local function isLackluster() return vim.env.NVIM_COLORSCHEME == "lackluster" end local COLORSCHEME_NAME = "lackluster" ---@type LazySpec return { "slugbyte/lackluster.nvim", priority = isLackluster() and 1000 or 50, event = isLackluster() and { "UiEnter" } or { "VeryLazy" }, config = function() local lackluster = require("lackluster") local color = lackluster.color -- blue, green, red, orange, black, lack, luster, gray1-9 lackluster.setup({ tweek_syntax = { comment = lackluster.color.gray4, -- or gray5 }, tweek_background = { normal = "none", telescope = "none", menu = lackluster.color.gray3, popup = "default", }, }) if isLackluster() then vim.cmd.colorscheme(COLORSCHEME_NAME) vim.g.colors_name = COLORSCHEME_NAME end end, }