title: "Some tools for animated gifs"
date: "06/11/2015"
output: html_document
```{r setup0, echo=FALSE}
source('assets/Rfunctions/polyCurve_v1.R', encoding='UTF-8')
library(scales) # to use alpha()
***(latest update : `r Sys.time()`)***
```{r gif_append, include=FALSE}
gif_append <- function(gif1, gif2, outgif, horizontal=TRUE, show=TRUE, extra.opts=""){
command <- ifelse(horizontal,
sprintf("convert %s'[0]' -coalesce \\( %s'[0]' -coalesce \\) \\
+append -channel A -evaluate set 0 +channel \\
%s -coalesce -delete 0 \\
null: \\( %s -coalesce \\) \\
%s -gravity East -layers Composite %s", gif1, gif2, gif1, gif2, extra.opts, outgif),
sprintf("convert %s'[0]' -coalesce \\( %s'[0]' -coalesce \\) \\
-append -channel A -evaluate set 0 +channel \\
%s -coalesce -delete 0 \\
null: \\( %s -coalesce \\) \\
%s -gravity South -layers Composite %s", gif1, gif2, gif1, gif2, extra.opts, outgif))
system.fun <- if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") shell else system
if(show) message("Executing: ", strwrap(command, exdent = 2, prefix = "\n"))
system.fun(ifelse(.Platform$OS.type == "windows", sprintf("\"%s\"", shQuote(command)), command))
```{r gif_join, include=FALSE}
gif_join <- function(gif1, gif2, outgif, delay=3, show=TRUE, extra.opts=""){
command <- sprintf("convert %s -coalesce \\
\\( +clone -set delay %s/1 \\) +swap +delete \\
\\( %s -coalesce \\) \\
\\( +clone -set delay %s/1 \\) +swap +delete \\
%s -layers optimize %s", gif1, delay, gif2, delay, extra.opts, outgif)
system.fun <- if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") shell else system
if(show) message("Executing: ", strwrap(command, exdent = 2, prefix = "\n"))
system.fun(ifelse(.Platform$OS.type == "windows", sprintf("\"%s\"", shQuote(command)), command))
```{r gif_compress, include=FALSE}
gif_compress <- function(ingif, outgif, show=TRUE, extra.opts=""){
command <- sprintf("gifsicle -O3 %s < %s > %s", extra.opts, ingif, outgif)
system.fun <- if (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") shell else system
if(show) message("Executing: ", strwrap(command, exdent = 2, prefix = "\n"))
system.fun(ifelse(.Platform$OS.type == "windows", sprintf("\"%s\"", shQuote(command)), command))
```{r makeanim, include=FALSE}
nanims <- 2
animnames0 <- sprintf("gausssample0%s.gif", 1:nanims)
animnames <- paste0("./assets/gif/", animnames0)
nsims <- 20
seeds <- c(666, 314)
xx <- seq(-4,4,length=150)
yy <- dnorm(xx)
rgba <- col2rgb("gray")
tgray <- rgb(rgba[1,1], rgba[2,1], rgba[3,1], alpha=95, maxColorValue=255)
cex.axis <- 1.9
for(anim in 1:nanims){
for(i in 1:nsims){
simulation <- rnorm(i)
cexpoints <- rep(1,i); cexpoints[i] <- 1.8
cols <- alpha(rep("red", i), 0.5); cols[i] <- alpha("red",1)
ats <- seq(-4,4,by=2)
labs <- c(expression(mu-4*sigma), expression(mu-2*sigma), expression(mu), expression(mu+2*sigma), expression(mu+4*sigma))
par(mar=c(3, 1, 0.1, 1))
plot(xx, yy, type = "l", lwd=4, col="blue", xlim=c(-4,4),
panel.first =
polyCurve(xx, yy, from = -2, to = 2,
col = tgray, border = tgray),
ylab=NA, xlab=NA, axes=FALSE)
axis(1, at=ats, labels=labs, cex.axis=cex.axis)
points(x=simulation, y=rep(0,i), col=cols, pch=19, cex=cexpoints)
}, movie.name = animnames0[anim], interval = 0.5,
ani.width = 600, ani.height = 400, autobrowse=FALSE, loop=0)
file.copy(animnames0, animnames, overwrite=TRUE)
gif_append("./assets/gif/gausssample01.gif", "./assets/gif/gausssample02.gif", "./assets/gif/gausssample0102_horizontal.gif")
gif_append("./assets/gif/gausssample01.gif", "./assets/gif/gausssample02.gif", "./assets/gif/gausssample0102_vertical.gif", horizontal=FALSE, extra.opts="-resize 300x400")
gif_join("./assets/gif/gausssample01.gif", "./assets/gif/gausssample02.gif", "./assets/gif/gausssample0102_join.gif", delay=4, extra.opts="-resize 400x300")
gifs <- list.files("./assets/gif", pattern="gausssample", full.names=TRUE)
sapply(gifs, function(gif) gif_compress(gif, paste0("./assets/gif/compress_", basename(gif)), extra.opts="--colors 256"))
It took me some time to find how to merge two animated gifs (using freeware only, as usual). So it is worth sharing my notes. Below are the two animated gifs used for my example.