# Contributing to RudderStack Thanks for taking the time and for your help in improving this project! ## Table of contents - [**RudderStack Contributor Agreement**](#rudderstack-contributor-agreement) - [**Contribute to this project**](#contribute-to-this-project) - [**Committing**](#committing) - [**Installing and setting up RudderStack**](#installing-and-setting-up-rudderstack) - [**Getting help**](#getting-help) ## RudderStack Contributor Agreement To contribute to this project, we need you to sign the [**Contributor License Agreement (“CLA”)**][CLA] for the first commit you make. By agreeing to the [**CLA**][CLA] we can add you to list of approved contributors and review the changes proposed by you. ## Contribute to this project If you encounter a bug or have any suggestion for improving this project, you can [**submit an issue**][issue] describing your proposed change. Alternatively, you can propose a change by making a pull request and tagging our team members. For more information on the different ways in which you can contribute to RudderStack, you can chat with us on our [**Slack**](https://rudderstack.com/join-rudderstack-slack-community/) channel. ## Committing We prefer squash or rebase commits so that all changes from a branch are committed to master as a single commit. All pull requests are squashed when merged, but rebasing prior to merge gives you better control over the commit message. ## Installing and setting up RudderStack To contribute to this project, you may need to install RudderStack on your machine. You can do so by following our [**docs**](https://rudderstack.com/docs/get-started/installing-and-setting-up-rudderstack) and set up RudderStack in no time. ## Getting help For any questions, concerns, or queries, you can start by asking a question on our [**Slack**](https://rudderstack.com/join-rudderstack-slack-community/) channel.

### We look forward to your feedback on improving this project! [issue]: https://github.com/rudderlabs/rudder-sdk-ios/issues/new [CLA]: https://rudderlabs.wufoo.com/forms/rudderlabs-contributor-license-agreement