import AppKit import SQLite public enum Wallpaper { public enum Screen { case all case main case index(Int) case nsScreens([NSScreen]) fileprivate var nsScreens: [NSScreen] { switch self { case .all: return NSScreen.screens case .main: guard let mainScreen = NSScreen.main else { return [] } return [mainScreen] case .index(let index): guard let screen = NSScreen.screens[safe: index] else { return [] } return [screen] case .nsScreens(let nsScreens): return nsScreens } } } public enum Scale: String, CaseIterable { case auto case fill case fit case stretch case center } /** Works around macOS bug where it sometimes returns a directory instead of an image. */ private static func getFromDirectory(_ url: URL) throws -> URL { let appSupportDirectory = try FileManager.default.url(for: .applicationSupportDirectory, in: .userDomainMask, appropriateFor: nil, create: false) let dbURL = appSupportDirectory.appendingPathComponent("Dock/desktoppicture.db", isDirectory: false) let table = Table("data") let column = Expression("value") let rowID = Expression("rowid") let db = try Connection(dbURL.path) let maxID = try db.scalar(! let query = == maxID) let image = try db.pluck(query)!.get(column) return url.appendingPathComponent(image, isDirectory: false) } /** Get the current wallpapers. */ public static func get(screen: Screen = .all) throws -> [URL] { let wallpaperURLs = screen.nsScreens.compactMap { NSWorkspace.shared.desktopImageURL(for: $0) } return try { $0.isDirectory ? try getFromDirectory($0) : $0 } } /** Works around a macOS bug where if you set a wallpaper to the same path as the existing wallpaper but with different content, it doesn't update. */ private static func forceRefreshIfNeeded(_ image: URL, screen: Screen) throws { var shouldSleep = false let currentImages = try get(screen: screen) for (index, nsScreen) in screen.nsScreens.enumerated() { if image == currentImages[index] { shouldSleep = true try NSWorkspace.shared.setDesktopImageURL(URL(fileURLWithPath: ""), for: nsScreen, options: [:]) } } if shouldSleep { // We need to sleep for a little bit, otherwise it doesn't take effect. // It works with 0.3, but not with 0.2, so we're using 0.4 just to be sure. sleep(for: 0.4) } } /** Set an image URL as wallpaper. */ public static func set(_ image: URL, screen: Screen = .all, scale: Scale = .auto, fillColor: NSColor? = nil) throws { var options = [NSWorkspace.DesktopImageOptionKey: Any]() switch scale { case .auto: break case .fill: options[.imageScaling] = NSImageScaling.scaleProportionallyUpOrDown.rawValue options[.allowClipping] = true case .fit: options[.imageScaling] = NSImageScaling.scaleProportionallyUpOrDown.rawValue options[.allowClipping] = false case .stretch: options[.imageScaling] = NSImageScaling.scaleAxesIndependently.rawValue options[.allowClipping] = true case .center: options[.imageScaling] = NSImageScaling.scaleNone.rawValue options[.allowClipping] = false } options[.fillColor] = fillColor try forceRefreshIfNeeded(image, screen: screen) for nsScreen in screen.nsScreens { try NSWorkspace.shared.setDesktopImageURL(image, for: nsScreen, options: options) } } /** Set a solid color as wallpaper. */ public static func set(_ solidColor: NSColor, screen: Screen = .all) throws { let transparentImage = URL(fileURLWithPath: "/System/Library/PreferencePanes/DesktopScreenEffectsPref.prefPane/Contents/Resources/DesktopPictures.prefPane/Contents/Resources/Transparent.tiff") try set(transparentImage, screen: screen, scale: .fit, fillColor: solidColor) } /** Names of available screens. */ public static var screenNames: [String] {\.name) } }