### Installation by cloning the repository In order to gain access to all the files from the repository, you should clone it. ``` git clone --recursive https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage.git ``` ... TO BE CHECKED AND DESCRIBED IN DETAIL ### Add dependencies - In you application project app’s target settings, find the "Build Phases" section and open the "Link Binary With Libraries" block: - Click the "+" button again and select the "ImageIO.framework", this is needed by the progressive download feature: ### Add Linker Flag Open the "Build Settings" tab, in the "Linking" section, locate the "Other Linker Flags" setting and add the "-ObjC" flag: ![Other Linker Flags](http://dl.dropbox.com/u/123346/SDWebImage/10_other_linker_flags.jpg) Alternatively, if this causes compilation problems with frameworks that extend optional libraries, such as Parse, RestKit or opencv2, instead of the -ObjC flag use: ``` -force_load SDWebImage.framework/Versions/Current/SDWebImage ``` If you're using Cocoa Pods and have any frameworks that extend optional libraries, such as Parsen RestKit or opencv2, instead of the -ObjC flag use: ``` -force_load $(TARGET_BUILD_DIR)/libPods.a ``` and this: ``` $(inherited) ```