# Tutorial setup instructions The easiest way to complete the Blueprint tutorials is to use the sample app included with the project. 1. Clone the Blueprint repo ```bash git clone git@github.com:square/Blueprint.git ``` ```bash cd Blueprint ``` 2. CocoaPods The sample app uses CocoaPods to integrate dependencies. First, we'll make sure CocoaPods and all of its dependencies are installed. ```bash bundle install ``` Next, we'll use CocoaPods to integrate the workspace that we will use for completing the tutorials. ```bash cd SampleApp bundle exec pod install ``` Finally... ```bash open SampleApp.xcworkspace ``` 3. Code! The SampleApp project contains multiple app targets. `SampleApp` is a standalone demonstration of Blueprint. The project also contains targets for each tutorial (along with a target showing the tutorial in its completed state). ``` SampleApp Tutorial 1 Tutorial 1 (Completed) /// etc... ``` To follow along with [Tutorial 1](./Tutorial1.md), navigate to `Tutorials` > `Tutorial 1` in the project navigator to see the source code. Also be sure to select the `Tutorial 1` target before building so you can see the tutorial running in the simulator.