The upper left part of the screen displays your balance in Bitcoins and one selected national currency. Tap to go to the list of national currencies, and tap on one of the currencies to select it as default.

The QR code in the upper right contains your current bitcoin address and can be used for scanning by a payer. Tap on the QR code to get a larger version of it.

The bottom of the screen is covered by your transactions list. It is empty at the beginning and will fill up as you receive and send payments. Received payments will be marked in green and sent payments in red.

You can send or request coins by tapping the buttons in the action bar. More options are available in the options menu.

Using this dialog, you can request coins from a payer. The payer should already have installed a Bitcoin wallet.

First, you can enter an amount of Bitcoins to request.

Then, you either have the generated QR code scanned by the payer. Or, you can send your request to a remote person with the share button in the action bar. If both phones have NFC enabled, you can also tap them together.

Either way, the payer will be presented a dialog for sending coins with all fields pre-populated. If the payer agrees, he or she can execute the payment easily.

You have initiated the process of sending coins.

First, you enter the Bitcoin address to pay to. The address will autocomplete from known entries in your address book. You can also scan a QR code being presented by the payee by pressing the camera button.

Next, you enter the amount to pay.

Last, the spending PIN must be entered if one was set up beforehand.

You can enter a payment while being offline. It will be sent on next restart of Bitcoin Wallet. If you want a payment to be processed as fast as possible, make sure you are well connected (i.e. on a WLAN).

Note: Payments are irreversible! Always check the receiving address.

Important safety notes:

Bitcoins are stored on the device. If you lose it, you\'ll lose your Bitcoins.

This means you need to back up your wallet! Use the in-app backup facility for this, rather than a third party backup app. Keep your backup safe and remember the password.

Before uninstalling (or clearing app data/wiping your device), transfer your Bitcoins to another wallet. Remaining Bitcoins will be lost.

Payments are irreversible. If you send your Bitcoins into the void, there is almost no way to get them back.

Keep your mobile device safe! Do not root your device. Do only install apps you fully trust. Malicious apps could be trying to steal your wallet.

Keep the risk low! Store only a reasonable amount for day use.

Technical notes:

As an SPV/light wallet, Bitcoin Wallet follows the chain of the most proof-of-work (sometimes also called the \"longest chain\", the \"winning chain\" or the \"Bitcoin blockchain\"). You will only receive incoming payments and be able to pay on that chain. No guarantees can be made about Bitcoins on minority chains, that is chains with less proof-of-work.

In the past, minority chains have always become irrelevant very quickly. If you desire to follow a minority chain anyway, you are advised to use the \"trusted peer\" feature to exclusively connect to a bitcoind implementation which enforces your desired chain. If the network between your wallet and the trusted peer is not to be trusted, use a VPN to authenticate that connection.
