* Dragdealer.js 0.9.6
* http://github.com/skidding/dragdealer
* (c) 2010+ Ovidiu CherecheČ™
* http://skidding.mit-license.org
var Dragdealer = function(wrapper, options) {
* Drag-based component that works around two basic DOM elements.
* - The wrapper: The top-level element with the .dragdealer class. We
* create a Dragdealer instance with the wrapper as the
* first constructor parameter (it can either receive the ID
* of the wrapper, or the element itself.) The wrapper
* establishes the dragging bounds.
* - The handle: A child of the wrapper element, with a required .handle
* class. This will be the dragged element, constrained by
* the wrapper's bounds.
* The handle can be both smaller or bigger than the wrapper.
* - When the handle is smaller, Dragdealer will act as a regular slider,
* enabling the handle to be dragged from one side of the wrapper to
* another.
* - When the handle is bigger, Dragdealer will act a mask for a draggable
* surface, where the handle is the draggable surface contrained by the
* smaller bounds of the wrapper. The drag action in this case is used
* to reveal and "discover" partial content at a time.
* Simple usage:
* // JavaScript
* new Dragdealer('simple-slider');
* The second parameter of the Dragdealer constructor is an object used for
* specifying any of the supported options. All of them are optional.
* - bool disabled=false: Init Dragdealer in a disabled state. The handle
* will have a .disabled class.
* - bool horizontal=true: Enable horizontal dragging.
* - bool vertical=false: Enable vertical dragging.
* - number x=0: Initial horizontal (left) position. Accepts a float number
* value between 0 and 1. Read below about positioning in
* Dragdealer.
* - number y=0: Initial vertical (top) position. Accepts a float number
* value between 0 and 1. Read below about positoning in
* Dragdealer.
* - number steps=0: Limit the positioning of the handle within the bounds
* of the wrapper, by defining a virtual grid made out of
* a number of equally-spaced steps. This restricts
* placing the handle anywhere in-between these steps.
* E.g. setting 3 steps to a regular slider will only
* allow you to move it to the left, to the right or
* exactly in the middle.
* - bool snap=false: When a number of steps is set, snap the position of
* the handle to its closest step instantly, even when
* dragging.
* - bool slide=true: Slide handle after releasing it, depending on the
* movement speed before the mouse/touch release. The
* formula for calculating how much will the handle
* slide after releasing it is defined by simply
* extending the movement of the handle in the current
* direction, with the last movement unit times four (a
* movement unit is considered the distance crossed
* since the last animation loop, which is currently
* 25ms.) So if you were to drag the handle 50px in the
* blink of an eye, it will slide another 200px in the
* same direction. Steps interfere with this formula, as
* the closest step is calculated before the sliding
* distance.
* - bool loose=false: Loosen-up wrapper boundaries when dragging. This
* allows the handle to be *slightly* dragged outside
* the bounds of the wrapper, but slides it back to the
* margins of the wrapper upon release. The formula for
* calculating how much the handle exceeds the wrapper
* bounds is made out of the actual drag distance
* divided by 4. E.g. Pulling a slider outside its
* frame by 100px will only position it 25px outside
* the frame.
* - number top=0: Top padding between the wrapper and the handle.
* - number bottom=0: Bottom padding between the wrapper and the handle.
* - number left=0: Left padding between the wrapper and the handle.
* - number right=0: Right padding between the wrapper and the handle.
* - fn callback(x, y): Called when releasing handle, with the projected
* x, y position of the handle. Projected value means
* the value the slider will have after finishing a
* sliding animation, caused by either a step
* restriction or drag motion (see steps and slide
* options.) This implies that the actual position of
* the handle at the time this callback is called
* might not yet reflect the x, y values received.
* - fn animationCallback(x, y): Called every animation loop, as long as
* the handle is being dragged or in the
* process of a sliding animation. The x, y
* positional values received by this
* callback reflect the exact position of the
* handle DOM element, which includes
* exceeding values (even negative values)
* when the loose option is set true.
* Dragdealer also has a few methods to interact with, post-initialization.
* - disable: Disable dragging of a Dragdealer instance. Just as with the
* disabled option, the handle will receive a .disabled class
* - enable: Enable dragging of a Dragdealer instance. The .disabled class
* of the handle will be removed.
* - reflow: Recalculate the wrapper bounds of a Dragdealer instance, used
* when the wrapper is responsive and its parent container
* changed its size, or after changing the size of the wrapper
* directly.
* - getValue: Get the value of a Dragdealer instance programatically. The
* value is returned as an [x, y] tuple and is the equivalent
* of the (projected) value returned by the regular callback,
* not animationCallback.
* - getStep: Same as getValue, but the value returned is in step
* increments (see steps option)
* - setValue(x, y, snap=false): Set the value of a Dragdealer instance
* programatically. The 3rd parameter allows
* to snap the handle directly to the desired
* value, without any sliding transition.
* - setStep(x, y, snap=false): Same as setValue, but the value is received
* in step increments (see steps option)
* Positioning in Dragdealer:
* Besides the top, bottom, left and right paddings, which represent a
* number of pixels, Dragdealer uses a [0, 1]-based positioning. Both
* horizontal and vertical positions are represented by ratios between 0
* and 1. This allows the Dragdealer wrapper to have a responsive size and
* not revolve around a specific number of pixels. This is how the x, y
* options are set, what the callback args contain and what values the
* setValue method expects. Once picked up, the ratios can be scaled and
* mapped to match any real-life system of coordinates or dimensions.
if (typeof(wrapper) == 'string') {
wrapper = document.getElementById(wrapper);
if (!wrapper) {
var childElements = wrapper.getElementsByTagName('div'),
for (i = 0; i < childElements.length; i++) {
if (childElements[i].className.match(/(^|\s)handle(\s|$)/)) {
handle = childElements[i];
if (!handle) {
this.init(wrapper, handle, options || {});
Dragdealer.prototype = {
defaults: {
disabled: false,
horizontal: true,
vertical: false,
slide: true,
steps: 0,
snap: false,
loose: false,
speed: 0.1,
xPrecision: 0,
yPrecision: 0
init: function(wrapper, handle, options) {
this.wrapper = wrapper;
this.handle = handle;
this.options = this.applyDefaults(options);
this.value = {
prev: [-1, -1],
current: [options.x || 0, options.y || 0],
target: [options.x || 0, options.y || 0]
this.offset = {
wrapper: [0, 0],
mouse: [0, 0],
prev: [-999999, -999999],
current: [0, 0],
target: [0, 0]
this.change = [0, 0];
this.stepRatios = this.calculateStepRatios();
this.activity = false;
this.dragging = false;
this.tapping = false;
if (this.options.disabled) {
applyDefaults: function(options) {
for (var k in this.defaults) {
if (!options.hasOwnProperty(k)) {
options[k] = this.defaults[k];
return options;
calculateStepRatios: function() {
var stepRatios = [];
if (this.options.steps > 1) {
for (var i = 0; i <= this.options.steps - 1; i++) {
stepRatios[i] = i / (this.options.steps - 1);
return stepRatios;
setWrapperOffset: function() {
this.offset.wrapper = Position.get(this.wrapper);
calculateBounds: function() {
// Apply top/bottom/left and right padding options to wrapper extremities
// when calculating its bounds
var bounds = {
top: this.options.top || 0,
bottom: -(this.options.bottom || 0) + this.wrapper.offsetHeight,
left: this.options.left || 0,
right: -(this.options.right || 0) + this.wrapper.offsetWidth
// The available width and height represents the horizontal and vertical
// space the handle has for moving. It is determined by the width and
// height of the wrapper, minus the width and height of the handle
bounds.availWidth = (bounds.right - bounds.left) - this.handle.offsetWidth;
bounds.availHeight = (bounds.bottom - bounds.top) - this.handle.offsetHeight;
return bounds;
calculateValuePrecision: function() {
// The sliding transition works by dividing itself until it reaches a min
// value step; because Dragdealer works with [0-1] values, we need this
// "min value step" to represent a pixel when applied to the real handle
// position within the DOM. The xPrecision/yPrecision options can be
// specified to increase the granularity when we're controlling larger
// objects from one of the callbacks
return [
1 / (this.options.xPrecision || this.bounds.availWidth),
1 / (this.options.yPrecision || this.bounds.availHeight)
bindEventListeners: function() {
// Start dragging
this.bindEventHandler('mousedown', this.handle, 'onHandleMouseDown');
this.bindEventHandler('touchstart', this.handle, 'onHandleTouchStart');
// While dragging
this.bindEventHandler('mousemove', this.wrapper, 'onWrapperMouseMove');
this.bindEventHandler('touchmove', this.wrapper, 'onWrapperTouchMove');
// Start tapping
this.bindEventHandler('mousedown', this.wrapper, 'onWrapperMouseDown');
this.bindEventHandler('touchstart', this.wrapper, 'onWrapperTouchStart');
// Stop dragging/tapping
this.bindEventHandler('mouseup', document, 'onDocumentMouseUp');
this.bindEventHandler('touchend', document, 'onDocumentTouchEnd');
this.bindEventHandler('click', this.wrapper, 'onWrapperClick');
this.bindEventHandler('resize', window, 'onWindowResize');
var _this = this;
this.interval = setInterval(function() {
}, 25);
this.animate(false, true);
unbindEventListeners: function() {
this.unbindEventHandler('mousedown', this.handle);
this.unbindEventHandler('touchstart', this.handle);
this.unbindEventHandler('mousemove', this.wrapper);
this.unbindEventHandler('touchmove', this.wrapper);
this.unbindEventHandler('mousedown', this.wrapper);
this.unbindEventHandler('touchstart', this.wrapper);
this.unbindEventHandler('mouseup', document);
this.unbindEventHandler('touchend', document);
this.unbindEventHandler('click', this.wrapper);
this.unbindEventHandler('resize', window);
onHandleMouseDown: function(e) {
this.activity = false;
onHandleTouchStart: function(e) {
// Unlike in the `mousedown` event handler, we don't prevent defaults here,
// because this would disable the dragging altogether. Instead, we prevent
// it in the `touchmove` handler. Read more about touch events
// https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Guide/Events/Touch_events#Handling_clicks
this.activity = false;
onWrapperMouseMove: function(e) {
this.activity = true;
onWrapperTouchMove: function(e) {
if (!this.activity && this.shouldIgnoreTouchEvent(e)) {
// Read comment in `onHandleTouchStart` above, to understand why we're
// preventing defaults here and not there
this.activity = true;
onWrapperMouseDown: function(e) {
onWrapperTouchStart: function(e) {
onDocumentMouseUp: function(e) {
onDocumentTouchEnd: function(e) {
onWrapperClick: function(e) {
// We keep track if any dragging activity has been made between the
// mouse/touch down and up events; based on this we allow or cancel a click
// event from inside the handle. i.e. Click events shouldn't be triggered
// when dragging, but should be allowed when clicking still
if (this.activity) {
onWindowResize: function(e) {
enable: function() {
this.disabled = false;
this.handle.className = this.handle.className.replace(/\s?disabled/g, '');
disable: function() {
this.disabled = true;
this.handle.className += ' disabled';
reflow: function() {
this.bounds = this.calculateBounds();
this.valuePrecision = this.calculateValuePrecision();
getStep: function() {
return [
getValue: function() {
return this.value.target;
setStep: function(x, y, snap) {
this.options.steps && x > 1 ? (x - 1) / (this.options.steps - 1) : 0,
this.options.steps && y > 1 ? (y - 1) / (this.options.steps - 1) : 0,
setValue: function(x, y, snap) {
this.setTargetValue([x, y || 0]);
if (snap) {
this.groupCopy(this.value.current, this.value.target);
// Since the current value will be equal to the target one instantly, the
// animate function won't get to run so we need to update the positions
// and call the callbacks manually
startTap: function(target) {
if (this.disabled) {
this.tapping = true;
if (target === undefined) {
target = [
Cursor.x - this.offset.wrapper[0] - (this.handle.offsetWidth / 2),
Cursor.y - this.offset.wrapper[1] - (this.handle.offsetHeight / 2)
stopTap: function() {
if (this.disabled || !this.tapping) {
this.tapping = false;
startDrag: function() {
if (this.disabled) {
this.dragging = true;
this.offset.mouse = [
Cursor.x - Position.get(this.handle)[0],
Cursor.y - Position.get(this.handle)[1]
stopDrag: function() {
if (this.disabled || !this.dragging) {
this.dragging = false;
var target = this.groupClone(this.value.current);
if (this.options.slide) {
var ratioChange = this.change;
target[0] += ratioChange[0] * 4;
target[1] += ratioChange[1] * 4;
callAnimationCallback: function() {
var value = this.value.current;
if (this.options.snap && this.options.steps > 1) {
value = this.getClosestSteps(value);
if (!this.groupCompare(value, this.value.prev)) {
if (typeof(this.options.animationCallback) == 'function') {
this.options.animationCallback.call(this, value[0], value[1]);
this.groupCopy(this.value.prev, value);
callTargetCallback: function() {
if (typeof(this.options.callback) == 'function') {
this.options.callback.call(this, this.value.target[0], this.value.target[1]);
animate: function(direct, first) {
if (direct && !this.dragging) {
if (this.dragging) {
var prevTarget = this.groupClone(this.value.target);
var offset = [
Cursor.x - this.offset.wrapper[0] - this.offset.mouse[0],
Cursor.y - this.offset.wrapper[1] - this.offset.mouse[1]
this.setTargetValueByOffset(offset, this.options.loose);
this.change = [
this.value.target[0] - prevTarget[0],
this.value.target[1] - prevTarget[1]
if (this.dragging || first) {
this.groupCopy(this.value.current, this.value.target);
if (this.dragging || this.glide() || first) {
glide: function() {
var diff = [
this.value.target[0] - this.value.current[0],
this.value.target[1] - this.value.current[1]
if (!diff[0] && !diff[1]) {
return false;
if (Math.abs(diff[0]) > this.valuePrecision[0] ||
Math.abs(diff[1]) > this.valuePrecision[1]) {
this.value.current[0] += diff[0] * this.options.speed;
this.value.current[1] += diff[1] * this.options.speed;
} else {
this.groupCopy(this.value.current, this.value.target);
return true;
updateOffsetFromValue: function() {
if (!this.options.snap) {
this.offset.current = this.getOffsetsByRatios(this.value.current);
} else {
this.offset.current = this.getOffsetsByRatios(
if (!this.groupCompare(this.offset.current, this.offset.prev)) {
this.groupCopy(this.offset.prev, this.offset.current);
renderHandlePosition: function() {
if (this.options.horizontal) {
this.handle.style.left = String(this.offset.current[0]) + 'px';
if (this.options.vertical) {
this.handle.style.top = String(this.offset.current[1]) + 'px';
setTargetValue: function(value, loose) {
var target = loose ? this.getLooseValue(value) : this.getProperValue(value);
this.groupCopy(this.value.target, target);
this.offset.target = this.getOffsetsByRatios(target);
setTargetValueByOffset: function(offset, loose) {
var value = this.getRatiosByOffsets(offset);
var target = loose ? this.getLooseValue(value) : this.getProperValue(value);
this.groupCopy(this.value.target, target);
this.offset.target = this.getOffsetsByRatios(target);
getLooseValue: function(value) {
var proper = this.getProperValue(value);
return [
proper[0] + ((value[0] - proper[0]) / 4),
proper[1] + ((value[1] - proper[1]) / 4)
getProperValue: function(value) {
var proper = this.groupClone(value);
proper[0] = Math.max(proper[0], 0);
proper[1] = Math.max(proper[1], 0);
proper[0] = Math.min(proper[0], 1);
proper[1] = Math.min(proper[1], 1);
if ((!this.dragging && !this.tapping) || this.options.snap) {
if (this.options.steps > 1) {
proper = this.getClosestSteps(proper);
return proper;
getRatiosByOffsets: function(group) {
return [
this.getRatioByOffset(group[0], this.bounds.availWidth, this.bounds.left),
this.getRatioByOffset(group[1], this.bounds.availHeight, this.bounds.top)
getRatioByOffset: function(offset, range, padding) {
return range ? (offset - padding) / range : 0;
getOffsetsByRatios: function(group) {
return [
this.getOffsetByRatio(group[0], this.bounds.availWidth, this.bounds.left),
this.getOffsetByRatio(group[1], this.bounds.availHeight, this.bounds.top)
getOffsetByRatio: function(ratio, range, padding) {
return Math.round(ratio * range) + padding;
getStepNumber: function(value) {
// Translate a [0-1] value into a number from 1 to N steps (set using the
// "steps" option)
return this.getClosestStep(value) * (this.options.steps - 1) + 1;
getClosestSteps: function(group) {
return [
getClosestStep: function(value) {
var k = 0;
var min = 1;
for (var i = 0; i <= this.options.steps - 1; i++) {
if (Math.abs(this.stepRatios[i] - value) < min) {
min = Math.abs(this.stepRatios[i] - value);
k = i;
return this.stepRatios[k];
groupCompare: function(a, b) {
return a[0] == b[0] && a[1] == b[1];
groupCopy: function(a, b) {
a[0] = b[0];
a[1] = b[1];
groupClone: function(a) {
return [a[0], a[1]];
preventEventDefaults: function(e) {
if (!e) {
e = window.event;
if (e.preventDefault) {
e.returnValue = false;
stopEventPropagation: function(e) {
if (!e) {
e = window.event;
if (e.stopPropagation) {
e.cancelBubble = true;
bindEventHandler: function(eventName, object, handler) {
var _this = this,
eventMethod = 'on' + eventName,
// Keep a reference to the previous handler to keep calling it as well
previousHandler = object[eventMethod];
object[eventMethod] = function() {
if (typeof(previousHandler) == 'function') {
_this[handler].apply(_this, arguments);
// Store previous handler to revert to it when unbinding events
object[eventMethod]._previousHandler = previousHandler;
unbindEventHandler: function(eventName, object) {
var eventMethod = 'on' + eventName;
object[eventMethod] = object[eventMethod]._previousHandler;
shouldIgnoreTouchEvent: function(e) {
return (!this.options.horizontal && Cursor.xDiff > Cursor.yDiff) ||
(!this.options.vertical && Cursor.yDiff > Cursor.xDiff);
var Cursor = {
* Abstraction for making the combined mouse or touch position available at
* any time.
* It picks up the "move" events as an independent component and simply makes
* the latest x and y mouse/touch position of the user available at any time,
* which is requested with Cursor.x and Cursor.y respectively.
* Event listeners are set for both mouse and touch event at initialization,
* and can receive both type of events consecutively, extracting the relevant
* meta data from each type of event.
* This component is initialized with Cursor.init(), when the event listeners
* are set. Cursor.refresh(e) can also be called synchronously to update the
* global x and y values, with a genuine MouseEvent or a TouchEvent from a
* different event listener, e.g. mousedown/up or touchstart/end
x: 0,
y: 0,
xDiff: 0,
yDiff: 0,
refresh: function(e) {
if (!e) {
e = window.event;
if (e.type == 'mousemove') {
} else if (e.touches) {
set: function(e) {
var lastX = this.x,
lastY = this.y;
if (e.pageX || e.pageY) {
this.x = e.pageX;
this.y = e.pageY;
} else if (e.clientX || e.clientY) {
this.x = e.clientX + document.body.scrollLeft + document.documentElement.scrollLeft;
this.y = e.clientY + document.body.scrollTop + document.documentElement.scrollTop;
this.xDiff = Math.abs(this.x - lastX);
this.yDiff = Math.abs(this.y - lastY);
var Position = {
* Helper for extracting the absolute position of a DOM element, relative to
* the root-level document body.
* The get(obj) method accepts a DOM element as the only parameter, and
* returns the position under a (x, y) tuple, as an array with two elements.
* Inspired from http://www.quirksmode.org/js/findpos.html
get: function(obj) {
var curleft = 0,
curtop = 0;
if (obj.offsetParent) {
do {
curleft += obj.offsetLeft;
curtop += obj.offsetTop;
while ((obj = obj.offsetParent));
return [curleft, curtop];