require 'English' require_relative 'const' require_relative 'color' require_relative 'package_helpers' require_relative 'selector' class Package boolean_property :arch_flags_override, :conflicts_ok, :git_clone_deep, :git_fetchtags, :gnome, :is_fake, :is_musl, :is_static, :no_compile_needed, :no_compress, :no_env_options, :no_fhs, :no_git_submodules, :no_links, :no_lto, :no_patchelf, :no_shrink, :no_source_build, :no_strip, :no_upstream_update, :no_zstd, :patchelf, :print_source_bashrc, :run_tests @boolean_properties = methods(false).join(',').gsub('?', '').split(',').sort.uniq.join(', ') property :description, :homepage, :version, :license, :compatibility, :binary_compression, :binary_url, :binary_sha256, :source_url, :source_sha256, :git_branch, :git_hashtag, :min_glibc create_placeholder :preflight, # Function for checks to see if install should occur. :patch, # Function to perform patch operations prior to build from source. :prebuild, # Function to perform pre-build operations prior to build from source. :build, # Function to perform build from source. :postbuild, # Function to perform post-build for both source build and binary distribution. :check, # Function to perform check from source build. (executes only during `crew build`) :preinstall, # Function to perform pre-install operations prior to install. :install, # Function to perform install from source build. :postinstall, # Function to perform post-install for both source build and binary distribution. :preremove, # Function to perform prior to package removal. :remove # Function to perform after package removal. def self.print_boolean_properties return @boolean_properties end class << self attr_accessor :name, :cached_build, :in_build, :build_from_source, :in_upgrade end def self.load_package(pkg_file) # self.load_package: load a package under 'Package' class scope # pkg_name = File.basename(pkg_file, '.rb') class_name = pkg_name.capitalize # read and eval package script under 'Package' class class_eval(, encoding: Encoding::UTF_8), pkg_file) unless const_defined?("Package::#{class_name}") pkg_obj = const_get(class_name) = pkg_name @crew_current_package = @crew_current_package.nil? ? : @crew_current_package return pkg_obj end def self.dependencies # We need instance variable in derived class, so not define it here, # base class. Instead of define it, we initialize it in a function # called from derived classees. @dependencies ||= {} end def self.get_deps_list(pkg_name = name, return_attr: false, hash: false, include_build_deps: 'auto', include_self: false, pkg_tags: [], ver_check: nil, highlight_build_deps: true, exclude_buildessential: false, top_level: true) # get_deps_list: get dependencies list of pkg_name (current package by default) # # pkg_name: package to check dependencies, current package by default # return_attr: return package attribute (tags and version lambda) also # hash: return result in nested hash, used by `print_deps_tree` (`bin/crew`) # # include_build_deps: if set to true, force all build dependencies to be returned. # if set to false, all build dependencies will not be returned # if set to "auto" (default), return build dependencies if pre-built binaries not available # # include_self: include #{pkg_name} itself in returned result, only used in recursive calls (see `expanded_deps` below) # highlight_build_deps: include corresponding symbols in return value, you can convert it to actual ascii color codes later # exclude_buildessential: do not insert `buildessential` dependency automatically # # top_level: if set to true, return satisfied dependencies # (dependencies that might be a sub-dependency of a dependency that checked before), # always set to false if this function is called in recursive loop (see `expanded_deps` below) # @checked_list ||= {} # create @checked_list placeholder if not exist # add current package to @checked_list for preventing extra checks @checked_list.merge!({ pkg_name => pkg_tags }) pkg_obj = load_package(File.join(CREW_PACKAGES_PATH, "#{pkg_name}.rb")) is_source = pkg_obj.source?(ARCH.to_sym) or pkg_obj.build_from_source deps = pkg_obj.dependencies # append buildessential to deps if building from source is needed/specified if ((include_build_deps == true) || ((include_build_deps == 'auto') && is_source)) && \ !pkg_obj.no_compile_needed? && \ !exclude_buildessential && \ !@checked_list.keys.include?('buildessential') deps = { 'buildessential' => [[:build]] }.merge(deps) end # parse dependencies recursively expanded_deps = do |dep, (dep_tags, ver_check)| # check build dependencies only if building from source is needed/specified # Do not recursively find :build based build dependencies. next unless (include_build_deps == true && @crew_current_package == || \ ((include_build_deps == 'auto') && is_source && @crew_current_package == || \ !dep_tags.include?(:build) # overwrite tags if parent dependency is a build dependency # (for build dependencies highlighting) tags = pkg_tags.include?(:build) ? pkg_tags : dep_tags if @checked_list.keys.none?(dep) # check dependency by calling this function recursively next \ send( __method__, dep, pkg_tags: tags, ver_check:, include_self: true, top_level: false, hash:, return_attr:, include_build_deps:, highlight_build_deps:, exclude_buildessential: ) elsif hash && top_level # will be dropped here if current dependency is already checked and #{top_level} is set to true # # the '+' symbol tell `print_deps_tree` (`bin/crew`) to color this package as "satisfied dependency" # the '*' symbol tell `print_deps_tree` (`bin/crew`) to color this package as "build dependency" if highlight_build_deps && tags.include?(:build) next { "+*#{dep}*+" => [] } elsif highlight_build_deps next { "+#{dep}+" => [] } else next { dep => [] } end end end.compact if hash # the '*' symbol tell `print_deps_tree` (`bin/crew`) to color this package as "build dependency" if highlight_build_deps && pkg_tags.include?(:build) return { "*#{pkg_name}*" => expanded_deps } else return { pkg_name => expanded_deps } end elsif include_self # return pkg_name itself if this function is called as a recursive loop (see `expanded_deps`) if return_attr return [expanded_deps, { pkg_name => [pkg_tags, ver_check] }].flatten else return [expanded_deps, pkg_name].flatten end else # if this function is called outside of this function, return parsed dependencies only return expanded_deps.flatten end end def self.depends_on(dependency, ver_range = nil) @dependencies ||= {} ver_check = nil dep_tags = [] # add element in "[ name, [ tag1, tag2, ... ] ]" format if dependency.is_a?(Hash) # parse "depends_on name => " dep_name, tags = dependency.first # convert `tags` to array in case `tags` is a symbol dep_tags += [tags].flatten else # parse "depends_on name" dep_name = dependency end # process dependency version range if specified # example: # depends_on name, '>= 1.0' # # operator can be '>=', '==', '<=', '<', '>' if ver_range operator, target_ver = ver_range.split(' ', 2) # lambda for comparing the given range with installed version ver_check = lambda do |installed_ver| unless operator.to_sym, ) # print error if the range is not fulfilled warn <<~EOT.lightred Package #{name} depends on '#{dep_name}' (#{operator} #{target_ver}), however version '#{installed_ver}' is currently installed :/ Run `crew update && crew upgrade` and try again? EOT return false end return true end end, [dep_tags, ver_check]) end def self.binary?(architecture) = !@build_from_source && @binary_sha256 && @binary_sha256.key?(architecture) def self.source?(architecture) = !(binary?(architecture) || is_fake?) def self.system(*args, **opt_args) @crew_env_options_hash = if no_env_options? { 'CREW_DISABLE_ENV_OPTIONS' => '1' } elsif no_lto? CREW_ENV_FNO_LTO_OPTIONS_HASH else CREW_ENV_OPTIONS_HASH end # Replace CREW_ARCH_FLAGS if @arch_flags_override is true. @crew_env_options_hash = @arch_flags_override ? @crew_env_options_hash.each { |k, v| @crew_env_options_hash[k] = v.gsub(CREW_ARCH_FLAGS, CREW_ARCH_FLAGS_OVERRIDE) } : @crew_env_options_hash # add "-j#" argument to "make" at compile-time, if necessary # Order of precedence to assign the number of threads: # 1. The value of '-j#' from the package make argument # 2. The value of ENV["CREW_NPROC"] # 3. The value of `nproc`.strip # See lib/const.rb for more details # add exception option to opt_args opt_args.merge!(exception: true) unless opt_args.key?(:exception) # extract env hash if args[0].is_a?(Hash) env = @crew_env_options_hash.merge(args[0]) args.delete_at(0) # remove env hash from args array else env = @crew_env_options_hash end cmd_args = args # after removing the env hash, all remaining args must be command args make_threads = CREW_NPROC modded_make_cmd = false # append -j placeholder to `make` commands only if '-j#' does not exist unless cmd_args.grep(/-j[[:space:]]?[0-9]+/).any? if cmd_args.size == 1 # involve a shell if the command is passed in one single string cmd_args = ['bash', '-c', cmd_args[0].sub(/^(make)\b/, '\\1 <<>>')] modded_make_cmd = true elsif cmd_args[0] == 'make' cmd_args.insert(1, '<<>>') modded_make_cmd = true end end begin if modded_make_cmd # replace placeholder with '-j#' arg and execute the actual command Kernel.system(env, * { |arg| arg.sub('<<>>', "-j#{make_threads}") }, **opt_args) else Kernel.system(env, *cmd_args, **opt_args) end rescue RuntimeError => e if modded_make_cmd && make_threads != 1 # retry with single thread if command is `make` and is modified by crew warn "Command \"#{ { |arg| arg.sub('<<>>', "-j#{make_threads}") }.join(' ')}\" failed, retrying with \"-j1\"...".yellow make_threads = 1 retry else # exit with error raise e end rescue StandardError => e # print failed line number and error message puts "#{e.backtrace[1]}: #{e.message}".orange raise InstallError, "`#{ { |k, v| "#{k}=\"#{v}\"" }.join(' ')} #{cmd_args.join(' ')}` exited with #{$CHILD_STATUS.exitstatus}".lightred end end end