version 4.3 * merged pull request #216 - Added new property to disable optimisation: "restfixture.response.optimisation.threshold". Fix for #74 from PR #214 wasn't complete. version 4.3 * merged pull request #205 - Added plain body handler * merged pull request #214 - Fix for #74 when json response is greater than 64k bytes version 4.2 * Merged pull request #190 - support for multiple multipart POST * Fixed issue #74 (more corner cases) - Encountered code generation error while compiling script: generated bytecode for method exceeds 64K limit. * Fixed issue #189 - default headers are now added if no setHeader called * Bug: Fix NPE occurring when getting non defined symbol * Improvement: Prints found FitNesse version in logs * Improvement: Added new Maven profile to enable logging during test/dev cycle version 4.1 * Fixed Javadoc 8 issues and moved to JDK 8 (target language 1.7) * Implemented issue #120 - Render full URL for REST requests * Implemented ability to load external Javascript file - inspired by Issue #158 * Merged #145 - Enable both variable substitutions and URL encodings in GET calls * Merged #138 - Added ability to addHeaders * Merged #161/#162 - added baseUrl(String), setHeader(String) and setBody(String) to work in a scenario fixture * Fixed issue #118 - Unable to set header using let variable containing text ${aaa.yyyy} * Fixed issue #74 - Encountered code generation error while compiling script: generated bytecode for method exceeds 64K limit. * Fixed issue #166 - Toggle collapsible content version 4.0 * Fixed issue #52 "Symbols are not stored in the SlimTestContext" * Fixed issue #112 "Bad URL constructed when embedded question marks" version 3.1 * Fixed bugs and typos * Fixed render of html content in cells * Fixed issue #46 "Failure during PUT" * Fixed issue #58 "typo javadoc configutation -> configuration" * Fixed issue #61 "Symbol in setBody does not resolve in the display" * Fixed issue #96 "RestFixureConfig does not expand variables for authentication" version 3.0 * Migrated build system to Maven and published to Sonatype Nexus * Fixed Issue#28 - Multiple variables not expanding in RestFixtureConfig * Split RestFixtureExtensions from RestFixture to include all contributed extensions to RestFixture * Split LiveDoc in its own project on github. * Renamed RestFixture class to FitRestFixture for fit runner * Removed support for FitNesse variable syntax: '$label' is not more interpreted as 'label' * Added support for HEAD and OPTIONS verbs (requires RestClient > 2.1) * Added new config option to state whether the resource uris are escaped or not (restfixture.resource.uris.are.escaped, false by default), (requires RestClient > 2.1) - Issue#30 version 2.0 * response body now is handled according to the charset in the content-type header * added support for absolute URI in resource cell for each HTTP verb * reimplemented RestFixtureWithSeq in pure java, with no external dependencies on OS tools * added support for setting custom content-type to adapter map * added support for setting bespoke rendering of null value labels via config property 'restfixture.null.value.representation' * added 'comment' command row so that it's possible to comment RestFixtures; example |comment| the value of 'replaceme' is %replaceme% | * added the ability of specifying absolute URLs as values of the resource cell in a verb row * bug fixes * improvement of metrics build and ci build version 2.0.beta.1 * added support for SLIM * added support for expressions in JavaScript for JSON * abandoned local variable store for FitNesse symbols * added a toggle button to collapse on/off large content cells * added metric build to gather some metrics of the RestFixture code version 1.1.1 * bug fix: setHeader now parses multi-line headers * API change: added setHeaders (syntactic sugar for multi-line headers) version 1.1 * added namespaces support on matcher queries version 1.0 * first fully usable release