require 'rubygems' require 'nats/client' #Common Utility class InspectUtil class << self #get the component's name required from. def called_by?(component) do |c| c.include?(component) end.include?(true) end end end #Logger Definition module InspectLogger INSPECT_LOGGER ='/tmp/cf_inspector.log') INSPECT_LOGGER.formatter = proc { |severity, datetime, progname, msg| "#{msg}\n" } #log method for common def log(type, *args, &blk) log_with_caller(type, caller.dup, *args, &blk) end #log method for original caller def log_with_caller(type, caller_array, *args, &blk) logging_obj = { :node => get_node(caller_array), :type => type, :key => args[0], :detail => [ # caller_array, args, blk.to_s ] } unless heartbeat?(logging_obj) end end #get component's name from the caller array. def get_node(caller_array) caller_array.each do |caller_path| %w(cloud_controller router dea health_manager services stager staging dev_setup vmc).each do |component_name| return component_name if caller_path.include?(component_name) end end return caller_array.join('/') end def heartbeat?(logging_obj) false # return %w(dea.heartbeat[:key]) end end # NATS Extension module NATS extend InspectLogger include InspectLogger class << self alias publish_original publish alias subscribe_original subscribe alias unsubscribe_original unsubscribe alias timeout_original timeout alias request_original request def publish(*args, &blk) log(:nats_publish, *args, &blk) publish_original(*args, &blk) end def subscribe(*args, &blk) log(:nats_subscribe, *args, &blk) subscribe_original(*args, &blk) end def unsubscribe(*args) log(:nats_unsubscribe, *args, &blk) unsubscribe_original(*args) end def timeout(*args, &blk) log(:nats_timeout, *args, &blk) timeout_original(*args, &blk) end def request(*args, &blk) log(:nats_request, *args, &blk) request_original(*args, &blk) end end alias subscribe_original subscribe def subscribe(subject, opts={}, &callback) caller_array = caller.dup loggable_callback = do |msg, reply| log_with_caller(:nats_receive, caller_array, subject, msg, reply, &callback),reply) end subscribe_original(subject, opts, &loggable_callback) end end # cloud controller extension if InspectUtil.called_by?("cloud_controller") require "action_controller/railtie" class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base include InspectLogger before_filter :write_sequence_log def write_sequence_log log(:http_receive, "#{params[:controller]}/#{params[:action]}", params) end end end # sqlite3 extension begin require 'sqlite3' module SQLite3 class Database include InspectLogger alias prepare_original prepare def prepare(sql, &blk) words = sql.split(" ") summary = if words.first == "SELECT" table_name = words[words.index("FROM") + 1].gsub('"', '') "SELECT #{table_name}" elsif words.first == "INSERT" table_name = words[words.index("INTO") + 1].gsub('"', '') "INSERT #{table_name}" elsif words.first == "UPDATE" table_name = words[1].gsub('"', '') "UPDATE #{table_name}" elsif words.first == "DELETE" table_name = words[words.index("FROM") + 1].gsub('"', '') "DELETE #{table_name}" else words.first end log(:sqlite, summary, sql) prepare_original(sql, &blk) end end end rescue Exception end # service gateway extension if InspectUtil.called_by?("services") require 'services/lib/base/base' class VCAP::Services::AsynchronousServiceGateway < Sinatra::Base include InspectLogger before do log(:http_receive, "#{request.script_name}/#{request.path_info}", params) end end end #rest client extension begin require 'rest_client' module RestClient class Request class << self include InspectLogger alias execute_original execute def execute(args, & block) args_url = args[:url] log(:http_request, args_url, args) execute_original(args, &block) end end end end rescue Exception end #vmc extension if InspectUtil.called_by?("vmc") class VMC::Cli::Runner class << self include InspectLogger alias run_original run def run(args) log(:vmc_start, ARGV[0], ARGV) begin run_original(args) ensure log(:vmc_end, ARGV[0], ARGV) end end end end end