package skyboy.utils { /** * fastSort by skyboy. February 26th 2011. * Visit for documentation, updates * and more free code. * * * Copyright (c) 2010, skyboy * All rights reserved. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person * obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation * files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software with * restriction, with limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, * merge, publish, distribute, sublicense copies of the Software, * and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, * subject to the following conditions and limitations: * * ^ Attribution will be given to: * skyboy,; *; * * ^ Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, * this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in all copies or * substantial portions of the Software. * * ^ Redistributions of modified source code must be marked as such, with * the modifications marked and ducumented and the modifer's name clearly * listed as having modified the source code. * * ^ Redistributions of source code may not add to, subtract from, or in * any other way modify the above copyright notice, this list of conditions, * or the following disclaimer for any reason. * * ^ Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS * IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT * NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A * PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS * OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DIRECT, * INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * OR OTHER LIABILITY,(INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF * SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR * BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, * WHETHER AN ACTION OF IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING * NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING FROM, OUT OF, IN CONNECTION OR * IN ANY OTHER WAY OUT OF THE USE OF OR OTHER DEALINGS WITH THIS * SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /** * ... * @author skyboy */ /** * fastSort(* obj, uint options [, uint length, uint startIndex] ); * fastSort(* obj, String name, uint options [, uint length, uint startIndex] ); * fastSort(* obj, Function sortFunc, uint options [, uint length, uint startIndex] ); * fastSort(* obj, Function sortFunc, String name, uint options [, uint length, uint startIndex] ); * * @param *: input The object to be sorted. Any object that has numeric indicies. (required, non-null) * @param Function: sortFunc A function to be passed two objects being sorted that returns a negative number when a < b, positive when b > a and 0 when a == b. (optional) * @param String: name The name of the property to be sorted on. (optional) * @param uint: options Sorting options. 16 for numeric sort, 2 for descending sort, 1 for case insensitive sort, 4 to force String sort when sorting with a Function (the default). Options can be combined with |. (optional, default: 0) * @param uint: length The length of the Object to be sorted. (optional if the object has a length property, required otherwise) * @param uint: startIndex The index to be sorting at. (optional, default: 0) */ public function fastSort(input:*, { //public function fastSort(input:*, rest0:* = 0, rest1:* = undefined, rest2:* = undefined, rest3:* = undefined):void { if (!input) throw new ArgumentError("Can not sort null"); var funcO:Boolean = rest[0] is Function; var strI:uint = uint(funcO); var sortON:Boolean = rest[strI] is String; var optI:uint = strI + uint(sortON); var lenI:uint = 1 + optI; var startI:uint = 2 + optI; if (("length" in input) && (input.length is Number)) {// grab length from the input length = input.length; if (!(rest[startI] is Number)) rest[startI] = 0; if (rest[lenI] is Number) length = rest[lenI]; } else { if (!(rest[lenI] is Number)) throw new Error("Length is unknown. Can not sort."); length = rest[lenI]; if (!(rest[startI] is Number)) rest[startI] = 0; } if (!(rest[optI] is Number)) rest[optI] = 0; optI = rest[optI]; optI &= ~(-int(Boolean(optI & FORCESTRING)) & NUMERIC); if (optI & NUMERIC) numVec.length = length + rest[startI]; else sortVec.length = length + rest[startI]; if (funcO) { if (sortON) sortByOn(input, rest[strI], optI, length, rest[startI], rest[0]); else sortBy(input, optI, length, rest[startI], rest[0]); } else if (sortON) { if (optI & NUMERIC) { sortOnNumber(input, rest[0], optI, length, rest[startI]);// all values (gain from Number Vector more significant than strong typing sorted-value) } else { if (input is Array) { sortOnArray(input, rest[0], optI, length, rest[startI]); } else if (input is Vector.<*>) {// numeric vectors not included (how would one sortOn a range of Numbers?) sortOn(input, rest[0], optI, length, rest[startI]); } else { sortOnObject(input, rest[0], optI, length, rest[startI]); } } } else { f = LookupTable[input.constructor]; if (Boolean(f)) f(input, optI, length, rest[startI]); else sortObject(input, optI, length, rest[startI]); } sortVec.length = 0;// clear the vectors (O(1) operation) numVec.length = 0; return; var length:uint = 0, f:Function = null;// avoid compiler setting default values for these } } //{ import flash.utils.Dictionary; internal const NUMERIC:uint = Array.NUMERIC; internal const DESCENDING:uint = Array.DESCENDING; internal const CASEINSENSITIVE:uint = Array.CASEINSENSITIVE; internal const FORCESTRING:uint = Array.UNIQUESORT; // internal const STABLESORT:uint = Array.RETURNINDEXEDARRAY; internal const sortVec:Vector.<*> = new Vector.<*>(0xFFFF); internal const numVec:Vector. = new Vector.(0xFFFF); internal const LookupTable:Dictionary = new Dictionary; LookupTable[Vector.] = sortNumber; LookupTable[Vector.] = sortInt; LookupTable[Vector.] = sortUint; LookupTable[Vector.<*>] = sortVector; LookupTable[Array] = sortArray; internal function quickSort(input:Vector.<*>, left:uint, right:uint, d:int):void { if (left >= right) return; var j:uint = right, i:uint = left; var size:uint = right - left; var pivotPoint:* = input[uint((right >>> 1) + (left >>> 1))], t:*; do { if (size < 9) { pivotPoint = input[left]; do { do { ++left; if (input[left] < pivotPoint) { pivotPoint = input[left]; do { // this section can be improved. input[left--] = input[left]; } while (left > i && pivotPoint < input[left]); input[left] = pivotPoint; } } while (left < right); ++i; left = i; pivotPoint = input[left]; } while (i < right); return; } while (left < right) { if (input[right] > pivotPoint) do { --right; } while (input[right] > pivotPoint); if (input[left] < pivotPoint) do { ++left; } while (input[left] < pivotPoint); if (left < right) { t = input[left]; input[left] = input[right]; input[right] = t; ++left, --right; } } if (right) { if (left === right) { if (input[left] < pivotPoint) ++left; else if (input[right] > pivotPoint) --right; } if (i < right) { quickSort(input, i, right, d + 1); } } left |= int(!left) & int(!right); if (j <= left) return; i = left; right = j; pivotPoint = input[uint((right >>> 1) + (left >>> 1))]; size = right - left; ++d; } while (true); } internal function quickSortOn(input:Vector.<*>, sInput:Vector.<*>, left:int, right:int, d:int):void { if (left >= right) return; var j:int = right; var i:int = left; var size:int = right - left; var pivotPoint:* = input[uint((right >>> 1) + (left >>> 1))], t:*; do { if (size < 9) { do { pivotPoint = input[left]; do { ++left; if (pivotPoint > input[left]) { pivotPoint = input[left]; t = sInput[left]; do { input[left] = input[left - 1]; sInput[left] = sInput[--left]; } while (left > i && pivotPoint < input[left]); input[left] = pivotPoint; sInput[left] = t; } } while (left < right); ++i; left = i; } while (i < right); return; } while (left < right) { if (input[right] > pivotPoint) do { --right; } while (input[right] > pivotPoint); if (input[left] < pivotPoint) do { ++left; } while (input[left] < pivotPoint); if (left < right) { t = input[left]; input[left] = input[right]; input[right] = t; t = sInput[left]; sInput[left] = sInput[right]; sInput[right] = t; ++left, --right; } } if (right) { if (left === right) { if (input[right] > pivotPoint) --right; else if (input[left] < pivotPoint) ++left; else ++left, --right; } if (i < right) { quickSortOn(input, sInput, i, right, d + 1); } } left |= int(!left) & int(!right); if (j <= left) return; i = left; right = j; pivotPoint = input[uint((right >>> 1) + (left >>> 1))]; size = right - left; ++d; } while (true); } internal function quickSortArray(input:Array, left:int, right:int, d:int):void { if (left >= right) return; var j:int = right, i:int = left; var size:int = right - left; var pivotPoint:* = input[uint((right >>> 1) + (left >>> 1))], t:*; do { if (size < 9) { pivotPoint = input[left]; do { do { ++left; if (input[left] < pivotPoint) { pivotPoint = input[left]; do { // this section can be improved. input[left--] = input[left]; } while (left > i && pivotPoint < input[left]); input[left] = pivotPoint; } } while (left < right); ++i; left = i; pivotPoint = input[left]; } while (i < right); return; } while (left < right) { if (input[right] > pivotPoint) do { --right; } while (input[right] > pivotPoint); if (input[left] < pivotPoint) do { ++left; } while (input[left] < pivotPoint); if (left < right) { t = input[left]; input[left] = input[right]; input[right] = t; ++left, --right; } } if (right) { if (left === right) { if (input[left] < pivotPoint) ++left; else if (input[right] > pivotPoint) --right; } if (i < right) { quickSortArray(input, i, right, d + 1); } } left |= int(!left) & int(!right); if (j <= left) return; i = left; right = j; pivotPoint = input[uint((right >>> 1) + (left >>> 1))]; size = right - left; ++d; } while (true); } internal function quickSortOnArray(input:Vector.<*>, sInput:Array, left:int, right:int, d:int):void { if (left >= right) return; var j:int = right; var i:int = left; var size:int = right - left; var pivotPoint:* = input[uint((right >>> 1) + (left >>> 1))], t:*; do { if (size < 9) { do { pivotPoint = input[left]; do { ++left; if (pivotPoint > input[left]) { pivotPoint = input[left]; t = sInput[left]; do { input[left] = input[left - 1]; sInput[left] = sInput[--left]; } while (left > i && pivotPoint < input[left]); input[left] = pivotPoint; sInput[left] = t; } } while (left < right); ++i; left = i; } while (i < right); return; } while (left < right) { if (input[right] > pivotPoint) do { --right; } while (input[right] > pivotPoint); if (input[left] < pivotPoint) do { ++left; } while (input[left] < pivotPoint); if (left < right) { t = input[left]; input[left] = input[right]; input[right] = t; t = sInput[left]; sInput[left] = sInput[right]; sInput[right] = t; ++left, --right; } } if (right) { if (left === right) { if (input[right] > pivotPoint) --right; else if (input[left] < pivotPoint) ++left; else ++left, --right; } if (i < right) { quickSortOnArray(input, sInput, i, right, d + 1); } } left |= int(!left) & int(!right); if (j <= left) return; i = left; right = j; pivotPoint = input[uint((right >>> 1) + (left >>> 1))]; size = right - left; ++d; } while (true); } internal function quickSortObject(input:Object, left:uint, right:uint, d:int):void { if (left >= right) return; var j:uint = right, i:uint = left; var size:uint = right - left; var pivotPoint:* = input[uint((right >>> 1) + (left >>> 1))], t:*; do { if (size < 9) { pivotPoint = input[left]; do { do { ++left; if (input[left] < pivotPoint) { pivotPoint = input[left]; do { // this section can be improved. input[left--] = input[left]; } while (left > i && pivotPoint < input[left]); input[left] = pivotPoint; } } while (left < right); ++i; left = i; pivotPoint = input[left]; } while (i < right); return; } while (left < right) { if (input[right] > pivotPoint) do { --right; } while (input[right] > pivotPoint); if (input[left] < pivotPoint) do { ++left; } while (input[left] < pivotPoint); if (left < right) { t = input[left]; input[left] = input[right]; input[right] = t; ++left, --right; } } if (right) { if (left === right) { if (input[left] < pivotPoint) ++left; else if (input[right] > pivotPoint) --right; } if (i < right) { quickSortObject(input, i, right, d + 1); } } left |= int(!left) & int(!right); if (j <= left) return; i = left; right = j; pivotPoint = input[uint((right >>> 1) + (left >>> 1))]; size = right - left; ++d; } while (true); } internal function quickSortOnObject(input:Vector.<*>, sInput:Object, left:int, right:int, d:int):void { if (left >= right) return; var j:int = right; var i:int = left; var size:int = right - left; var pivotPoint:* = input[uint((right >>> 1) + (left >>> 1))], t:*; do { if (size < 9) { do { pivotPoint = input[left]; do { ++left; if (pivotPoint > input[left]) { pivotPoint = input[left]; t = sInput[left]; do { input[left] = input[left - 1]; sInput[left] = sInput[--left]; } while (left > i && pivotPoint < input[left]); input[left] = pivotPoint; sInput[left] = t; } } while (left < right); ++i; left = i; } while (i < right); return; } while (left < right) { if (input[right] > pivotPoint) do { --right; } while (input[right] > pivotPoint); if (input[left] < pivotPoint) do { ++left; } while (input[left] < pivotPoint); if (left < right) { t = input[left]; input[left] = input[right]; input[right] = t; t = sInput[left]; sInput[left] = sInput[right]; sInput[right] = t; ++left, --right; } } if (right) { if (left === right) { if (input[right] > pivotPoint) --right; else if (input[left] < pivotPoint) ++left; else ++left, --right; } if (i < right) { quickSortOnObject(input, sInput, i, right, d + 1); } } left |= int(!left) & int(!right); if (j <= left) return; i = left; right = j; pivotPoint = input[uint((right >>> 1) + (left >>> 1))]; size = right - left; ++d; } while (true); } internal function quickSortOnNumber(input:Vector., sInput:Object, left:int, right:int, d:int):void { if (left >= right) return; var j:int = right; var i:int = left; var size:int = right - left; var pivotPoint:Number = input[uint((right >>> 1) + (left >>> 1))]; do { if (size < 9) { do { pivotPoint = input[left]; do { ++left; e = input[left]; if (pivotPoint > e) { pivotPoint = e; t = sInput[left]; do { q = left--; e = input[left]; input[q] = e; sInput[q] = sInput[left]; } while (int(left > i) & int(pivotPoint < e)); input[left] = pivotPoint; sInput[left] = t; } } while (left < right); ++i; left = i; } while (i < right); return; } while (left < right) { f = input[right]; while (f > pivotPoint) { --right; f = input[right]; } e = input[left]; while (e < pivotPoint) { ++left; e = input[left]; } if (left < right) { input[left] = f; input[right] = e; t = sInput[left]; sInput[left] = sInput[right]; sInput[right] = t; ++left, --right; } } if (left === right) { e = input[left]; q = int(e >= pivotPoint); q &= int(right > 0); right -= q; q = int(e <= pivotPoint); left += q; } if (i < right) quickSortOnNumber(input, sInput, i, right, d + 1); if (j > left) { i = left; right = j; pivotPoint = input[uint((right >>> 1) + (left >>> 1))]; size = right - left; ++d; } else break } while (true); return; var e:Number = 0, f:Number = 0, t:* = undefined, q:int = 0; } internal function quickSortByObject(input:Object, left:int, right:int, c:Function):void { // >0 = a>b; <0 = a= right) return; var j:int = right; var i:int = left; var size:int = right - left; var pivotPoint:* = input[uint((right >>> 1) + (left >>> 1))], t:*, e:*; do { if (size < 9) { do { pivotPoint = input[left]; do { ++left; e = input[left]; if (c(pivotPoint, e) > 0) { pivotPoint = e; do { size = left--; e = input[left]; input[size] = e; } while (left > i && c(pivotPoint, e) < 0); input[left] = pivotPoint; } } while (left < right); ++i; left = i; } while (i < right); return; } while (left < right) { t = input[right]; while (c(t, pivotPoint) > 0) { --right; t = input[right]; } e = input[left]; while (c(e, pivotPoint) < 0) { ++left; e = input[left]; } if (left < right) { input[left] = t; input[right] = e; ++left, --right; } } if (left === right) { e = input[left]; t = c(e, pivotPoint) size = int(t >= 0); size &= int(right > 0); right -= size; size = int(t <= 0); left += size; } if (i < right) { quickSortByObject(input, i, right, c); } if (j <= left) return; i = left; right = j; pivotPoint = input[uint((right >>> 1) + (left >>> 1))]; size = right - left; } while (true); } internal function quickSortByOnObject(input:Vector.<*>, sInput:Object, left:int, right:int, c:Function):void { // >0 = a>b; <0 = a= right) return; var j:int = right; var i:int = left; var size:int = right - left; var pivotPoint:* = input[uint((right >>> 1) + (left >>> 1))], t:*, e:*; do { if (size < 9) { do { pivotPoint = input[left]; do { ++left; e = input[left]; if (c(pivotPoint, e) > 0) { pivotPoint = e; t = sInput[left]; do { size = left--; e = input[left]; input[size] = e; sInput[size] = sInput[left]; } while (left > i && c(pivotPoint, e) < 0); input[left] = pivotPoint; sInput[left] = t; } } while (left < right); ++i; left = i; } while (i < right); return; } while (left < right) { t = input[right]; while (c(t, pivotPoint) > 0) { --right; t = input[right]; } e = input[left]; while (c(e, pivotPoint) < 0) { ++left; e = input[left]; } if (left < right) { input[left] = t; input[right] = e; t = sInput[left]; sInput[left] = sInput[right]; sInput[right] = t; ++left, --right; } } if (left === right) { e = input[left]; t = c(e, pivotPoint) size = int(t >= 0); size &= int(right > 0); right -= size; size = int(t <= 0); left += size; } if (i < right) { quickSortByOnObject(input, sInput, i, right, c); } if (j <= left) return; i = left; right = j; pivotPoint = input[uint((right >>> 1) + (left >>> 1))]; size = right - left; } while (true); } internal function quickSortByOnNumber(input:Vector., sInput:Object, left:int, right:int, c:Function):void { // >0 = a>b; <0 = a= right) return; var j:int = right; var i:int = left; var size:int = right - left; var pivotPoint:Number = input[uint((right >>> 1) + (left >>> 1))], t:Number, e:Number, o:*; do { if (size < 9) { do { pivotPoint = input[left]; do { ++left; e = input[left]; if (c(pivotPoint, e) > 0) { pivotPoint = e; o = sInput[left]; do { size = left--; e = input[left]; input[size] = e; sInput[size] = sInput[left]; } while (left > i && c(pivotPoint, e) < 0); input[left] = pivotPoint; sInput[left] = o; } } while (left < right); ++i; left = i; } while (i < right); return; } while (left < right) { t = input[right]; while (c(t, pivotPoint) > 0) { --right; t = input[right]; } e = input[left]; while (c(e, pivotPoint) < 0) { ++left; e = input[left]; } if (left < right) { input[left] = t; input[right] = e; o = sInput[left]; sInput[left] = sInput[right]; sInput[right] = o; ++left, --right; } } if (left === right) { e = input[left]; t = c(e, pivotPoint) size = int(t >= 0); size &= int(right > 0); right -= size; size = int(t <= 0); left += size; } if (i < right) { quickSortByOnNumber(input, sInput, i, right, c); } if (j <= left) return; i = left; right = j; pivotPoint = input[uint((right >>> 1) + (left >>> 1))]; size = right - left; } while (true); } internal function quickSortInt(input:Vector., left:uint, right:uint, d:int):void { if (left >= right) return; var j:uint = right, i:uint = left; var size:uint = right - left; var pivotPoint:int = input[uint((right >>> 1) + (left >>> 1))], t:int; do { if (size < 9) { pivotPoint = input[left]; do { do { ++left; t = input[left]; if (t < pivotPoint) { pivotPoint = t; do { size = left--; t = input[left]; input[size] = t; } while (left > i && pivotPoint < t); input[left] = pivotPoint; } } while (left < right); ++i; left = i; pivotPoint = input[left]; } while (i < right); return; } while (left < right) { if (input[right] > pivotPoint) do { --right; } while (input[right] > pivotPoint); if (input[left] < pivotPoint) do { ++left; } while (input[left] < pivotPoint); if (left < right) { t = input[left]; input[left] = input[right]; input[right] = t; ++left, --right; } } if (right) { if (left === right) { if (input[left] < pivotPoint) ++left; else if (input[right] > pivotPoint) --right; } if (i < right) { quickSortInt(input, i, right, d + 1); } } left |= int(!left) & int(!right); if (j <= left) return; i = left; right = j; pivotPoint = input[uint((right >>> 1) + (left >>> 1))]; size = right - left; ++d; } while (true); } internal function quickSortUint(input:Vector., left:uint, right:uint, d:int):void { if (left >= right) return; var j:uint = right, i:uint = left; var size:uint = right - left; var pivotPoint:uint = input[uint((right >>> 1) + (left >>> 1))], t:uint; do { if (size < 9) { pivotPoint = input[left]; do { do { ++left; if (input[left] < pivotPoint) { pivotPoint = input[left]; do { // this section can be improved. input[left] = input[(--left,left)]; } while (left > i && pivotPoint < input[left]); input[left] = pivotPoint; } } while (left < right); ++i; left = i; pivotPoint = input[left]; } while (i < right); return; } while (left < right) { if (input[right] > pivotPoint) do { --right; } while (input[right] > pivotPoint); if (input[left] < pivotPoint) do { ++left; } while (input[left] < pivotPoint); if (left < right) { t = input[left]; input[left] = input[right]; input[right] = t; ++left, --right; } } if (right) { if (left === right) { if (input[left] < pivotPoint) ++left; else if (input[right] > pivotPoint) --right; } if (i < right) { quickSortUint(input, i, right, d + 1); } } left |= int(!left) & int(!right); if (j <= left) return; i = left; right = j; pivotPoint = input[uint((right >>> 1) + (left >>> 1))]; size = right - left; ++d; } while (true); } internal function quickSortNumber(input:Vector., left:uint, right:uint, d:int):void { if (left >= right) return; var j:uint = right, i:uint = left; var size:uint = right - left; var pivotPoint:Number = input[uint((right >>> 1) + (left >>> 1))], t:Number; do { if (size < 9) { pivotPoint = input[left]; do { do { ++left; if (input[left] < pivotPoint) { pivotPoint = input[left]; do { // this section can be improved. input[left--] = input[left]; } while (left > i && pivotPoint < input[left]); input[left] = pivotPoint; } } while (left < right); ++i; left = i; pivotPoint = input[left]; } while (i < right); return; } while (left < right) { if (input[right] > pivotPoint) do { --right; } while (input[right] > pivotPoint); if (input[left] < pivotPoint) do { ++left; } while (input[left] < pivotPoint); if (left < right) { t = input[left]; input[left] = input[right]; input[right] = t; ++left, --right; } } if (right) { if (left === right) { if (input[left] < pivotPoint) ++left; else if (input[right] > pivotPoint) --right; } if (i < right) { quickSortNumber(input, i, right, d + 1); } } left |= int(!left) & int(!right); if (j <= left) return; i = left; right = j; pivotPoint = input[uint((right >>> 1) + (left >>> 1))]; size = right - left; ++d; } while (true); } internal function sort(input:Vector.<*>, options:uint, n:uint, startIndex:uint):void { if (n < 2) return; var q:uint = startIndex, left:uint = q, right:uint = q + n; while (q !== right) { t = input[q]; if (t === undefined) { --right; input[q] = input[right]; input[right] = undefined; } else if (t === null) { input[q] = input[left]; input[left] = null; ++left; ++q; } else ++q; } if (right > left) { q = right; while (q > left) { --q; t = input[q]; if (t !== t) { --right; input[q] = input[right]; input[right] = NaN; } } --right; if (right > left) { if (options === NUMERIC) { quickSort(input, left, right, 0); } else { tempVec = sortVec; q = right; if (options & CASEINSENSITIVE) { tempVec[q] = String(input[q]).toLowerCase(); while (q > left) --q, tempVec[q] = String(input[q]).toLowerCase(); } else { tempVec[q] = String(input[q]); while (q > left) --q, tempVec[q] = String(input[q]); } quickSortOn(tempVec, input, left, right, 0); } } } if (options & DESCENDING) { options = startIndex; n += options; while (n > options) { --n; t = input[options]; input[options] = input[n]; input[n] = t; ++options; } } return; var tempVec:Vector.<*>, t:*; } internal function sortOn(input:Vector.<*>, name:String, options:uint, n:uint, startIndex:int):void { if (n < 2) return; var left:uint = startIndex, right:uint = left + n, hnan:int; var tempVec:Vector.<*> = sortVec, i:uint = right, j:uint = right, t:*; while (j > left) {--j; t = input[j]; t = t[name]; if (t === null) { t = input[j]; input[j] = input[left]; input[left] = t; tempVec[left] = null; ++left,++j; } else if (t === undefined) { --i,--right tempVec[i] = tempVec[right]; tempVec[right] = undefined; t = input[right]; input[right] = input[j]; input[j] = t; } else--i, tempVec[i] = t; hnan |= int(t !== t); } if (right > left) { j = right; if (hnan) while (j > left) { --j; t = tempVec[j]; if (t !== t) { --right tempVec[j] = tempVec[right]; tempVec[right] = NaN; t = input[right]; input[right] = input[j]; input[j] = t; } } --right; if (right > left) { i = left; if (options & CASEINSENSITIVE) { tempVec[i] = String(tempVec[i]).toUpperCase(); while (i < right) ++i, tempVec[i] = String(tempVec[i]).toUpperCase(); } else { tempVec[i] = String(tempVec[i]); while (i < right) ++i, tempVec[i] = String(tempVec[i]); } quickSortOn(tempVec, input, left, right, 0); } } if (options & DESCENDING) { i = startIndex, options = n + i; while (n > i) { --options; t = input[i]; input[i] = input[options]; input[options] = t; ++i; } } } internal function sortArray(input:Array, options:uint, n:uint, startIndex:uint):void { if (n < 2) return; if (options & NUMERIC) { sortObjectNumber(input, startIndex, n); } else { q = startIndex, left = q, right = q + n, hnan = 1; while (q !== right) { t = input[q]; if (t === undefined) { --right; input[q] = input[right]; input[right] = undefined; } else if (t === null) { input[q] = input[left]; input[left] = null; ++left; ++q; } else ++q; hnan &= int(t === t); } if (right > left) { q = right; if (!hnan) while (q > left) { --q; t = input[q]; if (t !== t) { --right; input[q] = input[right]; input[right] = NaN; } } --right; if (right > left) { tempVec = sortVec; q = right; if (options & CASEINSENSITIVE) { tempVec[q] = String(input[q]).toLowerCase(); while (q > left) --q, tempVec[q] = String(input[q]).toLowerCase(); } else { tempVec[q] = String(input[q]); while (q > left) --q, tempVec[q] = String(input[q]); } quickSortOnArray(tempVec, input, left, right, 0); } } } if (options & DESCENDING) { options = startIndex; n += options; while (n > options) { --n; t = input[options]; input[options] = input[n]; input[n] = t; ++options; } } return; var tempVec:Vector.<*>, t:*, q:uint, left:uint, right:uint, hnan:int; } internal function sortOnArray(input:Array, name:String, options:uint, n:uint, startIndex:uint):void { if (n < 2) return; var left:uint = startIndex, right:uint = left + n; var tempVec:Vector.<*> = sortVec, i:uint = right, j:uint = n; while (j) { --j; t = input[j]; t = t[name]; if (t === null) { t = input[j]; input[j] = input[left]; input[left] = t; tempVec[left] = null; ++left; ++j; } else if (t === undefined) { --i,--right; tempVec[i] = tempVec[right]; tempVec[right] = undefined; t = input[right]; input[right] = input[j]; input[j] = t; } else --i,tempVec[i] = t; if (j === left) break; } if (right > left) { j = right; while (j > left) { --j; t = tempVec[j]; if (t !== t) { --right; tempVec[j] = tempVec[right]; tempVec[right] = NaN; t = input[right]; input[right] = input[j]; input[j] = t; } } --right; if (right > left) { i = right; if (options & CASEINSENSITIVE) { tempVec[i] = String(tempVec[i]).toUpperCase(); while (i > left) --i, tempVec[i] = String(tempVec[i]).toUpperCase(); } else { tempVec[i] = String(tempVec[i]); while (i > left) --i, tempVec[i] = String(tempVec[i]); } quickSortOnArray(tempVec, input, left, right, 0); } } if (options & DESCENDING) { i = startIndex; options = i + n; while (options > i) { --options; t = input[i]; input[i] = input[options]; input[options] = t; ++i; } } return; var t:*; } internal function sortObject(input:Object, options:uint, n:uint, startIndex:uint):void { if (n < 2) return; if (options & NUMERIC) { sortObjectNumber(input, startIndex, n); } else { q = startIndex, left = q, right = q + n, hnan = 1; while (q < right) { t = input[q]; if (t === undefined) { --right; input[q] = input[right]; input[right] = undefined; } else if (t === null) { input[q] = input[left]; input[left] = null; ++left; ++q; } else ++q; hnan &= int(t === t); } if (right > left) { q = right; if (!hnan) while (q < left) { --q; t = input[q]; if (t !== t) { --right; input[q] = input[right]; input[right] = NaN; } } --right; if (right > left) { tempVec = sortVec; q = right; if (options & CASEINSENSITIVE) { tempVec[q] = String(input[q]).toLowerCase(); while (q > left) --q, tempVec[q] = String(input[q]).toLowerCase(); } else { tempVec[q] = String(input[q]); while (q > left) --q, tempVec[q] = String(input[q]); } quickSortOnObject(tempVec, input, left, right, 0); } } } if (options & DESCENDING) { options = startIndex; n += options; while (n > options) { --n; t = input[options]; input[options] = input[n]; input[n] = t; ++options; } } return; var tempVec:Vector.<*>, t:*, q:uint, left:uint, right:uint, hnan:int; } internal function sortOnObject(input:Object, name:String, options:uint, n:uint, startIndex:uint):void { if (n < 2) return; var left:uint = startIndex, right:uint = left + n; var tempVec:Vector.<*> = sortVec, i:uint = right, t:*, j:uint = right; while (j > left) {--j; t = input[j]; t = t[name]; if (t === null) { t = input[j]; input[j] = input[left]; input[left] = t; tempVec[left] = null; ++left,++j; } else if (t === undefined) { --right,--i; tempVec[i] = tempVec[right]; tempVec[right] = undefined; t = input[right]; input[right] = input[j]; input[j] = t; } else --i,tempVec[i] = t; } if (right > left) { j = right; while (j > left) { --j; t = tempVec[j]; if (t !== t) { --right; tempVec[j] = tempVec[right]; tempVec[right] = NaN; t = input[right]; input[right] = input[j]; input[j] = t; } } --right; if (right > left) { i = right; if (options & CASEINSENSITIVE) { tempVec[i] = String(tempVec[i]).toUpperCase(); while (i > left) --i, tempVec[i] = String(tempVec[i]).toUpperCase(); } else { tempVec[i] = String(tempVec[i]); while (i > left) --i, tempVec[i] = String(tempVec[i]); } quickSortOnObject(tempVec, input, left, right, 0); } } if (options & DESCENDING) { i = startIndex options = i + n - 1; while (n > i) { t = input[i]; input[i] = input[options]; input[options] = t; ++i, --options; } } } internal function sortObjectNumber(input:Object, startIndex:uint, n:uint):void { var left:uint = startIndex; n += startIndex; var dat:Vector. = numVec, s:int = 1, p:Number = input[startIndex]; for (; startIndex < n; ++startIndex) { e = input[startIndex]; dat[startIndex] = e; s &= int(!(e > p)); p = e; if (e !== e) { --n; input[startIndex] = input[n]; input[n] = e; --startIndex; } } --n; if (!s) quickSortOnNumber(dat, input, left, n, 0); return; var e:Number = 0; } internal function sortOnNumber(input:Object, name:String, options:uint, length:uint, startIndex:uint):void { if (length < 2) return; var right:uint = startIndex + length; var tempVec:Vector. = numVec, j:uint = startIndex; var p:Number = input[j][name], s:int = 1; for (; j < right; ++j) { e = input[j]; t = e[name]; tempVec[j] = t; s &= int(!(t > p));// ! > instead of <= to account for NaN p = t; if (t !== t) { --right; input[j] = input[right]; input[right] = e; --j; } } --right; if (!s) quickSortOnNumber(tempVec, input, startIndex, right, 0); if (options & DESCENDING) { j = startIndex; options = j + length - 1; while (options > j) { e = input[j]; input[j] = input[options]; input[options] = e; ++j; --options; } } return; var t:Number = 0, e:* = undefined; } internal function sortNumber(input:Vector., options:uint, n:uint, startIndex:uint):void { if (n < 2) return; var q:uint = startIndex, left:uint = q, right:uint = q + n, t:Number; while (q < right) { t = input[q]; if (t !== t) { --right; input[q] = input[right]; input[right] = NaN; } else ++q; } --right; if (right > left) { if (options === NUMERIC) { quickSortNumber(input, left, right, 0); } else { var tempVec:Vector.<*> = sortVec; q = right; if (options & CASEINSENSITIVE) { tempVec[q] = String(tempVec[q]).toUpperCase(); while (q > left) --q, tempVec[q] = String(tempVec[q]).toUpperCase(); } else { tempVec[q] = String(input[q]); while (q > left) --q, tempVec[q] = String(input[q]); } quickSortOnObject(tempVec, input, left, right, 0); } } if (options & DESCENDING) { options = startIndex; n += options; while (n > options) { --n; t = input[options]; input[options] = input[n]; input[n] = t; ++options; } } } internal function sortInt(input:Vector., options:uint, n:uint, startIndex:uint):void { if (n < 2) return; var q:uint = startIndex, left:uint = q, right:uint = q + n - 1; if (right > left) { if (options & NUMERIC) { quickSortInt(input, left, right, n); } else { var tempVec:Vector.<*> = sortVec; q = right; if (options & CASEINSENSITIVE) { tempVec[q] = String(tempVec[q]).toUpperCase(); while (q > left) --q, tempVec[q] = String(tempVec[q]).toUpperCase(); } else { tempVec[q] = String(input[q]); while (q > left) --q, tempVec[q] = String(input[q]); } quickSortOnObject(tempVec, input, left, right, 0); } } var t:int; if (options & DESCENDING) { options = startIndex; n += options; while (n > options) { --n; t = input[options]; input[options] = input[n]; input[n] = t; ++options; } } } internal function sortUint(input:Vector., options:uint, n:uint, startIndex:uint):void { if (n < 2) return; var q:uint = startIndex, left:uint = q, right:uint = q + n - 1, t:uint = input[q]; if (right > left) { if (options === NUMERIC) { quickSortUint(input, left, right, 0); } else { var tempVec:Vector.<*> = sortVec; q = right; if (options & CASEINSENSITIVE) { tempVec[q] = String(tempVec[q]).toUpperCase(); while (q > left) --q, tempVec[q] = String(tempVec[q]).toUpperCase(); } else { tempVec[q] = String(input[q]); while (q > left) --q, tempVec[q] = String(input[q]); } quickSortOnObject(tempVec, input, left, right, 0); } } if (options & DESCENDING) { options = startIndex; n += options; while (n > options) { --n; t = input[options]; input[options] = input[n]; input[n] = t; ++options; } } } internal function sortVector(input:*, options:uint, n:uint, startIndex:uint):void { if (input is Vector.<*>) sort(input, options, n, startIndex); else sortObject(input, options, n, startIndex); } internal function sortBy(input:Object, options:uint, n:uint, startIndex:uint, sortFunc:Function):void { if (n < 2) return; q = startIndex, left = q, right = q + n; --right; if (options & FORCESTRING) { tempVec = sortVec; if (options & CASEINSENSITIVE) { for (; q <= right; ++q) tempVec[q] = String(input[q]).toLowerCase(); } else { for (; q <= right; ++q) tempVec[q] = String(input[q]); } quickSortByOnObject(tempVec, input, left, right, sortFunc); } else if (options & NUMERIC) { nVec = numVec; for (n = q; n <= right; ++n) e = input[n], nVec[n] = e; quickSortByOnNumber(nVec, input, left, right, sortFunc); } else { quickSortByObject(input, left, right, sortFunc); } if (options & DESCENDING) { options = startIndex; n = right; while (n > options) { t = input[options]; input[options] = input[n]; input[n] = t; ++options, --n; } } return; var tempVec:Vector.<*> = null, nVec:Vector. = null, t:* = null, q:uint, left:uint, right:uint, e:Number; } internal function sortByOn(input:Object, name:String, options:uint, n:uint, startIndex:uint, sortFunc:Function):void { if (n < 2) return; q = startIndex, left = q, right = q + n; --right; if (options & FORCESTRING) { tempVec = sortVec; if (options & CASEINSENSITIVE) { for (; q <= right; ++q) t = input[q], tempVec[q] = String(t[name]).toLowerCase(); } else { for (; q <= right; ++q) t = input[q], tempVec[q] = String(t[name]); } quickSortByOnObject(tempVec, input, left, right, sortFunc); } else if (options & NUMERIC) { nVec = numVec; for (n = q; n <= right; ++n) t = input[n], e = t[name], nVec[n] = e; quickSortByOnNumber(nVec, input, left, right, sortFunc); } else { tempVec = sortVec; for (n = q; n <= right; ++n) t = input[n], tempVec[n] = t[name]; quickSortByOnObject(tempVec, input, left, right, sortFunc); } if (options & DESCENDING) { options = startIndex; n = right; while (n > options) { t = input[options]; input[options] = input[n]; input[n] = t; ++options, --n; } } return; var tempVec:Vector.<*> = null, nVec:Vector. = null, t:* = null, q:uint, left:uint, right:uint, e:Number; } //}