import SwiftUI import Settings /** Function wrapping SwiftUI into `SettingsPane`, which is mimicking view controller's default construction syntax. */ let AccountsSettingsViewController: () -> SettingsPane = { /** Wrap your custom view into `Settings.Pane`, while providing necessary toolbar info. */ let paneView = Settings.Pane( identifier: .accounts, title: "Accounts", toolbarIcon: NSImage(systemSymbolName: "", accessibilityDescription: "Accounts settings")! ) { AccountsScreen() } return Settings.PaneHostingController(pane: paneView) } /** The main view of “Accounts” settings pane. */ struct AccountsScreen: View { @State private var isOn1 = true @State private var isOn2 = false @State private var isOn3 = true @State private var selection1 = 1 @State private var selection2 = 0 @State private var selection3 = 0 @State private var isExpanded = false private let contentWidth: Double = 450.0 var body: some View { Settings.Container(contentWidth: contentWidth) { Settings.Section(title: "Permissions:") { Toggle("Allow user to administer this computer", isOn: $isOn1) Text("Administrator has root access to this machine.") .settingDescription() Toggle("Allow user to access every file", isOn: $isOn2) } Settings.Section(title: "Show scroll bars:") { Picker("", selection: $selection1) { Text("When scrolling").tag(0) Text("Always").tag(1) } .labelsHidden() .pickerStyle(.radioGroup) } Settings.Section(label: { Toggle("Some toggle", isOn: $isOn3) }) { Picker("", selection: $selection2) { Text("Automatic").tag(0) Text("Manual").tag(1) } .labelsHidden() .frame(width: 120.0) Text("Automatic mode can slow things down.") .settingDescription() } Settings.Section(title: "Preview mode:") { Picker("", selection: $selection3) { Text("Automatic").tag(0) Text("Manual").tag(1) } .labelsHidden() .frame(width: 120.0) Text("Automatic mode can slow things down.") .settingDescription() } Settings.Section(title: "Expand this pane:") { Toggle("Expand", isOn: $isExpanded) if isExpanded { ZStack(alignment: .center) { Rectangle() .fill(.gray) .frame(width: 200, height: 200) .cornerRadius(20) Text("🦄") .frame(width: 180, height: 180) } } } } } } struct AccountsScreen_Previews: PreviewProvider { static var previews: some View { AccountsScreen() } }