# rolodex ## Instalation I always recomend you bundle your dependencies with your application. To do this, create a `package.json` file in the root of your project with the minimum information... { "name": "yourapplication", "version": "0.1.0", "dependencies": { "rolodex": "0.8.0" } } Then run the following command using npm... npm install OR, if you just want to start playing with the library run... npm install rolodex ## Docs To create a rolodex object that gives us user management functions we must pass in a configuration object. var rolodex = require("rolodex")(config) ## Configuration Rolodex can run in two different modes. `master` and `slave`. Example of master configuration object... { "role": "master", "email": { "postmark": "dc2d8r99-771e-4d6f-95b8-3403e1bd5poi", "defaults": { "from" : "thurston.moore@sonicyouth.com", "reply_to": "kim@sonicyouth.com" } }, "redis": { ... } } Example of master configuration object... { "role": "slave", "master": { ... } } ### Errors Anytime errors are accepted as the first argument of the callback it will return `null` if the request was successful and if there are validation errors it will look like the following... { messages: [ "Email must be unique" "Password confirmation must match" ], details: { "email": "must be unique" "password": "confirmation must match" } } ### Account Account Object looks like the following... { id: 'ojzg-su2w-kqsn', uuid: 'b902b494-3392-4499-958b-2698b8ae411e', email: 'brock@sintaxi.com', email_verified_at: '2011-09-23T02:17:26.229Z', updated_at: '2011-09-23T02:17:26.229Z', created_at: '2011-09-23T02:17:26.228Z' } The account object gives you two basic functions `set` and `get`. The ### account.set([identifier,] props, callback) You are to provide an identifier if you wish to update the record. Otherwise rolodex will assume a new record is being created. There are two ways to create an account. 1) Pass in `email_verified` property with the value `true`. This is when authentication has been done with a third party service such as Mozilla's Persona. var validAccount = { "email": "brock@sintaxi.com", "email_verified": true } 2) The other option is to pass in `password` and `password_confirmation` properties. When this is the case, email will assume to be unverified. var validAccount = { "email": "brock@sintaxi.com", "password": "secret", "password_confirmation": "secret" } The set command with either object will create an account. rolodex.account.set(validAccount, function(errors, account){ console.log(account) }) ### account.get(identifier, callback) rolodex.account.get("ojzg-su2w-kqsn", function(account){ console.log(account) }) The following are possible values for identifier. - account id (String). eg "ojzg-su2w-kgsn" - uuid key value pair (Object). eg `{ uuid: "fdc7af2d-f3c2-4475-bb1c-7a17caed3564"}` - email key value pair (Object). eg `{ email: "hey@man.com"}` eg. (find by params other than id) rolodex.account.get({ "email": "brock@sintaxi" }, function(account){ console.log(account) }) ### account.validate([identifier,] object, callback) Validate is very similar to the set method except that it does not write to the store. rolodex.account.validate({}, function(errors, account){ console.log(errors) }) ### account.email(callback) Emails a user if a record is found in the system rolodex.account.email({ "uuid": "fdc7af2d-f3c2-4475-bb1c-7a17caed3564" }, function(errors, message){ console.log(message) }) ### account.all(callback) Gets all accounts rolodex.account.all(function(accounts){ console.log(accounts) }) ### account.group(role, callback) Returns all records that match that role. rolodex.account.group(3, function(accounts){ console.log(accounts) }) ### account.authenticate(identifier, password, callback) Authenticates the account. If successful, the account will be returned. rolodex.account.authenticate({ email: "brock@sintaxi.com" }, "secret", function(errors, account){ console.log(account) }) ## Roles Roles are arbitrary but this is the line of thinking when creating this lib. 0 - Owners 1 - Admin 2 - Dev 3 - Employee 4 - Mod 5 - Customer ## License Copyright 2011/2012 Chloi Inc. All rights reserved. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.