require("lualine").setup({ options = { component_separators = { left = '|', right = '|' }, section_separators = { left = '', right = '' }, }, sections = { lualine_a = { "mode" }, lualine_b = { "branch", "diff", "diagnostics" }, lualine_c = { "filename", "g:coc_status" }, lualine_x = { function() return Project.root end, "encoding", "fileformat", "filetype", }, lualine_y = { "progress" }, lualine_z = { "location" }, }, }) Project = { name = "", root = "", color = { fg = "#ffffff", bg = "#888888", loaded = false }, } local function redraw_bufferline() local highlights = require("bufferline.highlights") local config = require("bufferline.config") highlights.reset_icon_hl_cache() highlights.set_all(config.update_highlights()) end vim.opt.title = true vim.api.nvim_create_augroup("bufline", { clear = true, }) vim.api.nvim_create_autocmd("BufEnter", { group = "bufline", pattern = "*", callback = function() if == false or vim.fn.expand("%:t") == "" then return end local current_buf = vim.fn.expand("%:p:h") if current_buf == nil then return end if string.match(current_buf, "[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9]:") then return end local root = vim.fn["rootfinder#find"](current_buf) local color_loaded = false if Project.root:len() > 0 and string.sub(root, 1, Project.root:len()) == Project.root then return end if ((root ~= Project.root) or not Project.color.loaded) and vim.fn.filereadable(root .. "/.vim/theme.txt") == 1 then local f = .. "/.vim/theme.txt", "r") if f == nil then return end Project.color.fg = f:read("l") = f:read("l") f:close() Project.color.loaded = true color_loaded = true end if root == Project.root and vim.fn.getcwd() == Project.root then if color_loaded then print("Color loaded, fg: " .. Project.color.fg .. ", bg: " .. redraw_bufferline() end return end local name = vim.fn.fnamemodify(root, ":t") vim.api.nvim_set_current_dir(root) = name Project.root = root vim.opt.titlestring = name .. " - %{expand('%:t')}" if color_loaded then print( "Root changed to " .. root .. " (color loaded, fg: " .. Project.color.fg .. ", bg: " .. .. ")" ) else print("Root changed to " .. root) end redraw_bufferline() require("lualine").refresh() end, }) local function setup_bufferline() require("bufferline").setup({ options = { modified_icon = "!", close_icon = "×", buffer_close_icon = "×", custom_areas = { left = function() local text if == "" then text = "-" else text = end return { { text = " \u{e5fe} " .. text .. " ", guifg = Project.color.fg, guibg =, padding = 1, }, } end, }, }, highlights = { buffer_selected = { fg = "#48b0d5", bold = false, italic = false, }, duplicate_selected = { fg = "#888888", bold = false, italic = false, }, duplicate_visible = { fg = "#888888", bold = false, italic = false, }, duplicate = { fg = "#888888", bold = false, italic = false, }, close_button_selected = { bold = false, italic = false, }, separator_selected = { fg = "#fafafa", bold = false, italic = false, }, indicator_selected = { fg = "#48b0d5", bold = false, italic = false, }, modified_selected = { fg = "#48b0d5", bold = false, italic = false, }, }, }) end setup_bufferline() return { setup_bufferline = setup_bufferline, }