2016.01.18 Version 0.4.0 * Now using ConfigurableFirmata instead of Firmata. * Updated breakout-server and moved to its own repo: https://github.com/soundanalogous/breakout-server * Add support for Firmata Serial feature (see src/core/Serial.js) see examples in Breakout/examples/serial/ * Add INPUT_PULLUP pin mode * Add support for SET_DIGITAL_PIN_MODE * Tons of code formatting updates 2014.08.13 Version 0.3.2 * Update to latest version of AdvancedFirmata 2014.03.09 Version 0.3.1 * Added new DRIVER_HIGH_CURRENT interface to Stepper.js * Updated AdvancedFirmata to support high current stepper driver * Added echo_string.html example to custom_examples * Updated examples to use jQuery 2.1.0. * Removed blink_led.html from getting started examples. * Added fastclick library to a few getting started examples. * Added analogReadResolution and analogWriteResolution (PWM) properties to Pin.js. This removes hard coding of 255 pwm resolution and 1023 analog read resolution. * Reduced files in Breakout-core build (see coreFiles in Gruntfile.js) * Removed GeneratorEvent dependency from Pin object * Updated getters and setters to use Object.defineProperties * Update Breakout Server to add auto connect ability 2013.07.27 Version 0.3.0 * Updated all examples to include socket.io client library. * Added BiColorLED and updated bi_color_led.html example contributed by fabaff * Updated jquery and jquery-ui and removed version number from file names and references in examples. * Switched to YUI docs. * Now using grunt for build. * Added pin modes for ONEWIRE and STEPPER. * Added ability to set pin mode without sending set pin mode command to Firmata. * Updated stepper.js to not send set pin mode command to Firmata. 2013.05.12 Version 0.2.3 * Changed temperature.html example to use TMP36 sensor instead of LM335 sensor. * Created new repo for BreakoutServer source and removed BreakoutServer source from Breakout/server/ * Reduced startup delay by 300ms. * Updated Breakout Server to send entire serial buffer instead of byte by byte. * Added defaut path for node_server. * Updated node_server for better performance. * Updated IOBoard to handle incoming array of data in addition to individual strings. 2013.03.18 Version 0.2.2 * Fixed bug in Breakout Server that was preventing selection of serial port other than top port in dropdown list. 2013.02.18 Version 0.2.1 * Applications using custom firmware should now listen for the IOBoard.READY event rather than the IOBoard.CONNECTED event. Custom firmware can now also handle a Firmata SYSTEM_RESET callback. See Breakout/custome_examples/. * System reset is now called before capability query when starting in single client mode. * Removed string_test.html from custom_examples and added simple_json.html example and corresponding skecth (see customm_examples/sketches/. * Fixed bug that was setting optional i2c delay time incorrectly. * Added ability to open examples directly in browser (closes issue #28) * Added removeFilter method to Pin (closes issue #15) * Updated firmware.html example to use updated getPinCapabilities method. * Updated IOBoard.reportCapabilities to print in easier to read format. * Changed IOBoard.getPinCapabilities to store pin modes as objects rather than arrays. * Auto run tests in build process. * Added unit tests for IOBoard, Pin and I2CBase (see test/core/). * Added getAnalogPinCount() to IOBoard to return the number of analog pins supported by the IOBoard. * Updated processQueryFirmwareResult to set the firmware name string correctly. * Added missing constructor definition to prototype. * Refactored IOBoard to move all methods to prototype. * Added state property to Pin object to get state from pinStateQuery response. * Fixed bug in pin state response that was preventing querying multiple pins. 2012.11.24 Version 0.2.0 * Updated Breakout Server to v0.2.0 * Restructured server directory * Default webserver root is now ../../ * Added Breakout Server eclipse archive to server directory * Created separate 32 bit and 64 bit Breakout Server builds for Windows (issue #9) * Added getPins method ot IOBoard to return array of all Pin objects * Made queryPinState a public method (issue #25) * Using AdvancedFirmata instead of StandardFirmata * Added stepper motor I/O object and examples (issue #24) * Updated schematics to add stepper motor examples * Updated examples index to include stepper examples * Fixed convolution filter bug (issue #31) * Updated processing_js examples to use processing.js version 1.4.1 * Updated three_js examples to use three.js revision 52 2012.09.15 Version 0.1.7 * jsdocs are now generated as part of build process * Added index page for examples: /examples/index.html (initial idea by Fabian Affolter) * Added additional getting_started examples (contributed by Fabian Affolter) * Included SignalScope.js in the core library under src/utils/ * Added getFirmwareName() and getPinCapabilities() methods to IOBoard.js (contributed by Fabian Affolter) * Added command line arguments to nodeJS server (contributed by Fabian Affolter) * Removed useSocketIO parameter from IOBoard and WSocketWrapper. If you include socket.io, it is now assumed you are using the nodeJS server. * Changed default port for nodeJS server from 8080 to 8887 * Updated nodeJS server to use express framework * Enabled touch events for jQuery UI elements 2012.07.18 Version 0.1.6 * Added examples demonstrating use of DeviceMotion and DeviceOrientation APIs with Breakout * Added fritzing files to Breakout/examples/schematics_src/fritzing/ * Updated examples to be more mobile friendly * Added simple_led and analog_input examples (contributed by Fabian Affolter) * Updated schematics.pdf to include analog_input example * Fixed issued in processingJS accelerometer example 2012.06.30 Version 0.1.5 * Added example for Arduino Leonardo board * Added Leonardo wiring diagram to schematics.pdf * Added build script to minify files 2012.04.14 Version 0.1.4 * Fixed LED and RGBLED fadeTo issue (issue #8) * Fixed Pin / Button bug that was causing pins on same port to trigger false events (issue #14) * Added DISCONNECTED event to IOBoardEvent that is fired when the server is disconnected (issue #12) 2012.03.31 Version 0.1.3 * Min, max and average pin values are now calculated after any filters are applied (issue #11). * Common Anode RGB LEDs now work properly (issue #8) * Changed R, G, and B pins in rgb_led example to match pins in the schematics.pdf document (issue #10). * Fixed dcmotor example (issue #9) * Fixed LED toggle (issue #7) * Created new hello_world example to better demonstrate basic input and output. * Added a template example that can be used as a starting point for new projects. * Added basic processing_js example and templates for starting new 2d and 3d processing_js projects with Breakout. * Added examples of flex, FSR (pressure), IR proximity, temperature and sonar sensors. * Updated schematics to add new sensor examples and dcmotor with external power supply. 2012.03.20 Version 0.1.2 * Updated for Firefox 11 compatibility * Updated readme 2012.03.12 Version 0.1.1 * Fixed jQuery library mismatch for custom_examples (issue #2) * Fixed serial port selection issue in Breakout Server (issue #3) * Fixed ability to use scaler equations in Scaler.js (issue #4) * Updated actuator, filter and generator examples to use in-browser controls * Added signal viewer (SignalScope.js) to filter and generator examples * Updated documentation * Updated schematics * Updated readme 2012.02.20 Version 0.1.0 * First public beta