SKSlideViewController ========= **SKSlideViewController** is an easy to use, slide-to-navigate view controller for ios 6.0 +. It enables you to present a main view controller and an optional, direction-sensitive accessory view controller. It is easy to setup and modify. ###How To (Using Storyboard IDs) 1. Create A New Project (Sample) ![Alt text](/HTStoryBoardIDSCR/sc1.jpg?raw=true) 2. Import **SKSlideViewController** to the project ![Alt text](/HTStoryBoardIDSCR/sc2.png?raw=true) ![Alt text](/HTStoryBoardIDSCR/sc3.jpg?raw=true) 3. In the storyboard add 4 View Controllers. **SKSlideViewController**,**MainViewController**, **LeftViewController** and **RightViewController** 4. Set the the custom class of one of the controller to **SKSlideViewController**. ![Alt text](/HTStoryBoardIDSCR/sc4.jpg?raw=true) 5. Add Storyboard ID of the MainViewController, LeftViewController and RightViewController to **MainVC**, **LeftVC** and **RightVC** respectively. ![Alt text](/HTStoryBoardIDSCR/sc5.jpg?raw=true) 6. Create a modal segue from InitialViewController(SAViewController) to SKSlideViewController and name it as **SlideVC**. ![Alt text](/HTStoryBoardIDSCR/sc6.jpg?raw=true) 7. In the InitialViewController's implementation file add the following method. -(void)prepareForSegue:(UIStoryboardSegue *)segue sender:(id)sender{ if([segue.identifier isEqualToString:@"SlideVC"]){ SKSlideViewController *slideController=(SKSlideViewController *)[segue destinationViewController]; [slideController setStoryBoardIDForMainController:@"MainVC" leftController:@"LeftVC" rightController:@"RightVC"]; [slideController reloadControllers]; } } 8. Test and run the code. You could see MainViewController which can be slided to left and right to reveal LeftViewController and RightViewController. 9. Next see implementing **[SKSlideViewDelegate](**