return { { "stevearc/stickybuf.nvim", cmd = { "PinBuffer", "PinBuftype", "PinFiletype" }, opts = {} }, { "lambdalisue/suda.vim", cmd = { "SudaRead", "SudaWrite" } }, "wellle/targets.vim", { "stevearc/vim-arduino", ft = "arduino", init = function() vim.g.arduino_serial_cmd = "picocom {port} -b {baud} -l" end, }, "gioele/vim-autoswap", { "tpope/vim-eunuch", ft = { "sh" }, cmd = { "Remove", "Delete" } }, "tpope/vim-repeat", { "tpope/vim-endwise", event = "InsertEnter" }, "tpope/vim-surround", { "tpope/vim-abolish", keys = { { "cr", "(abolish-coerce-word)", mode = "n" }, } }, { "docunext/closetag.vim", event = "InsertEnter *" }, { "stevearc/scnvim", ft = "supercollider", init = function() vim.g.scnvim_no_mappings = 1 vim.g.scnvim_eval_flash_repeats = 1 end, }, { "dstein64/vim-startuptime", cmd = "StartupTime" }, { "Saecki/crates.nvim", cmd = "BufReadPre Cargo.toml", config = true }, "milisims/nvim-luaref", { "AckslD/nvim-FeMaco.lua", cmd = "FeMaco", config = true, }, { "stevearc/pair-ls.nvim", cmd = { "Pair", "PairConnect" }, config = true, opts = { cmd = { "pair-ls", "lsp" }, -- cmd = { "pair-ls", "lsp", "-port", "8080" }, -- cmd = { "pair-ls", "lsp", "-port", "8081" }, -- cmd = { "pair-ls", "lsp", "-signal", "wss://localhost:8080" }, -- cmd = { "pair-ls", "lsp", "-forward", "wss://localhost:8080" }, }, }, { "numToStr/Comment.nvim", keys = { { "gc", mode = { "n", "x" } }, { "gcc", mode = "n" }, }, config = true, }, { "nvim-tree/nvim-web-devicons", cond = vim.g.nerd_font, opts = { default = true }, lazy = true, config = true }, { "ojroques/nvim-osc52", -- Only change the clipboard if we're in a SSH session cond = os.getenv("SSH_CLIENT") ~= nil and (os.getenv("TMUX") ~= nil or vim.fn.has("nvim-0.10") == 0), config = function() local osc52 = require("osc52") local function copy(lines, _) osc52.copy(table.concat(lines, "\n")) end local function paste() return { vim.fn.split(vim.fn.getreg(""), "\n"), vim.fn.getregtype("") } end vim.g.clipboard = { name = "osc52", copy = { ["+"] = copy, ["*"] = copy }, paste = { ["+"] = paste, ["*"] = paste }, } end, }, { "folke/zen-mode.nvim", cmd = "ZenMode", opts = { window = { options = { relativenumber = false, number = false, }, }, plugins = { alacritty = { enabled = true, font = "24", }, kitty = { enabled = true, font = "24", }, }, }, }, { "stevearc/openai.nvim", cmd = { "AIChat", "AIEdit" }, config = true }, { "willothy/flatten.nvim", opts = { window = { open = "tab", }, one_per = { kitty = false, wezterm = false }, block_for = { gitcommit = true, gitrebase = true, }, post_open = function(bufnr, winnr, ft, is_blocking) vim.w[winnr].is_remote = true if is_blocking then[bufnr].bufhidden = "wipe" local has_stickybuf, stickybuf = pcall(require, "stickybuf") if has_stickybuf then end vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("BufHidden", { desc = "Close window when buffer is hidden", callback = function() if vim.api.nvim_win_is_valid(winnr) then vim.api.nvim_win_close(winnr, true) end end, buffer = bufnr, once = true, }) end end, }, }, { "zbirenbaum/copilot.lua", cmd = "Copilot", event = "InsertEnter", opts = { suggestion = { enabled = true, auto_trigger = true, debounce = 75, keymap = { accept = "", accept_word = false, accept_line = false, next = "", prev = "", dismiss = "", }, }, panel = { enabled = false, }, }, }, { "ggandor/lightspeed.nvim", keys = { { "s", "Lightspeed_omni_s", desc = "Lightspeed search", mode = "" }, { "gs", "Lightspeed_omni_s", desc = "Lightspeed search", mode = "" }, }, opts = { jump_to_unique_chars = false, safe_labels = {}, }, config = function(_, opts) require("lightspeed").setup(opts) end, init = function() vim.g.lightspeed_no_default_keymaps = true end, }, { "andymass/vim-matchup", event = { "BufReadPre", "BufNewFile" }, keys = { { "[[", "(matchup-[%)", mode = { "n", "x" } }, { "]]", "(matchup-]%)", mode = { "n", "x" } }, }, init = function() vim.g.matchup_surround_enabled = 1 vim.g.matchup_matchparen_nomode = "i" vim.g.matchup_matchparen_deferred = 1 vim.g.matchup_matchparen_deferred_show_delay = 400 vim.g.matchup_matchparen_deferred_hide_delay = 400 vim.g.matchup_matchparen_offscreen = {} end, }, { -- placeholder configured by machine-local config "nathanmsmith/livegrep.nvim", lazy = true, }, { "levouh/tint.nvim", opts = {} }, }