--- layout: post title: "Testing the new blog" date: 2012-12-15 17:49 comments: true categories: nontech --- This is a test blog, just to check out some of the basic functionalities of MarkDown. Visit the MarkDown source of this blog post [here](https://raw.github.com/rushiagr/rushiagr.github.com/source/source/_posts/2012-12-15-testing-the-new-blog.markdown) to understand the simplicity with which a post can be written using MarkDown! ## This is a subheading And below is an example of H1 heading in the main text # THE heading And below is sub-subheading ### The H3 heading Trying a smaller heading: #### The sub sub subheading Following is a block of syntax-highlighted python code. ```python def factorial(number): answer = 1 for counter in range(1, number+1): answer *= counter return answer ``` To write a monospace block, enclose it in backticks. An example would be a directory location: `/home/rushi/Desktop/` is where the files on my desktop reside. Here is an embedded image: {% img http://rushiagr.github.com/images/bird_32_gray.png %} Thank you!