\documentclass{xetexCV} \usepackage{cvsplitbib} \usepackage[scaled=0.75]{beramono} \graphicspath{ {png/} } % add graphics path as option to xetexCV \renewcommand{\refname}{Writings and Publications} \begin{category}[B]{\textsc{Articles Published in Peer-Reviewed Journals}} \input{Journal.bibtxt} \end{category} \begin{category}[C]{\textsc{Articles Published in the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland \textit{Economic Commentary}}} \input{EComm.bibtxt} \end{category} \begin{category}[D]{\textsc{Articles Published in the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland \textit{District Data Brief}}} \input{DDB.bibtxt} \end{category} \begin{category}[E]{\textsc{Articles Published in the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland \textit{Forefront}}} \input{FF.bibtxt} \end{category} \begin{category}[F]{\textsc{Articles Published in the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis \textit{Review}}} \input{Review.bibtxt} \end{category} \begin{category}[G]{\textsc{Articles Published in the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis \textit{The Regional Economist}}} \input{RegEco.bibtxt} \end{category} \begin{category}[H]{\textsc{Articles Published in the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis \textit{National Trends/Economic Synopses}}} \input{ES.bibtxt} \end{category} \begin{category}[I]{\textsc{Alternative versions}} \SBentries{fedlrd2008oct} \end{category} \begin{category}[A]{\textsc{Unpublished Papers}} \input{WP.bibtxt} \end{category} \cvname{Rub\'{e}n Hern\'{a}ndez-Murillo} %\cvimage{rhernandez.jpg} \institution{Cleveland, Ohio} \contactaddress{% \hspace*{5ex}United States of America} \email{ruben@rubenhm.org} \website{rubenhm.org} \phonenumber{(314) 827-6381 (c)} %\cellphonenumber{(314) 827-6381} \hyphenpenalty=10000 % \setromanfont[BoldFont={Gentium Basic Bold}]{Gentium} % \setsansfont{FontinSans-Bold} \begin{document} \makecvtitle \cvsection{Biography} Rub\'{e}n Hern\'{a}ndez-Murillo received a MA and a PhD in economics from the University of Rochester in 1998 and 2001, respectively, and a BA in economics from ITAM (Instituto Tecnol\'{o}gico Aut\'{o}nomo de M\'{e}xico) in 1995. \cvsection{Education} PhD in Economics. University of Rochester. \years{2001} \\ MA in Economics. University of Rochester. \years{1998} \\ BA in Economics \emph{summa cum laude}. ITAM (Instituto Tecnol\'{o}gico Aut\'{o}nomo de M\'{e}xico). \years{1995} \\ \cvsection{Appointments Held} \begin{flushleft} \textbf{KeyBank, N.A.} \end{flushleft} Quant Analytics Sr Assoc. \years{2022--Present} \\ \begin{flushleft} \textbf{Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland} \end{flushleft} Policy Economist. \years{2015--2022} \\ \begin{flushleft} \textbf{Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis} \end{flushleft} Economist. \years{2000--2015} \\ \begin{flushleft} \textbf{Washington University in St. Louis} \end{flushleft} Adjunct Lecturer. Olin Business School. \years{2013 (summer)} \\ \begin{flushleft} \textbf{ITAM (Instituto Tecnol\'{o}gico Aut\'{o}nomo de M\'{e}xico)} \end{flushleft} Visiting assistant professor. CIE (Centro de Investigaci\'{o}n Econ\'{o}mica). \years{2002 (spring)} \\ Research assistant. CAIE (Centro de Investigaci\'{o}n y An\'{a}lisis Econ\'{o}mico). \years{1994--1995} \\ Instructor: Introductory Microeconomics. \years{1994} \\ Teaching assistant. Department of Economics. \years{1992--1994} \begin{flushleft} \textbf{University of Rochester} \end{flushleft} Research assistant to professor Per Krusell. \years{1999, 2000} \\ Instructor: Intermediate Microeconomics. \years{1998, 1999} \cvsection{Areas of Interest} \input{interests-public.txt}. % Automatically Generated Bibliography \nocite{*} \bibliographystyle{doi-IEEEtran} \bibliography{../../assets/bibliography/bibliography.bib} % Referee service \cvsection{Referee service} \begin{flushleft} \emph{Agricultural and Resource Economics Review;} \emph{Annals of Regional Science;} \emph{Asia Pacific Management Review;} \emph{Bulletin of Economic Research;} \emph{Contemporary Economic Policy;} \emph{Economic Change and Restructuring;} \emph{Economic Journal-Features;} \emph{Economic Inquiry;} \emph{Economic Systems;} \emph{Emerging Markets Finance and Trade;} \emph{Empirical Economics;} \emph{European Journal of Management and Business Economics;} \emph{Industrial Relations;} \emph{International Economic Review;} \emph{International Journal of Forecasting;} \emph{International Regional Science Review;} \emph{International Review of Economics and Finance;} \emph{Journal of Applied Economics;} \emph{Journal of Business \& Economic Statistics;} \emph{Journal of Economics and Management Strategy;} \emph{Journal of Financial and Quantitative Anaylsis;} \emph{Journal of Financial Stability;} \emph{Journal of Housing Economics;} \emph{Journal of Macroeconomics;} \emph{Journal of Money, Credit and Banking;} \emph{Macroeconomic Dynamics;} \emph{The Manchester School;} \emph{Papers in Regional Science;} \emph{Public Choice;} \emph{The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance;} \emph{Rand Journal of Economics;} \emph{Real Estate Economics;} \emph{Review of Economic Dynamics;} \emph{Review of Economic Studies;} \emph{Regional Science and Urban Economics;} \emph{Scandinavian Journal of Economics;} \emph{Scandinavian Journal of Public Health;} \emph{Socio-Economic Planning Sciences;} \emph{Southern Economic Journal;} \emph{Spatial Economic Analysis;} \emph{Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics \& Econometrics.} \end{flushleft} %\vfill % Bottom of the page \cvsection{Last updated} \begin{flushleft} \today \end{flushleft} \end{document}