# How to use ## Examples ### Simple Alert ```swift Alertift.alert(title: "Sample 1", message: "Simple alert!") .action(.default("OK")) .show(on: self) // show on specified view controller ``` ![img2](img2.png) ```swift Alertift.alert(title: "Confirm", message: "Delete this post?") .action(.destructive("Delete")) { // delete post } .action(.cancel("Cancel")) .show() // Default presented view controller is `UIApplication.shared.keyWindow?.rootViewController` ``` ![img1](img1.png) ### Prompt Alert ```swift Alertift.alert(title: "Sign in", message: "Input your ID and Password") .textField { textField in textField.placeholder = "ID" } .textField { textField in textField.placeholder = "Password" textField.isSecureTextEntry = true } .action(.cancel("Cancel")) .action(.default("Sign in")) { _, _, textFields in let id = textFields?.first?.text ?? "" let password = textFields?.last?.text ?? "" // sign in } .show() ``` ![img3](img3.png) ### Action Sheet ```swift Alertift.actionSheet(message: "Which food do you like?") .actions(["🍣", "🍎", ,"🍖", "🍅"]) .action(.cancel("None of them")) .finally { action, index in if action.style == .cancel { return } Alertift.alert(message: "\(index). \(action.title!)") .action(.default("OK")) .show() } .show() ``` ![img4](img4.png) #### for iPad Use `popover(anchorView:)` simply. ```swift Alertift.actionSheet(message: "Which food do you like?") .popover(anchorView: button) .actions(["🍣", "🍎", ,"🍖", "🍅"]) .action(.cancel("None of them")) .finally { action, index in if action.style == .cancel { return } Alertift.alert(message: "\(index). \(action.title!)") .action(.default("OK")) .show() } .show() ``` or, use `popover(sourceView:SourceRect)` ```swift Alertift.actionSheet(message: "Which food do you like?") .popover(sourceView: self.view, sourceRect: button.frame) .action(.default("🍣")) .action(.default("🍎")) .action(.default("🍖")) .action(.default("🍅")) .action(.cancel("None of them")) .finally { action, index in if action.style == .cancel { return } Alertift.alert(message: "\(index). \(action.title!)") .action(.default("OK")) .show() } .show() ``` ![img5](img5.png) ### Display Image ```swift let alertImage: UIImage = ... Alertift.alert(title: "Alert with image", message: "You can add image simpley. call `alertift.image()`") .image(alertImage) .action(.default("OK")) .show() ``` ![img7](img7.png) ### Add imaget to UIAlertAction ```swift let infoIconImage: UIImage = ... Alertift.actionSheet(message: "Which food do you like?", anchorView: anchorView) .action(.default("🍣"), image: infoIconImage) .action(.default("🍎"), image: infoIconImage) .action(.default("🍖"), image: infoIconImage) .action(.default("🍅"), image: infoIconImage) .action(.cancel("None of them")) .finally { action, index in if action.style == .cancel { return } Alertift.alert(message: "\(index). \(action.title!)") .action(.default("OK")) .show() } .show() ``` ![img8](img8.png) ### Change colors ```swift Alertift.alert(title: "Red color title", message: "Message text color is blue") .titleTextColor(.red) .messageTextColor(.blue) .backgroundColor(.lightGray) .buttonTextColor(.orange) .action(.default("Orange")) .show() ``` ![img6](img6.png) ```swift public func backgroundColor(_ color: UIColor?) -> Self public func buttonTextColor(_ color: UIColor?) -> Self public func titleTextColor(_ color: UIColor?) -> Self public func messageTextColor(_ color: UIColor?) -> Self ``` #### Always change color If you want to change Alertift's alert(action sheet) color always, set color to `static var`. ```swift Alertift.Alert.titleTextColor = .red Alertift.ActionSheet.backgroundColor = .gray ``` ```swift static var backgroundColor: UIColor? { get set } static var buttonTextColor: UIColor? { get set } static var titleTextColor: UIColor? { get set } static var messageTextColor: UIColor? { get set } ```