# A Liquid tag for Jekyll sites that allows embedding tweets using Twitter's # oEmbed API, and showing the tweet as a blockquote for non-JavaScript enabled # browsers and readers. # # Author: Scott W. Bradley # Source URL: https://github.com/scottwb/jekyll-tweet-tag # # Example usage: # {% tweet https://twitter.com/DEVOPS_BORAT/status/159849628819402752 %} # # Documentation: # https://github.com/scottwb/jekyll-tweet-tag/blob/master/README.md # require 'json' module Jekyll class TweetTag < Liquid::Tag TWITTER_OEMBED_URL = "https://api.twitter.com/1/statuses/oembed.json" def initialize(tag_name, text, tokens) super @text = text @cache_disabled = false @cache_folder = File.expand_path "../.tweet-cache", File.dirname(__FILE__) FileUtils.mkdir_p @cache_folder end def render(context) args = @text.split(/\s+/).map(&:strip) api_params = {'url' => args.shift} args.each do |arg| k,v = arg.split('=').map(&:strip) if k && v if v =~ /^'(.*)'$/ v = $1 end api_params[k] = v end end html_output_for(api_params) end def html_output_for(api_params) body = "Tweet could not be processed" if response = cached_response(api_params) || live_response(api_params) body = response['html'] || response['error'] || body end "
" end def cache(api_params, data) cache_file = cache_file_for(api_params) File.open(cache_file, "w") do |f| f.write(data) end end def cached_response(api_params) return nil if @cache_disabled cache_file = cache_file_for(api_params) JSON.parse(File.read(cache_file)) if File.exist?(cache_file) end def url_params_for(api_params) api_params.keys.sort.map do |k| "#{CGI::escape(k)}=#{CGI::escape(api_params[k])}" end.join('&') end def cache_file_for(api_params) filename = "#{Digest::MD5.hexdigest(url_params_for(api_params))}.cache" File.join(@cache_folder, filename) end def live_response(api_params) api_uri = URI.parse(TWITTER_OEMBED_URL + "?#{url_params_for(api_params)}") response = Net::HTTP.get(api_uri.host, api_uri.request_uri) cache(api_params, response) unless @cache_disabled JSON.parse(response) end end class TweetTagNoCache < TweetTag def initialize(tag_name, text, token) super @cache_disabled = true end end end Liquid::Template.register_tag('tweet', Jekyll::TweetTag) Liquid::Template.register_tag('tweetnocache', Jekyll::TweetTagNoCache)