic unit for a form. With the new HTML5 spec, * each form field has an invalid event. Some browsers display an error message whenever the * invalid event is triggered. If default browser error message handling is desired, set * AFrame.Field.cancelInvalid = false. If cancelInvalid is set to true, the invalid event will * have its default action prevented. Field validation is taken care of through the [FieldPluginValidation](AFrame.FieldPluginValidation.html). * All Fields will have a FieldPluginValidation created for them unless one is already created * and attached as a plugin. To override the default validation for a field, subclass FieldPluginValidation * and attach the subclass as a plugin on field creation. * * A working example is found on [JSFiddle](http://jsfiddle.net/shane_tomlinson/s48Cn/) * * * * --------- * * var field = AFrame.Field.create( { * target: '#numberInput' * } ); * * // Set the value of the field, it is now displaying 3.1415 * field.set(3.1415); * * // The field is cleared, displays nothing * field.clear(); * * var val = field.get(); * * * @class AFrame.Field * @extends AFrame.Display * @constructor */ AFrame.Field = ( function() { "use strict"; var Field = AFrame.Display.extend( { domevents: { keyup: 'onFieldChange', invalid: 'onFieldInvalid' }, init: function( config ) { createValidator.call( this ); Field.sc.init.call( this, config ); this.save(); }, /** * Set the value of the field and display the value. Sets the rest value to the value entered. * * nameField.set( 'AFrame' ); * * @method set * @param {variant} val value to display */ set: function( val ) { this.resetVal = val; this.display( val ); this.onFieldChange(); }, /** * Display a value, does not affect the reset value. Using this function can be useful to * change how a piece of data is visually represented on the screen. * * nameField.display( 'AFrame' ); * * @method display * @param {variant} val value to dipslay */ display: function( val ) { var target = this.getTarget(); AFrame.DOM.setInner( target, val || '' ); }, /** * Get the value that is displayed in the field. This can be different from what get returns * if the visual representation of the data is different from the data itself. * * var displayed = nameField.getDisplayed(); * console.log( 'displayedValue: ' + displayed ); * * @method getDisplayed * @returns {string} */ getDisplayed: function() { var target = this.getTarget(); return AFrame.DOM.getInner( target ); }, /** * Get the value of the field. This should be overridden by subclasses to convert field string * values to whatever native value that is expected. This means, the value returned by get * can be different if the visual representation is different from the underlying data. * Returns an empty string if no value entered. * * var val = nameField.get(); * * @method get * @return {variant} the value of the field */ get: function() { return this.getDisplayed(); }, /** * Reset the field to its last 'set' value. * * nameField.reset(); * * @method reset */ reset: function() { this.set( this.resetVal ); }, /** * Clear the field. A reset after this will cause the field to go back to the blank state. * * nameField.clear(); * * @method clear */ clear: function() { this.set( '' ); }, /** * Save the current value as a reset point * * nameField.save(); * * @method save */ save: function() { var displayed = this.getDisplayed(); if( !displayed.length ) { var undefined; displayed = undefined; } this.resetVal = displayed; }, onFieldChange: function() { /** * triggered whenever the field value changes * @event onChange * @param {string} fieldVal - the current field value. */ this.triggerEvent( 'onChange', this, this.get() ); }, onFieldInvalid: function( event ) { if( Field.cancelInvalid ) { event && event.preventDefault(); } } } ); Field.cancelInvalid = true; function createValidator() { if( !this.validate ) { var fieldValidator = AFrame.FieldPluginValidation.create( { plugged: this } ); } } return Field; }() ); /** * Takes care of validation for a [Field](AFrame.Field.html), using an HTML5 based * [FieldValidityState](AFrame.FieldValidityState.html). * By default, a FieldPluginValidation is created for each Field. This class * can be subclassed and added as a plugin to a [Field](AFrame.Field.html) when * specialized field validation is needed. The following functions are added to * the field: * * - [getValidityState](#method_getValidityState) * - [validate](#method_validate) * - [setError](#method_setError) * - [setCustomValidity](#method_setCustomValidity) * - [checkValidity](#method_checkValidity) * * Unlike the HTML5 spec, Field validation does not occur in real time, * for validation to occur, the checkValidity function must be called. * * * * --------- * * var field = AFrame.Field.create( { * target: '#numberInput' * } ); * * // Set the value of the field, it is now displaying 3.1415 * field.set(3.1415); * * // Check the validity of the field * var isValid = field.checkValidity(); * * // The field is cleared, displays nothing * field.clear(); * * field.set('invalid set'); * * // This will return false * isValid = field.checkValidity(); * * // Get the validity state, as per the HTML5 spec * var validityState = field.getValidityState(); * * *##Example of using a custom validator## * * var ValidatorPlugin = AFrame.FieldPluginValidation.extend( { * validate: function() { * var valid = ValidatorPlugin.sc.validate.call( this ); * if( valid ) { * // do custom validation setting valid variable * } * return valid; * } * } ); * * var field = AFrame.Field.create( { * target: '#numberInput', * plugins: [ ValidatorPlugin ] * } ); * * field.validate(); * * * @class AFrame.FieldPluginValidation * @extends AFrame.Plugin * @constructor */ AFrame.FieldPluginValidation = (function() { "use strict"; var FieldPluginValidation = AFrame.Plugin.extend( { events: { 'onChange plugged': onChange }, init: function( config ) { this.calculateValidity = true; FieldPluginValidation.sc.init.call( this, config ); var plugged = this.getPlugged(); plugged.getValidityState = this.getValidityState.bind( this ); plugged.validate = this.validate.bind( this ); plugged.setError = this.setError.bind( this ); plugged.setCustomValidity = this.setCustomValidity.bind( this ); plugged.checkValidity = this.checkValidity.bind( this ); }, /** * Get the current validity state for a field. * * var validityState = field.getValidityState( field ); * * @method getValidityState * @return {AFrame.FieldValidityState} - the current validity state of the field. */ getValidityState: function() { this.updateValidityState( true ); return this.validityState; }, /** * Validate the field. A field will validate if 1) Its form element does not have the required * attribute, or 2) the field has a length. Sub classes can override this to perform more * specific validation schemes. The HTML5 spec specifies checkValidity as the method to use * to check the validity of a form field. Calling this will reset any validation errors * previously set and start with a new state. * * var isValid = field.checkValidity(); * * @method checkValidity * @return {boolean} true if field is valid, false otw. */ checkValidity: function() { return this.validate(); }, /** * This should not be called directly, instead [checkValidity](#method_checkValidity) should be. * Do the actual validation on the field. Should be overridden to do validations. * * var isValid = field.validate(); * * @method validate * @return {boolean} true if field is valid, false otw. */ validate: function() { this.updateValidityState(); var field = this.getPlugged(); var valid = true; var target = field.getTarget(); if( target[ 0 ].checkValidity ) { // browser supports native validation valid = target[ 0 ].checkValidity(); } else { var criteria = this.getCriteria(); var val = field.get(); AFrame.DataValidation.validate( { data: val, criteria: criteria, fieldValidityState: this.validityState } ); valid = this.validityState.valid; } return valid; }, /** * Update the field's validity state. * @private * @method updateValidityState * @param {boolean} validate - whether to perform actual validation or not */ updateValidityState: function( validate ) { if( this.calculateValidity ) { this.validityState = AFrame.FieldValidityState.create( this.getPlugged().getTarget()[ 0 ].validity ); if( validate ) { this.validate(); } this.calculateValidity = false; } }, /** * Set an error. See [AFrame.FieldValidityState](AFrame.FieldValidityState.html) * * field.setError( 'valueMissing' ); * * @method setError * @param {string} errorType */ setError: function( error ) { this.updateValidityState( true ); AFrame.DOM.fireEvent( this.getPlugged().getTarget(), 'invalid' ); return this.validityState.setError( error ); }, /** * Set a custom error. In the AFrame.FieldValidityState object returned * by getValidityState, a custom error will have the customError field set to this * message * * field.setCustomValidity( 'Names must start with a letter' ); * * @method setCustomValidity * @param {string} customError - the error message to display */ setCustomValidity: function( customValidity ) { this.updateValidityState( true ); AFrame.DOM.fireEvent( this.getPlugged().getTarget(), 'invalid' ); return this.validityState.setCustomValidity( customValidity ); }, /** * Get the field's validation criteria * @method getCriteria * @return {object} criteria for the field * @private */ getCriteria: function() { var target = this.getPlugged().getTarget(); var hasAttr = AFrame.DOM.hasAttr; var getAttr = AFrame.DOM.getAttr; var type = getAttr( target, 'type' ); if( !type || type == 'textarea' ) { type = 'text'; } var criteria = { type: type }; if( hasAttr( target, 'required' ) ) { criteria.required = true; } if( hasAttr( target, 'min' ) ) { criteria.min = parseFloat( getAttr( target, 'min' ) ); } if( hasAttr( target, 'max' ) ) { criteria.max = parseFloat( getAttr( target, 'max' ) ); } if( hasAttr( target, 'step' ) ) { criteria.step = parseFloat( getAttr( target, 'step' ) ); } if( hasAttr( target, 'maxlength' ) ) { criteria.maxlength = parseInt( getAttr( target, 'maxlength' ), 10 ); } if( hasAttr( target, 'pattern' ) ) { criteria.pattern = getAttr( target, 'pattern' ); } return criteria; } } ); function onChange() { this.calculateValidity = true; } return FieldPluginValidation; } )(); /** * An object that keeps track of a field's validity, mirrors the * [HTML5](http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/association-of-controls-and-forms.html#the-constraint-validation-api) spec. * * @class AFrame.FieldValidityState * @constructor */ AFrame.FieldValidityState = function( config ) { if( config ) { AFrame.mixin( this, config ); } }; /** * Get an instance of the FieldValidityState object * @method AFrame.FieldValidityState.create * @param {object} config - object with a list of fields to set on the validity object * @returns {AFrame.FieldValidityState} */ AFrame.FieldValidityState.create = function( config ) { return new AFrame.FieldValidityState( config || {} ); }; AFrame.FieldValidityState.prototype = { /** * True if the element has no value but is a required field; false otherwise. * @property valueMissing * @type {boolean} */ valueMissing: false, /** * True if the element's value is not in the correct syntax; false otherwise. * @property typeMismatch * @type {boolean} */ typeMismatch: false, /** * True if the element's value doesn't match the provided pattern; false otherwise. * @property patternMismatch * @type {boolean} */ patternMismatch: false, /** * True if the element's value is longer than the provided maximum length; false otherwise. * @property tooLong * @type {boolean} */ tooLong: false, /** * True if the element's value is lower than the provided minimum; false otherwise. * @property rangeUnderflow * @type {boolean} */ rangeUnderflow: false, /** * True if the element's value is higher than the provided maximum; false otherwise. * @property rangeOverflow * @type {boolean} */ rangeOverflow: false, /** * True if the element's value doesn't fit the rules given by the step attribute; false otherwise. * @property stepMismatch * @type {boolean} */ stepMismatch: false, /** * True if the element has a custom error; false otherwise. * @property customError * @type {boolean} */ customError: false, /** * True if the element's value has no validity problems; false otherwise. * @property valid * @type {boolean} */ valid: true, /** * The error message that would be shown to the user if the element was to be checked for validity. * @property validationMessage * @type {string} */ validationMessage: '', /** * Set an error on the state * @method setError * @param {string} errorType - type of error */ setError: function( errorType ) { this[ errorType ] = true; this.valid = false; }, /** * Set the custom error message * @method setCustomValidity * @param {string} customError - the error message */ setCustomValidity: function( customError ) { if( customError ) { this.valid = false; this.customError = true; this.validationMessage = customError; } } }; /** * A decorator on a [Field](AFrame.Field.html) that takes care of displaying placeholder text if the browser does not * natively support this feature. This class never needs called directly and will be automatically * attached to the [Field](AFrame.Field.html) if the behavior is needed. For browsers that do * not support placeholder text natively, the decorator will come into play to add it. The idea * of placeholder text is if the field has no value displayed, but the element has text in its * placeholder attribute, the text will be displayed until either a value is entered or the user * places the mouse into the input. If the user still has not entered text whenever the element * loses focus, the placeholder text is again displayed. Any element that has its placeholder text * shown will have the "empty" class attached. Note, in CSS, this is different to the :empty class * which the browser can natively add. * *#Example of Using Placeholder Text# * * * * @class AFrame.FieldPluginPlaceholder * @static */ AFrame.FieldPluginPlaceholder = ( function() { var Placeholder = { init: function() { this.decorators = {}; // All functions are called as if they were on the Field. We are overriding init, bindEvents, // set, display, and save. These functions pertain to our handling of the placeholder text. decorate( 'init', decoratorInit ); decorate( 'bindEvents', decoratorBindEvents ); decorate( 'get', decoratorGet ); decorate( 'getDisplayed', decoratorGetDisplayed ); decorate( 'save', decoratorSave ); decorate( 'display', decoratorDisplay ); } }; function decorate( name, decorator ) { var decorated = AFrame.Field.prototype; Placeholder[ '_' + name ] = decorated[ name ]; decorated[ name ] = decorator; } function decoratorInit( config ) { Placeholder._init.call( this, config ); // display the placeholder text until the value is set. this.display( this.getDisplayed() ); } function decoratorBindEvents() { var target = this.getTarget(); // we care about the focus and blur evnts. this.bindDOMEvent( target, 'focus', onFieldFocus ); this.bindDOMEvent( target, 'blur', onFieldBlur ); Placeholder._bindEvents.call( this ); } function decoratorGet() { var placeholder = getPlaceholder.call( this ); var val = Placeholder._get.call( this ); if( val === placeholder ) { var undefined; val = undefined; } return val; } function decoratorGetDisplayed() { var placeholder = getPlaceholder.call( this ); var val = Placeholder._getDisplayed.call( this ); if( val === placeholder ) { val = ''; } return val; } function decoratorDisplay( val ) { Placeholder._display.call( this, val ); updatePlaceholder.call( this ); } function decoratorSave() { var placeholder = getPlaceholder.call( this ); var placeHolderDisplayed = this.getDisplayed() == placeholder; if( placeHolderDisplayed ) { this.display( '' ); } Placeholder._save.call( this ); if( placeHolderDisplayed ) { this.display( placeholder ); } } function onFieldFocus() { this.focused = true; updatePlaceholder.call( this ); } function onFieldBlur() { this.focused = false; updatePlaceholder.call( this ); } function updatePlaceholder() { var placeholder = getPlaceholder.call( this ); var displayed = Placeholder._getDisplayed.call( this ); var target = this.getTarget(); AFrame.DOM.removeClass( target, 'empty' ); if( this.focused ) { if( placeholder == displayed ) { Placeholder._display.call( this, '' ); } } else if( '' === Placeholder._getDisplayed.call( this ) ) { AFrame.DOM.addClass( target, 'empty' ); Placeholder._display.call( this, getPlaceholder.call( this ) ); } } function getPlaceholder() { var target = this.getTarget(); return AFrame.DOM.getAttr( target, 'placeholder' ) || ''; } if( typeof( document ) !== 'undefined' ) { // we only want to initialize the Placeholder if the browser does not support HTML5 var inp = document.createElement( 'input' ); if( !( 'placeholder' in inp ) ) { Placeholder.init(); } } return Placeholder; }() ); /** * A basic data schema, useful for defining a data structure, validating data, * and preparing data to be loaded from or saved to a persistence store. * Schema's define the data structure and can be nested to create complex data * structures. Schemas perform serialization duties in fromSerializedJSON and * toSerializedJSON. Finally, Schemas define ways to perform data validation. * * When loading data from persistence, if the data is run through the * fromSerializedJSON function, it will make an object with only the fields defined in * the schema, and any missing fields will get default values. If a fixup * function is defined for that row, the field's value will be run through the * fixup function. When saving data to persistence, running data through the * toSerializedJSON will create an object with only the fields specified in the * schema. If a row has 'save: false' defined, the row will not be added to the * form data object. If a row has a cleanup function defined, the corresponding * data value will be run through the cleanup function. * * Generic serialization functions can be set for a type using the * AFrame.Schema.addDeserializer and AFrame.Schema.addSerializer. These are * useful for doing conversions where the data persistence layer saves data in * a different format than the internal application representation. A useful * example of this is ISO8601 date<->Javascript Date. Already added types are * 'number', 'integer', and 'iso8601'. * * If a row in the schema config has the has_many field, the field is made into * an array and the fixup/cleanup functions are called on each item in the * array. The default default item for these fields is an empty array. If * there is no data for the field in toSerializedJSON, the field is left out * of the output. * * * // Schema defines four fields, two with validators * var librarySchemaConfig = { * name: { type: 'text', validate: { * minlength: 1, * maxlength: 75, * required: true * } }, * version: { type: 'text', validate: { * minlength: 1, * required: true * } }, * create_date: { type: 'iso8601' }, * downloads: { type: 'integer', fixup: downloadsFixup, * cleanup: downloadsCleanup } * }; * * function downloadsFixup( options ) { * var value = options.value; * if( value < 0 ) { * value = 0; * } * return value; * }; * * function downloadsCleanup( options ) { * var value = options.value; * if( value < 0 ) { * value = 0; * } * return value; * }; * * // recommended to use AFrame.Schema to create schemas so * // that duplicate schemas are not created for the same * // configuration. * var librarySchema = AFrame.Schema( librarySchemaConfig ); * * @class AFrame.Schema * @constructor */ /** * The schema configuration to use for this schema * @config schema * @type {object} */ AFrame.Schema = (function() { "use strict"; var SCHEMA_ID_KEY = '__SchemaID'; var Schema = AFrame.AObject.extend( { constructor: function( config ) { if( config ) { if( !config[ SCHEMA_ID_KEY ] ) { config[ SCHEMA_ID_KEY ] = AFrame.getUniqueID(); Schema.addSchemaConfig( config[ SCHEMA_ID_KEY ], config ); } return Schema.getSchema( config[ SCHEMA_ID_KEY ] ); } else { Schema.sc.constructor.call( this ); } }, init: function( config ) { this.schema = config.schema; if( !config.schema ) { throw 'Schema.js: Schema requires a schema configuration object'; } Schema.sc.init.call( this, config ); }, /** * Get an object with the default values specified. Only returns values * of objects with a defined default. * * // get the default values for all fields. * var defaults = schema.getDefaults(); * * @method getDefaults * @return {object} object with default values */ getDefaults: function() { var defaultObject = {}; this.forEach( function( schemaRow, key ) { defaultObject[ key ] = this.getDefaultValue( key ); }, this ); return defaultObject; }, /** * Get the default value for a particular item * * // get the default value for a particular item * var value = schema.getDefaultValue( 'name' ); * * @method getDefaultValue * @param {string} key - name of item to get default value for * @return {variant} default value if one is defined */ getDefaultValue: function( key ) { var defValue = this.schema[ key ].def; if( AFrame.func( defValue ) ) { defValue = defValue(); } else if( this.schema[ key ].has_many ) { defValue = []; } else if( Schema.getSchema( this.schema[ key ].type ) ) { defValue = {}; } return defValue; }, /** * Fix a data object for use in the application. Creates a new object * using the specified data as a template for values. If a value is not * specified but a default value is specified in the schema, the default * value is used for that item. Items are finally run through an * optionally defined fixup function. If defined, the fixup function * should return cleaned data. If the fixup function does not return * data, the field will be undefined. * * // dbData is data coming from the database, still needs to be * // deserialized. * var appData = schema.fromSerializedJSON( dbData ); * * @method fromSerializedJSON * @param {object} dataToFix * @return {object} fixedData */ fromSerializedJSON: function( dataToFix ) { var fixedData = {}; this.forEach( function( schemaRow, key ) { var value = dataToFix[ key ]; // no value, use default if( !AFrame.defined( value ) ) { value = this.getDefaultValue( key ); } if( schemaRow.has_many ) { value && value.forEach && value.forEach( function( current, index ) { value[ index ] = this.fromSerializedJSONValue( current, schemaRow, dataToFix, fixedData ); }, this ); } else { value = this.fromSerializedJSONValue( value, schemaRow, dataToFix, fixedData ); } fixedData[ key ] = value; }, this ); return fixedData; }, fromSerializedJSONValue: function( value, schemaRow, dataToFix, fixedData ) { // If the object has a type and there is a schema for the type, // fix up the value. If there is no schema for the type, but the value // is defined and there is a type converter fix function, convert the value. var schema = Schema.getSchema( schemaRow.type ); if( schema ) { value = schema.fromSerializedJSON( value ); } else if( AFrame.defined( value ) ) { // call the generic type deserializer function var convert = Schema.deserializers[ schemaRow.type ]; if( AFrame.func( convert ) ) { value = convert( value ); } } // apply the fixup function if defined. var fixup = schemaRow.fixup; if( AFrame.func( fixup ) ) { value = fixup( { value: value, data: dataToFix, fixed: fixedData } ); } return value; }, /** * Get an object suitable to send to persistence. This is based roughly * on converting the data to a * [FormData](https://developer.mozilla.org/en/XMLHttpRequest/FormData) * "like" object - see [MDC](https://developer.mozilla.org/en/XMLHttpRequest/FormData) * All items in the schema that do not have save parameter set to false * and have values defined in dataToSerialize will have values returned. * * // appData is data from the application ready to send to the * // DB, needs serialized. * var serializedData = schema.toSerializedJSON( appData ); * * @method toSerializedJSON * @param {object} dataToSerialize - data to clean up * @return {object} cleanedData */ toSerializedJSON: function( dataToSerialize ) { var cleanedData = {}; this.forEach( function( schemaRow, key ) { if( schemaRow.save !== false ) { var value = dataToSerialize[ key ]; if( schemaRow.has_many ) { value && value.forEach && value.forEach( function( current, index ) { value[ index ] = this.getSerializedValue( current, schemaRow, dataToSerialize, cleanedData ); }, this ); } else { value = this.getSerializedValue( value, schemaRow, dataToSerialize, cleanedData ); } cleanedData[ key ] = value; } }, this ); return cleanedData; }, getSerializedValue: function( value, schemaRow, dataToSerialize, cleanedData ) { // apply the cleanup function if defined. var cleanup = schemaRow.cleanup; if( AFrame.defined( cleanup ) ) { value = cleanup( { value: value, data: dataToSerialize, cleaned: cleanedData } ); } if( AFrame.defined( value ) ) { var schema = Schema.getSchema( schemaRow.type ); /* * first, check if there is a schema, if there is a schema let the schema * take care of things. If there is no schema but there is a value and * a saveCleaner, run the value through the save cleaner. */ if( schema ) { value = schema.toSerializedJSON( value ); } else { var convert = Schema.serializers[ schemaRow.type ]; if( AFrame.func( convert ) ) { value = convert( value ); } } } return value; }, /** * An iterator. Iterates over every row in the schema. * The callback is called with the schema row and the key of the row. * @method forEach * @param {function} callback - callback to call. * @param {object} context (optional) context to call callback in */ forEach: function( callback, context ) { for( var key in this.schema ) { if( key !== SCHEMA_ID_KEY ) { var schemaRow = this.schema[ key ]; callback.call( context, schemaRow, key ); } } }, /** * Check to see if a row is labeled with "has many" * @method rowHasMany * @param {string} rowName * @return {boolean} true if row is marked as "has_many", false otw. */ rowHasMany: function( rowName ) { return !!( this.schema[ rowName ] && this.schema[ rowName ].has_many ); }, /** * Validate a set of data against the schema * * // validate, but ignore fields defined in the schema that are missing from data. * var validity = schema.validate( data, true ); * // validity is true if all data is valid * // validity is an an object with each field in data, * // for each field there is an [AFrame.FieldValidityState](AFrame.FieldValidityState.html) * * @method validate * @param {object} data - data to validate * @param {boolean} ignoreMissing (optional) - if set to true, fields * missing from data are not validated. Defaults to false. Note, even if * set to true, and a field in data has an undefined value, the field * will be validated against the the undefined value. * @return {variant} true if all fields are valid, an object with each * field in data, for each field there is an * [AFrame.FieldValidityState](AFrame.FieldValidityState.html) */ validate: function( data, ignoreMissing ) { var statii = {}; var areErrors = false; this.forEach( function( row, key ) { var rowCriteria = row.validate || {}; var criteriaCopy = AFrame.mixin( { type: row.type }, rowCriteria ); var field = data[ key ]; // Check hasOwnProperty so that if a field is defined in data, // but has an undefined value, even if ignoreMissing is set to // true, we validate against it. if( !ignoreMissing || data.hasOwnProperty( key ) ) { var validityState = this.validateData( data[ key ], criteriaCopy ); // if the row is valid, then just give the row a true status if( validityState.valid ) { statii[ key ] = true; } else { // the row is invalid, so save its validityState. statii[ key ] = validityState; areErrors = true; } } }, this ); return areErrors ? statii : true; }, validateData: function( data, criteria ) { return AFrame.DataValidation.validate( { data: data, criteria: criteria } ); } } ); AFrame.mixin( Schema, { deserializers: {}, serializers: {}, schemaConfigs: {}, schemaCache: {}, /** * Add a universal function that fixes data in * [fromSerializedJSON](#method_fromSerializedJSON). This is used to * convert data from a version the backend sends to one that is used * internally. * @method Schema.addDeserializer * @param {string} type - type of field. * @param {function} callback - to call */ addDeserializer: function( type, callback ) { Schema.deserializers[ type ] = callback; }, /** * Add a universal function that gets data ready to save to persistence. * This is used to convert data from an internal representation of a * piece of data to a representation the backend is expecting. * @method Schema.addSerializer * @param {string} type - type of field. * @param {function} callback - to call */ addSerializer: function( type, callback ) { Schema.serializers[ type ] = callback; }, /** * Add a schema config * @method Schema.addSchemaConfig * @param {id} type - identifier type * @param {SchemaConfig} config - the schema configuration */ addSchemaConfig: function( type, config ) { Schema.schemaConfigs[ type ] = config; }, /** * Get a schema * @method Schema.getSchema * @param {id} type - type of schema to get, a config must be registered * for type. * @return {Schema} */ getSchema: function( type ) { if( !Schema.schemaCache[ type ] && Schema.schemaConfigs[ type ] ) { Schema.schemaCache[ type ] = Schema.create( { schema: Schema.schemaConfigs[ type ] } ); } return Schema.schemaCache[ type ]; } } ); Schema.addDeserializer( 'number', function( value ) { return parseFloat( value ); } ); Schema.addDeserializer( 'integer', function( value ) { return parseInt( value, 10 ); } ); Schema.addDeserializer( 'iso8601', function( str ) { if( 'string' == typeof( str ) ) { try { // modified from http://delete.me.uk/2005/03/iso8601.html var regexp = "([0-9]{4})(-([0-9]{2})(-([0-9]{2})" + "(T([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2})(:([0-9]{2})(\.([0-9]+))?)?" + "(Z|(([-+])([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2})))?)?)?)?"; var d = str.match( new RegExp( regexp ) ); var offset = 0; var date = new Date( d[1], 0, 1 ); if (d[3]) { date.setMonth( d[3] - 1 ); } if (d[5]) { date.setDate( d[5] ); } if (d[7]) { date.setHours( d[7] ); } if (d[8]) { date.setMinutes( d[8] ); } if (d[10]) { date.setSeconds( d[10] ); } if (d[12]) { date.setMilliseconds( Number( "0." + d[12] ) * 1000 ); } if (d[14]) { offset = (Number( d[16]) * 60 ) + Number( d[17] ); offset *= ( ( d[15] == '-' ) ? 1 : -1 ); } offset -= date.getTimezoneOffset(); var time = ( Number( date ) + ( offset * 60 * 1000 ) ); date.setTime( Number( time ) ); return date; } catch( e ) {} } else if( str instanceof Date ) { return str; } } ); Schema.addSerializer( 'iso8601', function( date ) { return date.toISOString(); } ); return Schema; }() ); /** * Create an AFrame.Form based object for each item in the list. Adds the functions [validate](#method_validate), * [save](#method_save), [clear](#method_clear), [reset](#method_reset), and [getForm](#method_getForm) to the * plugged object. By default, no formFactory method is needed to create forms and a * [AFrame.DataForm](AFrame.DataForm.html) is created for each row. If a specialty form is needed, * the formFactory configuration parameter can be specified. * *##Setting up a List## * * // ListPluginFormRow with default formFactory * var list = AFrame.List.create( { * target: '.list', * plugins: [ AFrame.ListPluginFormRow ] * } ); * * // ListPluginFormRow with formFactory specified * var list = AFrame.List.create( { * target: '.list', * plugins: [ [ AFrame.ListPluginFormRow, { * formFactory: function( rowElement, data ) * var form = AFrame.SpecializedForm.create( { * target: rowElement, * data: data * } ); * * return form; * } ] ] * } ); * * *##Using ListPluginFormRow's Functionality## * * // list is an AFrame.List with the AFrame.ListPluginFormRow plugin * * // reset all forms in the entire list * list.reset(); * * // reset one row * list.reset( 0 ); * * // validate all forms in the entire list * var valid = list.validate(); * * // validate one row * var valid = list.validate( 0 ); * * // save all forms in the entire list * list.save(); * * // save one row * list.save( 0 ); * * // clear all forms in the entire list * list.clear(); * * // clear one row * list.clear( 0 ); * * @class AFrame.ListPluginFormRow * @extends AFrame.Plugin * @constructor */ AFrame.ListPluginFormRow = ( function() { "use strict"; var Plugin = AFrame.Plugin.extend( { events: { 'onInsert plugged': 'onInsertRow', 'onRemove plugged': 'onRemoveRow' }, init: function( config ) { /** * The factory function used to create forms. formFactory will be called once for each * row in the list, it will be called with two parameters, the rowElement and the data * passed in the list's onInsert call. An AFrame.Form compatible object must be returned. * * ... * formFactory: function( rowElement, data ) { * var form = AFrame.SpecializedForm.create( { * target: rowElement, * data: data * } ); * * return form; * }, * .... * * @config formFactory * @type {function} (optional) * @default this.formFactory */ this.formFactory = config.formFactory || this.formFactory; this.forms = []; Plugin.sc.init.call( this, config ); var plugged = this.getPlugged(); plugged.validate = this.validate.bind( this ); plugged.save = this.save.bind( this ); plugged.reset = this.reset.bind( this ); plugged.clear = this.clear.bind( this ); plugged.getForm = this.getForm.bind( this ); }, teardown: function() { this.forms.forEach( function( form, index ) { form.teardown(); this.forms[ index ] = null; }, this ); Plugin.sc.teardown.call( this ); }, /** * The factory function used to create forms. formFactory will be called once for each * row in the list, it will be called with two parameters, the rowElement and the data * passed in the list's onInsert call. An AFrame.Form compatible object must be returned. * * ... * formFactory: function( rowElement, data ) { * var form = AFrame.SpecializedForm.create( { * target: rowElement, * data: data * } ); * * return form; * }, * .... * * @method formFactory * @type {function} */ formFactory: function( rowElement, data ) { var form = AFrame.DataForm.create( { target: rowElement, data: data } ); return form; }, onInsertRow: function( data, index ) { var form = this.formFactory( data.rowElement, data.data ); this.forms.splice( index, 0, form ); }, onRemoveRow: function( data, index ) { var form = this.forms[ index ]; form.teardown(); this.forms[ index ] = null; this.forms.splice( index, 1 ); }, /** * Validate a form. * * // list is an AFrame.List with the Plugin plugin * * // validate all forms in the entire list * var valid = list.validate(); * * // validate one row * var valid = list.validate( 0 ); * * @method validate * @param {number} index (optional) index of row. If not given, * validate all rows. * @return {boolean} true if form is valid, false otw. */ validate: function( index ) { var valid = true; var form; if( AFrame.defined( index ) ) { form = this.forms[ index ]; if( form ) { valid = form.validate(); } } else { for( index = 0; valid && ( form = this.forms[ index ] ); ++index ) { valid = form.validate(); } } return valid; }, /** * Save a form's data to its DataContainer * * // list is an AFrame.List with the Plugin plugin * * // save all forms in the entire list * list.save(); * * // save one row * list.save( 0 ); * * @method save * @param {number} index (optional) index of row. If not given, * save all rows. */ save: function( index ) { this.formFunc( index, 'save' ); }, /** * Reset a form * * // list is an AFrame.List with the Plugin plugin * * // reset all forms in the entire list * list.reset(); * * // reset one row * list.reset( 0 ); * * @method reset * @param {number} index (optional) index of row. If not given, * reset all rows. */ reset: function( index ) { this.formFunc( index, 'reset' ); }, /** * Clear a form * * // list is an AFrame.List with the Plugin plugin * * // clear all forms in the entire list * list.clear(); * * // clear one row * list.clear( 0 ); * * @method clear * @param {number} index (optional) index of row. If not given, * clear all rows. */ clear: function( index ) { this.formFunc( index, 'clear' ); }, formFunc: function( index, funcName ) { if( AFrame.defined( index ) ) { var form = this.forms[ index ]; if( form ) { form[ funcName ](); } } else { this.forms.forEach( function( form, index ) { form[ funcName ](); } ); } }, /** * Get the reference to a form * * // list is an AFrame.List with the Plugin plugin * * // get the form for one row. * var form = list.getForm( 0 ); * * @method getForm * @param {number} index - index of form to get * @return {AFrame.Form} form if available, undefined otw. */ getForm: function( index ) { return this.forms[ index ]; } } ); return Plugin; }() ); /** * A Form that is bound to data. Each DataForm is bound to a DataContainer, * (or Model), the DataContainer is used as the data source for all form Fields. * When a Field in the form is created, it has its value set to be that of the * corresponding field in the DataContainer. Unless the "autosave" config * attribute is set to true, the DataContainer's values are not updated, * even if a field's value changes, until the form's save function is called. * *###Example#### * The following example can be founds on JSFiddle * *####Setting up the HTML#### * * Use the "data-field" attribute on an element to specify that an element * is a form field. The "name" attribute is the name of the field to bind to. * *
* * * * * *####Working in Javascript#### * * var libraryDataContainer = AFrame.DataContainer( { * name: 'AFrame', * version: '0.0.20' * } ); * * // Set up the form to look under #nameForm for elements with the "data-field" * // attribute. This will find two fields, each field will be tied to the * // appropriate field in the libraryDataContainer * var form = AFrame.DataForm.create( { * target: '#nameForm', * data: libraryDataContainer * } ); * * // do some stuff, user updates the fields with the library name and version * // number. Note, throughout this period the libraryDataContainer is never * // updated. * * // Check the validity of the form, if we are valid, save the data back to * // the dataContainer. * var isValid = form.checkValidity(); * if( isValid ) { * // if the form is valid, the input is saved back to * // the libraryDataContainer * form.save(); * } * *####Data Forms with Models#### * If setting up a DataForm with a [Model](AFrame.Model.html), when validating the form, * the model's validators will be called as well. This is useful to do specialized * model level validation. * * // Schema defines two fields with validators * var schemaConfig = { * name: { type: 'text', validate: { * minlength: 1, * maxlength: 75, * required: true * } }, * version: { type: 'text', validate: { * minlength: 1, * required: true * } } * }; * * // create the model. * var model = AFrame.Model.create( { * schema: schemaConfig * } ); * * // Set up the form to look under #nameForm for elements with the "data-field" * // attribute. The name of each field will be that specified in the * // element's "name" attribute. This will try and tie fields to name * // and version, as specified in the schemaConfig. * var form = AFrame.DataForm.create( { * target: '#nameForm', * data: model * } ); * *####Multiple Views#### * One of the really powerful concepts that DataForms and the MVC pattern in * general provide is the ability to attach multiple views to the same data. * This is very useful in situations where you have one input view and another * output view that depends on the same data. This example is shown on JSFiddle. * *#####HTML##### * *
* * *
* *




* *#####Javascript##### * * var libraryDataContainer = AFrame.DataContainer( { * name: 'AFrame', * version: '0.0.20' * } ); * * var form = AFrame.DataForm.create( { * autosave: true, * target: '#inputSet', * data: libraryDataContainer * } ); * * var form = AFrame.DataForm.create( { * target: '#outputSet', * data: libraryDataContainer * } ); * * @class AFrame.DataForm * @extends AFrame.Form * @constructor */ /** * If set to true, the form's DataContainer is automatically updated when * a field is updated and is valid. Example shown on JSFiddle * * @config autosave * @type {boolean} * @default false */ AFrame.DataForm = ( function() { "use strict"; var DataForm = AFrame.Form.extend( { importconfig: [ 'autosave' ], init: function( config ) { /** * The source of data * @config data * @type {AFrame.DataContainer || Object} */ this.dataContainer = AFrame.DataContainer.create( { data: config.data } ); DataForm.sc.init.call( this, config ); }, teardown: function() { this.dataContainer = null; DataForm.sc.teardown.call( this ); }, bindFormElement: function( formElement ) { var me=this, formField = DataForm.sc.bindFormElement.call( me, formElement ), fieldName = fieldGetName( formField ); me.dataContainer.bindField( fieldName, fieldSetValue, formField ); if( me.autosave ) { formField.bindEvent( 'onChange', onFieldChange, me ); } return formField; }, checkValidity: function() { var valid = DataForm.sc.checkValidity.call( this ) && this.validateFormFieldsWithModel( this.dataContainer ); return valid; }, save: function() { var valid = DataForm.sc.save.apply( this, arguments ); if( valid ) { this.forEach( function( formField, index ) { var fieldName = fieldGetName( formField ); this.dataContainer.set( fieldName, formField.get() ); }, this ); } return valid; }, /** * Validate the form against a model. * * @method validateFormFieldsWithModel * @param {AFrame.Model} model - the model to validate against * @return {boolean} - true if form validates, false otw. */ validateFormFieldsWithModel: function( model ) { var valid = true; // only validate vs the dataContainer if the dataContainer has validation. if( model.checkValidity ) { valid = validateFormFieldsWithModel.call( this, model ); } return valid; } } ); function onFieldChange( event, formField, val ) { var me=this, fieldName = fieldGetName( formField ); if( val !== me.dataContainer.get( fieldName ) ) { me.save(); } } // Some helper functions that should probably be on the Field itself. function validateFormFieldsWithModel( model ) { var valid = true; this.forEach( function( formField, index ) { var fieldName = fieldGetName( formField ); var validityState = model.checkValidity( fieldName, formField.get() ); if( validityState !== true ) { valid = false; fieldUpdateValidityState( formField, validityState ); } }, this ); return valid; } function fieldUpdateValidityState( formField, validityState ) { for( var key in validityState ) { if( validityState.hasOwnProperty( key ) ) { var val = validityState[ key ]; if( val === true ) { formField.setError( key ); } else if( 'string' == typeof( val ) ) { formField.setCustomValidity( val ); } } } } function fieldGetName( formField ) { return AFrame.DOM.getAttr( formField.getTarget(), 'name' ); } function fieldSetValue( data ) { this.set( data.value ); } return DataForm; } )(); /** * Performs dataToValidate validation, attempts to follow the [HTML5 spec](http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/association-of-controls-and-forms.html#the-constraint-validation-api). * * var criteria = { * min: 10, * type: 'number' * }; * * var fieldValidityState = AFrame.DataValidation.validate( { * data: 1, * criteria: criteria * } ); * // fieldValidityState.valid is false * // fieldValidityState.rangeUnderflow is true * * fieldValidityState = AFrame.DataValidation.validate( { * data: 10, * criteria: criteria * } ); * // fieldValidityState.valid is true * // fieldValidityState.rangeUnderflow is false * * * // Add a custom validator * * AFrame.DataValidation.setValidator( 'specializednumber', 'min', function( dataToValidate, * fieldValidityState, thisCriteria, allCriteria ) { * // Do validation here. If there is a problem, set the error on fieldValidityState * var valid = // code to do validation * if( !valid ) { * fieldValidationState.setCustomValidity( 'rangeUnderflow' ); * } * } ); * * var criteria = { * min: 1234 * type: 'specializednumber' * }; * * var fieldValidityState = AFrame.DataValidation.validate( { * data: 1, * criteria: criteria * } ); * * * @class AFrame.DataValidation * @static */ AFrame.DataValidation = ( function() { "use strict"; var defined = AFrame.defined; var validationFuncs = {}; var jsTypes = { text: 'string', number: 'number', integer: 'number' }; var Validation = { /** * validate the dataToValidate using the given criteria. * * var criteria = { * min: 10, * type: 'number' * }; * * var fieldValidityState = AFrame.DataValidation.validate( { * data: 1, * criteria: criteria * } ); * // fieldValidityState.valid is false * // fieldValidityState.rangeUnderflow is true * * fieldValidityState = AFrame.DataValidation.validate( { * data: 10, * criteria: criteria * } ); * // fieldValidityState.valid is true * // fieldValidityState.rangeUnderflow is false * * @method validate * @param {variant} options.data - dataToValidate to validate * @param {object} options.criteria - the criteria to validate against * @param {FieldValidityState} options.fieldValidityState (optional) - * field validity state to use, one is created if not given * @return {FieldValidityState} [FieldValidityState](AFrame.FieldValidityState.html) for the dataToValidate. */ validate: function( options ) { var dataToValidate = options.data; var allCriteria = options.criteria; var fieldValidityState = options.fieldValidityState || AFrame.FieldValidityState.create(); var type = allCriteria.type || 'text'; for( var key in allCriteria ) { this.validateDataForTypeCriteria( dataToValidate, type, key, fieldValidityState, allCriteria ); this.validateDataForTypeCriteria( dataToValidate, 'all', key, fieldValidityState, allCriteria ); } return fieldValidityState; }, validateDataForTypeCriteria: function( dataToValidate, type, currCriteriaName, fieldValidityState, allCriteria ) { var validators = validationFuncs[ type ] || {}; var validator = validators[ currCriteriaName ]; if( validator ) { validator( dataToValidate, fieldValidityState, allCriteria[ currCriteriaName ], allCriteria ); } }, /** * Set a validator to be used for a certain type * * AFrame.DataValidation.setValidator( 'specializednumber', 'min', function( dataToValidate, * fieldValidityState, thisCriteria, allCriteria ) { * // Do validation here. If there is a problem, set the error on fieldValidityState * var valid = // code to do validation * if( !valid ) { * fieldValidationState.setError( 'rangeUnderflow' ); * } * } ); * * var criteria = { * min: 'criteria', * type: 'specializednumber' * }; * * var fieldValidityState = AFrame.DataValidation.validate( { * data: 1, * criteria: criteria * } ); * * @method setValidator * @param {string} type - type of data to set validator for * @param {string} criteria - name of criteria to set validator for * @param {function} validator - the validator to use */ setValidator: function( type, criteria, validator ) { validationFuncs[ type ] = validationFuncs[ type ] || {}; validationFuncs[ type ][ criteria ] = validator; } }; Validation.setValidator( 'all', 'required', function( dataToValidate, fieldValidityState ) { if( !defined( dataToValidate ) ) { fieldValidityState.setError( 'valueMissing' ); } } ); Validation.setValidator( 'all', 'type', function( dataToValidate, fieldValidityState, type ) { if( defined( dataToValidate ) ) { var jsType = jsTypes[ type ]; if( jsType && jsType != typeof( dataToValidate ) ) { fieldValidityState.setError( 'typeMismatch' ); } } } ); Validation.setValidator( 'integer', 'type', function( dataToValidate, fieldValidityState, type ) { if( defined( dataToValidate ) ) { if( parseInt( dataToValidate, 10 ) !== dataToValidate ) { fieldValidityState.setError( 'typeMismatch' ); } } } ); var numberMinValidation = function( dataToValidate, fieldValidityState, min ) { if( defined( dataToValidate ) && ( dataToValidate < min ) ) { fieldValidityState.setError( 'rangeUnderflow' ); } }; Validation.setValidator( 'number', 'min', numberMinValidation ); Validation.setValidator( 'integer', 'min', numberMinValidation ); var numberMaxValidation = function( dataToValidate, fieldValidityState, max ) { if( defined( dataToValidate ) && ( dataToValidate > max ) ) { fieldValidityState.setError( 'rangeOverflow' ); } }; Validation.setValidator( 'number', 'max', numberMaxValidation ); Validation.setValidator( 'integer', 'max', numberMaxValidation ); var numberStepValidation = function( dataToValidate, fieldValidityState, step, allCriteria ) { if( defined( dataToValidate ) ) { var min = allCriteria.min || 0; var valid = 0 === ( ( dataToValidate - min ) % step ); if( !valid ) { fieldValidityState.setError( 'stepMismatch' ); } } }; Validation.setValidator( 'number', 'step', numberStepValidation ); Validation.setValidator( 'integer', 'step', numberStepValidation ); Validation.setValidator( 'text', 'required', function( dataToValidate, fieldValidityState ) { if( !dataToValidate ) { fieldValidityState.setError( 'valueMissing' ); } } ); Validation.setValidator( 'text', 'maxlength', function( dataToValidate, fieldValidityState, maxLength ) { if( defined( dataToValidate ) && dataToValidate.length && dataToValidate.length > maxLength ) { fieldValidityState.setError( 'tooLong' ); } } ); Validation.setValidator( 'text', 'pattern', function( dataToValidate, fieldValidityState, pattern ) { var regexp = new RegExp( pattern ); if( defined( dataToValidate ) && !regexp.test( dataToValidate ) ) { fieldValidityState.setError( 'patternMismatch' ); } } ); return Validation; })(); /** * A Model is a DataContainer that is associated with a Schema. If no initial data is given, * default values will be retreived from the schema. When doing a set, only data that validates * will be set. If data to set is invalid, set will return a [FieldValidityState](AFrame.FieldValidityState.html). * * // create the schema config * var noteSchemaConfig = { * id: { type: 'integer' }, * title: { type: 'text', def: 'Note Title' }, * contents: { type: 'text' }, * date: { type: 'iso8601' }, * edit_date: { type: 'iso8601' } * }; * * // Create A Model Class * var ModelClass = AFrame.Model.extend( { * schema: noteSchemaConfig * } ); * * // Create an instance of ModelClass * var model = ModelClass.create( { * data: { * id: '1', * title: 'Get some milk', * contents: 'Go to the supermarket and grab some milk.', * date: '2010-12-10T18:09Z', * edit_date: '2010-12-10T18:23Z' * extra_field: 'this field does not get through' * } * } ); * * // update a field. prevVal will be 'Get some milk' * var prevVal = model.set( 'title', 'Get some milk and eggs' ); * * // This is setting the date in error, the prevVal will have a * // FieldValidityState with its typeMismatch field set to true. * // This will NOT actually set the value. * prevVal = model.set( 'edit_date', '1' ); * * // Check the overall model for validity. Returns true if all valid, an * // object of FieldValidityStates otherwise * var isValid = model.checkValidity(); * * Manual creation of a Model *======== * * It is also possible to create a model instance by creating an instance of * AFrame.Model and associating it with a schemaConfig. * * // Manually create a model * var model = AFrame.Model.create( { * schema: noteSchemaConfig, * data: { * // data here * } * } ); * * @class AFrame.Model * @extends AFrame.DataContainer * @constructor * /** * The schema to use for the model. Can be either a Schema or a schema configuration object. * @config schema * @type {AFrame.Schema || object} */ /** * Initial data to use for the model. Note, initial data is not validated in any way. If * data is not given, data is taken out of the schema's default values. * @config data * @type {object} */ AFrame.Model = ( function() { "use strict"; var Model = AFrame.DataContainer.extend( { init: function( config ) { this.schema = getSchema( this.schema || config.schema ); config.data = getInitialData( this.schema, config.data ); Model.sc.init.call( this, config ); }, /** * Set an item of data. Model will only be updated if data validates or force is set to true. If data validates, the previous * value will be returned. If data does not validate, a [FieldValidityState](AFrame.FieldValidityState.html) * will be returned. * * // update single item * var retval = model.set( 'name', 'Shane Tomlinson' ); * if( retval !== true ) { * // something went wrong * } * * // bulk update. retVals will have a true/FieldValidityState for * // each item being set. * var retVals = model.set( { * name: 'Shane Tomlinson', * employer: 'AFrame Foundary' * } ); * * @method set * @param {string} fieldName name of field * @param {variant} fieldValue value of field * @param {boolean} force force update * @return {variant} previous value of field if correctly set, a * [FieldValidityState](AFrame.FieldValidityState.html) otherwise */ set: function( fieldName, fieldValue, force ) { if( 'object' === typeof( fieldName ) ) { var prevVals = {}; for( var key in fieldName ) { // fieldValue becomes the "force" field in this case prevVals[ key ] = this.set( key, fieldName[ key ], fieldValue ); } return prevVals; } var fieldValidity = this.checkValidity( fieldName, fieldValue ); if( true === fieldValidity || force ) { var prevVal = Model.sc.set.call( this, fieldName, fieldValue ); if( !force ) { fieldValidity = prevVal; } } return fieldValidity; }, /** * Check the validity of the potential value of a field * * * var retval = model.checkValidity( 'name', 'Shane Tomlinson' ); * if( retval !== true ) { * // something went wrong, value would be invalid. * } * * @method checkValidity * @param {string} fieldName name of field * @param {variant} fieldValue potential value of field * @return {variant} true if field would be valid, a * [FieldValidityState](AFrame.FieldValidityState.html) otherwise */ checkValidity: function( fieldName, fieldValue ) { var data = {}; data[ fieldName ] = fieldValue; var fieldValidity = this.schema.validate( data, true ); if( fieldValidity !== true ) { fieldValidity = fieldValidity[ fieldName ]; } return fieldValidity; }, /** * Get an object suitable to send to persistence. This is based roughly on converting * the data to a [FormData](https://developer.mozilla.org/en/XMLHttpRequest/FormData) "like" object - see [MDC](https://developer.mozilla.org/en/XMLHttpRequest/FormData) * All items in the schema that do not have save parameter set to false and have values defined in dataToSerialize * will have values returned. * * // Get an object suitable to send to persistence. * var serializedData = model.toSerializedJSON(); * * @method toSerializedJSON * @return {object} */ toSerializedJSON: function() { var dataObject = this.toJSON(); return this.schema.toSerializedJSON( dataObject ); } } ); return Model; function getSchema( candidate ) { var schema = candidate instanceof AFrame.Schema ? candidate : AFrame.Schema( candidate ); return schema; } function getInitialData( schema, initialData ) { if( !initialData ) { initialData = schema.getDefaults(); } // use the initialData structure to store deserialized data // so that we do not have two copies of the data running around. var deserialized = schema.fromSerializedJSON( initialData ); for( var key in deserialized ) { initialData[ key ] = deserialized[ key ]; } return initialData; } } )(); /** * A basic event, very loosly modeled after [W3C DOM Level 2 Events](http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Events/events.html) * @class AFrame.Event * @constructor */ /** * The event type * @config type * @type {string} */ /** * When the event was created. * @property timestamp * @type {Date} */ /** * Type of event. * @property type * @type {string} */ /** * event target, not always set * @property target * @type {object} */ /** * original event target, before any proxying, not always set * @property originalTarget * @type {object} */ AFrame.Event = (function() { "use strict"; var Event = AFrame.Class( { /** * initialize the event. All items in configuration will be added to event. If timestamp * is specified, it will be ignored. type must be specified. * @param {object} config * @param {string} config.type - type of event */ init: function( config ) { for( var key in config ) { this[ key ] = config[ key ]; } if( !this.type ) { throw 'Event type undefined'; } if( this.target ) { this.setOriginalTarget = true; } this.timestamp = new Date(); }, /** * Check if preventDefault has been called. * * // Check if preventDefault has been called * var isPrevented = event.isDefaultPrevented(); * * @method isDefaultPrevented * @return {booelan} true if preventDefault has been called, false otw. */ isDefaultPrevented: function() { return !!this.defaultPrevented; }, /** * Cancel the default action of the event. Note, this does nothing on its own, * any object that passes an Event object must check isDefaultPrevented to see * whether an action should be cancelled. * * // Prevent the default action * event.preventDefault(); * * @method preventDefault */ preventDefault: function() { this.defaultPrevented = true; }, /** * Proxy an event. If this is the first time the event is proxied, causes * originalTarget to be set to the original target, and updates target to * point to the proxy. * * event.proxyEvent( proxy ); * * @method proxyEvent * @param {object} proxy - object proxying event */ proxyEvent: function( proxy ) { if( this.setOriginalTarget ) { this.originalTarget = this.target; this.setOriginalTarget = false; } this.target = proxy; } } ); /** * A factory method to create an event. * * // returns an event with event.type == 'eventType' * var event = AFrame.Event.create( 'eventType' ); * * // returns an event with event.type == 'eventType', extraField == 'extraValue' * var event = AFrame.Event.create( { * type: 'eventType', * extraField: 'extraValue' * } ); * * @method AFrame.Event.create * @param {object||string} config - if an object, object is used as Event config, * if a string, the string signifies the type of event * @return {AFrame.Event} event with type */ var origCreate = Event.create; Event.create = function( config ) { if( AFrame.string( config ) ) { config = { type: config }; } return origCreate( config ); }; return Event; })(); /** * A DOM Manipulation adapter for jQuery. * @class AFrame.DOM * @static */ AFrame.DOM = ( function() { var jQuery = typeof( window ) !== 'undefined' && window.jQuery; var DOM = { /** * Get a set of elements that match the selector * @method getElements * @param {selector || element} selector - if a string, a selector to search for. * @return {array} array of elements */ getElements: function( selector ) { return jQuery( selector ); }, /** * Get a set of descendent elements that match the selector * @method getDescendentElements * @param {string} selector - The selector to search for. * @param {element} root - root node to search from * @return {array} array of elements */ getDescendentElements: function( selector, root ) { return jQuery( root ).find( selector ); }, /** * Get a set of descendent elements that match the selector, include the root node if it * matches the selector * @method getElementsIncludeRoot * @param {string} selector - The selector to search for. * @param {element} root - root node to search from * @return {array} array of elements */ getElementsIncludeRoot: function( selector, root ) { root = jQuery( root ); var set = root.find( selector ); if( root.is( selector ) ) { set = root.add( set ); } return set; }, /** * Get the children for an element * @method getChildren * @param {selector || element} selector - element to get children for * @return {array} an array of children */ getChildren: function( selector ) { return jQuery( selector ).children(); }, /** * Get the nth child element * @method getNthChild * @param {selector || element} selector - element to get children for * @param {number} index - index of the child to get * @return {element} the nth child if it exists. */ getNthChild: function( selector, index ) { return jQuery( selector ).children()[ index ]; }, /** * Iterate over a set of elements * @method forEach * @param {Elements} elements - elements to iterate over * @param {function} callback - callback to call. Callback called with: callback( element, index ); * @param {context} context - context to callback in */ forEach: function( elements, callback, context ) { jQuery( elements ).each( function( index, element ) { callback.call( context, element, index ); } ); }, /** * Remove an element * @method removeElement * @param {selector || element} selector - element to remove */ removeElement: function( selector ) { jQuery( selector ).remove(); }, /** * Bind to an elements DOM Event * @method bindEvent * @param {selector || element} element to bind on * @param {string} eventName - name of event * @param {function} callback - callback to call */ bindEvent: function( element, eventName, callback ) { return jQuery( element ).bind( eventName, callback ); }, /** * Unbind an already bound DOM Event from an element. * @method unbindEvent * @param {selector || element} element to unbind from * @param {string} eventName - name of event * @param {function} callback - callback */ unbindEvent: function( element, eventName, callback ) { return jQuery( element ).unbind( eventName, callback ); }, /** * Fire a DOM event on an element * @method fireEvent * @param {selector || element} element * @param {string} type - event to fire */ fireEvent: function( element, type ) { return jQuery( element ).trigger( type ); }, /** * Set the inner value of an element, including input elements * @method setInner * @param {selector || element} element - element to set * @param {string} value - value to set */ setInner: function( element, value ) { var target = jQuery( element ); if( isValBased( target ) ) { target.val( value ); } else { target.html( value ); } }, /** * Get the inner value of an element, including input elements * @method getInner * @param {selector || element} element * @return {string} inner value of the element */ getInner: function( element ) { var target = jQuery( element ); var retval = ''; if( isValBased( target ) ) { retval = target.val(); } else { retval = target.html(); } return retval; }, /** * Set an element's attribute. * @method setAttr * @param {selector || element} element * @param {string} attrName - the attribute name * @param {string} value - value to set */ setAttr: function( element, attrName, value ) { jQuery( element ).attr( attrName, value ); }, /** * Get an element's attribute. * @method getAttr * @param {selector || element} element * @param {string} attrName - the attribute name * @return {string} attribute's value */ getAttr: function( element, attrName ) { return jQuery( element ).attr( attrName ); }, /** * Check if an element has an attribute * @method hasAttr * @param {selector || element} element * @param {string} attrName - the attribute name * @return {boolean} true if the element has the attribute, false otw. */ hasAttr: function( element, attrName ) { var val = jQuery( element )[ 0 ].getAttribute( attrName ); return val !== null; }, /** * Add a class to an element * @method addClass * @param {selector || element} element * @param {string} className */ addClass: function( element, className ) { jQuery( element ).addClass( className ); }, /** * Remove a class from an element * @method removeClass * @param {selector || element} element * @param {string} className */ removeClass: function( element, className ) { jQuery( element ).removeClass( className ); }, /** * Check if an element has a class * @method hasClass * @param {selector || element} element * @param {string} className * @return {boolean} true if element has class, false otw. */ hasClass: function( element, className ) { return jQuery( element ).hasClass( className ); }, /** * Create an element * @method createElement * @param {string} type - element type * @param {string} html (optional) - inner HTML * @return {element} created element */ createElement: function( type, html ) { var element = jQuery( '<' + type + '/>' ); if( html ) { AFrame.DOM.setInner( element, html ); } return element; }, /** * Append an element as the last child of another element * @method appendTo * @param {selector || element} elementToInsert * @param {selector || element} elementToAppendTo */ appendTo: function( elementToInsert, elementToAppendTo ) { jQuery( elementToInsert ).appendTo( jQuery( elementToAppendTo ) ); }, /** * Insert an element before another element * @method insertBefore * @param {selector || element} elementToInsert * @param {selector || element} elementToInsertBefore */ insertBefore: function( elementToInsert, elementToInsertBefore ) { jQuery( elementToInsert ).insertBefore( elementToInsertBefore ); }, /** * Insert as the nth child of an element * @method insertAsNthChild * @param {selector || element} elementToInsert * @param {selector || element} parent * @param {number} index */ insertAsNthChild: function( elementToInsert, parent, index ) { var children = jQuery( parent ).children(); if( index === children.length ) { elementToInsert.appendTo( parent ); } else { var insertBefore = children.eq( index ); elementToInsert.insertBefore( insertBefore ); } } }; function isValBased( target ) { return target.is( 'input' ) || target.is( 'textarea' ); } return DOM; }() );