## CHANGELOG ### 1.4.4 - [Issue #35](https://github.com/sh-khashimov/SwiftFortuneWheel/issues/35) Fix tvOS build error fix ### 1.4.3 - [Issue #26](https://github.com/sh-khashimov/SwiftFortuneWheel/pull/26) Audio interruption crash fix ### 1.4.2 - [Issue #33](https://github.com/sh-khashimov/SwiftFortuneWheel/issues/33) Cannot build on Xcode 14: Stored properties cannot be marked potentially unavailable with '@available' fixed; ### 1.4.1 - [Issue #24](https://github.com/sh-khashimov/SwiftFortuneWheel/issues/24) External audio stops right after fortune wheel initialization; ### 1.4.0 - [Issue #15](https://github.com/sh-khashimov/SwiftFortuneWheel/issues/15) removed @IBDesignable; - [Issue #16](https://github.com/sh-khashimov/SwiftFortuneWheel/issues/16) added gradient color for a slice; ### 1.3.3 - Fixed issue when tap to slice can return incorrect slice index; - Tap gesture recognizer ported to macOS; ### 1.3.2 - [Issue #10](https://github.com/sh-khashimov/SwiftFortuneWheel/issues/10) added tap gesture API to detect selected slice index via tap. For more information see [**API Overview**](API_Overview.md); - Refactoring; ### 1.3.1 - [Issue #11](https://github.com/sh-khashimov/SwiftFortuneWheel/issues/11): startRotationAnimation completion issue fix; ### 1.3.0 - [Issue #6](https://github.com/sh-khashimov/SwiftFortuneWheel/issues/6): `pinImageView` collision effect animation added; ### 1.2.0 - Added sound effect and haptic feedback during the rotation; - [Issue #6](https://github.com/sh-khashimov/SwiftFortuneWheel/issues/6): animation callback added; - Animation API refined; - iOS Example project updated; ### 1.1.3 - `characterWrap` type added to the `TextPreferences.LineBreakMode`; - `maxWidth` added to the `TextPreferences`. With `maxWdith` possible to set maximum width that will be available for text; - Fixed text margins; - Fixed when `numberOfLines = 0` may not work properly; ### 1.1.2 - SPM macOS support added; ### 1.1.1 - [Issue #8](https://github.com/sh-khashimov/SwiftFortuneWheel/issues/8): Added background image for Slice object; ### 1.1.0 - Added support for **macOS 10.11** and above; - Added support for **tvOS 9.0** and above; - **`TextPreferences`** initialize process changed; - **`ImagePreferences`** initialize process changed; - **`WheelPreferences`** initialize process changed; - **`SpinButtonPreferences`** initialize process changed; - **`PinImageViewPreferences`** initialize process changed; - **`AnchorImage`** initialize process changed; - Fixed image `flipUpsideDown` from not working; - See migration process here: [**from 1.0.x to 1.x.x**](Migrations/Migration_1_to_1.x.md); ### 1.0.3 - When you using `startAnimating` method to start indefinite rotation animation, it’s possible now change optional `rotationTime` and `fullRotationCountInRotationTime` parameters to change the rotation speed; ### 1.0.2 - Fixed memory leak when re-drawing the wheel; ### 1.0.1 - Fixed layout warnings; - Fixed incorrect spinButton background image setting; - Fixed incorrect spinButton isEnabled setting; - Fixed incorrect content image position; - Fixed incorrect content line position; - Fixed incorrect slice border width; - Fixed incorrect content position after setting circle border height; - Fixed horizontal position in the vertical text; - Other small improvements are made; ### 1.0.0 - Small improvements and bug fixes; - Updated example project with rotation and animation API example; - Pull request [#4](https://github.com/sh-khashimov/SwiftFortuneWheel/pull/4) merged; - See migration information here: [**from 0.x.x to 1.0.0**](Migrations/Migration_0_to_1.md); ### 0.9.0 - Added rotation API: `rotate(toIndex index: Int)`, `rotate(rotationOffset: CGFloat)`; - Added parameters *full rotations until start deceleration* and *animation duration* to animation API; - `startAnimating(fullRotationTimeInSeconds: Int, finishIndex: Int)` changed to `startAnimating(indefiniteRotationTimeInSeconds: Int, finishIndex: Int)` - Internal code refactoring; ### 0.8.1 - Issue #2 fix; ### 0.8.0 - Text now can be separated into `lines`; - Added `line break mode` to the `TextPreferences`; - Added `spacing` between lines to the `TextPreferences`; - Added `alignment` to the `TextPreferences`; ### 0.7.0 - Added text orientation to `TextPreferences`; - `preferedFontSize` removed from `TextPreferences`; - `flipUpsideDown` fixed; ### v0.6.2 - Fixed bug during init process; - In `TextPreferences`, `flipUpsideDown` now default value is `true`; - Playground added to `SwiftFortuneWheel` project; ### v0.6.1 - `startAnimating(fullRotationTimeInSeconds: Int, finishIndex: Int, _ completion:((Bool) -> Void)?)` - completion fix ### v0.6.0 - Added `line` to `Slice.ContentType` and `LinePreferences`. Now supports a curved line inside a slice; - Optional `backgroundColor` added to `Slice`. You can now override a background color for specified `Slice`, during `Slice` initialization; - Optional `centerImageAnchor` added to `WheelPreferences`. You can now add a secondary anchor image for each slice that will be located at the center of wheel’s border; - Examples updated; ### v0.5.0 First public release