/* Options files live in your home directory or project repository, and can be written in JSON or YAML. They can be used not just by JSLintMate, but also by teammates' lint tools in other editors, continuous integration systems, automated testing systems, and more. This is great for helping your team use the same coding standards everywhere. To use this file, save a copy as `~/.jslintrc`. JSLintMate reads JSLint options from this path by default, and detects whether it contains JSON or YAML. If you want to change this path: 1. Save a copy of this file where you'd like it. For example: * If you want to keep a personal set of options, save it outside of your project's directory, e.g., `~/Documents/jslint.json`. * If you want to share an options file with project collaborators, save it in your project's directory, e.g., `config/jslint.json`. 2. In TextMate's "Bundles" menu, select "Bundle Editor" > "Show Bundle Editor" > "JavaScript JSLintMate" > "Options Files". 3. Change the value for `TM_JSLINTMATE_JSLINT_OPTIONS_FILE` to the path for your options file. If your options file is within your project, the value should start with the variable `$TM_PROJECT_DIRECTORY`, e.g., `$TM_PROJECT_DIRECTORY/config/jslint.json`. 4. Close the "Bundle Editor" window. Tweak the options in your new options file, and you're done! NOTE: Not all JSON parsers tolerate comments. If you use this options file with tools other than JSLintMate, you might need to remove these comments. More info: - JSLint options: http://www.jslint.com/lint.html#options - JSLintMate: http://rondevera.github.com/jslintmate/ */ { /*** Globals ***/ // To ignore any custom global variables, enable the `predef` option and list // your variables within it. /* "predef": [ "myGlobalVar1", "myGlobalVar2" ], */ /*** Enforcing options ***/ // Set these to `true` to enforce, or `false` to relax. "adsafe": false, "safe": false, /*** Relaxing options ***/ // Set these to `true` to relax, or `false` to enforce. "bitwise": false, "cap": false, "confusion": true, "continue": true, "css": true, "debug": false, "eqeq": false, "es5": true, "evil": false, "forin": false, "fragment": true, "newcap": false, "nomen": true, "on": false, "plusplus": true, "regexp": true, "sloppy": true, "sub": false, "undef": false, "unparam": false, "vars": true, "white": true, /*** Environments ***/ // Set each environment that you're using to `true`. "browser": true, "devel": false, "node": false, "rhino": false, "widget": false, "windows": false, /*** Miscellaneous ***/ "indent": 2, "maxerr": 50, // "maxlen": 80, "passfail": false }