# carthage section carts: # binary | githib | git - kind: github # identifier as in Cartfile -- github repo name, binary url or git repo url identifier: rosberry/Base-iOS # version is optional, as in Cartfile version: # equal | greaterOrEqual | compatible | gitReference operation: gitReference # commit, branch or version value: master # without version - kind: github identifier: rosberry/CollectionViewTools # pods section pods: # name as in Podfile - name: CollectionViewTools # version is optional, as in Podfile version: # equal | greater | greaterOrEqual | lower | lowerOrEqual | compatible operation: equal value: 1.0.0 # without version - name: Imp # spm section swiftPackages: # name of dependency, as in Package.swift - name: Networking-iOS # url to dependency sources url: https://github.com/rosberry/Networking-iOS # version is mandatory version: # exact | upToNextMinor | upToNextMajor | branch | revision operation: branch value: master