/* * Rsrv.h : constants and macros for Rserve client/server architecture * Copyright (C) 2002-24 Simon Urbanek * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published * by the Free Software Foundation; version 2.1 of the License * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * Note: This header file is licensed under LGPL to allow other * programs to use it under LGPL. Rserve itself is licensed under GPL. * * $Id$ */ /* external defines: MAIN - should be defined in just one file that will contain the fn definitions and variables */ #ifndef __RSRV_H__ #define __RSRV_H__ #ifndef NO_CONFIG_H #include "config.h" #endif #define RSRV_VER 0x01080e /* Rserve v1.8-14 */ #define default_Rsrv_port 6311 /* Rserve communication is done over any reliable connection-oriented protocol (usually TCP/IP or local sockets). After the connection is established, the server sends 32 bytes of ID-string defining the capabilities of the server. Each attribute of the ID-string is 4 bytes long and is meant to be user-readable (i.e. don't use special characters), and it's a good idea to make "\r\n\r\n" the last attribute the ID string must be of the form: [0] "Rsrv" - R-server ID signature [4] "0100" - version of the R server [8] "QAP1" - protocol used for communication (here Quad Attributes Packets v1) [12] any additional attributes follow. \r\n and '-' are ignored. optional attributes (in any order; it is legitimate to put dummy attributes, like "----" or " " between attributes): "R151" - version of R (here 1.5.1) "ARpt" - authorization required (here "pt"=plain text, "uc"=unix crypt, "m5"=MD5) connection will be closed if the first packet is not CMD_login. if more AR.. methods are specified, then client is free to use the one he supports (usually the most secure) "K***" - key if encoded authentification is challenged (*** is the key) for unix crypt the first two letters of the key are the salt required by the server */ /* QAP1 transport protocol header structure all int and double entries throughout the transfer are in Intel-endianess format: int=0x12345678 -> char[4]=(0x78,0x56,x34,0x12) functions/macros for converting from native to protocol format are available below Please note also that all values muse be quad-aligned, i.e. the length must be divisible by 4. This is automatically assured for int/double etc., but care must be taken when using strings and byte streams. */ struct phdr { /* always 16 bytes */ int cmd; /* command */ int len; /* length of the packet minus header (ergo -16) */ int msg_id; /* message id (since 1.8) [WAS:data offset behind header (ergo usually 0)] */ int res; /* high 32-bit of the packet length (since 0103 and supported on 64-bit platforms only) aka "lenhi", but the name was not changed to maintain compatibility */ }; /* each entry in the data section (aka parameter list) is preceded by 4 bytes: 1 byte : parameter type 3 bytes: length parameter list may be terminated by 0/0/0/0 but doesn't have to since "len" field specifies the packet length sufficiently (hint: best method for parsing is to allocate len+4 bytes, set the last 4 bytes to 0 and trverse list of parameters until (int)0 occurs since 0102: if the 7-th bit (0x40) in parameter type is set then the length is encoded in 7 bytes enlarging the header by 4 bytes. */ /* macros for handling the first int - split/combine (24-bit version only!) */ #define PAR_TYPE(X) ((X) & 255) #define PAR_LEN(X) (((unsigned int)(X)) >> 8) #define PAR_LENGTH PAR_LEN #define SET_PAR(TY,LEN) ((((unsigned int) (LEN) & 0xffffff) << 8) | ((TY) & 255)) #define CMD_STAT(X) (((X) >> 24)&127) /* returns the stat code of the response */ #define SET_STAT(X,s) ((X) | (((s) & 127) << 24)) /* sets the stat code */ #define CMD_RESP 0x10000 /* all responses have this flag set */ #define RESP_OK (CMD_RESP|0x0001) /* command succeeded; returned parameters depend on the command issued */ #define RESP_ERR (CMD_RESP|0x0002) /* command failed, check stats code attached string may describe the error */ #define CMD_OOB 0x20000 /* out-of-band data - i.e. unsolicited messages */ #define OOB_SEND (CMD_OOB | 0x1000) /* OOB send - unsolicited SEXP sent from the R instance to the client. 12 LSB are reserved for application-specific code */ #define OOB_MSG (CMD_OOB | 0x2000) /* OOB message - unsolicited message sent from the R instance to the client requiring a response. 12 LSB are reserved for application-specific code */ #define IS_OOB_SEND(X) (((X) & 0x0ffff000) == OOB_SEND) #define IS_OOB_MSG(X) (((X) & 0x0ffff000) == OOB_MSG) #define OOB_USR_CODE(X) ((X) & 0xfff) /* flag for create_server: Use QAP object-cap mode */ #define SRV_QAP_OC 0x40 /* mask of all flags that are relevant to QAP (so they can be passed through) */ #define SRV_QAP_FLAGS (SRV_QAP_OC) /* stat codes; 0-0x3f are reserved for program specific codes - e.g. for R connection they correspond to the stat of Parse command. the following codes are returned by the Rserv itself codes <0 denote Rerror as provided by R_tryEval */ #define ERR_auth_failed 0x41 /* auth.failed or auth.requested but no login came. in case of authentification failure due to name/pwd mismatch, server may send CMD_accessDenied instead */ #define ERR_conn_broken 0x42 /* connection closed or broken packet killed it */ #define ERR_inv_cmd 0x43 /* unsupported/invalid command */ #define ERR_inv_par 0x44 /* some parameters are invalid */ #define ERR_Rerror 0x45 /* R-error occured, usually followed by connection shutdown */ #define ERR_IOerror 0x46 /* I/O error */ #define ERR_notOpen 0x47 /* attempt to perform fileRead/Write on closed file */ #define ERR_accessDenied 0x48 /* this answer is also valid on CMD_login; otherwise it's sent if the server deosn;t allow the user to issue the specified command. (e.g. some server admins may block file I/O operations for some users) */ #define ERR_unsupportedCmd 0x49 /* unsupported command */ #define ERR_unknownCmd 0x4a /* unknown command - the difference between unsupported and unknown is that unsupported commands are known to the server but for some reasons (e.g. platform dependent) it's not supported. unknown commands are simply not recognized by the server at all. */ /* The following ERR_.. exist since 1.23/0.1-6 */ #define ERR_data_overflow 0x4b /* incoming packet is too big. currently there is a limit as of the size of an incoming packet. */ #define ERR_object_too_big 0x4c /* the requested object is too big to be transported in that way. If received after CMD_eval then the evaluation itself was successful. optional parameter is the size of the object */ /* since 1.29/0.1-9 */ #define ERR_out_of_mem 0x4d /* out of memory. the connection is usually closed after this error was sent */ /* since 0.6-0 */ #define ERR_ctrl_closed 0x4e /* control pipe to the master process is closed or broken */ /* since 0.4-0 */ #define ERR_session_busy 0x50 /* session is still busy */ #define ERR_detach_failed 0x51 /* unable to detach seesion (cannot determine peer IP or problems creating a listening socket for resume) */ /* since 1.7 */ #define ERR_disabled 0x61 /* feature is disabled */ #define ERR_unavailable 0x62 /* feature is not present in this build */ #define ERR_cryptError 0x63 /* crypto-system error */ #define ERR_securityClose 0x64 /* server-initiated close due to security violation (too many attempts, excessive timeout etc.) */ /* availiable commands */ #define CMD_login 0x001 /* "name\npwd" : - */ #define CMD_voidEval 0x002 /* string : - */ #define CMD_eval 0x003 /* string | encoded SEXP : encoded SEXP */ #define CMD_shutdown 0x004 /* [admin-pwd] : - */ /* security/encryption - all since 1.7-0 */ #define CMD_switch 0x005 /* string (protocol) : - */ #define CMD_keyReq 0x006 /* string (request) : bytestream (key) */ #define CMD_secLogin 0x007 /* bytestream (encrypted auth) : - */ #define CMD_OCcall 0x00f /* SEXP : SEXP -- it is the only command supported in object-capability mode and it requires that the SEXP is a language construct with OC reference in the first position */ #define CMD_OCinit 0x434f7352 /* SEXP -- 'RsOC' - command sent from the server in OC mode with the packet of initial capabilities. */ /* file I/O routines. server may answe */ #define CMD_openFile 0x010 /* fn : - */ #define CMD_createFile 0x011 /* fn : - */ #define CMD_closeFile 0x012 /* - : - */ #define CMD_readFile 0x013 /* [int size] : data... ; if size not present, server is free to choose any value - usually it uses the size of its static buffer */ #define CMD_writeFile 0x014 /* data : - */ #define CMD_removeFile 0x015 /* fn : - */ /* object manipulation */ #define CMD_setSEXP 0x020 /* string(name), REXP : - */ #define CMD_assignSEXP 0x021 /* string(name), REXP : - ; same as setSEXP except that the name is parsed */ /* session management (since 0.4-0) */ #define CMD_detachSession 0x030 /* : session key */ #define CMD_detachedVoidEval 0x031 /* string : session key; doesn't */ #define CMD_attachSession 0x032 /* session key : - */ /* control commands (since 0.6-0) - passed on to the master process */ /* Note: currently all control commands are asychronous, i.e. RESP_OK indicates that the command was enqueued in the master pipe, but there is no guarantee that it will be processed. Moreover non-forked connections (e.g. the default debug setup) don't process any control commands until the current client connection is closed so the connection issuing the control command will never see its result. */ #define CMD_ctrl 0x40 /* -- not a command - just a constant -- */ #define CMD_ctrlEval 0x42 /* string : - */ #define CMD_ctrlSource 0x45 /* string : - */ #define CMD_ctrlShutdown 0x44 /* - : - */ /* 'internal' commands (since 0.1-9) */ #define CMD_setBufferSize 0x081 /* [int sendBufSize] this commad allow clients to request bigger buffer sizes if large data is to be transported from Rserve to the client. (incoming buffer is resized automatically) */ #define CMD_setEncoding 0x082 /* string (one of "native","latin1","utf8") : -; since 0.5-3 */ /* special commands - the payload of packages with this mask does not contain defined parameters */ #define CMD_SPECIAL_MASK 0xf0 #define CMD_serEval 0xf5 /* serialized eval - the packets are raw serialized data without data header */ #define CMD_serAssign 0xf6 /* serialized assign - serialized list with [[1]]=name, [[2]]=value */ #define CMD_serEEval 0xf7 /* serialized expression eval - like serEval with one additional evaluation round */ /* data types for the transport protocol (QAP1) do NOT confuse with XT_.. values. */ #define DT_INT 1 /* int */ #define DT_CHAR 2 /* char */ #define DT_DOUBLE 3 /* double */ #define DT_STRING 4 /* 0 terminted string */ #define DT_BYTESTREAM 5 /* stream of bytes (unlike DT_STRING may contain 0) */ #define DT_SEXP 10 /* encoded SEXP */ #define DT_ARRAY 11 /* array of objects (i.e. first 4 bytes specify how many subsequent objects are part of the array; 0 is legitimate) */ #define DT_CUSTOM 32 /* custom types not defined in the protocol but used by applications */ #define DT_LARGE 64 /* new in 0102: if this flag is set then the length of the object is coded as 56-bit integer enlarging the header by 4 bytes */ /* XpressionTypes REXP - R expressions are packed in the same way as command parameters transport format of the encoded Xpressions: [0] int type/len (1 byte type, 3 bytes len - same as SET_PAR) [4] REXP attr (if bit 8 in type is set) [4/8] data .. */ #define XT_NULL 0 /* P data: [0] */ #define XT_INT 1 /* - data: [4]int */ #define XT_DOUBLE 2 /* - data: [8]double */ #define XT_STR 3 /* P data: [n]char null-term. strg. */ #define XT_LANG 4 /* - data: same as XT_LIST */ #define XT_SYM 5 /* - data: [n]char symbol name */ #define XT_BOOL 6 /* - data: [1]byte boolean (1=TRUE, 0=FALSE, 2=NA) */ #define XT_S4 7 /* P data: [0] */ #define XT_VECTOR 16 /* P data: [?]REXP,REXP,.. */ #define XT_LIST 17 /* - X head, X vals, X tag (since 0.1-5) */ #define XT_CLOS 18 /* P X formals, X body (closure; since 0.1-5) */ #define XT_SYMNAME 19 /* s same as XT_STR (since 0.5) */ #define XT_LIST_NOTAG 20 /* s same as XT_VECTOR (since 0.5) */ #define XT_LIST_TAG 21 /* P X tag, X val, Y tag, Y val, ... (since 0.5) */ #define XT_LANG_NOTAG 22 /* s same as XT_LIST_NOTAG (since 0.5) */ #define XT_LANG_TAG 23 /* s same as XT_LIST_TAG (since 0.5) */ #define XT_VECTOR_EXP 26 /* s same as XT_VECTOR (since 0.5) */ #define XT_VECTOR_STR 27 /* - same as XT_VECTOR (since 0.5 but unused, use XT_ARRAY_STR instead) */ #define XT_ARRAY_INT 32 /* P data: [n*4]int,int,.. */ #define XT_ARRAY_DOUBLE 33 /* P data: [n*8]double,double,.. */ #define XT_ARRAY_STR 34 /* P data: string,string,.. (string=byte,byte,...,0) padded with '\01' */ #define XT_ARRAY_BOOL_UA 35 /* - data: [n]byte,byte,.. (unaligned! NOT supported anymore) */ #define XT_ARRAY_BOOL 36 /* P data: int(n),byte,byte,... */ #define XT_RAW 37 /* P data: int(n),byte,byte,... */ #define XT_ARRAY_CPLX 38 /* P data: [n*16]double,double,... (Re,Im,Re,Im,...) */ #define XT_UNKNOWN 48 /* P data: [4]int - SEXP type (as from TYPEOF(x)) */ /* | +--- interesting flags for client implementations: P = primary type s = secondary type - its decoding is identical to a primary type and thus the client doesn't need to decode it separately. - = deprecated/removed. if a client doesn't need to support old Rserve versions, those can be safely skipped. Total primary: 4 trivial types (NULL, STR, S4, UNKNOWN) + 6 array types + 3 recursive types */ #define XT_LARGE 64 /* new in 0102: if this flag is set then the length of the object is coded as 56-bit integer enlarging the header by 4 bytes */ #define XT_HAS_ATTR 128 /* flag; if set, the following REXP is the attribute */ /* the use of attributes and vectors results in recursive storage of REXPs */ #define BOOL_TRUE 1 #define BOOL_FALSE 0 #define BOOL_NA 2 #define GET_XT(X) ((X)&63) #define GET_DT(X) ((X)&63) #define HAS_ATTR(X) (((X)&XT_HAS_ATTR)>0) #define IS_LARGE(X) (((X)&XT_LARGE)>0) #if defined sun && ! defined ALIGN_DOUBLES #define ALIGN_DOUBLES #endif #ifndef SIZEOF_SIZE_T #include /* defines SIZEOF_SIZE_T in case we missed it */ #endif #include /* for ptrdiff_t, which is required by C99 */ #include /* not directly used but for fixed-size int types */ #include /* s/size_t */ /* long vectors - we don't want to mandate Rinternals.h here so we use the minimal definition. By now size_t and ptrdiff_t should be ubiquitous so no more special cases */ typedef ssize_t rlen_t; /* we really need an unsigned type for safety in places where R is not involved */ typedef size_t urlen_t; /* this is used for alignment/masking */ #if ( SIZEOF_SIZE_T > 4 ) #define rlen_max ((rlen_t) 0x7fffffffffffffff) #else #define rlen_max ((rlen_t) 0x7fffffff) #endif /* functions/macros to convert native endianess of int/double for transport currently ony PPC style and Intel style are supported */ /* Since 0.4-5 we no longer use configure-time endianness tests to allow cross-compilation. Either BS_xx_ENDIAN constant is defined by configure and thus should be relied upon only if the compiler contants don't work */ #if defined __BIG_ENDIAN__ || defined _BIG_ENDIAN_ #define SWAPEND 1 #elif defined __LITTLE_ENDIAN__ || defined _LITTLE_ENDIAN_ || defined BS_LITTLE_ENDIAN /* #undef SWAPEND */ #elif defined BS_BIG_ENDIAN #define SWAPEND 1 #elif __ia64__ || __i386__ || __x86_64__ /* take a guess based on the architecture (Intel-like) */ #define __LITTLE_ENDIAN__ 1 #elif __ppc__ || __ppc64__ /* any ppc */ #define __BIG_ENDIAN__ 1 #define SWAPEND 1 #elif ! defined Win32 /* Windows is little-endian is most cases, anywhere else we're stuck */ #error "Cannot determine endianness. Make sure config.h is included or __{BIG|LITTLE}_ENDIAN__ is defined ." #endif /* FIXME: all the mess below needs more efficient implementation - the current one is so messy to work around alignment problems on some platforms like Sun and HP 9000 */ #ifdef SWAPEND /* swap endianness - for PPC and co. */ #ifdef MAIN unsigned int itop(unsigned int i) { char b[4]; b[0]=((char*)&i)[3]; b[3]=((char*)&i)[0]; b[1]=((char*)&i)[2]; b[2]=((char*)&i)[1]; return *((unsigned int*)b); } double dtop(double i) { char b[8]; b[0]=((char*)&i)[7]; b[1]=((char*)&i)[6]; b[2]=((char*)&i)[5]; b[3]=((char*)&i)[4]; b[7]=((char*)&i)[0]; b[6]=((char*)&i)[1]; b[5]=((char*)&i)[2]; b[4]=((char*)&i)[3]; return *((double*)b); } void fixdcpy(void *t,void *s) { int i=0; while (i<8) { ((char*)t)[7-i]=((char*)s)[i]; i++; } } #else extern unsigned int itop(unsigned int i); extern double dtop(double i); extern void fixdcpy(void *t,void *s); #endif #define ptoi(X) itop(X) /* itop*itop=id */ #define ptod(X) dtop(X) #else #define itop(X) (X) #define ptoi(X) (X) #define dtop(X) (X) #define ptod(X) (X) #define fixdcpy(T,S) ((double*)(T))[0]=((double*)(S))[0]; #define NATIVE_COPY 1 #endif #ifndef HAVE_CONFIG_H /* this tiny function can be used to make sure that the endianess is correct (it is not included if the package was configured with autoconf since then it should be fine anyway) */ #ifdef MAIN int isByteSexOk(void) { int i; i=itop(0x12345678); return (*((char*)&i)==0x78); } #else extern int isByteSexOk(void); #endif #else #define isByteSexOk 1 #endif /* STANDALONE_RSERVE takes precedence over RSERVE_PKG */ #if defined STANDALONE_RSERVE && defined RSERVE_PKG #undef RSERVE_PKG #endif #endif /*--- The following makes the indenting behavior of emacs compatible with Xcode's 4/4 setting ---*/ /* Local Variables: */ /* indent-tabs-mode: t */ /* tab-width: 4 */ /* c-basic-offset: 4 */ /* End: */