Title: Getting Started with the Nesta CMS App Template Date: February 20, 2012 Welcome to [Nesta CMS](http://nestacms.com) and the [starter template](https://github.com/rwdaigle/nesta-app-template)/[clean theme](https://github.com/rwdaigle/nesta-app-template) by [Ryan Daigle](http://ryandaigle.com). Now that you've got the site running let's look at how to use it. ## Customization Go to the local directory where your site was cloned and open the `.env` file. Edit the configuration values for your site and third-party services (Google analytics, FeedBurner, Disqus, Twitter, GitHub, LinkedIn etc...). For reference [my site's](http://ryandaigle.com) `.env` file looks like this:


NESTA_TITLE="Ryan Daigle"





Though the double quotes around the NESTA_TITLE value are ugly when rendered locally, they are necessary for any value with spaces when transferring the environment to Heroku or using the Heroku CLI.
Updating the site on Heroku with new configuration variables can be accomplished with this command:

$ cat .env | grep -v 'RACK_ENV' | tr '\n' ' ' | xargs heroku config:add 
## Deploying You can eploy to your site on Heroku just as you would any Heroku site with a `git push heroku master` after committing any changes to the git repository. This includes any new articles or content updates you make.

$ git add .
$ git commit -m "Updates"
$ git push heroku master
## Writing articles Please see Nesta CMS's [instructions for writing articles](http://nestacms.com/docs/creating-content/pages) to add pages and new posts to your site. ## Updates Since your site is a fork of the app template any updates to either the theme or the template itself can be easily merged into your site. The template ships with an update script that does this automatically. Execute the following starting in your site's local root directory:

$ ./update.sh
All the script does is pull in the latest changes to an `upstream` branch and rebase against it. It commits any local changes first to minimize conflicts. If you're comfortable managing this process yourself please feel free to do so as the script is provided for convenience only. ## Syntax highlighting The "clean" theme supports syntax highlighting with [Pygments](http://pygments.org/). Here are some examples (view the [source of the file](https://raw.github.com/rwdaigle/nesta-app-template/master/content/pages/welcome.mdown) to see Markdown syntax) ### Ruby

def greeting
  'Hello World!'
### Javascript

var request = require('request'),
  fs = require('fs'),
  spawn = require('child_process').spawn,
  Hash = require('hashish');;

var version = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('package.json','utf8')).version;
### Terminal output

$ curl "http://gist.github.com/raw/13212qw" > test.txt
## Analytics While there's support for Google Analytics built into the site template and theme (configurable by editing the `.env` file) I would recommend taking a look at [Gauges](http://get.gaug.es/) instead. It is a much more clean and concise way to measure your site's traffic, visitors and general analytics and has native iPhone and Android apps. ![Gaug.es screenshot](http://f.cl.ly/items/0M1H3W2t3c1j0i2f1o0X/Screen%20Shot%202012-02-22%20at%209.40.53%20PM.png) To update your site to send statistics to Gauges simply set the `GAUGES_SITE_ID` configuration variable on Heroku.

$ heroku config:add GAUGES_SITE_ID=12345678
Adding config vars and restarting app... done, v72
  GAUGES_SITE_ID => 12345678
## Performance [New Relic](http://newrelic.com), available for free on Heroku, is an incredibly useful tool for understanding how your site is operating, what kind of performance it's getting and where any bottlenecks are. ![New Relic screenshot](http://f.cl.ly/items/0i2m1N3C2U2f070n3q07/Screen%20Shot%202012-02-22%20at%2010.06.48%20PM.png) The app template's `deploy.sh` script automatically sets up the New Relic add-on. Open up the New Relic dashboard using the `heroku addons:open` command.

$ heroku addons:open newrelic
## Caching By default the site will cache pages and assets (images, css, js) for one hour. This improves the performance of the site while still allowing a reasonable level of freshness. If your site is like most blogs, this number can be greatly increased since the content rarely changes. To change your site settings to cache assets for 12 hours run the `heroku config:add` command setting `DEFAULT_TTL` to the number of seconds.

$ heroku config:add DEFAULT_TTL=43200
Adding config vars and restarting app... done, v72
  DEFAULT_TTL => 43200
## Custom domains Please see Heroku's [custom domain instructions](http://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/custom-domains) to setup your own domain pointing to the site. ## Troubleshooting Any issues that come up should be reported against the [project in GitHub](https://github.com/rwdaigle/nesta-app-template) or by commenting on the original [announcement post](http://ryandaigle.com/a/deploying-nesta-cms-blog-heroku-cedar-pygments-syntax-highlighting).