[CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess=$true)] # note: Adding more parameters may impact how the script behaves wrt the NonInteractive mode param([switch]$NonInteractive) if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($env:COMPUTERNAME,'verbose-msg')){ } ### START MODULE SECTION #### # shared variables $paramNameIISApp = "IIS Web Application Name" $paramNameAuthType = "AuthType" $paramNameUsername = "Username" $paramNameAllowUntrusted = "Allow untrusted certificate" $publishConfigExpectedFilename = "PublishConfiguration.ps1" $publishConfigReadmeFilename = ("{0}.readme" -f $publishConfigExpectedFilename) $userOptions = @{} # if a specific msdeploy.exe should be used it needs to be specified in this option $userOptions["msdeployPath"] = $null # references # http://consultingblogs.emc.com/matthall/archive/2009/09/22/powershell-zip-files-on-network-drive.aspx # http://luke.breuer.com/time/item/Powershell_verify_zip_file_contents/467.aspx function Extract-Zip { param( [string]$zipfilename = $(throw "zipfilename is a required parameter for Extract-Zip"), [string]$destination = $(throw "destination is a required parameter for Extract-Zip")) if(!(Test-Path $zipFilename)) { throw [system.IO.FileNotFoundException] ("Zipfile not found at [{0}]" -f $zipFilename) } if(!(Test-Path $destination)) { throw [system.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException] ("destination not found at [{0}]" -f $destination) } # required in case there are any .. or . characters in the path $zipFilename = (Resolve-Path $zipFilename) $destination = (Resolve-Path $destination) if(test-path($zipfilename)) { $shellApplication = new-object -com shell.application $zipPackage = $shellApplication.NameSpace($zipfilename) $destinationFolder = $shellApplication.NameSpace($destination) $destinationFolder.CopyHere($zipPackage.Items()) } else{ Write-Error ("Zipfile not found [{0}]" -f $zipFilename) } } function GetZipFileForPublishing { param($rootFolder) # this will look in $rootFolder for zip files, if there is only 1 it will return that one # if there is more then it will prompt the user to pick which one $selectedZipFile = $null; Write-Verbose ("rootFolder: {0}" -f $rootFolder) | Out-Null $zipFiles = Get-ChildItem *.zip -Path $rootFolder Write-Verbose ("zipFiles.Count: {0}" -f $zipFiles.Count) | Out-Null if( $zipFiles -is [system.array] ) { # print the names of all the files and then ask the user which one to use Write-Host "Found these .zip files in this folder" $zipFiles | ForEach-Object {Write-Host (" " + $_.Name) -foregroundcolor cyan} Write-Host "Enter the name of the package which you want to publish" $result = Read-Host $selectedZipFile = Get-ChildItem $result } else { $selectedZipFile = $zipFiles } if(!($selectedZipFile)) { throw ("No web package (.zip file) found in folder [{0}]" -f $rootFolder) } if(!(Test-Path $selectedZipFile.FullName)) { throw [system.IO.FileNotFoundException] ("Web package not found at [{0}]" -f $selectedZipFile) } return $selectedZipFile } function GetTransforms { param([string]$deployTempFolder) # look through the folder for files like t.web.*.config and return the list of values for * $transformFileNamesRaw = Get-ChildItem $deployTempFolder | where {$_.Name -match "t\.web\.[^\.]+\.config"} $transformFileNames = $null if($transformFileNamesRaw) { $transformFileNames = @() foreach($transformName in $transformFileNamesRaw) { # remove the "t.web." from the front $tName = $transformName.Name.Remove(0,6) # remove the ".config" from the end $tName = $tName.Remove($tName.length-7,7) if( $tName -is [string] -and $tName.length -gt 2 ) { $transformFileNames += $tName } } } return $transformFileNames } function GetSelectedTransform { param([string]$deployTempFolder) $transformNames = GetTransforms -deployTempFolder $deployTempFolder $selectedTransform = $null if($transformNames){ if($NonInteractive) { $passedInTransform = FindParamByName -allParams $scriptParams -name "TransformName" if($passedInTransform) { $selectedTransform = $passedInTransform.value } } else { # prompt the user for which one that should be used Write-Host "Found these transforms" | Out-Null $transformNames | ForEach-Object { if($_.length -gt 1) { Write-Host (" " + $_) -foregroundcolor cyan }} Write-Host "Enter the name of the transform which you would like to execute during publish (blank to skip transform)" | Out-Null Write-Host (" >") -NoNewline -ForegroundColor gray | Out-Null $result=Read-Host $selectedTransform = $result.ToString().trim() } } $result = (""+$selectedTransform).Trim() return $result } function GetPathToMSDeploy { $msdInstallLoc = $userOptions["msdeployPath"] if(!($msdInstallLoc)) { $progFilesFolder = (Get-ChildItem env:"ProgramFiles").Value $msdLocToCheck = @() $msdLocToCheck += ("{0}\IIS\Microsoft Web Deploy V3\msdeploy.exe" -f $progFilesFolder) $msdLocToCheck += ("{0}\IIS\Microsoft Web Deploy V2\msdeploy.exe" -f $progFilesFolder) $msdLocToCheck += ("{0}\IIS\Microsoft Web Deploy\msdeploy.exe" -f $progFilesFolder) foreach($locToCheck in $msdLocToCheck) { "Looking for msdeploy.exe at [{0}]" -f $locToCheck | Write-Verbose | Out-Null if(Test-Path $locToCheck) { $msdInstallLoc = $locToCheck break; } } } if($msdInstallLoc){ "Found msdeploy.exe at [{0}]" -f $msdInstallLoc |Write-Verbose | Out-Null } else { throw "Unable to find msdeploy.exe, please install it and try again" } return $msdInstallLoc } function GetParametersFromPackage { param([string]$packagePath = $(throw "packagePath is a required parameter for GetParametersFromPackage"), [string]$tempPublishFolder = $(throw "tempPublishFolder is a required parameter for GetParametersFromPackage")) if(!(Test-Path $packagePath)) { throw [system.IO.FileNotFoundException] ("Web package not found at [{0}]" -f $packagePath) } $msdeployExe=GetPathToMSDeploy $msdArgs="-verb:getParameters -source:package=""" + $packagePath + """" $pkgParametersFile= Join-Path -Path $tempPublishFolder -ChildPath "params.xml" # due to escaping issues, write the command into a .cmd file and invoke that # it will output the parameters of the package into a XML file at $pkgParametersFile $exp = ("""{0}"" {1} > ""{2}""" -f $msdeployExe, $msdArgs,$pkgParametersFile) Write-Verbose ("Expression: " + $exp) | Out-Null $cmdFile = Join-Path -Path $tempPublishFolder -ChildPath "pub.cmd" # create the .cmd file $exp | Out-File -Encoding "ASCII" $cmdFile # invoke the .cmd file & $cmdFile | Out-Null # now let's read the file and get the list of parameters inside of it $paramArray = @() [xml]$parameters = Get-Content $pkgParametersFile foreach($p in $parameters.output.parameters.parameter){ $name = $p.name $defaultValue = $p.defaultValue $str = "name:{0}, defaultValue:{1}" -f $name, $defaultValue $paramArray += @{name=$name; defaultValue=$defaultValue} } return $paramArray } function ConvertTo-PlainText{ param([security.securestring]$secureString = $(throw "secureString is a required parameter for ConvertTo-PlainText")) # taken from: http://www.vistax64.com/powershell/159190-read-host-assecurestring-problem.html $marshal = [Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal] $plainText = $marshal::PtrToStringAuto( $marshal::SecureStringToBSTR($secureString) ) return $plainText } <# .SYNOPSIS This will gather up all the parameters and their values, if this is an interactive session then the user will be prompted if not then the user will not be prompted but values will come from the passed in parameters file .PARAMETER publishParameters An array of the parameters which exist in the package itself. This set of parameters will be added to those need for MSDeploy itslef (i.e. Computer Name/Username/whatif/etc). Typically these parameters will contain value for Name and DefaultValue. .PARAMETER paramsFromUser This is a set of parameter values that were either read from the PublishConfiguration.ps1 or passed in as a parameter when the script was invoked. Typically these parameters will contain value for Name and Value. #> function PromptUserForParameterValues { param([system.array]$publishParameters,$paramsFromUser) # TODO: This method is adding duplicate entries into the array, it's not causing problems because the values are the same # but this should be fixed. $e = Write-Host "********************************************************************************" -ForegroundColor yellow $e = Write-Host " Now collecting parameters for publishing" -ForegroundColor yellow $e = Write-Host " You can press to go with default values" -ForegroundColor yellow $e = Write-Host " For an empty string use a single space" -ForegroundColor yellow $e = Write-Host " Parameter names in " -ForegroundColor yellow -NoNewline $e = Write-Host "green" -ForegroundColor green $e = Write-Host " Default parameter values in " -NoNewline -ForegroundColor yellow $e = Write-Host "cyan" -ForegroundColor cyan $e = Write-Host "********************************************************************************" -ForegroundColor yellow if(!($publishParameters)) { $publishParameters = @() } $publishParameters += @{name="Computer name";defaultValue="localhost";isInternalParameter=$true} $publishParameters += @{name="Username";defaultValue="";isInternalParameter=$true} $publishParameters += @{name="Password";defaultValue="";isInternalParameter=$true;isSecure=$true} $publishParameters += @{name=("{0}" -f $paramNameAllowUntrusted);defaultValue="false";isInternalParameter=$true} $publishParameters += @{name="whatif";defaultValue="false";isInternalParameter=$true} # $publishParameters += $paramsFromUser foreach($p in $publishParameters) { $e = Write-Host (" " + $p.name) -ForegroundColor green -NoNewline $e = Write-Host ": " -NoNewline $e = Write-Host $p.defaultValue -ForegroundColor cyan $e = Write-Host (" new value>") -NoNewline -ForegroundColor gray if($NonInteractive) { # we will get all parameters from the $scriptParams $foundParamValue = FindParamByName -allParams $paramsFromUser -name $p.Name if($foundParamValue) { $value = $foundParamValue.value } else { $value = $p.defaultValue } } else { if($p.isSecure) { $secString = Read-Host -AsSecureString $value = ConvertTo-PlainText -secureString $secString } else { $value = Read-Host } } if($value){ $value = $value.trim() } if($value.length -le 0) { $value = $p.defaultValue } $p.value = $value } return $publishParameters } function CreateSetParametersFile { param( [string]$setParametersFilePath = $(throw "setParametersFilePath is a required parameter for CreateSetParametersFile"), [system.array]$paramValues = $(throw "paramValues is a required parameter for CreateSetParametersFile")) $xmlDoc = New-Object System.Xml.XmlDocument $root = $xmlDoc.createElement("parameters") $e = $xmlDoc.appendChild($root) foreach($p in $paramValues) { if(!($p.isInternalParameter)) { $paramElement = $xmlDoc.createElement("setParameter") $e = $root.appendChild($paramElement) $e = $paramElement.setAttribute("name",$p.name) $e = $paramElement.setAttribute("value",$p.value) } } $e = $xmlDoc.save($setParametersFilePath) } function IsComputerNameLocalhost { param($compName) $result = $false # compare with "localhost" or the name of the computer $compName = $compName.Trim() $thisComputerName = $env:ComputerName if($compName -ceq "localhost" -or $compName -ceq $thisComputerName) { $result = $true } return $result } function FixupMSDeployServiceUrl{ param($msdServiceUrl) $fixedUrl = $msdServiceUrl if(!$fixedUrl){$fixedUrl=""} $fixedUrl = $fixedUrl.Trim() # waws-prod-bay-001.publish.azurewebsites.windows.net:443 should be converted to https://waws-prod-bay-001.publish.azurewebsites.windows.net/msdeploy.axd if($fixedUrl.EndsWith(":443")){ $fixedUrl = ("https://{0}/msdeploy.axd" -f $fixedUrl) } return $fixedUrl } function BuildMSDeployCommand { param([string]$deployFolder,[string]$setParametersFilePath,[system.array]$paramValues) #"C:\Program Files\IIS\Microsoft Web Deploy V2\\msdeploy.exe" # -source:archiveDir='C:\Data\...\Foo\' # -dest:auto,includeAcls='False' # -verb:sync # -disableLink:AppPoolExtension -disableLink:ContentExtension -disableLink:CertificateExtension # -setParamFile:"C:\Data\...\SetParameters.xml" # -whatif # Computer name parameter $compNameParamValue = ($paramValues | Where-Object{$_.name -eq "Computer name"}).Value $compNameCommandFrag = "" $isCompNameLocalhost = IsComputerNameLocalhost -compName $compNameParamValue if($compNameParamValue.length -gt 0 -and !$isCompNameLocalhost) { # Since this is not for localhost we need to combine site name with this for hoster scenarios $siteNameParam = FindParamByName -allParams $paramValues -name $paramNameIISApp $compNameFixedUp = FixupMSDeployServiceUrl -msdServiceUrl $compNameParamValue $compNameCommandFrag = ",ComputerName='{0}?site={1}'" -f $compNameFixedUp, $siteNameParam.Value } # Auth type parameter $authType = "Basic" # see if there is a param with the name $authTypeParam = FindParamByName -allParams $paramValues -name $paramNameAuthType if($authTypeParam -and $authTypeParam.Length -gt 0) { $authType = $authTypeParam.Value } else { # try and pick a good default if($isCompNameLocalhost) { $authType = "NTLM" } else { $authType = "BASIC" } } $authTypeCommandFrag = (",AuthType='{0}'" -f $authType) $whatIf = [system.convert]::ToBoolean(($paramValues | Where-Object{$_.name -eq "whatif"}).Value) $whatIfCommandFrag = "" if($whatif) { $whatIfCommandFrag = "-whatif" } $userNameParamValue = FindParamByName -allParams $paramValues -name $paramNameUsername $usernameCommandFrag = "" if($userNameParamValue.length -gt 0){ $usernameCommandFrag = ",Username={0}" -f $userNameParamValue.Value } $passwordParamvalue = ($paramValues | Where-Object{$_.name -eq "Password"}).Value $passwordCommandFrag = "" if($passwordParamvalue.length -gt 0) { $passwordCommandFrag = ",Password={0}" -f $passwordParamvalue } # AllowUntrusted $allowUntrusted = $false $alllowUntrustedParam = FindParamByName -allParams $paramValues -name $paramNameAllowUntrusted if($alllowUntrustedParam -and $alllowUntrustedParam.Value -and $alllowUntrustedParam.Value.Length -gt 0) { $allowUntrusted = [system.convert]::ToBoolean($alllowUntrustedParam.Value) } # TODO: Create a user option for this $doNotDelete = $true $msdExe = GetPathToMSDeploy $msdCommand = """{0}"" -verb:sync -source:archiveDir=""{1}"" -dest:auto,includeAcls='False'{2}{3}{4}{5} -disableLink:AppPoolExtension -disableLink:ContentExtension -disableLink:CertificateExtension" -f $msdExe,$deployFolder,$compNameCommandFrag,$usernameCommandFrag,$passwordCommandFrag,$authTypeCommandFrag $msdCommand = "{0} -setParamFile:""{1}"" {2}" -f $msdCommand, $setParametersFilePath, $whatIfCommandFrag # add the skip for the _Deploy_ folder $msdCommand = "{0} {1}" -f $msdCommand, "-skip:objectName=dirPath,absolutePath=""_Deploy_""" # add the skip for web.*.config $msdCommand += " -skip:objectName=filePath,absolutePath=web\..*\.config" $msdCommnad += " -retryAttempts=2" # add the skip for the _Package folder $msdCommand += " -skip:objectName=dirPath,absolutePath=_Package" $msdCommand += " -skip:objectName=filePath,absolutePath=.*\.wpp\.targets$" if($allowUntrusted) { $msdCommand += " -allowUntrusted" } if($doNotDelete){ $msdCommand += " -enableRule:DoNotDelete" } Write-Host "MSDeploy command:" -ForegroundColor green | Out-Null Write-Host $msdCommand -ForegroundColor green | Out-Null return $msdCommand } function PublishWithMSDeploy { param([string]$msdCommand) $e = Write-Verbose "Starting publish process" # due to escaping issues, write the file into a .cmd and then execute that file $cmdFile = Join-Path -Path $tempPublishFolder -ChildPath "pub.msdeploy.cmd" # create the .cmd file $e = $msdCommand | Out-File -Encoding "ASCII" $cmdFile # invoke the .cmd file to perform the publish Invoke-Expression $cmdFile $e = Write-Verbose "Publish completed" } function FindParamByName { param($allParams,$name) foreach($p in $allParams){ if( $p.Name -ceq $name) { return $p } } } function EscapePowershellString { param([string]$strToEscape) $newString = $strToEscape $strsToEscape = @() $strsToEscape += @{str='"';replacement='""'} foreach($str in $strsToEscape) { $newString = ($newString -replace $str.str,$str.replacement) } return $newString } # This will create a .ps1.readme file that contains all the # parameters which are needed for a re-entrant publish function WriteFileForNextTime { param([string]$destFolder,[string]$tempFolder,$paramsToWriteToFile) # first write it out to the temp folder and then try and copy it to the final location $strToWrite = @" ############################################################ # This file is generated by a tool, if you want to automate your publish (i.e. so that you don't have to enter parameter # values each time) you can rename this file to have a .ps1 extension. # # If this file is detected with a .ps1 extension in the same folder as the Publish-Interactive.ps1 file then it will be # used instead of prompting for parameter values. # # For secure values (i.e. password) a token 'REPLACE-WITH-VALUE' will be written out instead of the actual value. # # NOTE: Each time that the Publish-Interactive.ps1 file is executed it will re-write PublishConfiguration.ps1.readme so if # you modify the file you should rename it as well. ############################################################ "@ # for secure values don't write the actual value but insert a placeholder instead # we will write out a PS script which has all the values $strToWrite += "`n`n`n`$settingsFromUser =@() `n" foreach($setting in $paramsToWriteToFile) { $name = EscapePowershellString -strToEscape $setting.Name $value = EscapePowershellString -strToEscape $setting.Value if($setting.isSecure) { $value = "REPLACE-WITH-VALUE" } $str = ("`$settingsFromUser += @{{name=""{0}"";value='{1}'}}`n" -f $name, $value) $strToWrite += ($str) } $fileName = $publishConfigReadmeFilename $strToWrite += "`n" $destTempFile = Join-Path -Path $tempFolder -ChildPath $fileName $destTempFileWritten = $false try { Set-Content -Path $destTempFile -Value $strToWrite $destTempFileWritten = $true } catch { $message = ("Unable to write publish config file at ['{0}']" -f $destTempFile) Write-Error $message } if($destTempFileWritten -and !$NonInteractive) { try { $destFilePath = Join-Path -Path $destFolder -ChildPath $fileName Copy-Item -Path $destTempFile -Destination $destFilePath Write-Host "`n`n********************************************************`n" -ForegroundColor green | Out-Null Write-Host (" Wrote publish config file to .\{0}" -f $fileName) -ForegroundColor yellow | Out-Null Write-Host (" If you want to avoid all the prompts next time remove the .readme extension") -ForegroundColor yellow | Out-Null Write-Host "`n********************************************************" -ForegroundColor green | Out-Null } catch { $message = ("Unable to copy publish config file to ['{0}']" -f $destTempFile) Write-Error $message } } } # This will print out the command line that the user can use to avoid all the prompts function PrintCommandLineForNextTime { param($currentFile,$allParams) Write-Host ("allParams.Length: {0}" -f $allParams.Length) # .\ -NonInteractive "TransformName=Release" "IIS Web Application Name=Default Web Site/FooBar" "ApplicationServices-Web.config Connection String=data source=foo value" $cmdLineToPrint = "`n`n********************************************************`n" $cmdLineToPrint += "You can use the command below to automate this same publish next time`n " $cmdLineToPrint | Write-Host -ForegroundColor green $cmdLineToPrint = ".\{0} -NonInteractive" -f $currentFile.Name foreach($sp in $allParams){ $name = $sp.Name.Trim() $value = $sp.Value if(!$value){ $value = $sp.DefaultValue } # only add if the param has a value if($value -and ($value.Trim().Length -gt 0)) { $value = $value.Trim() $cmdLineToPrint += (" ""{0}={1}""" -f $name,$value) } else { # TODO: Add warning? } } Write-Host $cmdLineToPrint -ForegroundColor yellow $cmdLineToPrint = "`n********************************************************`n`n" Write-Host $cmdLineToPrint -ForegroundColor green } $gs = @() function GetParameterValuesFromFile { param([string]$currentDir=$(throw "GetParameterValuesFromFile requires a value for currentDir"), $settingsContainer=$(throw "GetParameterValuesFromFile requires a value for settingsContainer")) if(!(Test-Path $currentDir)) { $msg = ("Path given to GetParameterValuesFromFile doesn't exist, path [{0}]" -f $currentDir) throw $msg } $publishConfigFullPath = (Join-Path $currentDir -ChildPath $publishConfigExpectedFilename) # we need to read the file, invoke it and return the value for $settingsFromUser if(Test-Path $publishConfigFullPath) { "Getting parameters from file [{0}]" -f $publishConfigFullPath | Write-Verbose | Out-Null # we need to insert the fake delimiter because we want a single string not an array $strToExecute = (Get-Content $publishConfigFullPath -Delimiter "fakedelimter") Invoke-Expression $strToExecute | Out-Null "Detected parameters file, you will not be prompted for parameters. File= [{0}] " -f $publishConfigFullPath | Write-Host -ForegroundColor yellow | Out-Null # Write-Host ("Detected parameters file, you will not be prompted for parameters. File= [{0}] " -f $publishConfigFullPath) if($settingsFromUser){ $NonInteractive = $true $settingsContainer += $settingsFromUser } $gs = $settingsFromUser return $settingsFromUser } else { Write-Host ("No params file found at: [{0}]" -f $publishConfigFullPath) | Out-Null } } # *************************************** # End functions, begin the script # *************************************** ### END MODULE SECTION #### # CLS $thisFile = Get-Item $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Definition try { # get the parameters prepared $userResult = (GetParameterValuesFromFile -currentDir $thisFile.DirectoryName -settingsContainer $scriptParams) $scriptParams = $userResult # Write-Host ("userResult: {0} {1}" -f $userResult,$userResult[0].Name) -ForegroundColor red # Write-Host ("scriptParams.GetType(): " + $scriptParams.GetType()) if(!($scriptParams)) { $scriptParams = @() } else { $NonInteractive = $true } foreach($arg in $args) { # $allParams += @{name="Computer name";defaultValue="localhost";isInternalParameter=$true} # we are looking for parameters in the form: "Param Name=param value" if($arg -match "(.[^=]+)=(.+)"){ $scriptParams += @{name=$matches[1];defaultValue=$matches[2];value=$matches[2]} } else { # TODO: Put a warning here? } } Add-Type -AssemblyName "System" # create a folder in the temp folder $zipFile = GetZipFileForPublishing -rootFolder $thisFile.DirectoryName if(!$zipFile) { $errorMessage = ("Unable to find package in folder [{0}]" -f $thisFile.DirectoryName) throw $errorMessage } else { "Zip file for publishing: [{0}]" -f $zipFile | Write-Host -ForegroundColor green | Out-Null } $tempFolder = $env:Temp if($pkgWebOptions -and $pkgWebOptions["tempFolder"]){ $tempFolder = $pkgWebOptions["tempFolder"] } "Using temp foler [{0}]" -f $tempFolder | Write-Host -ForegroundColor Gray | Out-Null $tempFolderName = $zipFile.Name.Replace(".zip","_zip") $tempPublishFolder = Join-Path -Path $tempFolder -ChildPath $tempFolderName if(!(Test-Path $zipFile.FullName)){ Write-Error ("Zip file not found at [{0}]" -f $zipFile.FullName) return } Write-Host ("Temp folder [{0}]" -f $tempPublishFolder) if(Test-Path $tempPublishFolder){ Write-Host ("Deleting temp folder [{0}]" -f $tempPublishFolder) -ForegroundColor Yellow Remove-Item $tempPublishFolder -Force -Recurse } Write-Host ("Creating temp directory [{0}]" -f $tempPublishFolder) -ForegroundColor Green New-Item -type directory -Path $tempPublishFolder Write-Host "Extracting .zip file" Extract-Zip -zipfilename $zipFile.FullName -destination $tempPublishFolder # Find the _Deploy folder $deployFolderTemp = Get-ChildItem $tempPublishFolder -Name "*_Deploy_" -Recurse Write-Host ("Deploy folder [{0}]" -f $deployFolder) $deployFolder = Join-Path -Path $tempPublishFolder -ChildPath $deployFolderTemp if(!(Test-Path $deployFolder)){ Write-Error ("Deploy folder not found at [{0}]" -f $deployFolder) return } # get the environment which should be published $transformName = GetSelectedTransform -deployTempFolder $deployFolder $transformName = (""+$transformName).Trim() if($transformName.Length -gt 1){ $publishProjTemp = Get-ChildItem $deployFolder -Name "*Sedodream.Publish.Proj" -Recurse $publishProj = Join-Path -Path $deployFolder -ChildPath $publishProjTemp if(!(Test-Path $publishProj)) { Write-Error ("MSBuild file not found at [{0}]" -f $publishProj) return } Write-Host ("Publish .proj found at [{0}]" -f $publishProj) -ForegroundColor Green # Now we are going to build the .proj file to do the transform $msbuildPath = (Join-Path -Path ($env:windir) -ChildPath Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\msbuild.exe) set-alias msbuild (Join-Path -Path ($env:windir) -ChildPath Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\msbuild.exe) # TODO: Change from envName to transformName $msbuildArgs = "/nologo /p:DeployFolder=""{0}"" /p:EnvName=""{1}""" -f $deployFolder, $transformName Write-Host ("MSBuild arguments: " + "[" + $msbuildArgs +"]") Write-Host " ." # Write-Host "Expression to invoke" | Out-Null # Write-Host ($msbuildPath + " """ + $publishProj + """ " + $msbuildArgs) | Out-Null Invoke-Expression ($msbuildPath + " """ + $publishProj + """ " + $msbuildArgs) $msbuildExitCode = $LASTEXITCODE if($msbuildExitCode -ne 0){ $str = ("Transform did not succeed, msbuild.exe returned a non-zero exit code [{0}]. See log above for more details" -f $msbuildExitCode) Write-Error $str | Out-Null exit } } else { "Skipping transform since a transform name was not specified" | Write-Host -ForegroundColor yellow } # gather parameters from the user $paramResult = GetParametersFromPackage -packagePath $zipFile.FullName -tempPublishFolder $tempPublishFolder $paramResultFromUser = PromptUserForParameterValues -publishParameters $paramResult -paramsFromUser $scriptParams # write parameters into SetParameters.xml $setParametersFilePath = Join-Path -Path $tempPublishFolder -ChildPath "SetParameters.xml" CreateSetParametersFile -setParametersFilePath $setParametersFilePath -paramValues $paramResultFromUser # now publish the package and replace the source web.config with this new one $msdCommand = BuildMSDeployCommand -deployFolder $tempPublishFolder -setParametersFilePath $setParametersFilePath -paramValues $paramResultFromUser PublishWithMSDeploy -msdCommand $msdCommand $paramResultFromUser += @{name="TransformName";defaultValue="Release";value=$transformName;isInternalParameter=$true;} #PrintCommandLineForNextTime -currentFile $thisFile -allParams $paramResultFromUser WriteFileForNextTime -destFolder $thisFile.Directory.FullName -tempFolder $tempPublishFolder -paramsToWriteToFile $paramResultFromUser } catch { $excep = $_.Exception $errorString = "An error has occurred around line [{0}], message = [{1}]" -f $excep.Line, $excep.ToString() Write-Error $errorString # Write-Error $_.Exception.ToString() } #Set-Location $previousWd