--- title: "Some R functions for Young tableaux" date: "2016-07-29" output: html_document --- ```{r setup, include=FALSE} knitr::opts_chunk$set(collapse=TRUE) ``` This blog post provides some R functions dealing with Young tableaux. They allow to get: - the incidence matrices of the Young graphs; - the standard Young tableaux of a given shape; - the Plancherel measure and the transition probabilities of the Plancherel growth process; - the pair of standard Young tableaux corresponding to a permutation by the Robinson-Schensted correspondence. ## Integer partitions and Young graph The [integer partitions](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Partition_(number_theory)) are computed by the `parts` function of the R package `partitions`. For example the partitions of $4$ are obtained as follows: ```{r} library(partitions) parts(4) ``` The [Young graph](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Young%27s_lattice) is the Bratteli graph whose set of vertices at each level $n$ is the set of partitions of $n$ and whose edges connect each partition of weight $n$ at level $n$ to its superpartitions of weight $n+1$ at level $n+1$. ![](./assets/img/young_yng.png) The R function `ymatrices` below returns the incidence matrices $M_n$ of the Young graph. ```{r} removezeros <- function(x){ # e.g c(3,1,0,0) -> c(3,1) i <- match(0L, x) if(!is.na(i)) return(head(x,i-1L)) else return(x) } ymatrices <- function(N){ M <- vector(N, mode="list") M[[1]] <- matrix(1L) M[[2]] <- matrix(c(1L,1L), ncol=2) M[[3]] <- rbind(c(1L,1L,0L), c(0L,1L,1L)) colnames(M[[2]]) <- rownames(M[[3]]) <- apply(parts(2), 2, function(x) paste0(removezeros(x), collapse="-")) rownames(M[[2]]) <- "1" M1 <- parts(3) colnames(M[[3]]) <- apply(M1, 2, function(x) paste0(removezeros(x), collapse="-")) if(N>3){ for(k in 4:N){ M0 <- M1; M1 <- parts(k) m <- ncol(M0); n <- ncol(M1) C <- array(0L, dim=c(m,n)) rownames(C) <- apply(M0, 2, function(x) paste0(removezeros(x), collapse="-")) colnames(C) <- apply(M1, 2, function(x) paste0(removezeros(x), collapse="-")) C[1,1:2] <- C[m,c(n-1,n)] <- TRUE for(j in 2:(m-1)){ l <- match(0, M0[,j]) - 1L x <- M0[1L:l,j] ss <- c(1L, which(diff(x)<=0)+1L) nss <- length(ss) connected <- character(nss+1L) for(i in seq_len(nss)){ y <- x y[ss[i]] <- y[ss[i]]+1L connected[i] <- paste0(y, collapse="-") } connected[nss+1L] <- paste0(c(x,1L), collapse="-") ind <- which(colnames(C) %in% connected) C[j,ind] <- 1L } M[[k]] <- C } } return(M) } ( Mn <- ymatrices(4) ) ``` ## Standard Young tableaux A path connecting to the root vertex to a partition $\lambda$ at level $n$ corresponds to a [standard Young tableau](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Young_tableau#Tableaux) of shape $\lambda$. ![](./assets/img/young_yng_path.png) - *Number of standard Young tableaux of a given shape.* Once we have the incidence matrices of a Bratteli graph, it is easy to compute the number of paths connecting the root vertex to any vertex at a given level. Thus, we get the number of standard Young tableaux of each shape from the incidences matrices $M_n$. These numbers are returned by the function `Flambda` below. ```{r} Dims <- function(Mn, N){ Dims <- vector("list", N) Dims[[1]] <- dims0 <- Mn[[1]][1,] for(k in 2:N){ Dims[[k]] <- dims0 <- (dims0 %*% Mn[[k]])[1,] } return(Dims) } Flambda <- function(N){ return(Dims(ymatrices(N),N)) } Flambda(4) ``` - *Paths to a given level.* The `PathsAtLevel` function below returns all the paths of the Young graph going from the partition `"1"` to the vertices at a given level. ```{r pathsatlevel} PathsAtLevel <- function(N){ Mn <- ymatrices(N)[-1] f <- function(column, n) sapply(names(which(Mn[[n+1]][column[n],]==1L)), function(x) c(column,x)) ff <- function(x, n) lapply(seq_len(ncol(x)), function(i) f(x[, i], n)) x <- colnames(Mn[[1]]) if(N > 2) x <- do.call(cbind, sapply(x, f, n=1, simplify=FALSE)) if(N > 3){ for(i in 2:(N-2L)){ x <- do.call(cbind, ff(x,i)) } } out <- rbind("1", x) rownames(out) <- 1:N out <- do.call(cbind, lapply(colnames(Mn[[N-1L]]), function(part) out[, which(colnames(out)==part), drop=FALSE])) names(dimnames(out)) <- c("level", "partition") return(out) } PathsAtLevel(4) ``` - *Paths to a given vertex*. The `PathsToVertex` function below returns all the paths of the Young graph going from the partition `"1"` to a given vertex. ```{r pathstovertex} string2letters <- function(string){ # e.g. "abc" -> c("a","b","c") rawToChar(charToRaw(string), multiple = TRUE) } PathsToVertex <- function(vertex){ N <- sum(as.integer(string2letters(vertex)[(1:nchar(vertex))%%2L==1L])) Mn <- ymatrices(N+1)[-1] f <- function(row, n) sapply(names(which(Mn[[n-1]][,row[1]]==1L)), function(x) c(x,row)) ff <- function(x, n) lapply(seq_len(ncol(x)), function(i) f(x[, i], n)) x <- vertex x <- f(x, n=N) for(i in 1:(N-3L)){ x <- do.call(cbind, ff(x, N-i)) } x <- rbind("1", x) colnames(x) <- NULL rownames(x) <- 1:N return(x) } PathsToVertex("3-2") ``` - *Convert path to tableau.* A path from the partition `"1"` to a vertex $\lambda$ corresponds to a standard Young tableau. The `path2sy` function below returns the standard Young tableau corresponding to a given path. ```{r path2sy} charpart2vec <- function(x){ # e.g. "3-1-1" -> c(3,1,1,0,0) p <- as.integer(string2letters(x)[(1:nchar(x))%%2L==1L]) out <- rep(0L, sum(p)) out[seq_along(p)] <- p return(out) } path2sy <- function(path){ v <- tail(path,1) SY <- rep(list(NULL), (nchar(v)+1)/2) SY[[1]] <- 1L for(k in 2:length(path)){ x <- path[k-1L]; y <- path[k] i <- which(charpart2vec(y)-c(charpart2vec(x),0L) == 1L) SY[[i]] <- c(SY[[i]], k) } attr(SY, "path") <- path return(SY) } path2sy(c("1", "2", "2-1", "3-1", "3-1-1")) ``` ## Plancherel measure and Plancherel growth process - The [Plancherel probability measure](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plancherel_measure#Definition_on_the_symmetric_group_.7F.27.22.60UNIQ--postMath-0000000B-QINU. $\mu_n$ on the set of integer partitions of $n$ is given by $$ \mu_n(\lambda) = \frac{{(f^\lambda)^2}}{n!}, $$ where $f^\lambda$ is the number of standard Young tableaux of shape $\lambda$. It is returned by the `Mu` function below. I use the `gmp` package to get the result in rational numbers. ```{r plancherelmeasure, message=FALSE} library(gmp) Mu <- function(N, mode=c("bigq", "numeric", "character")){ flambda <- Flambda(N) mu <- lapply(1:N, function(i) as.bigq(flambda[[i]]^2, factorialZ(i))) if(match.arg(mode)=="numeric"){ mu <- lapply(mu, as.numeric) for(n in 1:N) names(mu[[n]]) <- names(flambda[[n]]) } if(match.arg(mode)=="character"){ mu <- lapply(mu, as.character) for(n in 1:N) names(mu[[n]]) <- names(flambda[[n]]) } return(mu) } Mu(4) ``` It is not possible to name the elements a `bigq` vector. The option `mode="numeric"` or `mode="character"` returns the vectors in numeric mode or character mode, with names: ```{r} Mu(3, "numeric") Mu(3, "character") ``` - The incidence matrices $M_n$ easily allow to get the transition probabilities of the [Plancherel growth process](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plancherel_measure#Plancherel_growth_process), using the Vershik-Kerov formula. They are returned by the following function. I use the `gmp` package to get exact results. ```{r plancherel, message=FALSE} library(gmp) Plancherel <- function(N, mode=c("bigq", "numeric", "character")){ Mn <- ymatrices(N+1L) Y <- Dims(Mn, N+1L)[-1] Mn <- Mn[-1] Q <- vector(N, mode="list") Q[[1]] <- t(as.matrix(as.bigq(c(1,1),c(2,2)))) Q[[2]] <- matrix(c(as.bigq(c(1,2,0),3), as.bigq(c(0,2,1),3)), nrow=2, byrow=TRUE) for(k in 3:N){ C <- Mn[[k]] m <- nrow(C); n <- ncol(C) y <- rep(NA, n); y[n] <- 1L Y0 <- Y[[k-1L]] Y1 <- Y[[k]] q <- as.bigq(matrix(NA, nrow=m, ncol=n)) for(i in 1:m){ q[i,] <- C[i,]*as.bigz(Y1)/as.bigz(Y0[i])/(k+1L) } Q[[k]] <- q } return(Q) if((mode <- match.arg(mode)) != "bigq"){ convert <- if(mode=="numeric") as.numeric else as.character v <- ifelse(mode=="numeric", 0, "") for(k in 1:N){ Qbigq <- Q[[k]] Qnum <- matrix(v, nrow=dim(Qbigq)[1], ncol=dim(Qbigq)[2]) for(i in 1:nrow(Qnum)){ Qnum[i,] <- convert(Qbigq[i,]) } dimnames(Qnum) <- dimnames(Mn[[k]]) Q[[k]] <- Qnum } } return(Q) } Plancherel(3) ``` It is not possible to name the rows and the columns of a `bigq` matrix. The option `mode="numeric"` or `mode="character"`returns the matrices in numeric mode or character mode, with names: ```{r} Plancherel(3, mode="numeric") Plancherel(3, mode="character") ``` ![](./assets/img/young_plancherel.png) ## Robinson-Schensted correspondence The `RS` function below returns the pair of standard Young tableaux corresponding to a given permutation by the [Robinson-Schensted](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robinson%E2%80%93Schensted_correspondence) correspondence (it does not use the incidence matrices). ```{r RS} bump <- function(P, Q, e, i){ if(length(P)==0) return(list(P=list(e), Q=list(i))) p <- P[[1]] if(e > p[length(p)]){ P[[1]] <- c(p, e); Q[[1]] <- c(Q[[1]], i) return(list(P=P, Q=Q)) }else{ j <- which.min(p