## Installation ### Swift Package Manager [Swift Package Manager](https://swift.org/package-manager/) is a dependency manager built into Xcode. If you are using Xcode 11 or higher, go to **File / Swift Packages / Add Package Dependency...** and enter package repository URL **https://github.com/sh-khashimov/SwiftFortuneWheel.git**, then follow the instructions. To remove the dependency, select the project and open **Swift Packages** (which is next to **Build Settings**). You can add and remove packages from this tab. > Swift Package Manager can also be used [from the command line](https://swift.org/package-manager/). ### CocoaPods `SwiftFortuneWheel ` is available through [CocoaPods](http://cocoapods.org). To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile: ``` pod 'SwiftFortuneWheel' ``` ### Submodule If you don't use CocoaPods, you can still add `SwiftFortuneWheel` as a submodule, drag and drop `SwiftFortuneWheel.xcodeproj` into your project, and embed `SwiftFortuneWheel.framework` in your target. - Drag `SwiftFortuneWheel.xcodeproj` to your project - Select your app target - Click the `+` button on the `Embedded binaries` section - Add `SwiftFortuneWheel.framework` ### Manual You can directly drag and drop the needed files into your project, but keep in mind that this way you won't be able to automatically get all the latest `SwiftFortuneWheel` features (e.g. new files including new operations). The files are contained in the `Sources/SwiftFortuneWheel ` folder.