#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # opsi-pkg, command line tools for OPSI # # Copyright 2012, Mathieu Souchaud. # # This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of # the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with this software; if not, write to the Free # Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA # 02110-1301 USA, or see the FSF site: http://www.fsf.org. # # Version 0.2 # TODO: # set product properties # add: set status manually # list only one host # ping using ip # follow Python coding guidelines # check if make-product-package remove defined group? import argparse import re import time import datetime import string import socket from subprocess import Popen, PIPE ## to adapt to your network: # default domain added to host name #defaultDomain = '.domain.lan' # guess it defaultDomain = '.' + '.'.join(socket.getfqdn().split('.')[1:]) # number of day after which the host is shown in warning color (i.e. if lastSeen > warnSince) warnSince = 30 # number of day after which the host is shown in error color errorSince = 200 debug = False def logDebug(msg): global debug if debug: print grey + "DBG: " + str(msg) + reinitColor def logWarning(msg): print red + "WRN: " + str(msg) + reinitColor info = True def logInfo(msg): global info if info: print blue + str(msg) + reinitColor verbose = False def logVerbose(msg): global verbose if verbose: print grey + str(msg) + reinitColor # by default: ask and print default answer default = False yes = False no = False force = False ping = False grey = '\033[1;30m' red = '\033[1;31m' green = '\033[1;32m' blue = '\033[1;34m' reinitColor = '\033[1;m' def ask(msg, defaultAnswer): ret = defaultAnswer if defaultAnswer == True: yesno = 'Y/n' else: yesno = 'y/N' question = msg + ' (' + yesno + '): ' # unattended if yes or no or default: if yes: ret = True if no: ret = False if ret: answer = 'y' else: answer = 'n' logInfo(question + answer) # ask the user else: answer = raw_input(question) if answer == '': pass elif answer == 'y' or answer == 'Y': ret = True elif answer == 'n' or answer == 'N': ret = False else: logWarning('answer not understood (' + answer + '). Abort.') exit(1) return ret def callOpsiAdmin(cmd): logDebug('launch command: ' + cmd) p = Popen(cmd.split(), stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) out = p.communicate() if p.returncode != 0: logWarning('command "' + cmd + '" failed with status ' + str(p.returncode) + ' !') if p.returncode != 0 or debug: if out[0] != '': logDebug('command stdout:\n' + str(out[0])) if out[1] != '': logDebug('command stderr:\n' + str(out[1])) return out, p.returncode # opsi return python var that are not defined defVar = "false = False; true = True; null = None\n" # return the var of the opsi cmd def callOpsiAdminVar(cmd): out, returncode = callOpsiAdmin(cmd) exec(defVar + "var=" + out[0]) return var # store hosts results # { 'machine1.domain.lan': {'lastSeen': '2012-01-10 08:42:42', 'up': 'off'}, ... } hostsBuf = None # getHosts() must be called instead of using hostsBuf in order to avoid calling slow opsi-admin too often def getHosts(): global hostsBuf if hostsBuf == None: hostsBuf = {} cmd = "opsi-admin -d method host_getObjects" hosts_tmp = callOpsiAdminVar(cmd) for h in hosts_tmp: if h['type'] == 'OpsiClient': hostsBuf[h['id']] = { 'lastSeen' : h['lastSeen'], 'up' : 'off', 'hardwareAddress' : h['hardwareAddress'], 'ip' : h['ipAddress'] } if ping: pingHosts(hostsBuf.keys()) return hostsBuf # set 'up' attribute to each pinggable host def pingHosts(hosts): cmd = "oping -c 1 " + ' '.join(hosts) logDebug(cmd) try: out, returncode = callOpsiAdmin(cmd) except: logWarning('"oping" command need to be installed!') logDebug("command launched: " + cmd) return for line in out[0].splitlines(): m = re.match('56 bytes from ([a-zA-Z0-9-.]+) .*icmp_seq=1', line) # host is up if m != None: hostname = m.group(1).lower() if getHosts().has_key(hostname): getHosts()[hostname]['up'] = 'on' def deltaTimeToNow(timeStr): t = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(time.mktime(time.strptime(timeStr, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'))) now = datetime.datetime.now() diffDate = t - now if diffDate.days < 0: diffDateStr = diffDate.days * -1 else: diffDateStr = 0 return diffDateStr def printHostHeader(): if ping == True: print 'host'.ljust(32) + 'ip'.ljust(15) + 'up'.ljust(6) + 'lastSeen'.ljust(22) + 'since'.ljust(8) + 'mac' else: print 'host'.ljust(32) + 'ip'.ljust(15) + 'lastSeen'.ljust(22) + 'since'.ljust(8) + 'mac' def printHostRow(host, pad = 0): if host.endswith(defaultDomain): hostStr = host[0 : len(host) - len(defaultDomain)] else: hostStr = host hostStr = hostStr.ljust(32) ip = getHosts()[host]['ip'] upStr = '' if ping: up = getHosts()[host]['up'] upStr = up.ljust(6) if up == 'on': upStr = blue + upStr + reinitColor lastSeen = getHosts()[host]['lastSeen'] nbOfDay = deltaTimeToNow(lastSeen) lastSeenStr = lastSeen.ljust(22) + (str(nbOfDay).ljust(3) + 'd').ljust(8) if nbOfDay > errorSince: lastSeenStr = red + lastSeenStr + reinitColor hostStr = red + hostStr + reinitColor elif nbOfDay > warnSince: lastSeenStr = grey + lastSeenStr + reinitColor hostStr = grey + hostStr + reinitColor mac = getHosts()[host]['hardwareAddress'] print ''.ljust(pad) + hostStr + ip.ljust(15) + upStr + lastSeenStr + str(mac) def printHosts(): printHostHeader() print '' for k in sorted(getHosts()): printHostRow(k) def actionHosts(call, hosts): msg = '' action = call[0] if action == 'popup' and len(call) > 1: msg = ' "' + call[1] + '"' if hosts == []: hosts = getHosts().keys() else: hosts = checkHosts(addDefaultDomain(hosts)) # don't understand how use hostsId with opsi :-( #hostsId = '\'["' #hostsId = hostsId + '", "'.join(hosts) + '"]\'' if len(hosts) == 0: logWarning('No valid hosts found!. Abort.') return answer = ask('Launch ' + action + msg + ' on hosts ' + str(hosts) + '?', True) if not answer: logInfo('Abort.') return for h in hosts: if action == 'reboot': cmd = "opsi-admin -d method hostControl_reboot " + h callOpsiAdmin(cmd) elif action == 'shutdown': cmd = "opsi-admin -d method hostControl_shutdown " + h callOpsiAdmin(cmd) elif action == 'wakeup': cmd = "opsi-admin -d method powerOnHost " + h callOpsiAdmin(cmd) elif action == 'delete': cmd = "opsi-admin -d method deleteClient " + h callOpsiAdmin(cmd) elif action == 'fire': cmd = 'opsi-admin -d method hostControl_fireEvent "on_demand" ' + h callOpsiAdmin(cmd) elif action == 'popup' and msg != '': cmd = 'opsi-admin -d method hostControl_showPopup ' + msg + ' ' + h callOpsiAdmin(cmd) else: parser.print_help() exit(1) logInfo('Done.') # available request with OPSI requestsName = ['setup', 'uninstall', 'once', 'update', 'custom', 'userLogin', 'always', 'none'] # store packages results # {'opsi-client-agent': {'packageVersion': '12', 'productVersion': '4.0.1'}, ... } packagesBuf = None def getPackages(): global packagesBuf if packagesBuf == None: packagesBuf = {} cmd = "opsi-admin -d method product_getObjects" packages_tmp = callOpsiAdminVar(cmd) for p in packages_tmp: if p['type'] == 'LocalbootProduct': packagesBuf[p['id']] = { 'packageVersion' : p['packageVersion'], 'productVersion' : p['productVersion'], 'requests' : [] } for request in requestsName: if request != 'none' and p[request + 'Script'] != "": packagesBuf[p['id']]['requests'].append(request) return packagesBuf # store packages possible properties # {"config-win": [{'propertyId': "flag_rdp", 'defaultValues' : "admins", 'possibleValues' : ["admins","off","users"]}, ... ], ... } packagesPropertiesBuf = None def getPackagesProperties(): global packagesPropertiesBuf if packagesPropertiesBuf == None: packagesPropertiesBuf = {} cmd = "opsi-admin -d method productProperty_getObjects" props = callOpsiAdminVar(cmd) for prop in props: #if prop['type'] == 'ProductPropertyState': content = { 'propertyId' : prop['propertyId'], 'defaultValues' : prop['defaultValues'], 'possibleValues' : prop['possibleValues'] } if packagesPropertiesBuf.has_key(prop['productId']): packagesPropertiesBuf[prop['productId']].append(content) else: packagesPropertiesBuf[prop['productId']] = [content] return packagesPropertiesBuf # store packages properties state # {"pc.domain.lan" : {"config-win" : [ {'propertyId' : "flag_rdp", 'values' : ["users" ]}, ... ], ... }, ... } packagesPropertiesStateBuf = None def getPackagesPropertiesState(): global packagesPropertiesStateBuf if packagesPropertiesStateBuf == None: packagesPropertiesStateBuf = {} cmd = "opsi-admin -d method productPropertyState_getObjects" props = callOpsiAdminVar(cmd) for prop in props: if prop['type'] == 'ProductPropertyState': content = { 'propertyId' : prop['propertyId'], 'values' : prop['values'] } if packagesPropertiesStateBuf.has_key(prop['objectId']): if packagesPropertiesStateBuf[prop['objectId']].has_key(prop['productId']): packagesPropertiesStateBuf[prop['objectId']][prop['productId']].append(content) else: packagesPropertiesStateBuf[prop['objectId']][prop['productId']] = [content] else: packagesPropertiesStateBuf[prop['objectId']] = { prop['productId'] : [content] } return packagesPropertiesStateBuf # store packages dependancies # {"join_domain": [{'requiredProductId': "samba-prerequisite", 'productAction' : "setup"}, ... ], ... } packagesDependenciesBuf = None def getPackagesDependencies(): global packagesDependenciesBuf if packagesDependenciesBuf == None: packagesDependenciesBuf = {} cmd = "opsi-admin -d method productDependency_getObjects" deps = callOpsiAdminVar(cmd) for dep in deps: #if dep['type'] == 'ProductPropertyState': content = { 'requiredProductId' : dep['requiredProductId'], 'productAction' : dep['productAction'] } if packagesDependenciesBuf.has_key(dep['productId']): packagesDependenciesBuf[dep['productId']].append(content) else: packagesDependenciesBuf[dep['productId']] = [content] return packagesDependenciesBuf def printPackageHeader(): print 'package'.ljust(32) + 'version'.ljust(16) + 'available_requests'.ljust(20) def printPackageRow(package, pad = 0): allowedScripts = '' for request in getPackages()[package]['requests']: allowedScripts += request + ' ' print ''.ljust(pad) + package.ljust(32) + green + getProductVersionFull(getPackages()[package]).ljust(16) + reinitColor + grey + allowedScripts.ljust(20) + reinitColor def printPackageProperties(package, pad = 0): if getPackagesProperties().has_key(package): for prop in getPackagesProperties()[package]: print ''.ljust(pad) + grey + prop['propertyId'].ljust(32-pad) + str(prop['possibleValues']).ljust(16) + ' d:' + str(prop['defaultValues']) + reinitColor def printPackageDependencies(package, pad = 0): if getPackagesDependencies().has_key(package): for dep in getPackagesDependencies()[package]: print ''.ljust(pad) + 'depends: ' + dep['requiredProductId'] + ' (' + str(dep['productAction']) + ')' # return last product version # if host != None, return installed product version of the package on the host # on any error, return None def getPackageVersion(package, host = None): if host == None: if getPackages().has_key(package): return getProductVersionFull(getPackages()[package]) else: return None else: for pv in getPackagesFromHosts(): if pv['clientId'] == host and \ pv['productId'] == package and \ pv['productType'] == 'LocalbootProduct' and \ pv['installationStatus'] == 'installed': return getProductVersionFull(pv) return None def printPackages(): printPackageHeader() print '' for package in sorted(getPackages()): printPackageRow(package) printPackageDependencies(package, 2) printPackageProperties(package, 2) # store package host association # [{'clientId': 'machine1.domain.lan', 'productId': 'opsi-winst', 'productVersion': '', 'actionRequest': 'none', 'installationStatus': 'installed', 'productType': 'LocalbootProduct', 'packageVersion': '2', 'type': 'ProductOnClient'}, ...] packagesHostsBuf = None def getPackagesFromHosts(): global packagesHostsBuf if packagesHostsBuf == None: packagesHostsBuf = [] cmd = "opsi-admin -d method productOnClient_getObjects" packages_tmp = callOpsiAdminVar(cmd) for p in packages_tmp: packagesHostsBuf.append(p) return packagesHostsBuf def addDefaultDomain(hosts): hostsFqdn = [] for h in hosts: if h.endswith(defaultDomain): hostsFqdn.append(h) else: hostsFqdn.append(h + defaultDomain) return hostsFqdn def checkHosts(hosts): goodHosts = [] for h in hosts: if not getHosts().has_key(h): logWarning('host ' + h + ' does not exists!') else: goodHosts.append(h) return goodHosts def printPackageHostHeader(): print " " + 'package'.ljust(30) + \ 'version'.ljust(10) + \ 'action'.ljust(10) # 'status'.ljust(16) + \ # 'last'.ljust(16) def getProductVersionFull(productDict): productVersion = productDict['productVersion'] packageVersion = productDict['packageVersion'] if productVersion == None: productVersion = '' if packageVersion == None: packageVersion = '' return productVersion + '-' + packageVersion def printPackagesFromHosts(hosts, packages): hosts = checkHosts(hosts) for k in sorted(getHosts()): if hosts == [] or k in hosts: printHostRow(k) hostPackageHeaderSent = 0 for pv in getPackagesFromHosts(): if pv['clientId'] == k and pv['productType'] == 'LocalbootProduct': # do not print not selected packages if packages and len(packages) > 0 and pv['productId'] not in packages: continue logDebug(str(pv['productId']) + ' ' + str(pv['productVersion']) + ' ' + \ str(pv['actionRequest']) + ' ' + str(pv['installationStatus']) + ' ' + \ str(pv['lastAction']) + ' ' + str(pv['actionResult'])) if pv['installationStatus'] == 'installed' or \ pv['actionRequest'] != 'none' or \ pv['actionResult'] == 'failed': # colorize actionStr = '' if packageUpToDate(pv['clientId'], pv['productId']): versionColor = green if pv['actionRequest'] != 'none': actionStr = actionStr + pv['actionRequest'] else: versionColor = red if pv['actionRequest'] != 'none': actionStr = green + pv['actionRequest'] else: actionStr = red + 'nosetup' actionStr = actionStr.ljust(16) + reinitColor if pv['actionResult'] == 'failed': actionStr = actionStr + red + ' Last action "' + pv['lastAction'] + '" failed!' + reinitColor print ' ' + pv['productId'].ljust(30) + \ versionColor + getProductVersionFull(pv).ljust(16) + reinitColor + \ actionStr if getPackagesPropertiesState().has_key(k) and getPackagesPropertiesState()[k].has_key(pv['productId']): packageProps = getPackagesPropertiesState()[k][pv['productId']] for packageProp in packageProps: print ' ' + grey + str(packageProp['propertyId']) + ': ' + str(packageProp['values']) + reinitColor print '' # store groups results # {'HostGroup': {'domain.lan': {'description': 'Every pc of domain.lan', 'parentGroupId': None}}, ...} groupsBuf = None # store group children # {'HostGroup': {'root': ['domain.lan']}, # 'ProductGroup': {'root': [base, ...], 'base': ['bureautique'], ...}} childrenGroupsBuf = None def getGroups(): global groupsBuf global childrenGroupsBuf if groupsBuf == None: groupsBuf = {} childrenGroupsBuf = {} cmd = "opsi-admin -d method group_getObjects" groups_tmp = callOpsiAdminVar(cmd) groupsBuf[ 'ProductGroup' ] = {} groupsBuf[ 'HostGroup' ] = {} childrenGroupsBuf[ 'ProductGroup' ] = {} childrenGroupsBuf[ 'HostGroup' ] = {} for g in groups_tmp: # fills in groupsBuf groupsBuf[ g['type'] ][ g['id'] ] = {'description' : g['description'], 'parentGroupId' : g['parentGroupId']} # fills in childrenGroupsBuf if g['parentGroupId'] == None: parentGroup = 'root' else: parentGroup = g['parentGroupId'] if childrenGroupsBuf[ g['type'] ].has_key( parentGroup ): childrenGroupsBuf[ g['type'] ][ parentGroup ].append(g['id']) else: childrenGroupsBuf[ g['type'] ][ parentGroup ] = [g['id']] return groupsBuf def getChildrenGroups(): global childrenGroupsBuf if childrenGroupsBuf == None: getGroups() return childrenGroupsBuf # store object to group association, improve : {'groupType': {'groupid' : [...]}, ...} # [{'groupType': 'ProductGroup', 'groupId': 'base', 'objectId': 'firefox'}, # {'groupType': 'HostGroup', 'groupId': 'base', 'objectId': 'pc1.domain.lan'}, ...] objectsGroupsBuf = None def getObjectsGroups(): global objectsGroupsBuf if objectsGroupsBuf == None: objectsGroupsBuf = [] cmd = "opsi-admin -d method objectToGroup_getObjects" objectsGroups_tmp = callOpsiAdminVar(cmd) for og in objectsGroups_tmp: objectsGroupsBuf.append(og) return objectsGroupsBuf def getHostsOfGroup(group, recursive=True): return getObjectsOfGroup('HostGroup', group, recursive) def getPackagesOfGroup(group, recursive=True): return getObjectsOfGroup('ProductGroup', group, recursive) def getObjectsOfGroup(groupType, group, recursive=True): """ get objects of given group if recursive = True: give objects that belongs to children group too. if group = None, give objects that does not belong to a group """ # print objects of the group objects = [] if group != None: for og in getObjectsGroups(): if og['groupType'] == groupType and og['groupId'] == group: objects.append(og['objectId']) # print children group if recursive and getChildrenGroups()[groupType].has_key(group): objects += getObjectsOfGroup(groupType, group, recursive) else: if groupType == 'HostGroup': allObjects = getHosts().keys() else: allObjects = getPackages().keys() for o in allObjects: objectHasGroup = False for og in getObjectsGroups(): if og['groupType'] == groupType and og['objectId'] == o: objectHasGroup = True break if not objectHasGroup: objects.append(o) return objects def printGroupsType(groupType, groups, level = 0): for group in groups: # print group print ''.ljust(level) + blue + group.ljust(24 - level) + getGroups()[groupType][group]['description'] + reinitColor # print objects of the group objects = getObjectsOfGroup(groupType, group, recursive=False) for o in sorted(objects): if groupType == 'HostGroup': printHostRow(o, 24) else: printPackageRow(o, 24) print '' # print children group if getChildrenGroups()[groupType].has_key(group): printGroupsType(groupType, getChildrenGroups()[groupType][group], level + 2) def printGroups(groupType): # print object that belong to a group printGroupsType(groupType, sorted(getChildrenGroups()[groupType]['root'])) # print lonely objects nogroupObjects = getObjectsOfGroup(groupType, None, recursive=False) if nogroupObjects != []: print blue + 'nogroup'.ljust(24) + 'Objects that does not belong to a group.' + reinitColor for o in sorted(nogroupObjects): if groupType == 'HostGroup': printHostRow(o, 24) else: printPackageRow(o, 24) def requestPackageDependencies(installDic, package, host): # search recursively for dependencies and add them for install if needed # return True if a dep has to be install has_deps = False if getPackagesDependencies().has_key(package): for dep in getPackagesDependencies()[package]: dep_package = dep['requiredProductId'] dep_action = dep['productAction'] if not installationStatusMatchRequest(dep_action, host, dep_package): if not requestAlreadyRequested(dep_action, host, dep_package): logWarning(package + ' need dependency ' + dep_package + ' (' + dep_action + ')') installDic[host].append([dep_package, dep_action]) requestPackageDependencies(installDic, dep_package, host) has_deps = True return has_deps def requestPackage(request, packages, hosts, fire): if hosts == []: okHosts = getHosts().keys() else: okHosts = checkHosts(addDefaultDomain(hosts)) warn = False okPackages = [] for package in packages: if package not in getPackages(): logWarning("Package " + package + " does not exists!") warn = True else: okPackages.append(package) installDic = {} for host in okHosts: installDic[host] = [] for package in okPackages: warnDetails = None adjustedRequest = request if requestAlreadyRequested(request, host, package): warnDetails = 'request already required' adjustedRequest = None elif installationStatusMatchRequest(request, host, package): if request == 'setup': if packageUpToDate(host, package): warnDetails = 'package already up to date' if requestAlreadyRequested('none', host, package): adjustedRequest = None else: adjustedRequest = 'none' elif request == 'uninstall': warnDetails = 'status already match request' if requestAlreadyRequested('none', host, package): adjustedRequest = None else: # reset previous request adjustedRequest = 'none' if requestPackageDependencies(installDic, package, host) == True: warn = True if warnDetails != None: warnMsg = 'Package ' + package warnMsg += ' does not need request "' + request warnMsg += '" to be done on host ' + host.ljust(32) warnMsg += ' (' + warnDetails + ')' if force: warnMsg += ' : request asked will still be done' installDic[host].append([package, request]) elif adjustedRequest == 'none': installDic[host].append([package, adjustedRequest]) warnMsg += ' : request set to none' else: warnMsg += ' : request skipped' logWarning(warnMsg) warn = True else: installDic[host].append([package, request]) # log if warn and not force: # print detailed installation status for host in installDic.keys(): if len(installDic[host]) > 0: logInfo(' request on host ' + host.ljust(32) + ' packages ' + str(installDic[host])) else: # print factorized installation status logInfo(' request "' + request + '" on hosts ' + str(okHosts) + '\n packages ' + str(okPackages)) nbPackagesToInstall = 0 for host in installDic.keys(): nbPackagesToInstall += len(installDic[host]) if nbPackagesToInstall == 0: logInfo('No package to request "' + request + '".') else: if warn: answer = ask('Errors appear, launch request anyway?', defaultAnswer=False) else: answer = ask('Launch request?', defaultAnswer=True) if answer: for host in installDic.keys(): for package, packageRequest in installDic[host]: cmd = 'opsi-admin -d method setProductActionRequest ' + package + ' ' + host + ' ' + packageRequest callOpsiAdmin(cmd) requestMsg = ' request "' + packageRequest + '" on ' + package + ' on host ' + host # do it now if packageRequest != 'none' and fire: cmd = 'opsi-admin -d method hostControl_fireEvent "on_demand" ' + host callOpsiAdmin(cmd) requestMsg += ' now' logInfo(requestMsg) else: logInfo('Abort.') return # return True if the installed package on the host is already in the last version def packageUpToDate(host, package): return getPackageVersion(package) == getPackageVersion(package, host) def requestAlreadyRequested(request, host, package): alreadyRequired = False for pv in getPackagesFromHosts(): if pv['clientId'] == host and \ pv['productId'] == package and \ pv['productType'] == 'LocalbootProduct' and \ pv['actionRequest'] == request: alreadyRequired = True break return alreadyRequired def installationStatusMatchRequest(request, host, package): # only setup and installed has an installation status(?) if request != 'setup' and request != 'uninstall': return False installed = False for pv in getPackagesFromHosts(): if pv['clientId'] == host and \ pv['productId'] == package and \ pv['productType'] == 'LocalbootProduct' and \ pv['installationStatus'] == 'installed': installed = True break if request == 'setup': return installed else: return not installed # create/update a group def addGroup(groupType, group, description, parent = None): if parent != None and parent not in getGroups()[groupType]: logWarning('parent group ' + parent + ' does not exists. abort.') return already_exists = False for g in getGroups()[groupType]: if g == group: already_exists = True break if already_exists: logInfo('group ' + group + ' already exists') if not already_exists or force: if ask('create group ' + group + '?', defaultAnswer=True): cmd = 'opsi-admin -d method group_create' + groupType + ' ' + group + ' ' + '"' + description + '"' callOpsiAdmin(cmd) if parent != None: parentStr = '"' + parent + '"' else: parentStr = 'null' cmd = 'opsi-admin -d method group_updateObject \'{"ident" : "' + group + '", "description" : "' + description + \ '", "parentGroupId" : ' + parentStr + ', "type" : "' + groupType + '", "id" : "' + group + '"}\'' callOpsiAdmin(cmd) logInfo('group ' + group + ' added') else: logInfo('Abort.') return # opsi cannot have same name in product group and host group # so we can guess the group type from the group name def getGroupType(group): groupType = None if group in getGroups()['HostGroup']: groupType = 'HostGroup' elif group in getGroups()['ProductGroup']: groupType = 'ProductGroup' return groupType # add objects to a group def addGroupObjects(group, objects = []): groupType = getGroupType(group) if groupType == None: logWarning('no group ' + group + ' found. abort.') return elif groupType == 'HostGroup': if len(objects) == 0: objects = getHosts().keys() objects = addDefaultDomain(objects) elif groupType == 'ProductGroup' and len(objects) == 0: objects = getPackages().keys() ok_objects = [] warn = False for o in objects: if (groupType == 'HostGroup' and o in getHosts()) or \ (groupType == 'ProductGroup' and o in getPackages()): ok_objects.append(o) else: logWarning('object ' + o + ' does not exists. Removed from wanted objects.') if warn: answer = ask('Errors appear. Add ' + str(ok_objects) + ' to group ' + group + ' anyway?', defaultAnswer=False) else: answer = ask('Add ' + str(ok_objects) + ' to group ' + group + '?', defaultAnswer=True) if answer: for o in ok_objects: cmd = 'opsi-admin -d method objectToGroup_create ' + groupType + ' ' + group + ' ' + o callOpsiAdmin(cmd) logInfo('object ' + o + ' added to group ' + group) else: logInfo('Abort.') return #print '' #if info: # printGroups(groupType) # if no objects given : remove the group and every objects # if objects given : remove only the objects, not the group def deleteGroup(group, objects = []): groupType = getGroupType(group) if groupType == None: logWarning('no group ' + group + ' found. abort.') return elif groupType == 'HostGroup': objects = addDefaultDomain(objects) if objects != []: answer = ask('Delete ' + str(objects) + ' from group ' + group + '?', defaultAnswer=True) if answer: for og in objects: cmd = 'opsi-admin -d method objectToGroup_delete ' + groupType + ' ' + group + ' ' + og callOpsiAdmin(cmd) logInfo(' object ' + og + ' of ' + groupType + ' ' + group + ' deleted') else: logInfo('Abort.') return else: answer = ask('Delete group ' + group + '?', defaultAnswer=True) if answer: # (opsi delete group objects on group deletion) cmd = 'opsi-admin -d method group_delete ' + group callOpsiAdmin(cmd) logInfo(groupType + ' ' + group + ' deleted') else: logInfo('Abort.') return # speed test def testBuf(trucs): getGroups() getHosts() getObjectsGroups() getPackages() getPackagesFromHosts() # store help message to replace replaceHelp = {} # print help message # replace help message if argument present in replaceHelp dict def printHelp(parser): helpStr = parser.format_help() helpLines = helpStr.splitlines() for r in replaceHelp.keys(): for i in range(len(helpLines)): if r in helpLines[i]: # do not replace summary usage if helpLines[i].strip()[0] == '[': continue # keep np space nbSpace = 0 for c in helpLines[i]: if c in ' \t': nbSpace += 1 else: break # replace argument explanation helpLines[i] = helpLines[i][0:nbSpace] + replaceHelp[r] print '\n'.join(helpLines) def getSelectedHosts(hosts, host_groups): selected = [] if hosts != None: selected = hosts if host_groups != None: for host_group in host_groups: selected += getHostsOfGroup(host_group) return selected def getSelectedPackages(packages, package_groups): selected = [] if packages != None: selected = packages if package_groups != None: for package_group in package_groups: selected += getPackagesOfGroup(package_group) return selected examples = """ ========= Examples: # list every packages opsi-pkg -l -p # list every hosts and show their up status opsi-pkg -l -h --ping - # list installed packages on every computer opsi-pkg -l -p -h # list installed packages on tata computer opsi-pkg -l -p -h tata # list package font on every computer opsi-pkg -l -p font -h # list packages font and office on tata and titi computers opsi-pkg -l -p font office -h tata titi - # list host groups opsi-pkg -l -hg # create an host group "pc" without asking it opsi-pkg -a -hg pc 'all desktop pc' -y # create an host group "chicago" and wich has for parent 'pc' host group opsi-pkg -a -hg chicago 'chicago network' pc # add to host group "pc" the machines "tata, toto, and titi" opsi-pkg -a -hg pc -h tata toto titi # add to host group "pc" every machines of OPSI opsi-pkg -a -hg pc -h # delete host titi from host group "pc" opsi-pkg -d -hg pc -h titi # delete host group "pc" opsi-pkg -d -hg pc # list package groups opsi-pkg -l -pg # create a package group "base" opsi-pkg -a -pg base 'default program' - # call 'hello' popup on each computer that belongs to 'pc' host group opsi-pkg -c popup 'hello' -hg pc # delete host tutu from OPSI opsi-pkg -c delete -h tutu - # install firefox on computer tata opsi-pkg -r setup -p firefox -h tata # install firefox on computers that belongs to 'pc' host group even if it is # already install and up-to-date and push the setup now opsi-pkg -s -p firefox -hg pc --force --fire # install firefox on computers that belongs to 'pc' host group opsi-pkg -s -p firefox -hg pc # install base packages on computers that belongs to 'pc' host group opsi-pkg -s -pg base -hg pc # uninstall firefox on computers that belongs to 'pc' host group opsi-pkg -u -p firefox -hg pc # reset request on package firefox of the computer tata opsi-pkg -r none -p firefox -h tata ====== Notes: OPSI cannot have same name in product group and host group """ if __name__ == '__main__': parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="simple opsi package manager interface", epilog=examples, add_help=False, formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument('--help', action='store_const', const=[], help='show this help message and exit') parser.add_argument('--quiet', '-q', action='store_const', const=[], help='do not print info log') parser.add_argument('--verbose', '-v', action='store_const', const=[], help='print more log') parser.add_argument('--debug', action='store_const', const=[], help='print even more log') parser.add_argument('--default', action='store_const', const=[], help='answer default answer to every question') parser.add_argument('--yes', '-y', action='store_const', const=[], help='answer yes to every question') parser.add_argument('--no', action='store_const', const=[], help='answer no to every question') parser.add_argument('--force', '-f', action='store_const', const=[], help='force doing action that does seems to be needed. ' 'e.g. install a package on a host ' 'that has already the last package installed.') parser.add_argument('--fire', action='store_const', const=[], help='Fire the request now (i.e. push the request to the hosts).') parser.add_argument('--ping', action='store_const', const=[], help='show hosts status (on/off)') parser.add_argument('--list', '-l', action='store_const', const=[], help='List something. Combine it with: -h, -p, -h -p, -hg, -pg.') parser.add_argument('--add', '-a', action='store_const', const=[], help='Add something. Combine it with: -hg, -pg, -hg -h, -pg -p') parser.add_argument('--delete', '-d', action='store_const', const=[], help='Delete something. Combine it with: -hg, -pg, -hg -h, -pg -p.') parser.add_argument('--call', '-c', nargs='*', help='Launch action (push it to hosts). Combine it with: -h, -hg') replaceHelp['--call'] = '--call, -c {shutdown, reboot, wakeup, delete, fire, popup "message"}' parser.add_argument('--request', '-r', choices=requestsName, help='Set next action (pulled by hosts) on given hosts and packages. Combine it with: -h, -hg, -p, -pg, --fire.') replaceHelp['--request'] = '--request, -r {setup, uninstall, once, update, custom, userLogin, always}' parser.add_argument('--setup', '-s', action='store_const', const=[], help='Shortcut for "-request setup".') parser.add_argument('--uninstall', '-u', action='store_const', const=[], help='Shortcut for "-request uninstall".') parser.add_argument('--host', '-h', nargs='*', help='Do sthg with host. No host given means every hosts.)') parser.add_argument('--package', '-p', nargs='*', help='Do sthg with package. No package given means every packages.') parser.add_argument('--host-group', '-hg', nargs='*', help='Do sthg with host group') parser.add_argument('--package-group', '-pg', nargs='*', help='Do sthg with package group') args = parser.parse_args() # print help if launched without args if string.find(str(args), '[') == -1 and string.find(str(args), "='") == -1: printHelp(parser) # print help if asked if args.help != None: printHelp(parser) if args.debug != None: debug = True logDebug("args: " + str(args)) if args.verbose != None: verbose = True if args.quiet != None: info = False if args.default != None: default = True if args.yes != None: yes = True if args.no != None: no = True if args.force != None: force = True if args.ping != None: ping = True cmd = False if args.list != None: cmd = True what = False if args.host != None and args.package != None: what = True printPackagesFromHosts(addDefaultDomain(args.host), args.package) else: if args.host != None: what = True printHosts() if args.package != None: what = True printPackages() if args.host_group != None: what = True printGroups('HostGroup') if args.package_group != None: what = True printGroups('ProductGroup') if not what: logWarning("You did not specify what to list!") if args.add != None: cmd = True what = False if args.host_group != None and len(args.host_group) > 0: what = True if args.host != None: addGroupObjects(args.host_group[0], args.host) else: description = args.host_group[1] if len(args.host_group) > 1 else '' parent = args.host_group[2] if len(args.host_group) > 2 else None addGroup('HostGroup', args.host_group[0], description, parent) #print '' #printGroups('HostGroup') if args.package_group != None and len(args.package_group) > 0: what = True if args.package != None: addGroupObjects(args.package_group[0], args.package) else: description = args.package_group[1] if len(args.package_group) > 1 else '' parent = args.package_group[2] if len(args.package_group) > 2 else None addGroup('ProductGroup', args.package_group[0], description, parent) #print '' #printGroups('ProductGroup') if not what: logWarning("You did not specify what to add!") if args.delete != None: cmd = True what = False if args.host_group != None: what = True hosts = [] if args.host != None: hosts = args.host for group in args.host_group: deleteGroup(group, hosts) # todo: flush cache before printing groups #printGroups('HostGroup') if args.package_group != None: what = True packages = [] if args.package != None: packages = args.package for group in args.package_group: deleteGroup(group, packages) # todo: flush cache before printing groups #printGroups('ProductGroup') if not what: logWarning("You did not specify what to delete!") if args.call != None: cmd = True what = False if len(args.call) > 0: what = True hosts = getSelectedHosts(args.host, args.host_group) # todo: add host of host group actionHosts(args.call, hosts) if not what: logWarning("You did not specify what to call!") if args.request != None or args.setup != None or args.uninstall != None: cmd = True what = False request = None if args.request != None and args.request in requestsName: request = args.request elif args.setup != None: request = 'setup' elif args.uninstall != None: request = 'uninstall' if request != None: hosts = getSelectedHosts(args.host, args.host_group) packages = getSelectedPackages(args.package, args.package_group) if len(packages) > 0: requestPackage(request, packages, hosts, args.fire != None) else: logWarning("You did not specify packages for request " + request + "!") else: logWarning("request not/wrongly specified!") if not cmd: logWarning("You did not specify a command!")