/* * C++ Interface to Rserve * Copyright (C) 2004-8 Simon Urbanek, All rights reserved. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; version 2.1 of the License * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Leser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * Although this code is licensed under LGPL v2.1, we strongly encourage * everyone modifying this software to contribute back any improvements and * bugfixes to the project for the benefit all other users. Thank you. * * $Id$ */ /* external defines: SWAPEND - needs to be defined for platforms with inverse endianess related to Intel see also SOCK_ERROR, MAIN and other defines in sisocks.h */ /* locally generated status error and return codes: -1 - operation failed (e.g. connect failed) -2 - handhake failed -3 - invalid ID string -4 - protocol not supported -5 - not connected -6 - - unused - -7 - remote connection close -8 - malformed packet -9 - send error -10 - out of memory -11 - operation is unsupported (e.g. unix login while crypt is not linked) -12 - eval didn't return a SEXP (possibly the server is too old/buggy or crashed) -13 - message requires 64-bit sizes but this binary is linked as 32-bit */ #include "Rconnection.h" #include #include "sisocks.h" #ifdef unix #include #include #ifdef HAVE_CRYPT_H #include #endif #else #define AF_LOCAL -1 #endif #if defined HAVE_NETINET_TCP_H && defined HAVE_NETINET_IN_H #define CAN_TCP_NODELAY #include #include #endif #ifdef Win32 #define CAN_TCP_NODELAY #endif #include "Rsrv.h" #ifndef AF_LOCAL #define AF_LOCAL AF_UNIX #endif // NOTE: 0103 compatibility has not been established! use at your own risk! static const char *myID = "Rsrv0103QAP1"; /* this client supports up to protocol version 0103 */ #define IS_LIST_TYPE_(TYPE) ((TYPE) == XT_LIST || (TYPE) == XT_LIST_NOTAG || (TYPE) == XT_LIST_TAG) #define IS_SYMBOL_TYPE_(TYPE) ((TYPE) == XT_SYM || (TYPE) == XT_SYMNAME) static Rexp *new_parsed_Rexp(unsigned int *d, Rmessage *msg) { int type=ptoi(*d)&0x3f; #ifdef DEBUG_CXX printf("new_parsed_Rexp(%p, %p) type=%d\n", d, msg, type); #endif if (type==XT_ARRAY_INT || type==XT_INT) return new Rinteger(d,msg); if (type==XT_ARRAY_DOUBLE || type==XT_DOUBLE) return new Rdouble(d,msg); if (IS_LIST_TYPE_(type)) return new Rlist(d,msg); if (type==XT_VECTOR) return new Rvector(d,msg); if (type==XT_STR) return new Rstring(d,msg); if (type==XT_SYM || type==XT_SYMNAME) return new Rsymbol(d,msg); if (type==XT_ARRAY_STR) return new Rstrings(d,msg); return new Rexp(d,msg); } static Rexp *new_parsed_Rexp_from_Msg(Rmessage *msg) { int hl=1; unsigned int *hp=msg->par[0]; Rsize_t plen=hp[0]>>8; if ((hp[0]&DT_LARGE)>0) { hl++; plen|=((Rsize_t)hp[1])<<24; } return new_parsed_Rexp(hp+hl,msg); } Rmessage::Rmessage() { complete=0; data=0; len=0; } Rmessage::Rmessage(int cmd) { memset(&head,0,sizeof(head)); head.cmd = cmd; data=0; len=0; complete=1; } Rmessage::Rmessage(int cmd, const char *txt) { memset(&head,0,sizeof(head)); int tl=strlen(txt)+1; if ((tl&3)>0) tl=(tl+4)&0xffffc; // allign the text len=tl+4; // message length is tl + 4 (short format only) head.cmd=cmd; head.len=len; data=(char*)malloc(tl+16); memset(data,0,tl+16); *((int*)data)=itop(SET_PAR(DT_STRING,tl)); strcpy(data+4,txt); complete=1; } Rmessage::Rmessage(int cmd, const void *buf, int dlen, int raw_data) { memset(&head,0,sizeof(head)); len=(raw_data)?dlen:(dlen+4); head.cmd=cmd; head.len=len; data=(char*)malloc(len); memcpy((void*)((raw_data) ? data : data + 4), buf, dlen); if (!raw_data) *((int*)data)=itop(SET_PAR(DT_BYTESTREAM,dlen)); complete=1; } Rmessage::Rmessage(int cmd, int i) { memset(&head,0,sizeof(head)); len=8; // DT_INT+len (4) + payload-1xINT (4) head.cmd=cmd; head.len=len; data=(char*)malloc(8); *((int*)data)=itop(SET_PAR(DT_INT,4)); ((int*)data)[1]=itop(i); complete=1; } Rmessage::~Rmessage() { if(data) free(data); complete=0; } int Rmessage::read(int s) { complete=0; int n=recv(s,(char*)&head,sizeof(head),0); if (n!=sizeof(head)) { closesocket(s); s=-1; return (n==0)?-7:-8; } Rsize_t i = len = (unsigned int) (head.len = ptoi(head.len)); head.cmd = ptoi(head.cmd); head.msg_id = ptoi(head.msg_id); head.res = ptoi(head.res); #ifdef __LP64__ if (head.res) { /* process high bits of the length */ unsigned int len_lo = (unsigned int) head.len, len_hi = (unsigned int) head.res; len = (Rsize_t) (((unsigned long) len_lo) | (((unsigned long) len_hi) << 32)); i = len; } #else if (head.res) return -13; // 64-bit packet, but only 32-bit long is supported #endif if (i>0) { data=(char*) malloc(i); if (!data) { closesocket(s); s=-1; return -10; // out of memory } char *dp=data; while(i>0 && (n=recv(s,(char*)dp,i,0))>0) { dp+=n; i-=n; } if (i>0) { closesocket(s); s=-1; return -8; } } parse(); complete=1; return 0; } void Rmessage::parse() { pars=0; if (len<4) return; char *c=data, *eop=c+len; while (c>8; if ((p1&DT_LARGE)>0) { hs+=4; unsigned int p2=ptoi(pp[1]); len|=((Rsize_t)p2)<<24; } #ifdef DEBUG_CXX printf(" par %d: %d length %ld\n", pars, p1&0x3f, (long) len); #endif par[pars++]=(unsigned int*)c; c+=hs; c+=len; if (pars>15) break; // max 16 pars } } int Rmessage::send(int s) { int failed=0; head.cmd=itop(head.cmd); head.len=itop(head.len); head.msg_id=itop(head.msg_id); head.res=itop(head.res); if (::send(s,(char*)&head,sizeof(head),0)!=sizeof(head)) failed=-1; if (!failed && len>0 && (Rsize_t)::send(s,data,len,0)!=len) failed=-1; head.cmd=ptoi(head.cmd); head.len=ptoi(head.len); head.msg_id=ptoi(head.msg_id); head.res=ptoi(head.res); return failed; } Rexp::Rexp(Rmessage *msg) { #ifdef DEBUG_CXX printf("new Rexp@%x\n", this); #endif master=0; rcount=0; attr=0; attribs=0; this->msg=msg; int hl=1; unsigned int *hp=msg->par[0]; Rsize_t plen=hp[0]>>8; if ((hp[0]&DT_LARGE)>0) { hl++; plen|=((Rsize_t)hp[1])<<24; } next=parse(hp+hl); } Rexp::Rexp(unsigned int *pos, Rmessage *msg) { #ifdef DEBUG_CXX printf("new Rexp@%x\n", this); #endif attr=0; master=0; this->msg=msg; rcount=0; attribs=0; next=parse(pos); } Rexp::Rexp(int type, const char *data, Rsize_t len, Rexp *attr) { this->attr=attr; master=this; rcount=0; attribs=0; this->type=type; this->msg=0; if (len>0) { #ifdef DEBUG_CXX fprintf(stderr, "Rexp::Rexp %p: allocating %lu bytes\n", this, (unsigned long) len); #endif this->data=(char*) malloc(len); memcpy(this->data, data, len); this->len=len; } else this->len=0; next=(char*)data+this->len; } Rexp::~Rexp() { #ifdef DEBUG_CXX printf("releasing Rexp@%p\n", this); #endif if (attr) delete(attr); attr=0; if (master) { if (master==this) { free(data); len=0; } else master->rcount--; master=0; } if (msg) { if (rcount>0) fprintf(stderr, "WARNING! Rexp master %lx delete requested, but %d object(s) are using our memory - refusing to free, leaking...\n", (long)this, rcount); else delete(msg); } msg=0; } void Rexp::set_master(Rexp *m) { if (master) master->rcount--; master=m; if (m) m->rcount++; } char *Rexp::parse(unsigned int *pos) { // plen is not used this->pos=pos; int hl=1; unsigned int p1=ptoi(pos[0]); len=p1>>8; if ((p1&XT_LARGE)>0) { hl++; len|=((Rsize_t)(ptoi(pos[1])))<<24; } data=(char*)(pos+hl); if (p1&XT_HAS_ATTR) { attr=new_parsed_Rexp((unsigned int*)data, 0); len-=attr->next-data; data=attr->next; if (master || msg) attr->set_master(master?master:this); } type=p1&0x3f; #ifdef DEBUG_CXX printf("Rexp(type=%d, len=%d, attr=%p)\n", type, len, attr); #endif return data+len; } void Rexp::store(char *buf) { int hl=4; unsigned int *i = (unsigned int*)buf; i[0]=SET_PAR(type, len); i[0]=itop(i[0]); if (len>0x7fffff) { buf[0]|=XT_LARGE; i[1]=itop(len>>24); hl+=4; } memcpy(buf+hl, data, len); } Rexp *Rexp::attribute(const char *name) { return (attr && IS_LIST_TYPE_(attr->type)) ? ((Rlist*)attr)->entryByTagName(name) : 0; } const char **Rexp::attributeNames() { if (!attr || !IS_LIST_TYPE_(attr->type)) return 0; if (attribs == 0) { // let us cache attribute names Rlist *l = (Rlist*) attr; while (l && (IS_LIST_TYPE_(l->type))) { if (l->tag && IS_SYMBOL_TYPE_(l->tag->type)) attribs++; l = l->tail; } attrnames = (const char**) malloc(sizeof(char*)*(attribs+1)); l = (Rlist*) attr; while (l && IS_LIST_TYPE_(l->type)) { if (l->tag && IS_SYMBOL_TYPE_(l->tag->type)) attrnames[attribs++] = ((Rsymbol*)l->tag)->symbolName(); l = l->tail; } attrnames[attribs] = 0; } return attrnames; } void Rinteger::fix_content() { if (len<0 || !data) return; #ifdef SWAPEND int *i = (int*) data; int *j = (int*) (data+len); while (inext; if (ptrnext; if (ptrtype!=XT_LIST) { // if tail is not a list, then something is wrong - just delete it delete(tail); tail=0; } } } } } else if (type == XT_LIST_NOTAG) { /* new style list w/o tags */ Rlist *lt = this; int n = 0; while (ptr < eod) { Rexp *h = new_parsed_Rexp((unsigned int*) ptr, 0); if (!h) break; if (n) lt = lt->tail = new Rlist(type, h, 0, h->next, msg); else lt->head = h; n++; ptr = h->next; } } else if (type == XT_LIST_TAG) { /* new style list with tags */ Rlist *lt = this; int n = 0; while (ptr < eod) { Rexp *h = new_parsed_Rexp((unsigned int*) ptr, 0); #ifdef DEBUG_CXX printf(" LIST_TAG: n=%d, ptr=%p, h=%p\n", n, ptr, h); #endif if (!h) break; ptr = h->next; Rexp *t = new_parsed_Rexp((unsigned int*) ptr, 0); #ifdef DEBUG_CXX printf(" tag=%p (ptr=%p)\n", t, ptr); #endif if (!t) break; if (n) lt = lt->tail = new Rlist(type, h, t, t->next, msg); else { lt->head = h; lt->tag = t; } ptr = t->next; n++; } next = ptr; } #ifdef DEBUG_CXX printf(" end of list %p, ptr=%p\n", this, ptr); #endif } Rvector::~Rvector() { int i=0; while(itype==XT_STR) sc++; i++; } if (sc==0) return 0; strs=(char**)malloc(sizeof(char*)*(sc+1)); i=0; sc=0; while (itype==XT_STR) strs[sc++]=((Rstring*)cont[i])->string(); i++; } strs[sc]=0; return strs; } int Rvector::indexOf(Rexp *exp) { int i=0; while (itype==XT_STR && !strcmp(((Rstring*)cont[i])->string(),str)) return i; i++; } return -1; } int Rstrings::indexOfString(const char *str) { unsigned int i = 0; while (i < nel) { if (cont[i] && !strcmp(cont[i], str)) return i; i++; } return -1; } Rexp* Rvector::byName(const char *name) { /* here we are not using IS_LIST_TYPE_() because XT_LIST_NOTAG is guaranteed to not match */ if (count < 1 || !attr || (attr->type!=XT_LIST && attr->type != XT_LIST_TAG)) return 0; Rexp *e = ((Rlist*) attr)->head; if (((Rlist*) attr)->tag) e = ((Rlist*) attr)->entryByTagName("names"); if (!e || (e->type!=XT_VECTOR && e->type!=XT_ARRAY_STR && e->type!=XT_STR)) return 0; if (e->type == XT_VECTOR) { int pos = ((Rvector*)e)->indexOfString(name); if (pos>-1 && postype == XT_ARRAY_STR) { int pos = ((Rstrings*)e)->indexOfString(name); if (pos>-1 && posstring(),name)) return cont[0]; } return 0; } void Rvector::fix_content() { char *ptr = data; char *eod = data+len; capacity=16; cont=(Rexp**) malloc(sizeof(Rexp*)*capacity); while (ptrnext; else break; count++; } } Rconnection::Rconnection(const char *host, int port) { if (!host) host = ""; this->host = strdup(host); this->port = port; family = (port==-1) ? AF_LOCAL : AF_INET; s = -1; auth = 0; salt[0] = '.'; salt[1] = '.'; session_key = 0; } Rconnection::Rconnection(Rsession *session) { const char *sHost = session->host(); if (!sHost) sHost=""; this->host = strdup(sHost); this->port = session->port(); family = AF_INET; s = -1; auth = 0; salt[0]='.'; salt[1]='.'; session_key = (char*) malloc(32); memcpy(session_key, session->key(), 32); } Rconnection::~Rconnection() { if (host) free(host); host = 0; if (s != -1) closesocket(s); s = -1; } int Rconnection::connect() { #ifdef unix struct sockaddr_un sau; #endif SAIN sai; char IDstring[33]; if (family==AF_INET) { memset(&sai,0,sizeof(sai)); build_sin(&sai,host,port); } else { #ifdef unix memset(&sau,0,sizeof(sau)); sau.sun_family=AF_LOCAL; strcpy(sau.sun_path,host); // FIXME: possible overflow! #else return -11; // unsupported #endif } IDstring[32]=0; int i; s=socket(family,SOCK_STREAM,0); if (family==AF_INET) { #ifdef CAN_TCP_NODELAY int opt=1; setsockopt(s, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_NODELAY, (const char*) &opt, sizeof(opt)); #endif i=::connect(s,(SA*)&sai,sizeof(sai)); } #ifdef unix else i=::connect(s,(SA*)&sau,sizeof(sau)); #endif if (i==-1) { closesocket(s); s=-1; return -1; // connect failed } if (session_key) { // resume a session int n = send(s, session_key, 32, 0); if (n != 32) { closesocket(s); s = -1; return -2; // handshake failed (session key send error) } Rmessage *msg = new Rmessage(); int q = msg->read(s); delete msg; return q; } int n=recv(s,IDstring,32,0); if (n!=32) { closesocket(s); s=-1; return -2; // handshake failed (no IDstring) } if (strncmp(IDstring,myID,4)) { closesocket(s); s=-1; return -3; // invalid IDstring } if (strncmp(IDstring+8,myID+8,4) || strncmp(IDstring+4,myID+4,4)>0) { closesocket(s); s=-1; return -4; // protocol not supported } { int i=12; while (i<32) { if (!strncmp(IDstring+i, "ARuc", 4)) auth|=A_required|A_crypt; if (!strncmp(IDstring+i, "ARpt", 4)) auth|=A_required|A_plain; if (IDstring[i]=='K') { salt[0]=IDstring[i+1]; salt[1]=IDstring[i+2]; } i+=4; } } return 0; } int Rconnection::disconnect() { if (s>-1) { closesocket(s); s=-1; } return 0; } /**--- low-level functions --*/ int Rconnection::request(Rmessage *msg, int cmd, int len, void *par) { struct phdr ph; if (s==-1) return -5; // not connected memset(&ph,0,sizeof(ph)); ph.len=itop(len); ph.cmd=itop(cmd); if (send(s,(char*)&ph,sizeof(ph),0)!=sizeof(ph)) { closesocket(s); s=-1; return -9; } if (len>0 && send(s,(char*)par,len,0)!=len) { closesocket(s); s=-1; return -9; } return msg->read(s); } int Rconnection::request(Rmessage *targetMsg, Rmessage *contents) { if (s==-1) return -5; // not connected if (contents->send(s)) { closesocket(s); s=-1; return -9; // send error } return targetMsg->read(s); } /** --- high-level functions -- */ int Rconnection::shutdown(const char *key) { Rmessage *msg = new Rmessage(); Rmessage *cm = key?new Rmessage(CMD_shutdown, key):new Rmessage(CMD_shutdown); int res = request(msg, cm); delete cm; delete msg; return res; } int Rconnection::assign(const char *symbol, Rexp *exp) { Rmessage *msg=new Rmessage(); Rmessage *cm=new Rmessage(CMD_setSEXP); int tl=strlen(symbol)+1; if (tl&3) tl=(tl+4)&0xfffc; Rsize_t xl=exp->storageSize(); Rsize_t hl=4+tl+4; if (xl>0x7fffff) hl+=4; cm->data=(char*) malloc(hl+xl); cm->head.len=cm->len=hl+xl; ((unsigned int*)cm->data)[0]=SET_PAR(DT_STRING, tl); ((unsigned int*)cm->data)[0]=itop(((unsigned int*)cm->data)[0]); strcpy(cm->data+4, symbol); ((unsigned int*)(cm->data+4+tl))[0]=SET_PAR((Rsize_t) ((xl>0x7fffff)?(DT_SEXP|DT_LARGE):DT_SEXP), (Rsize_t) xl); ((unsigned int*)(cm->data+4+tl))[0]=itop(((unsigned int*)(cm->data+4+tl))[0]); if (xl>0x7fffff) ((unsigned int*)(cm->data+4+tl))[1]=itop(xl>>24); exp->store(cm->data+hl); int res=request(msg,cm); delete (cm); if (res) { delete(msg); return res; } if (!res) res = CMD_STAT(msg->command()); delete(msg); return res; } int Rconnection::voidEval(const char *cmd) { int status=0; eval(cmd, &status, 1); return status; } Rexp *Rconnection::eval(const char *cmd, int *status, int opt) { /* opt = 1 -> void eval */ Rmessage *msg=new Rmessage(); Rmessage *cmdMessage=new Rmessage((opt&1)?CMD_voidEval:CMD_eval, cmd); int res=request(msg,cmdMessage); delete (cmdMessage); if (opt&1 && !res) { if (status) *status=0; // we should put response code here delete(msg); return 0; } if ((opt & 1) == 0 && !res && (msg->pars!=1 || (ptoi(msg->par[0][0])&0x3f)!=DT_SEXP)) { delete(msg); if (status) *status=-12; // returned object is not SEXP return 0; } if (res) { delete(msg); if (status) *status=res; return 0; } if (status) *status=0; return new_parsed_Rexp_from_Msg(msg); } /** detached eval (aka detached void eval) initiates eval and detaches the session. * @param cmd command to evaluate. If NULL equivalent to simple detach() * @param status optional status to be reported (zero on success) * @return object describintg he session. * Note that the caller is responsible for freeing the object if not needed. */ Rsession *Rconnection::detachedEval(const char *cmd, int *status) { Rmessage *msg = new Rmessage(); Rmessage *cmdMessage = cmd ? new Rmessage(CMD_detachedVoidEval, cmd) : new Rmessage(CMD_detachSession); int res = request(msg, cmdMessage); delete cmdMessage; if (res) { if (status) *status = res; delete msg; return 0; } if (msg->pars != 2 || PAR_TYPE(ptoi(msg->par[0][0])) != DT_INT || PAR_LEN(ptoi(msg->par[0][0])) != sizeof(int) || PAR_TYPE(ptoi(msg->par[1][0])) != DT_BYTESTREAM || PAR_LEN(ptoi(msg->par[1][0])) != 32) { // invalid contents if (status) *status = -12; delete msg; return 0; } Rsession *session = new Rsession(host, ptoi(msg->par[0][1]), (const char*) (msg->par[1] + 1)); delete msg; if (status) *status=0; return session; } Rsession *Rconnection::detach(int *status) { return detachedEval(0, status); } int Rconnection::openFile(const char *fn) { Rmessage *msg=new Rmessage(); Rmessage *cmdMessage=new Rmessage(CMD_openFile, fn); int res=request(msg,cmdMessage); delete (cmdMessage); if (!res) res=CMD_STAT(msg->command()); delete (msg); return res; } int Rconnection::createFile(const char *fn) { Rmessage *msg=new Rmessage(); Rmessage *cmdMessage=new Rmessage(CMD_createFile, fn); int res=request(msg,cmdMessage); delete (cmdMessage); if (!res) res=CMD_STAT(msg->command()); delete (msg); return res; } int Rconnection::readFile(char *buf, unsigned int len) { Rmessage *msg=new Rmessage(); Rmessage *cmdMessage=new Rmessage(CMD_readFile, len); int res=request(msg,cmdMessage); delete(cmdMessage); if (!res) { // FIXME: Rserve up to 0.4-0 actually sends buggy response - it ommits DT_BYTESTREAM header! if (msg->len > len) { // we're in trouble here - techincally we should not get this delete(msg); return CERR_malformed_packet; } if (msg->len > 0) memcpy(buf, msg->data, msg->len); int rl = msg->len; delete(msg); return rl; } delete(msg); return CERR_io_error; } int Rconnection::writeFile(const char *buf, unsigned int len) { Rmessage *msg=new Rmessage(); Rmessage *cmdMessage=new Rmessage(CMD_writeFile, buf, len); int res=request(msg,cmdMessage); delete(cmdMessage); if (!res && msg->command()==RESP_OK) { delete(msg); return 0; } delete(msg); // FIXME: this is not really true ... return (res==0)?CERR_io_error:res; } int Rconnection::closeFile() { Rmessage *msg=new Rmessage(); Rmessage *cmdMessage=new Rmessage(CMD_closeFile); int res=request(msg,cmdMessage); delete(cmdMessage); if (!res && msg->command()==RESP_OK) { delete(msg); return 0; } delete(msg); // FIXME: this is not really true ... return (res==0)?CERR_io_error:res; } int Rconnection::removeFile(const char *fn) { Rmessage *msg=new Rmessage(); Rmessage *cmdMessage=new Rmessage(CMD_removeFile, fn); int res=request(msg,cmdMessage); delete (cmdMessage); if (!res) res=CMD_STAT(msg->command()); delete (msg); return res; } int Rconnection::login(const char *user, const char *pwd) { char *authbuf, *c; if (!(auth&A_required)) return 0; authbuf=(char*) malloc(strlen(user)+strlen(pwd)+22); strcpy(authbuf, user); c=authbuf+strlen(user); *c='\n'; c++; strcpy(c,pwd); #ifdef unix if (auth&A_crypt) strcpy(c,crypt(pwd,salt)); #else if (!(auth&A_plain)) { free(authbuf); return CERR_auth_unsupported; } #endif Rmessage *msg=new Rmessage(); Rmessage *cmdMessage=new Rmessage(CMD_login, authbuf); int res=request(msg,cmdMessage); delete (cmdMessage); if (!res) res=CMD_STAT(msg->command()); delete (msg); free(authbuf); return res; } #ifdef CMD_ctrl /* server control methods */ int serverEval(const char *cmd); int serverSource(const char *fn); int serverShutdown(); int Rconnection::serverEval(const char *cmd) { Rmessage *msg = new Rmessage(); /* result message */ Rmessage *cmdMessage = new Rmessage(CMD_ctrlEval, cmd); /* request message */ int res = request(msg, cmdMessage); delete (cmdMessage); if (!res) res = CMD_STAT(msg->command()); delete (msg); return res; } int Rconnection::serverSource(const char *fn) { Rmessage *msg = new Rmessage(); /* result message */ Rmessage *cmdMessage = new Rmessage(CMD_ctrlSource, fn); /* request message */ int res = request(msg, cmdMessage); delete (cmdMessage); if (!res) res = CMD_STAT(msg->command()); delete (msg); return res; } int Rconnection::serverShutdown() { Rmessage *msg = new Rmessage(); /* result message */ Rmessage *cmdMessage = new Rmessage(CMD_ctrlShutdown); /* request message */ int res = request(msg, cmdMessage); delete (cmdMessage); if (!res) res = CMD_STAT(msg->command()); delete (msg); return res; } #endif