class Powerline < Formula homepage "" url "" sha256 "bf736ea3d18395ba197a492fc8b0ddb47b44142e101b6c780b2a8380503d5a36" version "20160320" def initialize(name = "powerline", path = Pathname(__FILE__), spec = "stable") super end patch :DATA end class Ricty < Formula desc "Font for programming" homepage "" url "" sha256 "86bf0fed84ef806690b213798419405d7ca2a1a4bed4f6a28b87c2e2d07ad60d" option "with-powerline", "Patch for Powerline" option "without-fullwidth", "Disable fullwidth ambiguous characters" option "without-visible-space", "Disable visible zenkaku space" option "with-patch-in-place", "Patch Powerline glyphs directly into Ricty fonts without creating new 'for Powerline' fonts" option "without-backquote-fix", "Disable backquote fix" depends_on "fontforge" => :build resource "inconsolataregular" do url "" sha256 "e28c150b4390e5fd59aedc2c150b150086fbcba0b4dbde08ac260d6db65018d6" version "f0e90b2" end resource "inconsolatabold" do url "" sha256 "c268fae6dbf17a27f648218fac958b86dc38e169f6315f0b02866966f56b42bf" version "f0e90b2" end resource "migu1mfonts" do url "" sha256 "a4770fca22410668d2747d7898ed4d7ef5d92330162ee428a6efd5cf247d9504" end def install resource("migu1mfonts").stage { buildpath.install Dir["*"] } resource("inconsolataregular").stage { buildpath.install Dir["*"] } resource("inconsolatabold").stage { buildpath.install Dir["*"] } if build.with? "powerline" powerline = powerline.brew { buildpath.install Dir["*"] } powerline.patch rename_from = "(Ricty|Discord|Bold(?=Oblique))-?" rename_to = "\\1 " end ricty_args = ["Inconsolata-Regular.ttf", "Inconsolata-Bold.ttf", "migu-1m-regular.ttf", "migu-1m-bold.ttf"] ricty_args.unshift("-z") if build.without? "visible-space" ricty_args.unshift("-a") if build.without? "fullwidth" system "sh", "./ricty_generator-#{version}.sh", *ricty_args if build.with? "powerline" powerline_args = [] powerline_args.unshift("--no-rename") if build.with? "patch-in-place" Dir["Ricty*.ttf"].each do |ttf| system "fontforge", "-lang=py", "-script", buildpath/"scripts/powerline-fontpatcher", *powerline_args, ttf mv ttf.gsub(/#{rename_from}/, rename_to), ttf if build.with? "patch-in-place" end end if build.with? "backquote-fix" Dir["Ricty*.ttf"].each do |ttf| system "fontforge", "-lang=ff", "-c", "Open($1);Select(0u0060);SetGlyphClass(\"base\");Generate($1)", ttf end end (share/"fonts").install Dir["Ricty*.ttf"] end def caveats; <<~EOS *************************************************** Generated files: #{Dir[share + "fonts/Ricty*.ttf"].join("\n ")} *************************************************** To install Ricty: $ cp -f #{share}/fonts/Ricty*.ttf ~/Library/Fonts/ $ fc-cache -vf *************************************************** EOS end end __END__ --- a/scripts/powerline-fontpatcher +++ b/scripts/powerline-fontpatcher @@ -79,6 +79,13 @@ if bbox[3] > target_bb[3]: target_bb[3] = bbox[3] + # Ignore the above calculation and + # manually set the best values for Ricty + target_bb[0]=0 + target_bb[1]=-525 + target_bb[2]=1025 + target_bb[3]=1650 + # Find source and target size difference for scaling x_ratio = (target_bb[2] - target_bb[0]) / (source_bb[2] - source_bb[0]) y_ratio = (target_bb[3] - target_bb[1]) / (source_bb[3] - source_bb[1])